🍠【Full Movie】將軍以為娶醜公主,哪料掀開盖头竟是絕世美人,瞬間驚呆了!#中国电视剧2023 #movie

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Who is getting married? Hey, isn't that the carriage of the Liu Song Princess? Let's go... Let's go look. It's really her! Our Great Wei's Prince Regent is marrying the Princess of Liu Song as his Princess Consort. Wei and Song will then be allies forever, and no more wars will happen. - Our Regent has graceful bearing and is outstanding. What beautiful woman can't he be worthy to have... - Right... that he actually had to marry an ugly woman from Liu Song to be his wife? - Why do you say this? - That's right. I heard that this Princess has bronze-bell like eyes and has mouth like the bloody, gaping mouth of beasts to be sacrificed - and a waist that's like a wooden trunk! So scary! - Indeed. Sacrificing himself just for Great Wei, the Prince Regent really doesn't have it easy. What a pitiful Prince Regent! Prince Regent's Manor - Congratulations, Your Highness. - Thank you everyone for coming. Congratulations, Your Highness! Congratulations! Congratulations...that's right... Your Highness, the auspicious hour has come. I got it. - Why do we not yet see the bride? - But the marriage carriage of Princess still hasn't arrived. What if we miss the auspicious hour? Shen Yu will arrive in time. Congratulations, Your Highness the Prince Regent. Thanks. This way please. Who are you? Protect the Princess Consort! Princess Consort! Where is the Princess Consort? The Princess already knew that the journey to Wei wouldn't be safe. If she were really inside, she would have become a bamboo sieve now. She's in the inn up front waiting for us. Hurry. It's been too long to not have such an occasion. Congratulations... The auspicious hour seems to be arriving soon. How come the bride is still not here? Could something have happened? General Shen is personally escorting her. How can something bad happen? Everyone, don't worry. Shen Yu will surely escort the Princess here in time. Come. They are here! They are here! Your Highness, she's here! The Prince Regent's Manor Heaven and Earth What happened? How come she's barefoot? You're really something. What is she doing? Kneel! First bow, to the Heaven and Earth! Second bow, to the high altar! Newly married couple, bow to each other! The ceremony is done! General Shen, did everything go well? Someone tried to assassinate her. Who? A criminal who wanted to foil the marriage alliance between Wei and Song. Red Phoenix Room Is this for hitting people? Princess Consort. Princess Consort, you must not. - What? - This... Isn't the ceremony already done? This...the rites official surely has told you that this head covering must be personally removed by His Highness. Then, where did he go? Princess Consort, please forgive me. I'm asking you where he went. Why are you kneeling? Say it. Where is your Prince? His Highness... His Highness...he... Fangcao Ge Xueyun...I didn't expect you to be this stubborn, you just had to be married to me on the same and time as the Liu Song Princess. Your Highness, are you unhappy about it? It's just that it's too unfair to you. With Your Highness by my side, I don't feel that it's unfair at all. It's just that today is your wedding day. Leaving the Princess Consort, and coming to me... I already feel very guilty for not making you the Princess Consort. Tonight, I must not make you suffer. What's happening? Look. Don't make too much movement. Princess...Prin-- Are you alright? Your Highness! Your... Her Highness the Princess Consort is missing. - I'm here. - Prin... Princess Consort? Liu Song has always given importance to proper etiquette. How can there be such an absurd princess? Totally unheard of. My vast Song has everything. If you haven't heard of it, then it can only mean that you were ignorant and uninformed. How can you blame me? What were you doing up there? Don't you know that indecent acts shouldn't be looked at? If I didn't look, how would I know that you two were doing something indecent? Since we can't predict things, then the ignorant person should be forgiven for his crimes. Give me back my fragrance sachet! Apologize first. Leaving the Princess of Liu Song alone on her wedding night is a big insult to me. Who should be apologizing? Lanruo! Take her back to her room! Princess Consort, let's go back. I'll walk by myself. Toppled with just one blow, you weak chicken! Your Highness. Your Highness, you shouldn't have been harsh with the Princess Consort. No matter what, she's still a Princess of Liu Song. Leaving her home country and traveling far to here, she's also quite pitiful. Having such a sharp tongue and won't yield at all, my actions were not enough to harm her. The Liu Song princess is willful and unbridled. I asked you to send some people to teach her. How is the effect? Your Highness, don't worry. Lanruo is currently meticulously teaching her. I'm sure that there are some effects already. Qingyue, higher! Higher! Higher! Higher! Princess Consort, it's too dangerous. Let's quickly come down from there. Higher! Come down! Your Highness! - Princess Consort! - Get lost! - Your Highness! - Your Highness! - Princess Consort! Princess... Your Highness, please forgive me. It was my negligence. I caused Her Highness the Princess Consort to get hurt. Lanruo, I told you to teach her well, yet you instead let her play? - Petty. - What did you say? What? I just collapsed on you earlier. You're the one who gained from this, so why must you be angry? - You clearly were-- - Hey! Don't you dare say it. You want to say that I'm seducing you, right? Vulgar. So vulgar. Look at yourself in the mirror first before saying such words. - Take her away. - Yes. I'm still coming this afternoon to play. Let's go, Princess Consort. Find some more people to teach her the proper etiquette! Yes. Greetings to the Princess Consort. Hurry and let my mistress go. - Xueyun! - Mistress! - Xueyun! - Mistress! Stop right there! What were you doing? Princess Consort, my mistress has a deliclate body. Even if you're mad, you shouldn't vent it on her. She has such weak health. How can she endure it? - Wrong. - What did I say wrong? Your words were wrong for three reasons. First, I didn't bump into her. You were the one who shouted at me to let her go. Second, the water is so shallow. No one could possibly drown in it? The water isn't deep, but it's cold. My mistress' body is very delicate. If she catches a cold, she might lose her life. How could she deliberately jump by herself? Of course, it is to falsely accuse me. You...You're spouting slander! Bixi, don't make up things. Your Highness, did you see that? Princess Consort harmed my Mistress and even said slanderous words about her. What are you trying to do? As for the third... - Xueyun! - Stop her... What are you doing! If I'm going to punish anyone, I'll just directly push her. Xueyun! Mistress... - Your Highness. - Why are you in such a hurry? Empress Dowager Feng sent a message asking the Princess Consort to attend the palace banquet. Palace banquet? Your Highness, don't worry. Empress Dowager Feng sent some gugu to teach her. They will be in charge of teaching the Princess Consort proper etiquette to ensure that she won't embarrass you. Let's go and see. The Han people pay the most careful attention to etiquette, while you don't know anything about the Wei etiquette. The Princess Consort is a high and respectable position. You are the model of the women of Wei. You must be extra careful in your every move and every word. Princess Consort! Use both hands to raise your tea cup. While drinking tea, you must not turn your head to other places. Oh, my! When drinking tea, your hands shouldn't be higher than your nose. Hurry and put it down! Do it again! The Imperial family has its own kind of manners. When walking, never turn your head back. When talking, never lift your lips. When sitting, never move your knees. When standing, never move your skirt. You must not laugh loudly when happy. You must not shout when mad. You must remember all of these well. Don't commit these mistakes again. I heard that you always argue with Prince Regent. Is that true? I didn't. It was Rong Zhi who was unreasonable. Princess Consort, when a woman gets married, she should treat her husband as her master. The word "husband" is now your sky. Moreover, your husband is Wei's regent. His position is honorable. How could you just directly call his name? Since this is a marriage alliance, if he's the sky, I'm also the sky. Go call him to bow down to me, his sky. I'll then forgive him. You...You...You...! You...are being too much! Princess Consort! - What are you doing? Qingyue! - Is there any end with you? Hit her! Stop! Your Highness, help me! Qingyue, don't. Your Highness! Your Highness, save me! The marriage alliance of Wei and Song is to promote peace. Your actions will make others think that you have no breeding, and they will then look down on Liu Song. Are you talking reason with me? Yes. Okay then. Let me reason this out with you too. When Emperor Gaozong died, Empress Dowager Feng was at the prime of her youth. She forcefully assisted the young Emperor to ascend the throne, pacified the rebellion of Yi Hun, and held up a great mansion on the verge of collapse. She was so awe-inspiring and proud then. But after so many years, her edge was lost and she didn't make any achievements. She instead forced women to learn Confucian teachings. Totally high-sounding but impractical. Could it be that when one becomes an Empress Dowager, you'll lose your past sharpness? - Or, maybe-- - Enough! You don't want to talk about Wei? Fine. Then...let's talk about Han women. During the time of Sun En's uprising, the senior officer of Huiji, Wang Ning, was unable to defend it and hurriedly escaped. When his wife, Xie Daoyun, heard that the enemy had come, she just calmly took a knife and went out, killing so many enemies. Women. Women. She's a person first, before separating between man and woman. What rules? In front of the enemies, all are just bullshit! No ivory comes from the tooth of a dog. Of course, it can't. Try spitting one yourself then. You don't want to learn the proper etiquette and keep giving justification for it. Could it be you're afraid? What am I afraid of? Of course, it's afraid of being inferior when compared to the virtuous ladies of our Wei. That's why, you totally won't dare to accept the challenge at all. You are really cunning. That's a provoking trick. Fear is fear. Stop looking for so many excuses to cover it up. Your numerous arrogant words and actions are just to hide the fear in your heart. After three days, if you still are unable to learn them, you can only embarrass yourself during the banquet. Don't worry. I surely will not lose. - I'm looking forward to it. - Take care on your way and I won't walk you out anymore. Gugu Zhao, I'll have to trouble you then. No, Your Highness, I really can't dare to teach her anymore. I dare not. Gugu Zhao, you are a person sent by Empress Dowager Feng. You know the weight of this matter, right? Princess Consort, I won't do it anymore! Hold this. Tell her to continue teaching me. If she doesn't teach me well, hit her. Servant! Pour me some tea! Fangcao Ge Your Highness, Concubine Ma suffered shock due to falling into the water recently, that's why she became bedridden. Your Highness need not worry too much. She just need to take some medicines and rest well. I know already. Go now. Xueyun, I have been worried about you these past days. Let me see. Your Highness, you must not. Xueyun, I have been worried about you. Your Highness, go back first. Are you still mad? Liu Chuyu is really bullying people intolerably. She totally doesn't have any bearing of a princess. I just don't want Your Highness to see my frail look. Xueyun, in my heart, you are the most beautiful. Your Highness, aren't you mad at me anymore? That matter isn't your fault to begin with. You were the victim. I won't let other people bully you anymore. With these words from Your Highness, I'm already satisfied. Mistress, it's time for your medicine. Let me do it. Your Highness, it's not proper. Just obediently take your medicines. Only then will I be at ease. Your Highness, Permanent Attendant Zhao Xiang has been waiting for an hour outside the courtyard. Let him leave. Today, I don't care if it's any huge matter, I'm going to accompany Xueyun. Your Highness, I'm really fine now. Go back to your work. How could I lock you up in this place? If this gets out, others will say that I'm a beauty that brings disaster. For Xueyun, it's fine with me to be called incompetent. Your Highness might be willing, but I'm not. Your Highness, just go back to your work. Or else, Permanent Attendant Zhao will really blame me already. Okay. I'll just visit you again once I'm done with my work. Bixi, walk His Highness out. Yes. No need. Take good care of your mistress. IDOL CLUB Never thought that this Liu Song princess doesn't care about anything. Good thing that His Highness stood by your side and totally didn't believe her. His Highness only treats me this well because he felt guilty. Mistress, in the heart of His Highness, you're that most important person. Why must you still compete with the Regent's Princess Consort, who is only a wife by name? You think that what I care about is the respectable position of being the Regent's Princess Consort? I said the wrong words. I know that I was too rash that day. But I just wanted to see if His Highness will unconditionally be biased towards me, and to what level he will do it. Even if he knew that I was the one in the wrong, His Highness will still unhesitatingly stand by my side. Empress Dowager, let me give you a toast. Your Majesty. Where is Prince Kang? Replying to Your Highness, His Highness sent words that he'll be here soon. Your Highness, the Princess Consort is very different today. Empress Dowager personally sent someone to teach her. This stubborn stone finally got magically transformed. Just hope that she won't publicly embarrass herself, and put the Empress Dowager in a difficult position. Your Highness, don't worry. I will carefully guide her. Thank you. Royal Mother, this Liu Song Princess is quite pretty. She also looks refined and magnanimous. My uncle didn't really suffer with this bargain, right? Royal Mother then can be at ease now. I even was worried that Royal Mother would blame me for this. How can I, Your Majesty? There are so many court affairs lately that it's disturbing your Buddhist practices. I also feel guilty about it. With the Prince Regent around, I indeed more relaxed than before. But that Xue Huzi is upright, honest, and frugal. Royal Mother demoted him before to a garrison gate guard, for causing trouble after getting drunk. I already returned him to his previous rank. Royal Mother won't be mad at me, right? I have long distanced myself from court affairs. Your Majesty can just decide on it. Yes. Everyone, be careful! Royal Mother, how do you find the taste? This lamb tongue is fresh, tender, and delicious. Too bad Your Majesty is a vegetarian, and is missing out on these worldly delicacies. As long as Royal Mother likes it, I am already content. Reward them! You don't like it? It lacks flavor. But I find it very delicious. Your Majesty, talking about delicious cuisines, I now recall a dish the Song people put together. It's called "alcohol with lice". That is what you call a unique flavor. "Alcohol with Lice"? What's that? It means that these Song people prefer to go after skills and intelligence and disregard etiquette. They like to drink, and are not inclined to bathe. From head to toe, they are overrun with lice! When they drink, if they don't have any side dish to pair with their alcohol, they would just pick a louse from their head and... use it to pair with their wine. What are you trying to do? Princess Consort, you must not. What are you doing? Your Majesty, I just want to dance for everyone. Look at their reactions. Why are they being so afraid? So, that's the case. Don't forget what you've promised me. Chuyu, you must not be unruly! What are you doing! I am the court's... - Minister Wang. - What are you planning to do? I'm letting you drink 'lice with alcohol'. Are there no more laws? Your Majesty! You must give me justice! Your Majesty... Your Highness, please drink some tea. I heard that the Prince Regent's Consort is here. Your Highness, that Liu Song princess scared Minister Wang so hard. You must stay far away from her. Is she really that scary? They say that the marriage alliance between Liu Song and Wei was their apology gift after losing the battle with us. But in my opinion, she's totally a spy sent by Liu Song. - Spy? - Yes. Don't you know about that murder case of the Liu Song envoy? It has caused quite a sensation lately. If the envoy can kill people, his master surely isn't a good person too. I can-- What did you say earlier? Prince Regent's Consort! My ears are very clear. From afar, I can already hear you saying nonsensical things. What did you say I was? A Song spy? Your Highness! Your Highness, save me! Your Highness! You, you, you! You...stop! You..let go! To thank you for how you've promoted my mighty name, I'll change your hairstyle today. Your Highness... You dare! You Liu Song princess! Your Highness! Your Highness! No! Help me! Your Highness! Your Highness! Help me! Don't cut my hair! Don't! - General, it's really unsafe to have entered Jingzhou City with just us two. - Unsafe? That's right. A few days ago, just for the military provisions, you have greatly offended the Provincial Governor of Jingzhou. He has submitted numerous memorials to complain against you. Good thing they all were suppressed by the Prince Regent. The Governor is now thinking about how to take revenge on you. Now that's just great. The military provisions were lost. He surely will use that to make an issue. Since I dare to rob him, I won't be afraid for him to cause trouble. - But General— - Don't worry. With his cowardly personality, at most, he'll just try to hold me back. If I were he, I would have gathered the city guards of Jingzhou and fought with me. Would I still be saying inside the Provincial Governor's Office to warm my eggs? That's right too. But these past days, we secretly investigated but found nothing. Could they have not entered Jingzhou? I ordered people to block off all important exits. It's impossible for them to have transported them away from here. The only area they could have hidden them is Jingzhou. Those hateful Liu Song people, what are they trying to do? Only by catching the mastermind can we know if this was really done by Liu Song. Not right. I clearly saw that those assholes who hurt me were wearing Liu Song military uniforms. We can't just look at things on the outside. You must decide only after an in-depth investigation. - Could it be General is suspecting— - The truth will eventually come out. Let's go, foolish boy. Okay. Pavilion Master, Huo Xuan keeps surveying the city. Looks like she won't give up. Then let her continue investigating then. I am looking forward to her performance. Your Highness...Your Highness! Your Highness! Hurry! Hurry and save our Prince! What happened? Don't touch him! I don't need you to pretend to be a good person. - Call the Imperial doctor over. - Yes. Your Highness! Your Highness! - Don't touch His Highness! - I... Your Highness, Your Highness! The Emperor is here! Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Hurry and save the Prince! Your Highness! Your Highness! Your Highness, hurry and wake up! Your Highness! Royal Brother! Royal Brother! Wake up! Wake up! What happened here? Your Majesty, we've already called the Imperial doctor. Imperial Doctor! Your Majesty, the symptoms of His Highness are a bit weird. He seems to be showing mild signs of poisoning. I already had him take a calming pill. He'll be alright. - Poison? - Not really a poison, but more of an allergic reaction. I previously reminded His Highness that he has asthma. His body is very sensitive. We should always be extra careful. How do you take care of him? Your Majesty, it's not the fault of others. It was she who harmed me! What has this got to do with me? Your Majesty, the Eighth Prince has always had a weak body. Whenever he smells any heavy scent, he'll have a severe allergic reaction. Hence, we never light any fragrant incense in our palace, and the people around him never wear any fragrance. After passing by the Prince Regent's Consort, I smelled a weird scent. - Although I was suspicious, I dared not have any improper thoughts. - I... Who would have thought that not long after she left, His Highness felt itchiness all over, and had difficulty breathing. What weird scent? I don't know what you're saying at all. Where then did the weird scent on your body come from? I... Imperial Physician, please take a look. - This is floral powder from poinsettia. - What? Poinsettia? That's right. The leaves of poinsettia are poisonous to begin with. When ordinary people just smell it, it won't really cause any trouble. It's just that the Eighth Prince has asthma, and his body is very sensitive. He must not get near such things. If he's not careful, he might die from it. Princess Consort, usually what women put in their fragrance sachets are peppermint, artemisa (mugwort), and orchids. It's impossible to be poinsettia, because everyone knows that poinsettia is a poisonous plant. Why are you carrying one then? What is your motive? Could it really have been done by Prince Regent's Consort? How could such a decent-looking girl like that have such an evil heart? The Eighth Prince has no grudges with her. How could he be a problem to her? Even if she's not targeting the Eighth Prince, she surely is harboring evil intentions for carrying a fragrance sachet with poison like that. Liu Song people just have vile hearts and are very scheming. This Liu Song princess has reached perfection in doing such things. No wonder, they have envoys that will just randomly kill people. Even if it was an act by the Prince Regent's Consort, harming the little Prince is punishable by death. I already said that fragrance sachet isn't mine! It was found on you and not on others. Prince Regent, what is your opinion about this? Didn't I tell you not to just stay there and not move? With their abilities to frame people up, even if I didn't move from my place, there would still be a basin of dog blood that will fall on me from the sky! Princess of Liu Song, stop talking cleverly in an ingratiating manner. I want to hear your explanation. May I ask everyone why I must carry a fragrance sachet with poison and hurt a child? I was idly chatting with the Eighth Prince earlier. Accidentally, we mentioned about the murder case of the Liu envoy. It was originally a careless mistake, but it angered the Prince Regent's Consort. She then cut off my hair. His Highness tried to defend me, and said a few words to her. Never thought that she'd do such an evil deed to take revenge. Based on what you said, teaching you a lesson was just a sudden act of mine. I don't even know about the physique of the Eighth Prince. How could I then have prepared a fragrance sachet beforehand? Maybe you prepared the poisonous fragrance sachet not really to target the Eighth Prince. His Highness just happened to encounter it. A small fragrance sachet hiding such lethal poison, if you had put it in a tea, the person who would get poisoned would surely have died. Who knows who you're planning to harm by bringing that item inside the palace! Princess Consort, since you came to meet His Majesty, how come you brought poinsettia powder with you? That is being too disrespectful to His Majesty. Could it be the Prince Regent's Consort was planning to kill His Majesty? How could she be that bold? It must be because His Majesty ordered that they get kicked out of Wei. Liu Song's Princess didn't succeed in convincing him otherwise, so she thought of such evil plan. It is also quite a misfortune for the Eighth Prince. He suffered the bad luck in place of the Emperor. If not because the Eighth Prince's health is unique that he's more sensitive to fragrances, if we'd allowed the Liu Song princess to have hurt His Majesty, then the Wei empire would be in jeopardy. Do you all have delusional disorders? What nonsense was that! That is an illness. You should get treated. If you were not harboring evil intentions, why would you bring poison into the palace? Eighth Little Brother's accidentally bumping into this matter garnered him merits for saving His Majesty. Your Majesty, Prince Regent's Consort is harboring evil intentions and has repeatedly harmed people. Her actions are really hateful. You were always benevolent towards Liu Song and didn't order their extermination. Now you should be more decisive, right? Enough! Princess Consort, you say that you're innocent. Please give everyone a rational explanation. Get up. Let me ask you. You fainted because you smelled the poinsettia fragrance and developed an allergic reaction, right? Yes. Then did you know that there are no poinsettia in Song? Since I was little, I have never seen a poinsettia. How would I even know that it's floral powder has poison? Don't even talk about putting it inside a scent sachet and bringing it into the palace. By my side, other than Qingyue, all are Wei people. Could it be that your Wei citizens will tell me how to use poinsettia to harm people? Although my Song women are famous for being clever in mind and hands, other than eating and drinking, I really don't know how to embroider or sew. Before framing me, why didn't you ask around properly? I got famous for being an idiot princess. You are quite honest. The fragrance sachet may have also been created by others. Who will I ask to make an item to harm others? Would I tell your palace maid, "I'm harming your Emperor. Go and sew me a fragrance sachet." Even if I ask people to make one, the cloth and thread used to make the fragrance sachet can be traced, right? Just investigate it and you'll know. All these are just excuses. You don't have any hard evidence, you won't be able to prove your innocence. Okay. Based on what you all said, one can faint just by smelling the scent of poinsettia? Then if I personally picked it and then ground it into powder, the scent on my body will surely be stronger, right? More importantly, I already said it. The fragrance sachet was placed on me by someone else. So that item must have been on someone else's body before it got transferred to me. Men! Call the dog trainer. It's not me! It's not me! Of course, it's you. Before this incident, the fragrance sachet was with you. That's why the scent you have surely is stronger than mine. This is impossible. This palace maid is Eighth Little Brother's personal maid. So...this Eighth Prince isn't as weak as everyone thinks. You already know to scheme on people at such young age. He is just sensitive with scents, but it won't kill him. Or else he would have been the first one poisoned and dead from the poinsettia that this palace maid is carrying with her. Eighth Prince, are you still not going to admit your mistake until now? Royal Brother! Royal Brother...I was wrong. I shouldn't have done it because of a moment of anger. I shouldn't have framed the Princess Consort just because she bullied Xiangming. Eighth Little Brother, you... It was I who ordered her to put poinsettia inside the fragrance sachet. I also have no evil intentions. I just saw how arrogant the Prince Regent's Consort was, and wanted to teach her a lesson. Never thought that things would end up like this. The order of the grudges doesn't seem to be right. Eighth Prince, it was just out of impulse that I wanted to teach Xiangming a lesson that time. and then she subsequently placed the fragrance sachet on me at that time. Could it be that you two have prepared for this beforehand? See who will annoy you and then devise a scheme to scare her? Or simply put, you were deliberately waiting for me at the garden with the fragrance sachet! If you're not that smart, then don't go out harming people. If this gets out, it will destroy the reputation of the Imperial family of Wei. Your Majesty, although the Imperial palace is huge, there are only limited areas with poinsettia in them. Although the Eighth Prince is young, he has quite a devious heart. He claimed that it was because he was angry at the Prince Regent's Consort, for bullying his palace maid. I think we can't really trust those words. Of course they were not true! You two were clearly insulting me, and knew that I would get mad. Find an opening when we are entangled with each other to slip the fragrance sachet into my dress. Say it. What really is this about? Say it! Royal Brother! Royal Brother! I admit my mistake, I admit my mistake! Forgive me already. Little Brother, are you stupid? You and Prince Regent's Consort have no grudges between you. How could you scheme and frame her? Could you have just been venting out anger on behalf of those innocent Wei souls? Right! It was indeed like that! Royal Brother, it was because I can't take how those Liu Song people were arrogant, domineering, and have killed innocent Wei Citizens. I just wanted to teach a lesson... teach Prince Regent's Consort a lesson. You're lying! He Shan doesn't know how to drink at all! Even more so, he couldn't have killed anyone because of getting drunk! Prince Regent's Consort, why would you say so? Your Majesty, He Shan has psoriasis. He has long abstained from drinking wine. It's just that no one in Great Song knew about this. If he drinks any wine, his body will surely have ulcers all over it within three months. But until today, he's been in prison for almost ten days. He never showed any symptoms at all. Doesn't that prove that he never drank any alcohol for the past three months? How then can there be a murder after getting drunk incident? Prince Regent's Consort, this matter is of grave importance. You must prove to His Majesty if what you're saying is true or not. Your Majesty, I already ordered someone to check the corpse. He indeed has an illness. It's just that he was able to control it well. Until the time of his death, he didn't show any symptoms of his illness. But the Wei citizens then all said that he was running wild because of being drunk. How could a person who hasn't drunk any alcohol kill because he's drunk? Totally absurd! Your Majesty, I am pretty sure that He Shan must have been controlled by someone that night, and was forced to do such things. For the past days, there is marked unrest in Pingcheng. First, it was He Shan killing because of getting drunk. Next, it was the Prince Regent's Consort getting falsely accused. There must be someone scheming behind all this I believe that the Eighth Prince just had a moment of righteous indignation, but got instigated by someone, leading him to make such a big mistake. The mastermind that planned the incident of He Shan killing randomly after getting drunk just wanted to see His Majesty to be like the Eighth Prince, having righteous indignation fill your chest and losing one's rationality. His only motive was to drive a wedge between the already-repaired relationship between Wei and Liu Song, and when the time came, seize the benefit. That's why, I ask Your Majesty to take back your decree and don't fall into their evil trap. Your Majesty, I think that what the Prince Regent said is very correct. Based on the current situation, there must be someone dispatching people to cause disharmony. He's trying hard to sow dissension in the relationship between Wei and Song. I earnestly ask Your Majesty to take back your decree. May Your Majesty take back your decree. Since it is the request of the majority, I'll agree with it then. That's all? Prince Regent's Consort, what else do you want? Your Majesty, what about them? Are you not going to punish them? Chuyu, you must know to stop before going too far. The ones who should stop are they. Your Majesty, if a person isn't punished for committing a mistake, he'll then make more mistakes. I am forcing you to punish them I...because I'm trying to save their lives. Okay. The palace maid will be punished according the palace laws. As for Eighth Little Brother... Your Majesty, with you being so wise, you surely know that a ruler should be punished similarly as that of the citizen, right? Your Majesty, the Eighth Prince is still small. We can slowly teach him. Being friends and neighbors, the closer you are, the easier it is to bear grudges. Sibling relationship is similar with that between father and son, the one less loved will show more faults. With the Eighth Prince committing such a grave mistake, he indeed should be taught a lesson. Royal Brother! Royal Brother! Royal Brother, I won't dare to do it again! Please forgive me! The Eighth Prince tried to frame Prince Regent's Consort. His prince title is being removed. He must leave the palace today, and go to the temple. Let the monks there teach him well. If he continues to be this insensible, he should not bother coming back then. Royal Brother, don't kick me out of the palace! Royal Brother, I'm not leaving! Men! Royal Brother, I'm not leaving! Royal Brother! I'm not leaving! Your Majesty! Your Majesty, have mercy! Your Majesty! All of you can leave now! Is your inspiring awe by upholding justice really for the sake of the Eighth Prince? If I let people who offend me get spared so easily, I won't be able able to sleep well at night. Rong Zhi, you look nice when you smile. You think His Majesty will really believe your words? Won't he? His Majesty became Emperor at a young age not only because it was the mandate of heaven. Even if what you said is reasonable, He Shan is now dead, so he can't defend himself. There is no way to reverse his case. Why then did he take back the expulsion order? If He Shan was really set up, then the real target isn't only Liu Song. The Eighth Prince committed a grave mistake at such young age. To say that no one set this up, who will believe that? His Majesty can all see the nonstop conflicts both at the outer court and in the inner palace. He's just enduring them and not saying anything. He's the Emperor of Wei. Why must he endure it? The heart of an emperor is not something that you can just casually infer about. In any case, they want to use the child as being stubborn and mischievous. No matter what, the expulsion decree has been repealed. I'm really quite happy. The other party spent quite an effort to set up a net. Unless they catch the big fish, they will not pull up the net. Princess Consort, are you drawing a "yuanshan'" brow? Of course, it's black like the mountains far away. Don't they all look like this? Stop fooling me. That is clearly a "broom" brow. Look at what you've drawn! Stop making me look like a fool! What the hell! Do you know how to draw it or not? Let me help you repair it. No need for you to repair it! Get lost! No need! - I just knew you're going to bully me!\ N- I'm not done drawing. - Stop it already. Come over here. Let me see, are you alright, Qingyue? Your face is already red. - You got hit? - My face... It's fine. It's fine. Qingyue, do you know that you now have Great Wei's most famous "xiaoxia" makeup look? - Right? - Liar. - Yes... From now on, you don't even need to buy a blush. Next time, if you want that kind of style, just find a person to bump your face into. So easy. - You're a bully! - Qingyue... Greetings to Your Highness. It looks quite good. Your Highness. The Prince Regent is usually busy with state affairs all day. How come you have the time to come visit me today? Princess Consort. I will sleep here tonight. Please make preparations. Oh, my! Is it Your Highness? Is His Highness not yet back? I'll go to the front door to welcome him. Mistress, no need. His Highness has returned. He has returned? Is he in the study? Go and put the dishes inside a dinner pail. I'll bring them to him. He has been busy all day. He must be tired. Mistress. His Highness, he...he won't come over tonight. You...what do you mean? His Highness is staying over in the Red Phoenix Room tonight. - Let go! - I'm going back now to look for the Princess. Come back here. This is the best chance for the Princess Consort and Prince Regent to reconcile. Don't be stupid. The Princess Consort doesn't want to! What "doesn't want to"? They are a married couple. How could they have not consummated their marriage until now? If this gets out, Princess Consort's position will be in peril. Let's go. Let's just finish the battle fast. I'll just treat it like being bitten by a dog! Look at your "I'm a chaste and honorable lady" look. You think I give a damn about you? He really has fallen asleep? IDOL CLUB He has really fallen asleep? Greetings to Your Highness. Why are you laughing? Your Highness, your face... Move aside! Liu Chuyu! Your Highness. Mistress, it's already sangeng, just go to rest. You may withdraw. Mistress, your body is in a delicate stage right now. You must not trample on yourself like this. Leave me. Xueyun. Your Highness. Last night... Sorry. Your Highness doesn't need to apologize to me. You and the Princess Consort are the legally-married couple. It is reasonable for you to sleep in the Red Phoenix Room. No need for you to give me any explanations. Xueyun, you're completely saying words to stab my heart. You clearly know that I have no feelings for the Liu Song princess. If not because of the rumors outside, I wouldn't have to stay there for the night. I understand. It's just that even if I do understand, - I can't contain my emotions. - Don't worry. I remember everything that I told you. You...do you believe me? No matter what Your Highness says, I will believe you. Since you believe me, then take good care of yourself. Bixi, I'm having breakfast with Xueyun. Yes! I'll go prepare it now. Look at how thin you are now. Eat more. Your Highness, it's almost time. You should go to the court meeting now. But... Everything's fine. I can take care of myself. Bixi, take good care of Concubine Ma. Make sure she eats her meal. Yes. I'll come see you after I'm done with work. Your Highness... I'll wait for you. Okay. Mistress! Mistress, what are you doing? Bixi... I just realized that I can't endure it. What are you saying? He is my Great Wei's one and only Prince Regent. For the general situation, he surely will marry the Liu Song princess. I thought I could endure it, but now I have realized that I can't! How could I just watch him take someone else into his arms? How could I watch him sharing a blanket, and providing warmth to another woman? No. I can't endure it! But that is the Prince Regent's Consort. That was clearly supposed to be my position! I should have been his official wife. - Master said that as long as we patiently wait— - Wait? Until when? Shouldn't one strive for the things that she wants by herself? Isn't that right? Then...what do you want to do? You will know very soon. Princess Consort, did you rest well last night? Good. Of course, I rested well. You may withdraw. Princess Consort, how come His Highness left before daybreak? You two... - Princess Consort. - Why are you in a hurry? You're being unruly. Princess Consort, please forgive me. I was just in a moment of panic. Concubine Ma is here. Don't know what wind blew toward my Red Phoenix Room that it brought some rare guests with it. Concubine Ma, did you especially come here today to visit the Princess Consort? Yes. I have always wanted to visit and apologize. It's just that I didn't know if Princess Consort was still angry about last time, so I didn't dare to come. Oh, so you came to apologize. You sound quite well-mannered. But in Great Song, a concubine is an asset of the household. The master or madam can casually sell them off. So I don't understand why here in Great Wei, you even dared to provoke me? You really think that I'm just for display? Princess Consort, please forgive me. I was ignorant of the proper etiquette before and offended you. I surely will be careful of my words and actions from now on. I will do things according to rules. Fine. I'll forget the past. Get up. - Thank you, Princess Consort. - Why did you really come? I actually came today to bring you some precious gifts for your enjoyment. I don't know what you prefer, so I just chose some items that I'd like to give to you. Hope you won't dislike them. I won't. Just leave after giving the gifts. Princess Consort. Then... sit for a little while. Looks like Princess Consort didn't sleep well last night. But the color of Princess Consort's lips is really pleasant. Very juicy. Totally overpowering your beautiful face. Really so pretty. I heard that Princess Consort brought a lot of beautiful cosmetic products from Liu Song, and gave them to a lot of people. Even Empress Dowager received one. Your share has already been prepared beforehand. It's just that we didn't find the free time to deliver them to you. Thanks then. Servant! The color of this lipstick is really beautiful. Thank you, Princess Consort. You're welcome. I'll go back to sleep then. Just feel at home. Concubine Ma, Princess Consort isn't feeling well. She didn't mean to be disrespectful. Princess Consort is very straightforward. Why would I make any fuss about it? Then...respectfully sending off Concubine Ma. - Go now. - Yes. Princess Consort, you shouldn't have treated Ma Xueyun like that. Really? But Lanruo, have you forgotten the falling into the water incident? I didn't forget. But you are the madam of this house. If the matter of you treating Ma Xueyun like that gets out, it will damage your reputation. So you're saying that for reputation, I must pretend to be magnanimous? I am still considered to be Great Song's Princess, a royal lady of my country. If I keep letting her get her way, being cautious and meticulous, it will give the impression of Great Song being weak. This is a marriage alliance between Song and Wei, it is not that I got married here because my family got ruined. Why must I pretend to beg for pity? I know that you are of royal descent. But...the person you married is the Prince Regent. Men can have so many wives and concubines, while women are only allowed one husband. She must even be magnanimous, or else her jealousy will become her second nature. That is unreasonable to begin with. If you want me to be magnanimous, fine. I'll take in as many male consorts as the number of concubines he has. I also will make them greet him every day. This way, everyone is happy. Very well! Princess Consort. I didn't hit her or scold her. It's no big deal. Princess! Princess! Concubine Ma is in trouble. I heard she got poisoned. - Your Highness. - Doctor, how is she? - Your Highness— - What time is it already? Don't bother with these pretentious formalities. How is Xueyun? Concubine Ma's body is very weak to begin with. After experiencing a thing like this, her internal organs are badly damaged, and her qi and blood flow have diminished. She really can't sustain having a pregnancy. The child can't be saved. Prince Regent, go and convince Concubine Ma. If she insists on not doing the abortion, if this continues, her health will be in danger. It is all my fault. Xueyun. Your Highness, I want the child. I want the child. Sorry, Xueyun. It's all my fault. The child can't be saved anymore, but we can still have another one next time. You should take good care of your health. Be obedient and take the medicine. No. I don't want an abortion. This is our child. I know. I know. Xueyun, sorry. Doctor Wang, let Concubine Ma take the medicine. Concubine Ma, this is the abortion soup. If you leave a dead fetus in your womb, it will harm your health. Drink this. We must eliminate the stagnant blood. Your Highness, Princess Consort insists on seeing Concubine Ma. Tell her to get lost! Yes. If we must really do this, may Your Highness feed it to me. I want you to remember... how this first child was lost... and how much suffering I did bear for this. Even the words that were said in this room, the things that happened here, I want you to remember all of them! The scar that got etched into my heart... you must never forget it. Give it to me. Fangcao Ge Princess Consort, please hold your step. I want to see Ma Xueyun. You two escort the Princess Consort back to the Red Phoenix Room. May the Princess Consort not make things difficult for us. There are rumors spreading throughout the manor that Ma Xueyun had a miscarriage after coming out of my courtyard. I don't intend to accept being falsely accused like this. That's why right now, I must immediately see the Prince Regent and Ma Xueyun. But now is really not the time. Why? What's going on inside? Qingyue! Fangcao Ge - Princess Consort! - Stay right there! Mistress... Look at the thing that you've done! Tell me then, what did I do? There was a large amount of cinnabar within the lipstick. Concubine Ma sincerely wanted to get along with you. She never had any intentions to decrease the love and attention that you're being given, but you actually used a lipstick to harm her? You keep saying that I harmed her. What really is that about? I want to look at this myself! My Mistress just got harmed. May the Princess Consort be benevolent and not cause any more trouble. I will not harm her. Can't I just ask her a few questions? No. I will not let you harm my mistress again. Qingyue! Princess Consort, Concubine Ma has suffered excessive trauma. She can't be agitated anymore. I'll just ask her a few questions to prove my innocence. Can't I even do that? Your Highness. Your Highness, I'm very afraid. I really am very scared, Your Highness. Don't be scared. No one will hurt you again from now on. Ma Xueyun, the lipstick was indeed mine but it was you who asked to have one. Now that a problem happened, you start to evade me? What? Are you afraid that something might go wrong if we have a confrontation? Your Highness. Your Highness, I'm very scared. Xueyun, I will seek justice for you. So you want a confrontation? Sure. Come to the palace with me. Let's do the confrontation in front of His Majesty. Your Highness, don't go. I will be back soon. Regarding the choice for the new provincial governor... Informing Your Majesty, for this matter, the Prince Regent and I have already discussed it. Provincial Governor Liu is indeed guilty of terrible crimes. Not only did he extort money from the citizens, take bribes and bend the law, he even dared to steal the military provisions. All are crimes punishable by death. It's really such a pity that the citizens of Jingzhou have suffered. Therefore, this successor should be a generous and meek official. His governance should put comforting the people as its top priority. Your Majesty, the Prince Regent is still waiting outside. Chancellor Ma and I have important matters to attend to. If he needs anything, tell him to go to Xuanguang Palace to look for Empress Dowager. Yes. Let us continue. Yes. Based on what you said, Concubine Ma had a miscarriage because of the lipstick that the Princess Consort gifted her. Yes. Princess Consort, how will you explain that? Empress Dowager, that lipstick was actively asked from me by Concubine Ma. Didn't I also gift you and the Imperial consorts the same cosmetic products? The fragrant materials used on them all went through strict proportioning. How can there be excessive cinnabar in it? What you gave the others were normal, but what you gave Xueyun is different. Cinnabar can cause a miscarriage. You deliberately increased the amount of cinnabar. You clearly had an ulterior motive. Empress Dowager, the truth is already in front of us. What is there to explain? May I ask the Prince Regent, how much cinnabar is considered excessive? In the usual lipstick production, you only need three qian of cinnabar. That's right, Physician Wang stated that your lipstick had double the amount of cinnabar. When I sent the cosmetics last time, I heard that the lipstick that Empress Dowager uses were made from choosing the best colored petals among hundreds of flowers. That's why the colors are usually bright, and the scent fragrant. Am I right? Don't think of changing the topic. Let me finish. What Chuyu said is right. While making a lipstick will usually take more than a few steps and will take a lot of time, it is only in the last process that you add the cinnabar to color it. May I ask Empress Dowager if at this moment, do you have any lipstick that has been made with shea butter but hasn't been colored yet? Senior Maid Qin. Yes. Wait. What if you can't prove your innocence? What will be your punishment? What do you want it to be? Go back to where you came from. What if you lose? Impossible. Let's wait and see. Empress Dowager, what is the Princess Consort trying to do? Princess Consort, you are... Don't you understand this yet? If you add the usual amount of cinnabar, the lipstick's color will be bright red. If you add too much cinnabar, the color will be so red to the point it becomes purple. Who will put on such a weird color on her lips? This means that the lipstick that the Princess Consort gifted Concubine Ma surely was fine initially. That doctor has spoken like a river outflow upon opening of its gates, carelessly framing up people. He didn't even know that excessive cinnabar can cause a discoloration. How can it fool others? Presently, there might indeed be excessive cinnabar in that lipstick in Concubine Ma's room. But that was just placed there afterward, and not placed before the cooling down of the lipstick. If we check the cinnabar content of that lipstick, the amount surely will not be even. You said it well. Okay already. Rong Zhi, are you still going to be biased toward Ma Xueyun even now? Apologize to me. Hurry and apologize. I am requesting that the Prince Regent publicly apologize to me. How can there be a husband apologizing to his wife in this world? How can there be a husband that will falsely accuse his wife in this world? You... Empress Dowager, look. Rong Zhi, you clearly have knowledge about the art of fragrances. It is obvious that you are being biased this time. Aren't you going to hurry and apologize? It was my fault. I didn't hear it clearly. It was my fault! Empress Dowager, you heard it. He admitted that he only listens to one side and is ignorant. And now, I request that Concubine Ma be strictly punished. Liu Chuyu, I already apologized to you! Don't be too excessive. Did I say that after you apologized, I would not go after her misdeed anymore? You are rude and unreasonable! Empress Dowager, look at how he is. I'm so afraid. I don't even want to go back to the Prince Regent's Manor anymore! Enough. Stop playing around. We've already found the conclusion for this matter. Ma Xueyun framed the Prince Regent's Consort. Her actions are worrisome. - Starting today, she's grounded inside your manor so she can repent well on her mistakes. - Empress Dowager! Stop pleading for leniency on her behalf. Chuyu, are you now satisfied? Thank you, Empress Dowager. Stop right there! Chuyu! Stop right there! Chuyu! I have something to say to you. Prince Regent, you still have something to say? You were too unbridled in front of the Empress Dowager earlier. Who told you to send me a pillow when I started to become sleepy? Oh, wrong. It was your adorable Concubine Ma that gave it to me. She personally gave me a chance to humiliiate you. So if you want to thank someone, go thank her. How dare you! Prince Regent, you knew early on that Ma Xueyun framed me up. Am I right? I don't know. But Empress Dowager said earlier that you know a lot about the art of fragrance. What does that mean? It means that you've seen through everything, but you still deliberately sided with Ma Xueyun. Love can make a person blind. But I never thought that it can cause one to be unable to discern right from wrong. I am so disappointed with you. Aren't you unharmed? But I am not really an expert in lipstick creation. If not because I was bold enough to try it today the frame-up by Ma Xueyun would have made me bear the crime of killing my husband's child! I am the Princess of Great Song. I came here for the peace between Song and Wei. If I ever bear such a crime, my reputation will be totally tarnished, and I'll be universally condemned! I even will bring shame to Great Song. Is a result like that not grave enough? Rong Zhi, ask yourself. Do you really feel no guilt toward me? I can only care about Xueyun. As for you, I don't care. Okay. Let me earnestly tell you this then. If anyone will dare to offend me again, I will let her know how it feels to be poisoned with cinnabar!
Channel: 阿嬷追剧
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Keywords: 明天我們好好過, 佟麗婭, 張亮, 中國電視劇, 中国电视剧, 霸道总裁, 灰姑娘, 中国电视剧2023, chinesedrama, 2023ChineseDrama, 三十而已, 你给我的爱, 小孩, 离婚, 單親媽媽, 離婚, 复婚, 前夫, 大陆爱情剧, 愛情, 甜寵, 心機女, 小三, 富二代, chefhuaep1engsub, theloveyougivemechinesedrama, 大陆剧, 佟麗婭2023電視劇, 佟麗婭最新電視劇, 都市愛情, 2023都市劇, 張亮電視劇, 模特, 最新电视剧, 2023最新电视剧, 我的博士老公, 沙溢, 都市爱情, 流产
Id: knhqFBPmWtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 19sec (5119 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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