Celestia's Darkest Lies | Genshin Impact Theory EP.3

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what is celestia hiding in this video i will give you my take on celestia's truth and lies based on real life references that mihoya used to create kenshin impact it starts right now what is the true meaning of this world before i give you my theory on this subject i think it's best for me to describe where i'm getting this information from nihoyo bases a lot of things in ganshin impact from the concept of gnosticism gnosticism goes something like this there is the original god known as the monad for our sanity let's call this god big daddy big daddy creates aeons giving them similar divine powers one of these aeons called sophia creates demiurge again for simplicity's sake let's call demiurge the fake god like the aeons the fake god was also given divine powers but after creating this fake god sophia becomes disgusted she seals and casts away the fake god from the spiritual universe since this fake god never saw any other divine beings he believes that he's big daddy so the faith god creates the mortal realm and humanity but just like big daddy and sophia the fake god unknowingly gives humans the potential for divinity the whole premise of gnosticism is this if humans become knowing and achieve gnosis or understanding they themselves can become divine beings now here's the problem after creating the mortal realm the fake god feels threatened why because humans keep trying to achieve godhood through knowledge so the fake god creates archons and archons are given a job to preside over humanity and present obstacles so that humans will stay oblivious and do not reach the knowledge to become divine beings themselves and upon seeing this big daddy felt bad and sends two aeons male and female pair to help humans achieve the knowledge and become divine beings doesn't this sound vaguely familiar now let's take few points from gnosticism to answer some questions for the reasons why i believe celestia is all a lie the fake god has an inferiority complex he realizes that if humans achieve the understanding they can ascend to be on the same level as himself so to stop this from happening the fake god uses archons to divert humans from achieving the knowledge throwing humans a bait with a false promise now if we refer back to venti's dialogue he describes the arkhan's job to preside over or watch over their associated region and its people if i take this and push it to the extreme it could also mean to keep an eye on humanity but in the case of barbados he seems to disagree with this idea and instead gives people of monsta freedom which is the reason why barbados is so weak and maybe also this is the reason why barbados and rex lapis are okay to simply retire from the status of our cons possibly because they don't agree with the fake god's ideals now let's say this is true the fake god is trying to trick humans and deter them from ascending how is he doing it what is the bait in the false promise [Music] you might think i'm crazy and i'm reaching really far but please let me explain gnosis in chinese means heart of god knowledge and understanding of divinity and the truth something all arkhans know and were given to them along with the status of being archons visions on the other hand is translated the eye of god in my hypothesis visions are tools given to certain humans by the gods these visions are used to keep an eye on certain individuals and to divert them from the truth that celestia is fabricated now do i have anything to back up this ridiculous claim what do i mean celestia is fabricated upon further research i noticed many strange things regarding celestia in this shot of celestia in the manga when vanessa ascended we actually get to see what's inside celestia now to humans celestia is heaven but when we look at this image this doesn't really reflect my idea of heaven vanessa's reaction seems to portray a mixture of emotions as well rather than being heavenly this image seems to reflect the opposite a prison or to be specific a pan-opticon the concept of the panopticon originated in the 18th century the idea is simple an institution to observe all things from a singular location if my theory of visions being a diversion or a bait is correct these visions are used by the fake god to keep an eye on certain individuals if the fake god feels threatened by this individual they are ascended into celestia a prison to add to the theory of panopticon during our dialogue with ninguang at the jade chamber she speaks of the jade chamber as a tool to oversee everything in leeway similarly celestia accomplishes the same thing keeping an eye over the entirety of tavat now this might sound a bit dark it may even sound like a conspiracy theory but if you keep this theory in your mind the following dialogues by densely from the travail trailer starts to make sense the war has already begun it is just a continuation of past battles this refers to humanity's continuous struggle to uncover the truth as they are constantly shut down by the fake god as the cyclical life of this world continues the gods goad us on with the promise of their seven treasures rewards for the worthy the doorway to divinity the seven treasures meaning the seven elemental visions the gods claim that this is for the worthy and for those who can ascend which i am theorizing that this is nothing but a lie and a bait yet buried in the depths of this world lies smoldering remains a warning to those that dare trespass this references that the truth lies within the abyss a warning of what happens if you attempt to challenge the gods that throne in the sky is not reserved for you this phrase is quoted by dane's lathe referring to someone else talking possibly quoting the sustainer or the fake god talking to aether or humanity but mortal irrigation never stops this obviously referring to the idea that humans repeatedly continue to question the gods and seek the truth skipping past few dialogues things life continues in the perpetual mean time of a sheltered eternity most are content to live and not to dream this sheltered eternity representing the fabricated bubble of this world where some continues to stay ignorant and live their lives under the fabricated lies of celestia but in the hidden corners where the gods gaze does not fall there are those who dream in these slaves words hidden corners representing kenriyah where the people continue to fight in hopes to reform this world some say a few are chosen and the rest are drex but i say we humans have our humanity daisies is suggesting that humans can take control of their own faith fate not predestined by the gods whether my theory is right or wrong will be only determined for time however i feel that this is making way too much sense the day slave continues he asks us to step forth if we understood the meaning of our journey telling us to defeat him and command him to move aside what exactly is the meaning of a journey what is the last thing that needs to be accomplished why does he want us to defeat him [Music]
Channel: IslandXD
Views: 248,610
Rating: 4.9356818 out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Speculation, Genshin Theory, Genshin Impact Story, Genshin Impact Celestia, Genshin Impact Vision, Genshin Impact Visions Explained, Genshin Impact False Sky, Genshin Impact Fake God, Genshin Impact Creator, Genshin Impact Gnosticism, Genshin Impact Panopticon, Genshin Impact Travail, Venti, Dainsleif, God of Time, Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, IslandXD, Genshin Impact Celestia Theory, Truth and Lies
Id: jqyWMId7x7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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