Central Cee - Commitment Issues [Music Video]
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Channel: Central Cee
Views: 19,877,852
Rating: 4.9447484 out of 5
Keywords: central cee, grm daily, link up tv, pinging, loading, day in the life, molly, uk rap, mixtape madness, commitment issues, 6kenza, kenza, valentines, love, roses, centralcee, central cee commitment issues, central cee wild west, central cee 6 for 6, central cee loading, central cee type beat, central cee tiktok, centralceewildwest, central cee new album, centralceecommitmentissues, central see, central cee new song, centralseenewsong, centralcee6for6, centralceeloading, centralceetypebeat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 38sec (158 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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Really peng model ngl
is it just me or this tune really really shit? like bare comments saying this is the future of uk rap
Need more drill chunes like this. Not everything needs to be ching that ying this
Last 2 songs of Central are trash