Cenk Uygur DEBATES Former QAnon Follower

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all right welcome to the conversation on the tyt network um so there's a guy named dominic is though he was uh uh on the police force for 16 years uh he is very right-wing as you're about to see in fact he said that the entire left is collectively possessed by satan fun uh and well not so much but [Laughter] and and then he said very controversial things like gang i don't care if you know someone who's died from covid means absolutely nothing to me if you leverage someone's death to support the tyranny that has been placed on us that person was probably better off not being around you uh anymore anyway uh and i'll give you two last ones he's implied that michelle obama is not really a woman and then he said uh i'm all for starting a movement of torching the f out of blm flags but that would be a waste of money so instead i ordered my first black lives matter flag and will be vlogging and documenting when i use it to pick up my dog's crap each time he goes makes me wish i had a horse now okay so um you guys ready let's talk to dominicus um so dominic uh we're gonna get into your former beliefs on q and on in a second too but you know that that is to say the least massively antagonizing so let me start with why do you do it why do you say things like that i number one now i really want to take the time to appreciate and and get your audience uh uh thank you i want to thank you for having me on um i love the fact that you still have the ability to know that somebody's gonna you know vehemently disagree and oppose your views but you'll have the discourse with them online so i i appreciate that off the bat um i i said it before you know it what do we used to call it years ago with youtube videos a click bait where somebody used to wind up posting a title and then it really wasn't the same context um i believe that social media still should be at the stage of where it was when it first came up like you know the the diary right everybody wants to come and put a view on what your life is they want to see what you're thinking i have no problem putting my first initial impulsive very catchy controversial and polarizing statements out there on two sides of it number one it's because of course it's a thought that's going through my head but then number two when somebody like like you you're reading back quotes and things that i said and if you ask me questions about them if i don't have the answers to to statements i've made then it's it kind of it's it's a little bit disingenuous to why i put out there in the first place i want people wondering hey why would you say something so controversial what was your thought process at the time have you evolved since then so i do i'm an external processor and i love putting my contents out there you know michelle obama could be a man or the the thing i said about covet 100 i stand by i want somebody to sit there and have my words if they make their blood boil say all right talk to me about why you think that way because i think it opens up a fun dialogue well i i think a lot of people would probably argue about the fun aspect of that dialogue but let's try to have it anyway because dominating more than important than anything else i want to know how you're thinking right so like on michelle obama you know that that's super offensive and obviously not true so or do you think it actually is true that she's not actually a female uh no actually i honestly if we're gonna if we have to go down that door i can't prove that it's not true um do i think it there are times a hundred percent or i'll do like every other person out there does who will go down that conspiracy theory route and we'll look at her like dancing on ellen or we'll look at her grabbing her crotch and start to think i i think that 75 of me knows that she's a woman but i i fall down the rabbit hole of those kids don't look like anything uh her and barack and we don't have no pictures of her being pregnant and all that and then the other side of my brain that enjoys entertainment and it does enjoy the controversy and does enjoy stirring the pot will then go down that rabbit hole of going could she be a man so it's it's it's it's nothing more than just uh enjoying the the the polarizing conversation and and throwing my two cents in so dominique you you get that that's not so much fun for other people and in fact that they they think you're nuts uh by the way i'm probably i'm not probably i am in that category like when like the obamas have plenty of pictures of michelle obama being pregnant this didn't share with you uh the kids look totally like them and it's deeply offensive and and ridiculous to think that that she's not a woman and and you're saying that based on i guess on your perception of how she looks which then makes it more offensive like and i guess what i'm trying to understand here is put aside the quote-unquote disagreement although there's literally nothing to disagree about what i'm saying is a fact but but why like what what drives you to go down that conspiracy rabbit hole in the first place like is it that you can't stand the obamas and that's like because have you ever thought about a conservative woman have you ever seen a conservative woman and think i know maybe she's a man and is it have you ever seen it thought about it as a white about a white woman i don't know i'm trying to figure it out well i'll take the totality of certain sides and if we're going to go blanket statements and a lot of times i think conservative women are far more feminine than uh liberal women and on the other side of offending somebody i don't care you know i grew up in the 70s i grew up at a time where you got bullied you got picked on i mean oh god for every time i had somebody kind of make a comment on the fact that you must have become a cop because you're bullied of course i was pressure tested throughout grammar school high school my life and you either rose to the occasion or you didn't and i also came from a time where we could joke with people no i don't care about the obamas as persons i really don't um i think enough inflammatory language from that woman's mouth uh inciting the race wars that she did throughout her time in the white house they were they they affected me as a cop because every time that the obamas would say something and i pulled over somebody who was a person of color immediately there would be this assumption that because since i'm white i'm a male and i'm a police officer i must be a racist and it stemmed from the most powerful couple in the world so on my aggravation as a human being i don't i have no problem with me being offensive or if my language goes out there and it bothers somebody i highly doubt michelle obama even a knows who i am gives a rat's rear end about what my opinion is um and then we can't go back we can't go back to proving and again this is a it's it's not a topic to keep debating because it's ridiculous but we can't prove that she was pregnant because there was no pictures and it said it's not it's not a focal uh conspiracy theory of mine i just find it int i find it humorous for somebody that i have disdain for and it's and it's just like uh eric holder you know when they go low we kick them i said it before the woman irritates me i can't stand her uh her rhetoric as far as her views for racism and uh you know it's my way of just kicking back with what little voice i have okay and so uh i'm desperately trying not to debate you on that uh my point on that is clear uh and and we might go back to your your comments about black lives matter because i think that's actually really important we might debate that but but you mentioned conspiracy theories and etc and so you you uh believed in q anon for a while too so i want to explore that um so uh first i want to error a small clip from a vice documentary that you were in and then i want to talk about it so let's watch that first i'm christian i was raised catholic when you start looking at what is supposed to be the most righteous organization on the planet rome the vatican the catholic church how hard is it to believe then that you flip that side of a coin and there's going to be a darker more nefarious cabal if you will that is operating off of the same aspect satanic rituals drinking children's blood adrenal chrome this stuff has been going on if q does exist and q is real that will make me happy because it will have undeniable proof that satan exists and you have to acknowledge that christ exists wow um but that's super interesting on a lot of levels so first let's clarify you don't believe q anon anymore i can't see i'd rather be proven wrong than continue to believe i'm not a fan of uh whatever the organization is i actually i spun i went from believing the stuff that they put out um to to now thinking that whoever quote is q is this generation's andy kaufman who is loving what's going on right now but i have no problem either if it did turn out to be 100 factual i have no problem you know having people point to me and say hey you know you denounced q you were wrong based on what the concept is you know based on the whole uh you know child sex trafficking ending of that if an organization did exist on that level that came out and exposed that i have no problem being wrong and saying uh hey i apologize for doubting you so look are there child sex traffickers in the world of course there are right and and are people opposed to that i would hope that every decent human being on planet earth is opposed to that uh republican democrat conservative liberal it doesn't matter and now the idea that democratic leadership was eating the babies and harvesting their brain juice do you understand that that sounds like what a lunatic would say well of course but would it just get created out of thin air yes it did well we know we know that you know the catholic church and i wish that uh yeah i wish that vice news had edited my full statement or at least my full statement about the catholic church which i don't support i was raised italian catholic and i think the catholic church is one of the most horrific organizations on the planet um covering up rapists for centuries is ridiculous but we have you have the catholic church that goes through the sacrifice it's a perpetual sacrifice of every sunday you eat the blood you eat the body drink the blood the satanic church does the same thing um as a cop we did get exposed to some uh local level satanic rings so i have a little mini exposure to you know the the typical what you would think of uh kids dying their hair black uh looking like marilyn manson um but on a massive level if you if you go back as far as what 50 60 years ago how many would we have sammy davis jr was an admitted satanist uh anton levine i believe his name was ran the church of satan so if the church if the church of satan exists don't you believe that there could be some traditions that do coincide with their beliefs no uh i think that uh if there are a very very very few number of people that do insane things like cannibalism um they do they are not at all indicative of anything else uh they're not indicative of people who are not religious and they're certainly not indicative of democratic leadership so for example did jeffrey dahmer yeah so did you look did a lot of catholic clergy abuse children yes definitively that's there's no question about that you and i agree about that so why did they do it it was because they had unaccountable power they were no one was allowed to question them they said that they spoke for god and and all the powerful people covered up for them can you not see dominic that the problem was the lack of accountability that let them run amok jeffrey dahmer uh did cannibalism you just described you just described the federal government it's the same thing unaccountable let's run amok how is it not true are you watching every day online so dominic i i want i didn't want donald trump to win so if the democrats uh fully had unaccountable power then trump wouldn't have won and you didn't want joe biden to win if trump had full on accountable power then biden wouldn't have won so where are you getting this that there's unencountered connecting it to eating children you kind of lost me on that one because if trump did win he still would have been held accountable and checked by the the house and the senate joe biden you know we have all we were the house the son of the presidency uh we we see right now him on a daily basis how many executive orders is he up to writing um yeah yeah and i'm not i don't i will admit when i'm out of my weight class i won't debate you on politics because i i'm not you're a heavyweight i'm a lightweight um that being said if we're looking on a daily basis i mean regardless of the the viewpoints trump biden you can't be satisfied with the way that the biden administration is running its office right now in totality don't tell me you're a fan no no no don't tell me that you're a fan of when this pandemic is still out of control schools are shut down businesses are only allowed to operate at 25 percent that you're a fan of the fact that uh biden is shutting down pipelines he's uh potentially going to send troops back over in the middle east uh he's executive ordering things to death you can't be happy with the way that this man is actually running the country right now can you so so dominic i don't want to get into a political debate with you because i i i uh when it comes to shutting down the oil pipelines i i i absolutely believe in that not all of them well actually eventually all of them but that's a very long debate about renewable energy how we're going to save the planet uh carbon in the atmosphere etc that's that's outside what we're talking about here sending troops back to the middle east i'm afraid to say i agree with you on anything but i do i don't want to send troops back to them at least i don't agree with biden but you see we're having a normal conversation about things that we agree with and disagree with from a democratic president or republican president but but where do you get the eating babies that's that's dominic we're trying to understand how you think but actually i think we're on to something so i want to explore it a little bit more because you're connecting it back to religion and and so that's that is interesting what you said to vice was interesting you're saying well if i can prove that satan is real it'll prove that jesus is real so now for us i'm i grew up muslim but i'm atheist agnostic now right so that means no i don't have the answers to all the spiritual uh questions in the world but i don't believe that religions are true and so to me when you talk about satan existing in the world it sounds ludicrous totally like that feels above with the horns and the tail and all this like mythology it sounds absurd unbelievable it's like you're telling me dumbledore is better than you know uh the orcs and lord of the rings and the orcs are evil and we got to watch out because they're helping people is that people want to dumb down the aspect as they want to make you know christians look crazy and i trust me one of the biggest things that i'm not a fan of is hypocritical christians they are some of the worst people out there i make enemies on both sides doesn't matter what i wind up talking about um if we want to talk about horns and all that you know read read the bible hey satan doesn't have horns he was the most beautiful creature ever created and he's not something that's disgusting or vile um faith is it's it's how they operate in christianity i i have faith i can never prove it to you there's not a chance that i'm never going to insult you or anybody else by forcing my christian views down your throat all i can say is that based on my faith my belief and how i feel that christ is a hundred percent real his exists it does exist and he's my king that being said what i said in the uh q and on interview is if and if if q does exist and here's this this fight for satanic uh uh to ensatanic rituals that means that the the zealots out there who are doing these rituals they do worship satan and if they worship satan that does validate his uh his authenticity and his reality and then any atheist out there or any non-believing christian out there would have to say well if there's a light there's got to be a dark if there's an a there's got to be a b if there's satan there has to be a christ so that was my full quote that uh that vice didn't put out okay so look are there wonderful christians in the world of course most of the christians in the world are wonderful like most of the jews muslims hindus and buddhists because we're all human beings and uh and my hero is a reverend uh reverend martin luther king so i'm not trying to insult the the faith of of all religious people because as i told you i don't have answers to all the spiritual questions but when religious people who i would categorize as fundamentalists say that they think satan's real in the world and that it's specific people and then you should take action against them well that gets super dangerous so dominic when you say you're you're a person of faith one of the things that makes me worry about that is that then you let go of reason and you say well i'm just going to leave it up to faith but you need reason to figure out what to put faith in so if you let go of reason then people can convince you that bind and pelosi eat babies are you not worried that that once you let go of logic and reason that you're vulnerable to believing almost anything well the issue is if i let go of logic and reasoning i would have made one crappy police officer and i was actually pretty uh pleased with the legacy i left behind it is possible it is possible to believe in in christ and god and still operate on this plane i mean if your your logic for saying that i just because i wind up having faith that that is makes me null and void of logic and reasoning well you know i guess the counter that is yeah here i am i'm a big christian i love jesus but i'm also one amazing sinner who's got the worst uh addictions on the planet with some things that go against what the bible teaches so it's a struggle and a day it's a daily struggle i'm a cherry picker from the bible i am a horrible person who winds up sinning like crazy so it's not like well you're faith-based so that means all of a sudden you got to just sit there and say hey uh jesus says this so i'm going to do this every i'm going to go sacrifice my firstborn kid in a rock because that's what they did in the old testament no you could still operate in this daily world with logic and reasoning um i i don't suspend mine but what i do is i embrace both sides of it i'm not i'm not a pragmatist who's just solely focused on you know the laws of this world and this earth because the bible says that you know hey you're focused on what's on this earth you're going to lose your soul i'm not interested in that i got to find a balance and it's a tough struggle on a daily basis trust me the things you're saying don't think that they haven't gone in my head don't think that when i post on social media i haven't sat there and thought well you know you spent almost two decades in law enforcement you ran for sheriff you wrote a book on law enforcement now you're out there putting these things out there that make you look like a lunatic they were again that's why i post stuff out there to have somebody come in slide into my dms and say wait a minute you you were you based your career on facts and evidence and you're talking about people uh drinking babies blood and sacrificing kids what's your logic i enjoyed having the conversation behind the scenes i like posting again like i said to put out those polarizing statements because it does create a narrative but if i can't come up with a logic to not convince somebody from my point of view but have them at least part the ways of saying hey i disagree with you but i can see where you're coming from that's that's what i care about ultimately that's uh that's my my view is to be able to create more conversations so dominique before we run out of time i gotta at least talk about two things as quickly as we can i'm we're probably not gonna make it but number one you did leave q so i just want to clarify for folks why did you leave the q a on philosophy i i'm not a fan of any organization that seems like that you can't have your own opinion um i did watch somebody uh one of the biggest guys who's in q queuing on dylan wheeler who said he wanted to put god first and he was just attacked by the q a movement and i wound up saying hey he wants to go and do whatever please let him go i got attacked for it so the right in this aspect is no better than the left win if you can't form your own opinion within a group that's not something i want to be a part of okay well look we've reached the agreement on sanity there so we've made a little bit of progress so dominic one last thing that that comment about the black lives matter flag it it bothers me to my core uh can you not see how people would be concerned this guy was a cop dealt with african-americans and that's how disrespectfully he talks about black lives matter 100 black lives matter the organization it's it's a useless organization i've served the black community i have served with the black community and within pride and integrity and you'll never you'll never find a single complaint about me for any type of racism or uh or or uh discrimination black lives matter i'm still waiting to see what they've done for the black community this is chicago come out here show me what black lives matter has ever done forever done for this city and maybe maybe i'll start to look at them differently yeah they well they fight for civil rights so that police don't shoot unarmed black people you're never going to have an argument that wins that or that that you're no now you're stepping into my wheelhouse and you're not going to survive that argument i'm sorry all right unfortunately we're out of time because i could have that argument for half an hour but i could show you actual reality and the logic and the pregnant uh that was with that all right uh dominique izzo thank you for joining us uh but i want to ask you one more question dominic let's just go for a little bit uh on that so same number of uh white people and black people smoke pot uh black people get arrested at about four times the rate are you saying that race has nothing to do with that oh no you got to go back to see my logic and my research about why i wound up running for sheriff 100 i want to go a little bit long and please edit this where you need it but the cook county sheriff's department out here in chicago uh it's the number one jail in the nation i believe with houses between nine to ten thousand people if you look now this will be my conspiracy theory right i can't prove this but you take a culture and you take you keep that culture segregated in their own area right uh a public housing uh we'll put them on whatever government aid they need uh there's been talk all the way back from the lyndon johnson days about introducing welfare to separate the families from uh you know from the families you you have a broken school system the chicago public school system is abhorrent i believe in 2016 they had a 67 male black male graduation rate so now you have uneducated black males who can't get jobs because if you've ever driven down any street that's south of 290 in chicago you're going to see neighborhoods that are destroyed everybody comes to chicago where do they go michigan avenue state street the tourist areas all you need to go is five minutes south with no traffic you're gonna see a completely different chicago now you flood the areas with gangs and drugs and and the only thriving business is a liquor store you now have laws that are created this is where i agree with you on the law enforcement see cops are put into the academy to just to sit there and think that drugs are bad i am vehemently against the war on drugs now you have you have all your probable cause to stop any black kid you want you throw that black kid in prison he stays in uh he stays in the jail for two three weeks uh if he had a job he lost a job now now you wind up you have to create more jobs in the county system because we could talk about what happened with governor pat quinn and him losing uh his re-election and then all of a sudden your county sheriff going from three uh directors to 300 good government jobs and you create programs you can't create a program like a drug pro a drug addiction program and not have bodies in there so what do you need you need bodies in the jail to go through the court systems then court systems assign those kids to wind up going to those drug programs people are employed and if i was a manufacturer of toothpaste soap prison uniforms bed sheets you name it what do i want the contract for a prison that holds 100 people or do i want the contract for cook county sheriff's department out here in the chicago area where i know that those uniforms are going to get used because they're going to keep pumping bodies back in there so the biggest problem that everybody looks at is they always think the street cop is the problem no you want to look at systemic racism you need to go to your courts you need to look at the deals that the defense attorneys make with the uh with the state's attorneys you need to look at your sheriff's department you need to look at your your cook county board president this the street cop's as bad as this is and i saw a very big turn for this back in the uh in the late uh or the early 2000s is your quality of candidate who's so quick to say yes sir and i was one of them in 2000 when you get your first marijuana arrest and you've got an erection the size of a montana because you stop somebody with weed it's ridiculous so what i will agree with you on is that the laws that are in place right now the cops are enforcing are put 100 percent on the books designed to keep black people in prison it's for profit so do they i believe that the whites will have a lesser sentences because of the uh attorneys they have i believe that blacks wind up going through public defenders i will tell you firsthand public defenders are there to make deals that's it and the system keeps going and going and going but the easiest person to throw under the bus will always be the first person they came in contact with which is the police officer that was the most ironic thing i've ever heard and i'm glad that we had that conversation because what you outlined there is a textbook case for systemic racism um and and exactly what progressives say so like when i talk about police brutality uh i say yeah we should hold the police accountable one hundred percent derek shoving uh needs to be put away for a long time for life okay now now having said that who gave them the orders who trained them who put them in that uh neighborhood in the first place so uh and who built this system and so what what you're talking about is exactly what what systemic racism is and and it's done by society it's done by politicians and it's done by the rules put into place uh and that winds up having the effect of of crushing uh black men and women in this country and and so there's easy irony there but dude don't you see that that black lives matter is saying that's what we're fighting against oh because life's matter is not black lives matter is going solely at this they're not going at the problem they're going at the at a sniffle they're not going at the virus that's in the body you don't see black lives matter talking about uh judges you don't see black lives matter talking about the politician you it's never public if it it if there is an example i will be more than happy to support black lives matter if black lives matter is going behind the scenes taking on the politicians who are then pressuring lawmakers uh who are doing who are who are creating this problem policing has gone to profit if you want to solve the problem between the police and the public go back to the constitution it's as simple as that this is the easiest solution the planet you want to stop cops from arresting kids uh for drug offenses take away the ability for them to enforce what they need so stop with the victimless crimes i know so many people are going to disagree with me and they're going to throw the broken window theory that the kid who's got uh he's he needs this the pot in his system is going to eventually break into somebody's home which i just disagree with but if you take away some of the victimless crimes and you put cops on that position to sit there and respond when needed now all of a sudden there's going to be no problem you're not going to get a black kid running from police because they see a bulge in his pocket and then it's a cell phone some cop who who was on the north side of chicago and this is another problem you get some white kid who's always wanted to be a police officer and he grows up thinking that it's the wild west because i'm going to tell you now as a suburban cop we got a lot of the problems that chicago and milwaukee chased out milwaukee excuse me chicago does have an air of arrogance i love chicago pd but i also got a big problem with them that being said you get those kids who wind up going to the academy you you get stories from veteran cops what does social media do social media pumps out on a daily basis that the blacks are animals all they show are the worst videos of the black community and just non-stop so now you got some young 21 year old kid who again 21 year old kids should never be cops the age should be raised at 30. you want a 21 year old boy showing up to your house to solve a problem now he's in the academy on a daily basis thinking that it's going to be the wild west for him he's in chicago he's got these stories coming from veterans and all he sees online is the black community is out of control and they're violent and where do they put him on the south side because young aggressive yes sir i'll take those orders kids are the easiest to wind up doing what you want that's the problem with law enforcement take away what their ability is to enforce the term community policing is redundant and you go back to the constitution you're going to see a massive change but you know what there's no money in that there's no money the systemic racism i agree is there but it's there on the on the higher level it's there in the courts it's there in the politicians unfortunately unfortunately and i've said this publicly and they hate it some cops are just too stupid to realize that they're puns if they stood up and said it's not my job this is not the oath i swore to it would be a completely different story yeah well you know we clearly have massive disagreements but on the other hand i find our agreements to be fascinating and ironic uh yes there is systemic racism yes by the way black lives matter definitely challenges judges prosecutors politicians in fact they were not popular in the democratic party in the before george floyd because of how aggressively they challenged democratic politicians let alone republican politicians but but when you say hey we should not imprison people for profit i every progressive agrees with this so the for-profit prisons are insane it it it makes taking away our freedoms a profit center and that is not how things should operate in this in a free country so um the bottom line is with the enormous disagreements we have it was still a fascinating conversation and i'm glad that we at least talked it through and you know how i think and and now i know how you think so dominic izzo thank you for joining us thank you thanks for watching the young troops really appreciate it another way to show support is through youtube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat emojis badges you've got emojis of me anna john jr so those are super fun but you also get playback of our exclusive member only shows and specials right after they air so all that all you gotta do is click that join button right underneath the video thank you
Channel: TYT's The Conversation
Views: 129,534
Rating: 4.7888718 out of 5
Keywords: 210219__TC01_Dominick Izzo, News, Politics, news, politics, tyt, the young turks, cenk uygur, progressive, ana kasparian, political establishment, the conversation, the conversation interviews, cenk uygur interview, tyt the conversation, tyt interview, Dominick Izzo, qanon, who is q, qanon conspiracy, former qanon, far right, right wing, right winger, ring wing conservative, dominick izzo vice, conservative media
Id: RRVKvGpGwvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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