CeramicSpeed Driven - Fully explained

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hello my name is Jason Smith I'm with ceramic speed and we have just invented the world's fastest bicycle drivetrain come on let's take a look so here's the concept drivetrain essentially what we did was we removed the chain the rear derailleur and the cassette cluster and replaced eight points of sliding friction with two points of rolling friction where the ceramic ball bearings engaged the teeth this originally started a year and a half ago with an internal project called the pursuit of the 1-percent drivetrain we set a goal within ceramic speed to take a traditional drivetrain and somehow turn it into a drivetrain that would only produce one-percent frictional losses or alternatively 99% efficient we knew we had a good feeling that we couldn't take a standard drivetrain and just keep optimizing it because that's what we do at ceramic speed right now anyway and we weren't near 99 percent efficiency so we started with a blank slate I said how can we get power from a rotational front access to a rotational back axis with only one percent power loss we had 10 or 15 different designs on the table and something I must mention is we teamed up with the University of Colorado mechanical engineering department which is very helpful we had a team working on this so we went through all the designs and we we figured that that this would be the simplest design and give us the most efficiency the way it works now that you have the camera in there is the bearings those are ceramic roller bearings interface with the teeth and the bearings actually roll through the teeth there is zero sliding friction that occurs and the bearings actually index so we do have a slight amount of rolling friction that occurs within each bearing as it engages however two points of rolling friction is much less than eight points of sliding friction honored drivetrain then it comes to weight so that's the that's the the biggest advantage and as far as numbers go when we tested we didn't test this prototype we actually have a functional engineering prototype also when we tested it we found that this system creates 49 percent less friction than a standard derailleur style setup and again as I mentioned earlier we did hit that 99 percent efficiency number with this system it goes back to having two points of rolling friction rather than eight points of sliding friction one of the nice benefits of this that that came along with this design was it's lighter than a traditional chain derailleur what we did was we removed the chain when we removed the rear derailleur assembly and mechanics and cage and then we removed the cassette so we removed a fair amount of weight then what did we replace it with we replaced it with a relatively lightweight carbon fiber shaft and these would be carbon fiber pinions and then a very thin single plane rear which is lighter than the 10 11 12 13 speed and rear cassette so all in all we haven't done measurements but we feel that this will probably be 15 to 20 percent lighter than a traditional drivetrain then this is a 13 speed cassette another advantage of this system is we are not bound by the width of the cassette so when you say how many how many gears can you fit into a cassette well it depends on how wide it is and how skinny our chain is because we shift in for and after other than inboard and outboard we just chose a 13 speed cassette we could do 14 15 16 the only limiting factor is how far this pinion moves so we could put 20 speeds in there if we want and that leads me to how do we shift shifting occurs when this pinion slides forward and back and it selects in this case one of the 13 gear rings we have a cutaway here this is how we envision the shifting would occur we have a battery the wireless electronics the brain servo motor and linear motion actuator so this would be a fully electronic fully wireless system and something I just forgot to mention is we also put a power meter into the shaft so everything would be fully contained actually looked like that and very compact and very clean now when we shift this can't shift instantaneously and randomly because we take out a lot of teeth what would happen is the rear wheel the rider would be running along a shift command would be initiated and we have five shift channels here for instance here's a here's a linear shift channel right here here is a parabolic shift channel as it curves through here so we'd have a magnetic sensor on here and depending on the rotational speed of the rear cog the radial position of the rear cog the position that this was in plus the amount that it would have to move the brains in the system whereas as spinning along would know which shift channel to use to shift now that was a long explanation but it would be relatively instantaneous to the rider the rider would shift boom ba boom boom so it would be a fraction of a second between shifting this shift initiation in the actual shifting occurring now we're getting into some of the maybe less important details but they're still worth mentioning is this is an eight bearing pinion and this is an 11 bearing pinion in the back we did this to get gear gear increase out of it by changing the pinion diameter you can change the overall gear reduction or increase of the drivetrain so you don't have to change the COG or the front ring we envision at some point coming in popping a release pulling out the drive shaft pulling the pyncheons off switching opinions or putting completely different pinion Merson sliding it back in slapping it up and you're ready to go so within a minute you've changed the overall gear ratio of your drivetrain so that means one day you have hilly races put specific pinions in and the next day you have a flat faster racecourse swap out your opinions and of course it looks really nice yet another beneficial side effect of this design very clean very sleek just don't have a rear derailleur or hanging out there and I think that's it thanks for your time and thanks for checking out the world's most efficient bicycle drivetrain
Channel: Cykelkanalen
Views: 1,834,651
Rating: 4.5659342 out of 5
Keywords: Eurobike 2018, eurobike 2019, eurobikeshow 2018, ceramicspeed, jason smith, bicycle efficiency, ceramic bearing, drive train efficiency, road bike, bike news 2019, innovation, eurobike award 2018, ceramicspeed driven, 13 speed, driven
Id: -9gQ1KRhesM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
Reddit Comments

“Battery powered wireless shifter” come on.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NewJerseyAudio 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

Until you have the bar break off and can't replace it like you can a chain.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JohnZombi 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
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