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hello everybody and welcome back to the search for American greens wait a minute that one actually makes sense looking for silver and then I'm gonna trade it for cash which is greens I'm well done that so on today's episode I got myself a box of half dollars but plot twists I've already looked through them I'm not going to tell you the results just yet because I did film it it was just kind of a little bit more casual than you're used to seeing so I'm gonna first show you that then to get the more exciting part of the episode I actually just recently found the coin store in my area and took a bus took a nice little adventure through the city over the coin store and I made some pretty cool purchases that I'd like to show you guys today I want to give you guys a heads up this episode is going to contain quite a bit of silver both from the hunt that I do and from the coin shops so you're going to want to stay tuned through the entire thing so without any further ado let's jump right into the hunt I was up guys just got done working out a really long homework session with Austin hair and we decided to just go through this box which I got today usually scheduling yeah a little unwinding action so we're just hitting it up on the table here and about ten rolls then I just got my first silver right here and it's going to be a forty percent in nineteen sixty seven so that's a good sign for the box I'm thinking got that much more to go and let's hope to get some more out of this one alright we're down to the last roll in the box I just flip this over I checked all the Enders before but got to the bottom here and saw this one I think it's a gold solid gold half dollar let's help take a look here I don't see any silver but that is definitely a gold right there so let's go ahead and pull it out and see what year we got gold in there yep 1983 denver mint mark so that's actually the first golden kennedy that i've ever found and we get that next to this actual silver here but that's really pretty much all we found Evan I just got a 2001 and then this Bicentennial looks silver so you know I've heard of silver Bicentennial before so let me know if that's a thing and I'll just hold on to that until I figure that one out I hope you enjoyed that quick little hunt and now on to the coin shop pickups so I walked into the coin store just kind of trying to figure out what they had and what their prices were and if they were going to be fair tried to cheat me out of some things it turns out that this coin store has some pretty cool guys in it they're definitely not trying to cheat me out of anything they gave me fair prices and I really enjoyed my experience in there so the first thing that I went into the coin store for was this book right here it's a Kennedy half dollar starting 2000 book which as you may know that's going to cover all of the NIF CS up until this year so you guys have been seeing me find a lot of ni FCS which stands for not intended for circulation coins those were the half dollars that were minted from 2002 up till the present year and I haven't really had a place to put these coins but now we do so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and take all the NIF CS which I've found and put them into this roll here I want to take them out and just start filling up this collection as much as I can so let's get right into it alright so here I have all of the NIF C's and other assorted dates that I've found throughout the past couple weeks probably a month of core neural hunting half dollars and let's go ahead and see what we have here so here's okay so actually some of these aren't and I have see some of them are just nice coins that I intended on putting into the collection I think all of these first ones are 90s and then here we have a 2002 which isn't actually an on IFC but it sure does look nice and it is going to actually help us fill out this collection it actually starts in 2000 so we'll put that one aside let's go ahead and pull this down a bit so we can see what we're doing here here we have a 2013 so that's going to fit in the collection another 2013 I believe okay so they're both DS so one of them is going to have to just sit out I guess there's a 1991 mm what is that a 3 yep fair enough 2005 and we have another 2005 here let's see those both nope so that's a P and a D so that'll work out just fine let's see what else we got here 95 2007 I'm gonna need to put that in there okay so here's a here's a different a little different form of night and I see this is a 1987 and that's a Denver Mint I do actually need to put that in one of my other collections which I believe is going to complete it if I can get both of them in there I'm not sure what that was I don't really know why I kept that see what else we got here oh this was uh this was a grease hair that I kept because I just thought it was cool okay so there's the 1987 p21 AFC's found in recent episodes so I was happy to have those and those are actually really really tough to find I'm not sure what that one is either all right so now we got the all the coins laid out here and we're just going to have to throw them in the collection at this point so I'm going to go ahead and detach the phone from the tripod here for just a minute and slide this down just a bit make room for the collection and let's so let's open er up see what we got here alright so it starts in 2000 it actually gives the mintages for the majority of these coins and then I believe it stops in 2011 so as you can see it goes up to 2013 we'll have room for 14 15 16 and maybe even 17 if we want but obviously those aren't out yet I believe this collection you can go ahead and read all that information there if you're interested in that just go ahead and pause the video but yeah I think this collection was probably made in 2010 because that's when they stopped giving the mintages so let's go ahead and grab our coins here throw them in the positions we got a 2005 P that's a relatively rare 3.8 million of course all of these are going to be pretty rare you know they were intended to be in circulation 2007 P at 2.4 million we had 2005 2005 D that's going to be 3.5 million 2001 D which again we said it's not at an IFC but it does fit in the collection 2013 D this is the better one of the two that I have and I think we're going to go ahead and throw that 2013 the extra up in the reverse slot I think it'll fit in there nicely and yeah I think that's all we got for that so let me just throw those in the collection let me press it in and I'll get back to you all right guys so I was able to get them all in there but I'll tell you what it wasn't without a fight these ones really really were tricky to get in and I actually um push too hard on this one and broke through the other side so maybe these collections weren't built extremely well but yeah that's a little it's a little disheartening especially I'm like one that the third coin we put in there breaks through but so that's what it looks like up right now um not too full but obviously we're still working on it and ifcs are pretty easy to come by even though they're you know relatively rare they're probably easier to come by and silver in most cases so if we don't find any silver in the future episodes at least we'll have something to look forward to to be able to fill out this collection a little bit so um let's go ahead and take a look at these 1987 NAICS and grab the appropriate collection here hopefully we don't break through this one either so let's go ahead and grab let's see yep we're so Kennedy half-dollars starting in 1985 let's open her up and let me just show you this collection is completely full even though we don't have the best coins in certain slots this collection is completely full except for the 1987 so as you can see these are much much rarer than any other coin on the page so let me just set this down real quick the tripod here and see if I can put these and I believe that this collection is much more forgiving as far as pushing these in I'm gonna go ahead and grab a piece of paper just so that I'm not putting my fingers directly on the coins because you'll want to get the your thumb prints all over the coins especially these nifc so let's go ahead and super can push these in get up real quick here all right yeah you see that's the appropriate amount of resistance right there is you know you don't want it to be too easy to put them in but at the same time you don't want to be pushing through the entire page just to get it in there so all right let's see if we get this one in there as well and complete the collection push up there alright okay so there you have it that is a complete collection our first one of the series even though it has no silver in it you know obviously this is like a byproduct of searching for silver you also find nifc s so honestly not such a bad thing I mean these coins are actually pretty rare and I was happy to find them so soon so there you go the 1985 to 2001 collection is complete I also threw a 2002 IFC in there I could probably remove that and put her in this collection if I wanted to but I mean it just looks so good in that collection I think I'm just going to leave it so hopefully we'll be completing more of these collections especially this one I think this one's going to be a lot of fun to fill out as we go through these half dollars all right now onto the silver this is the moment you all been waiting for let's go ahead and turn this camera on now and let me show you what I picked up at the coin shop take a look we got a whole bunch of half dollars and they even gave me this tube to put it into and I'm sure that you're noticing right away that the very first going on top is a barber I cannot believe this guys they had barbers in the junk pile but I basically just went up there and asked them if I could see all the junk silver that they had for some reason he didn't want me to be looking through it probably because you knew I would pick out all the stuff that I wanted umm but yeah he said most people just come in and ask for you know how many coins do you want he just gives it to him but you know me I like to pick through you know find the good stuff and see if I get the best deals possible so if we take a look in here let's go ahead and just dump them all out and I'm sure you'll notice right away most of these are actually a Benjamin Franklin so let's go ahead and take a look see what we got here so the first one is going to be a D mint mark 1952 and then we have a 1949 also with the demon mark so I'm going to try to order these a little bit so that when I put them in the collection I have some idea of what I have and where to put it so here's a 1950 D I try to get as many different dates as I could I couldn't remember exactly what I had and what I didn't so this one's going to be a planeman mark 1952 so we'll go ahead and put that one below and then we have a 1951 D which go right there a d-mat mark in 1957 and then we're on to the older stuff so I also picked up a Walking Liberty just because I thought it looked really nice this one doesn't have a matt mark I believe the Matt mark would show up right here and it's in 1940 again I wasn't sure if I had these in the collection or not I was just trying to like remember from what I had in my memory if I had these or not and of course I don't actually have a Barbara collection so these are just for just I really just love Barbara coins and I think that they are going to have some numismatic value pretty soon here okay so this one the D mint mark 1906 and here we have a estimate mark and that's a 1909 and then finally you've already seen the date on this one it's got a deem it mark and it's a 1912 so those are some of my favorite coins right there guys if I had to pick favorite design out of these half dollars it would go 1-2-3 I mean I know some people think the barber design is pretty boring but if just like what it signifies you know those old coins and the time that was going on and when you know what was going on in America at the time so obviously guys a great lot of coins here today got a lot of different varieties and all different dates and now we got our collection out here so let's see what we can do here obviously we have just a few slots filled in so I'm sure we can fill in quite a bit more with the amount of dates we have so with the 5070 here that's going to go right down here coming in at 20 million not too bad this is a 52 plane so let's see right here 20 1.3 million and now we have a 52 d let's take a look twenty five point four million and 51 d these are all these two remain here 51 d only nine point five million so you guys can see that some of these are better deals than others I think that some of these are going to have numismatic value if they don't already that goes over the silver price so let's take a look here I've got a 50 D and even rarer at only 8 million and finally we have a 49 D at just 4.1 million guys some of these are much better like this is got to be five times better of a deal than one of these right I mean it doesn't exactly work out that way but um I think that in the years to come these are going to hold some numismatic value just because obviously some of these are much rarer than others so anyways guys that's what we're going to be able to fill out for the Franklin collection so let me just go ahead and push these in and I'll get right back to you once that's done all right so I got them all in their spots now definitely starting to fill that collection up we're probably about a third of the way there at this point and I just wanted to take a look real quick see what what's the rarest coin in this collection I believe it's that 1948 right there coming in at 3 million I'm just scanning real quick here to see if there's anything else that's rare than that I do see a 53 at 2.8 million but that's not a huge difference my point here is that I'm able to get one of the rare coins in the collection the 4090 coming in at just 4.1 million you know in the junk pile I believe that I'll probably be able to fill out this entire collection just by buying junk silver so that's a good thing I'm moving on to the Standing Liberty coin now the only one that I got for today it's a 1940 plane so I just opened up the collection and looks like we already have that one so I don't know what are the odds of that um honestly like I didn't know what I had when I was going on I thought I needed the 40 but I guess not it looks like some of these you know later years 47 46 those are going to be something that I'm going to need if we take a look here though 491 0.6 thousand that's that's that's going to be a rare coin there so I doubt the way we're going to find something like that in the junk pile but um yeah I don't see any place where I can put this like a knob first place for a reverse spot so that's going to have to go into the bag so I'm going to be marking that down on the sheet here in just a second let's go ahead and look at those barbers again we got the 1906 d 1909 s and 1912 D those don't have a spot in the collection I just really like collecting those and I pretty much pick them up whenever I can so I'm going to also be marking those down in the book here and I will get back to you once that is finished alright guys so for the Walking Liberty half we got point three six one seven ounces of silver and for the barber halves three of them times 0.36 one seven comes out to just over and out so just a little bit more than an ounce of silver today goes into the bag obviously these are very thin so that's kind of a pretty crude approximation of what's really in the bag but I think that these coins have some numismatic value that outweighs the silver value both figuratively and literally so really love to have those barbara coin z-- and of course the Liberty The Walking Liberty have is a nice as well so let's go ahead and drop them in and hear that nice clunk this bag is getting very very heavy now and I'm not sure if the next time will we even be able to use it because it is getting very full oh I almost forgot that 40% or that we found during the hunt so I made sure to mark that down as well Kennedy half at 40% silver is 0.16 Oh 8 ounces so let's go ahead and throw that in the bag as well can't believe I almost forgot that well guys that's gonna pretty much do it for this episode of search for silver we managed to get a whole bunch of new things today including this collection which we ended up destroying but that's alright we also got some silver brought a whole bunch of it we're able to fill out the franklin collection and this one's really coming along I'm really happy with the progress on when I mean look at that first page doing well on that one and stain livery collection didn't get a whole lot of love today but perhaps in the next episode maybe I'll just try to focus on getting some of those walking liberties next time I go into the shop but anyways guys thank you so much for watching if you made it all the way to the end of the video make sure to leave a like down below subscribe if you're new because I post videos like this every single week always doing new hunts and always having fun with it and as always guys I'm Quinn and this is quince coins signing out see you guys in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Quin's Coins
Views: 68,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: threedotnaught, ryan quinlan, quin, quin’s coins, quins coins, quinn, coin roll hunting, silver, detecting, quin coins, barber coins, barber half dollar, barber half in junk, search for silver, search for ag, junk silver, coin shop pickups, coin store pickups, diggersonly.com, junk silver score, coin roll hunting half dollars, silver half dollars, old silver half dollars, coin collecting, old half dollar, coin in trash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2016
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