Celebs Who Are Actually Jerks in Real Life

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uhoh Richard oh wow wow oh celebrities you wouldn't believe the skeletons in their closets some are even nastier than the villains they play on TV behind those camera ready Smiles pure mischief and trust us you'd rather keep your distance out of the way I can't see there are cars there let's unve 20 TV stars you'd really rather not bump into number one Tommy Lee Jones the grumpy gatekeeper Tommy Lee Jones a genuine piece of Texas is just as known for his I'm not here to play games attitude as he is for playing the tough and the law holding dudes in movies he grew up in Midland Texas in a family that was like let's split up no wait let's get back together nope let's split again actually let's give it another shot basically his family drama could be its own country song then this this guy goes from Cowboy land straight to Harvard after he got his fancy degree Tommy didn't waste any time he zoomed off to New York to start his acting gig diving into everything from playing a dock in a daytime drama to being a cowboy in Old School westerns and Bam he even snagged an Emmy while he was at it but here's the juicy part Tommy Lee Jones is famously the Grumpy Cat of Hollywood you know the kind of guy who doesn't just roll his eyes at silly antics but actually tells off Jim Carrey with a frost you're clowning not on my watch during their time in Batman Forever or the kind who gives a flight attendant the stink guy with a why are you staring at me Vibe no sugar coating no beating around the bush with this dude some might say he's a bit on The Grouchy side or maybe even rude but hey that's just Tommy being Tommy and weirdly enough it's kind of a Dearing if you squint a bit number two Jonah Hill the sensitive comedian Jonah Hill has done a wild ride from dreaming up The Simpsons scripts to becoming a major player in Hollywood with a storyline that's got more twists than his comedies born into Hollywood royalty in La Jonah had the ultimate backstage pass to the acting World thanks to his parents connections and a Little Help from his friend Dustin Hoffman's son this connection catapulted him straight into his first movie role skipping the usual actor grind Jonah quickly became the go-to funny guy nailing it in comedy roles but not stop in there driven by ambition he pushed for serious roles proving he's got the chops for more than just laughs offc screen jono's life is just as colorful and a bit controversial from prank calls with Dustin Hoffman to making a swift exit from Adam lavine's wedding after playing efficient his actions sometimes turn heads showing a side of him that doesn't always fit the polished Hollywood image number three Cameron Diaz Hollywood's ice queen so Cameron Diaz right she's this girl from San Diego who totally rocked it all the way to Hollywood Fame imagine starting with zero acting gigs and then boom at 21 she's in the mask making everyone go wow Cameron didn't just stop there she kept nailing it in movies like There's Something About Mary and voicing over and Shrek proving she's not just funny but can pretty much handle anything thrown at her by 2018 she's one of the top money makers in Hollywood pretty cool huh but not everything's been smooth sailing despite being a total charmer on screen some folks say she's not the same in real life like not signing autographs or being a bit chilly there's even a story about a kid getting kicked out by her security which got people talking about her being maybe a bit tough on fans especially the younger ones it's a bit of a Twist from the award-winning Globe trotting celeb we see on the red carpet nabbing nominations for big deals like the Golden Globes and even a British Academy f film award number four Ellen degenerous the queen of mean Ellen degenerous was like the queen of daytime TV dancing around spreading the love and Good Vibes on her show since 2003 she even bagged a ton of daytime Emmys like 61 wins out of 171 nominations which is pretty wild but then 2020 came along and whoa things got a bit Rocky some serious talk came out about her show being a place to work with some really not so nice stuff going on behind the scenes including some pretty bad behavior by producers Ellen wasn't called out for bullying herself but all this drama definitely shook up how people saw her and her show like they eventually lost over a million viewers in just a year Ellen's been in hot water for other stuff too things that made folks side eye her be kind motto like hanging out with former President George W bush who wasn't exactly a post boy for lgbtq rights or peace got some heat in 2019 and then during the lockdown she joked about her massive Mansion feeling like jail which didn't really sit well with a lot of people plus there were these moments where she kind of came off as not the nicest to her guests and even a security guard at the Oscars one time said she was pretty demeaning number five William Shatner the final frontier of ego William Shatner AKA Captain Kirk has had quite the ride he's got a big personality kind of like the huge Space Adventures he had on TV some folks he worked with say he's pretty intense sometimes bumping heads with others on the set before he was zipping through space Shatner was just a guy from Montreal getting his acting chops up in Canada then he landed the Kirk roll in the US and boom he was a star but it wasn't always smooth sailing especially with some of his co-stars like George takai those two have been throwing shade at each other for ages mostly over Shatner loving the spotlight a bit too much on the personal side Shatner's life has had his ups and downs too he's been married a bunch of times and had some real heartache like losing his third wife naren which hit him hard it shows there's more to him than just the confident Captain we saw on screen number six Christina Aguilera the Divas pitch Christina Aguilera yeah she's got pipes that hit notes higher than your last phone bill but there's been chatter about her kind of demanding when she's not on stage plus some beef with other singers she's been called the voice of a generation and honestly she's lived up to the hype starting off in the Mickey Mouse Club and then smashing the charts with bangers like Genie in a Bottle Christina's been all about big tunes and even bigger messages like standing up for yourself and owning your identity she's grabbed Grammys and a bunch of other Awards all while belting out songs about real stuff like growing up with domestic abuse number seven Charlie Sheen a tiger's tale oh boy where do he even start when we talk about Charlie Sheen it's like he's living in a reality show that's a mix of every wild drama you can think of Once Upon a Time Charlie was the dude everyone knew from massive movies like platoon and Wall Street and then he hit jackpot Fame with Two and a Half Men but then it's like he hit the self-destruct button big time so picture this back in '98 Charlie had such a bad night with cocaine he ended up in the ER and his dad's out here acting like it's no biggie saying Charlie's just chilling eating and chatting that was just the start though rehab became like a second home for him with Charlie swinging in and out but never really sticking the landing on staying clean and his love life absolute Mayhem he and Denise Richards were hot news until their split turned into a full-on drama fest in 2006 complete with a messy custody fight then Christmas 2009 Charlie gets nabbed for domestic violence and Aspen definitely not the holiday cheer anyone wants 2010 wasn't any quieter for Charlie he kicked it off with a just in case rehab stint owned up to some legal stuff from the Aspen incident and wrapped up the Year by Wrecking a hotel room while totally smashed then 2011 starts with in the hospital again which was becoming a bit of a bad habit for him through all the mess Charlie somehow turned his whole meltdown into a weird kind of Fame throwing around phrases like winning and talking about Tiger Blood honestly you can't make this stuff up number eight Shila Buff method to the madness Shila Buff's life story is a wild ride a mix of Hollywood success and headline making scandals that could easily be its own Blockbuster drama starting as a kiddo with humble beginnings he hit the big time with Disney's Even Stevens snagging a Daytime Emmy and catching the eye of none other than Steven Spielberg Spielberg helped catapult him into the big leagues with roles in Transformers and Indiana Jones where labuff went from child star to Major Hollywood player but here's where the plot thickens Shai's dedication to his craft took some intense turns like literally cutting his face and yanking out a tooth for the war movie Fury just to keep things real yet it wasn't all avanguard art and movie premieres labuff found himself in a series of legal and personal tussles including a very public and very mess up with FKA twigs who sued him alleging all sorts of nasty stuff from emotional to physical abuse number nine Julia Roberts America's smile Hollywood's frown Julia Roberts the lady with the megawatt smile sure has had her share of offscreen drama that could rival any soap opera it's it's like looking at a glittery onion all sparkly on the outside but full of surprises once you start digging in first up Julia's romantic life has been a roller coaster remember when she was about to marry ke for Sutherland she ditched him so fast running off to Ireland with his pal Jason Patrick talk about a wild plot twist and then there's her Whirlwind romance with ly love it they tied the knot super quickly and split just as fast imagine breaking up before people even had time to figure F out who Lyall love it was the timing was as awkward as socks with sandals she was in London he was in the US recovering from a motorcycle crash and just like that they were done Julia also knows how to throw shade with style she was once seen wearing a t-shirt that read Alo Vera during the early days with Danny motor who was still married then if that's not sending a message without uttering a word I don't know what is let's not forget the Tinker hell nickname during the filming of hook where Julia played Tinkerbell Spielberg reportedly had a tough time with her Julia says the bad press was all made up but the nickname stuck like gum on a shoe Julia's drama didn't end with almost being a real life Runaway Bride she even caused a stir by reportedly skipping out on her half- sister's wedding rumor has it she wasn't a fan of the groom and was worried about the wedding bill tragically her sister passed away before she could get married number 10 Jennifer Lawrence America's reluctant sweetheart Jennifer Lawrence really knows her way around a movie set she started turning heads with Winter Bones and then blew up big time playing Mystique in X-Men and Katniss in The Hunger Games at just 22 she grabbed an Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook and she didn't stop there you've probably seen her in American Hustle and joy too after chilling for a bit she came back strong in movies like don't look up and no hard feelings besides acting she's big on speaking her mind about women's rights and stuff JLA got famous not just for her acting skills but also for being super relatable but there's been some chatter about her being a bit short with fans and the Press which has some folks wondering if she's really The Girl Next Door she seems to be number 11 Christian Bale the intensity behind the mask Christian Bale is pretty awesome at changing his look for different movie roles he started acting when he was just a kid and really made a splash in a Spielberg movie called Empire of the Sun when he was 13 he's been in some cool stuff since then like playing a creepy guy in American Psycho and losing a ton of weight for The Machinist he's super famous for being Batman in the movies directed by Christopher Nolan starting with Batman Begins that role was a big deal for him he also won some big awards for playing a boxer and the fighter Bale kept showing off his acting chops in movies like American Hustle the big short and vice getting more Awards and nominations along the way there's also this Infamous moment where he went off on someone while filming Terminator Salvation which got a lot of people talking about how intense he can be number 12 reys Witherspoon Southern Charm sharp edges reys Witherspoon is a big deal in Hollywood rocking it as an actress producer and business lady for over 30 years she's won a bunch of awards like an Oscar an Emmy and a couple of Golden Globes reys first caught everyone's eye in movies like Cruel Intentions and election she became super popular as lwoods in Legally Blonde and its equel and also in Sweet Home Alabama her role is June Carter Cash and walk the line even snagged her and Oscar for best actress there was a bit when her career seemed to slow down but she bounced back big time with the movie Wild which got her another Oscar nod reys had a bit of a rough patch in 2013 when she got into trouble with with the law she and her husband Jim Toth were in a sticky situation where he was pulled over for DUI in Atlanta and she didn't help matters by getting out of the car and pulling the do you know who I am card with police she ended up apologizing later saying she was super embarrassed by the whole thing number 13 Zoe de Chanel the quirky Queen's realm Zoe de Chanel the cool chick from movies like elf in 500 Days of Summer and the funny show new girl has decided to chill from acting for a bit she's been in the acting game since she was a teenager and after a ton of work especially with her big role on New Girl where she did a bit of everything for Seven Seasons she's taking a break Zoe's always had this quirky and fun vibe that fans love but there's some Buzz that she's not the easiest person to work with on set which is kind of surprising compared to how she seems on screen number 14 Chevy Chase comedy's cost EX side Chevy Chase's journey to fame is all about his knack for comedy growing up in a family with a pretty interesting background Chevy always had a thing for making people laugh and wasn't much for following the rules this Vibe totally shaped his funny style he really got into comedy in college and then by A Stroke of Luck bumped into Lauren Michaels in a movie line this chance meeting got him a gig writing and performing on Saturday Night Live Chevy Chase is a comedy Legend no doubt but he's also known for being a bit tough to work with despite being super funny on SNL and becoming a big name fast he had his fair share of drama he could have been the next Johnny Carson but ended up leaving SNL which he kind of wishes he hadn't his time on the show Community was also a bit Rocky with some controversy over things he said leading to a public apology for using racially insensitive language number 15 John Wayne the Duke's dueling image John Wayne who was born in Iowa in 1907 became a massive star in Hollywood especially known for his roles in westerns and War movies his journey to fame wasn't a straight line though after losing his football scholarship because of a body surfing mishap he ended up working at Fox film Corporation this job kickstarted his acting career which lasted more than 50 years and had him starring in a bunch of classic American films but John Wayne's story isn't all smooth sailing there's been some talk about how he didn't serve in the military during World War II which raises eyebrows considering the tough guy roles he's played also his personal political views and some of the stuff he said have made people rethink his legacy number 16 Katherine higel the cost of speaking out Katherine hegel's Journey To Success began at a young age transitioning from Child modeling with Will hamina models to acting making her film debut in that night hegel's breakthrough came with her role as Dr Izzy Stevens on Gray's Anatomy for which she won a prime time Emmy Award in 2007 hegel's career has also been marked by controversy primarily surrounding her departure from Gray's Anatomy hagel's outspokenness about the roles and projects she's been involved with has sparked controversy leading to a reputation for being difficult after expressing dissatisfaction with her character storyline and later withdrawing her name from Emmy consideration in 2008 claiming she had not been given material that warranted an Emmy nomination her relationship with the show's creators and the media became strained number 17 Gwyneth palro the wellness Warriors wo Gwyneth Pal's rise in the acting world was significantly shaped by her family's involvement in the Arts leading her to early stage roles and eventually to significant Parts in movies like Hook and Emma her portrayal and Shakespeare and love earned her an Academy Award marking a high point in her acting career despite her acclaimed acting career paltro has faced her share of controversy particularly surrounding her wellness and Lifestyle brand goop founded in 2008 goop has been both celebrated for its innovative approach to Wellness and lifestyle and criticized for promoting practices considered by some as pseudo science number 18 Patrick Dempsey McDreamy or MC nightmare Patrick Dempsey who you probably know as MC dreamy from Grey's Anatomy actually started out in movies like Can't Buy Me Love Before He landed the gig that would make him a household name but acting isn't his only thing he's also super into race car driving yeah the guy races cars for real and has even competed in big deals like the 24 hours of L mans now onto the drama when Patrick left Gray's Anatomy it was a huge deal there were Whispers all over that he was acting like a diva on set which made things tough for everyone else some folks said this attit itude of his was part of why they decided to say goodbye to Dr Derek Shepard fans were pretty bummed and surprised to hear that McDreamy might have been causing some behindth scenes drama number 19 Kirsty alley the battle beyond the screen Kirsty Aly wasn't always the big name we know today nope she was just another actress trying to make it in the big flashy world of Hollywood but then boom she landed a roll in cheers and suddenly everyone knew her name it's like she went from being who's that to oh that's Kirsty allei overnight and let me tell you cheers wasn't just any show it was the show that had everyone glued to their TVs laughing their socks off now let's get to the juicy part Kirsty Ally wasn't just one to sit back and enjoy your Fame she had opinions strong ones and when it came to Scientology she wasn't shy about sharing her love for it yep kiry was all in supporting Scientology like it was the next big Blockbuster this as you can imagine stirred up quite the pot of controversy some folks were intrigued wanting to know more about her beliefs and how they shaped her as an actress and a person others not so much they were ready to cancel their Cur the alley fan club membership faster than you can say Look Who's Talking Now number 20 Charles Chaplan Scandal politics and Exile Charlie Chaplan story is like something out of a movie from a tough start in London battling poverty and family struggles to becoming a massive movie star born in 1889 he hit the stage young finding his way from music Halls to the big screen in the US where he created the [ __ ] his most famous character by 1918 everyone knew who he was and he even helped start United Artists in 199 to keep control over his movies but chaplain's life wasn't all laughs and Applause the 1940s hit him hard with some saying he was too cozy with Communists and others gossiping about his personal life like Court battles and marrying much younger women these scandals plus his stand against changing his movie style for sound films and his political views made him less popular the FBI got involved and chaplain ended up moving to Switzerland all right that wraps up our dive into the not so sweet side of celeb life shocked intrigued hit that like button if we surprise you and don't forget to subscribe for more behindthescenes secrets got opinions drop them in the comments below until next time keep questioning those glossy public images
Channel: Golden Prime
Views: 17,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C1lflISP5cc
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Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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