Ceratosaurus - Ark Basics - EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW!

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so you want a Dyno that'll heal itself and then also uh run through just about anything that you put in front of it I present to you the catosaurus mid breaking up this rock right in front of it these guys are absolutely ferocious and amazing all right today we're going to discuss exactly everything you need to know about it hey how's it going everybody welcome back to Arc Basics I'm flinger and today we're going to be talking about catosaurus these new dinos that just hit Arc survival ascended uh yeah yesterday as of recording this so uh this video may be outdated eventually but as of right now everything is um current so uh yeah and if it is outdated I'll just update the video all right but what you need to do is you need to go around to craggy bits and then locate them I actually found one right over here which is where I got my uh Venom you go out you get your serat Venom uh you have to kill them and then loot the S Venom off them and I'm actually just out here looking for another one of them right now uh matter of fact uh what you need to do once you have the serat Venom in here let me uh let me head back to base here really quick and uh I'll explain it to you all right now that uh Foo is probably going to be interrupting me the whole time now that we have this serata Venom uh what you're going to need to do is go open up your uh thing and type in heo and right here we have the hemogo um hemoglobin uh cocktail let's learn it that's 25 engrams which is a bit expensive but also it takes blood packs uh the S Venom spine which means you need 10 uh s Venom spines per one of these and which means you're going to be out killing a lot of these so just be on the lookout for them when you need them I'm probably going to go out and go kill a bit more but also now that we've got that what we're going to need we're going to need to make the blood packs all right so let's get out our blood extraction tool which is extremely easy to actually uh learn but uh yeah now comes one of the hard part so while I'm out here uh clearing out a whole bunch of these guys let's see let's get [Music] uh all right I hear you Foo all right this right here is just kiten keratin and do I not have [Laughter] any oh man all right okay all right don't let me down vanilla lante you never fail all right gotcha all right so and then hide nailed it all right all you need is one of these all right and then you have some sort of food which will heal you and then you just take this put this down here oh man got to use it in inventory all right so we're going to use it in inventory and what this is going to do see look at our health it's slowly going down while we do this Oh wrong button and we're just going to be doing this and this drains our health every single time that we do this but we're going to be uh draining our health as I go out looking for a bunch of Sado uh Venom and yeah this is the game plan for the next little bit the goal is we've got to get quite a bit of these and if you're on scorched Earth I would recommend carrying some salt with you while you're carrying these cuz the Venom packs they will expire fire and they do have a rather short expiration time so just make sure that you whip up a little bit of salt and Carri that around in your inventory and from what I can tell the catosaurus is they spawn in any place where a Carno would likely spawn so a lot like uh allosauruses but a bit different and on scorched Earth if you have been to a place and you've seen caros there chances are catosaurus generally spawn there and I've noticed rather hot bed of catosaurus around this location right here on the map and this spot right here has always been a really popular spot for allosaur or for uh carnos and so it's no different when it comes to uh catosaurus I've seen quite a few of them around here this is where I've been farming all of my uh catosaurus Venom is just all around here and it's a really really good spot so I would say if you're going to be farming this stuff this place right here has been really good for me all right once you've been farming quite a few of these things what you need to do is come over well just stop anywhere you are and you need uh oh narcotics you need the blood packs and of course you've been slurping yourself dry while you've been doing this and then also the Sado Venom and you just craft it straight up in your inventory we've got enough for three for now I'm going to have to go back out and far oh oh it's just blood packs yeah all right I was worried here all right so yeah uh it takes a little bit so just make sure you've got quite a few of this on I'm just going to be slurping myself a little bit more give me a minute all right the benefit is is yes once you've uh crafted this stuff yeah it does weigh a lot but it does not have an expiration time which is very important so we're just going to take that put that down on our hot bar actually that's you don't need it on your hot bar all right what you need to do is you need to go grab a ground Mount now that we've got this oh and also I'm going to need to grab some kibble let's take a ground Mount and something that is nice and tanky right now I am using atha this thing it's it's pretty beastly um yeah and when I say pretty beastly I mean pretty beastly all right uh and most of it has to do with the 175 armor saddle this thing is amazing I really lucked out with this but yeah um oh anything that can withstand a hit uh stegosaurus um morellatops maybe um thla should work just perfectly but it has to be able to take a hit and the saddle quality will matter so uh yeah and all we do is just go back to where we were um farming them earlier on our ground Mount and make sure that we have all the stuff with us all right we've got a catosaurus up here and sometimes they will spawn in multiples uh these this one right here is all by himself all right now what we want to do is we want to take this put this over inside our inventory really and we want to start clearing the area we want to be not having him mess with us at all while we're doing this let's just make sure everything is kind of clear because he's going to aggro on things even though they're not going to aggro on him all right now what we're going to do is we're going to eat one of these yes and that'll give us a buff for 180 seconds go up to him you get him to aggro on you and he's just going to start eating and he also gives you this debuff which is kind of cool all right let's actually see if we can get him just right over here come on dude kind of head him off at the pass here a little bit and as he is eating on us he's uh giving us this debuff this means that every time he hits us he's going to be healing up which is kind of beneficial also he's going to be uh basically drinking our blood and getting drunk off it and we're trying to get him up to 100% and we want to make sure that we're in front of his face the entire time so when he starts doing the circles kind of cut him off at the pass and then make sure that he is busy doing his thing which is also another reason why you go and you clear out the area before you do it oh there's another catosaurus over there I didn't even see that one all right come on guys all right let's see if we can actually tame both of you that'd be kind of cool all right and see he is not doing a whole ton of uh damage to us or well both of them aren't I mean they are doing a little bit but not a lot just cut them off again just want to make sure that our face is in front of their face so where they can eat us when they need to that one's at 96% all right that one is 100% drunk now so he is drunk and I'm actually just going to clear this one off all right now what we can do is you take put your kibble in here and now you just passive tame them it's pretty good all right so I had to end up uh getting him to do it again I went back over there we go all right so the superior kibble was not the proper one all right so just give them uh extraordinary kibble at least that was what uh seemed to be for me an extraordinary kibble on scored Earth and stuff super super easy so yeah let's see if he's ready for another feed not yet and you can PR you you can get really close to them on this passive tame because they're drums so they're really not going to be uh hurting you too bad and I did see another one spawn over that direction so I have to keep my eyes peed for that and there we go now we've got our own catosaurus and of course there's that that'll open up as soon as you tame your very first one very very cool all right now making the S uh catosaurus saddle it's uh it's not too hard it's just two uh 27 fiber 130 hide and 20 metal ingots it does cost 40 INR points at level 60 so it's not too bad all right let's see stru but saddle there we go catosaurus saddle there we go all [Music] right all right so to get this up down here and then we come out here and we throw this sucker on here and I feel like Foo is just constantly interrupting me the entire time wrong button all right so there we go and here we are now these guys you'll notice they are actually considerably larger than caros even though they spawn in the same area much like allosauruses all right let's get this open and you notice that as we're sprinting the longer we Sprint the faster will go on these guys which is super super cool and then as soon as we we get up to this top speed we start going wicked fast and this is absolutely amazing oh my God just the speed these guys will go it is super cool and they will break through see me break through that rock right there and they also had the ability that if you turning if you look the opposite direction they'll spin while you're attacking watch this spin then we spin back around which means that things coming up and trying to flank you that really doesn't work too well it's amazing and then also that debuff that uh we were getting while we were busy taming this guy the one that made it to where um oh that heals if a Carno or uh any Carno or me eating Dino attacks that dyo while it has that debuff they'll get healed off it which is wicked cool which means these guys are absolutely amazing in packs and such because they will constantly be healing each other it's really good really really good this may be a contender for an awesome boss dyo right they don't have a CA attack they don't have a jump attack the right click attack is this horn ability and then they have the bite the horn ability gives them that poison and the left click attack really doesn't give him the poison but the right click attack is how you apply that and it really really adds up on how much it heal see that we just healed up the full just by eating a parasaur and a melops very very cool dino all right let's see what all kind of stuff we can break while we're uh going full speed now you need to have a flat open area so where you can get up to speed and here we go oh my gosh here we go all right let's see all right trees are no problem tree no problem spin around let's see if we can get ourselves a rock oh we're running out of stamina wicked fast there we go right through the rock that is insane all right now leveling these guys up I would definitely put summon stamina summon health and summon melee damage they do start off this guy he was only level 20 when we found her and she's already at uh 561 weight so I'm thinking weight is actually pretty dang pretty dang efficient so uh I for every five levels with these guys I would put at least two in health and and then get the melee damage up to however comfortable you are with it and then stop it there or take stamina up first but both melee damage and stamina are very very important so I would take Health up a little bit so every out of every five levels I'd say two in uh stamina or two in health and then one in stamina one in uh melee damage and then the floating point the fifth point in either stamina and melee damage whichever one you see fit and that right there will make these guys really really efficient and also one of the coolest things I want to show you here it's just mean look at this soon as we get up to speed and we stop and you spin or hold on you got to you slide here watch this this is so cool you come to a screeching halt which is awesome that is so cool all right but that's the catosaurus I hope this guide helps you out uh if you haven't already make sure you hit that like button I really appreciate it if you're new around here subscribe and until next time this is flinger and take it easy everybody man this this do to get old this is so fun all right take it easy everyone
Channel: Phlinger Phoo
Views: 13,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival, Ark: Survival Evolved, Soloing the Ark, Phlinger Phoo, ark survival evolved, ark survival evolved xbox one, ark guide, guide, how to, beginners guide, starting guide, ark how to tame, ark best low level dino, ark traveling dino, ark mobile, ark phone, ark survival ascended, asa, asa scorched earth, asa se, scorched earth best, best scorched earth, cerato, ark ceratosaurus
Id: f0rB7yX3fZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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