Celebration of Life for Marlyn Lee

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[Music] now those of you able to stand would you please stand i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believe this now this for we brought nothing into this world and it's certain we can carry nothing out naked came out out of my mother's womb naked i shall return tether the lord gave the lord has taken away blessed be the name of the lord [Music] blessed be god even the father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and the god of all comfort who comforted us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort where we ourselves are comforted by god for our light affliction which is but for a moment [Music] work is for us far exceeding an eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal for a small moment i have forsaken thee but with great mercies i will gather thee in a little while wrath i have hid my face from thee for a moment saith the lord thy redeemer [Music] for the mountains shall depart from thee neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the lord that hath mercy on me [Music] fear not for i am with you be not the spade for i am your god i will strengthen you yes i will help you yes i will hold you with my right hand of my righteousness hallelujah how [Music] great is our god [Music] of your name [Music] [Music] you may be seated [Music] come on let's worship the lord sing with me i'm great all the world [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together don't have a drama let your feet be the drums of your hands [Music] mighty are the worst [Music] come on put your hands together give god a handclap of grace he's worthy of all our praise we bless his holy name praise god for the life of marilyn pinky brynson lee i'm so glad that you are here today to be able to celebrate her life as we honor her we also in a position to worship the gods who created us the god who cares for us and the god who will counsel us in the days to come the scripture readings will be found from the 103rd division of the psalms you hear portions of that it's a bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities who healeth all thine diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction crown of thee with loving kindness and tender mercies he will not always child neither will he keep his anger forever he has not dealt with us according to our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities for as the high as far as the heaven is high above the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him as far as the east is from the west so far hath he removed our transgressions from us like a father pitteth his children so the lord pity of them that fear him old testament scripture has been read the new testament scripture is coming from first corinthians 15 verses 12 through 58 not quite that death is swallowed up in victory 51-58 death is follow swallowed up in victory o death where is thy sting oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord bow your heads with me in a word of prayer father as we stop by today the first thing we want to say is thank you we thank you god for life health and strength we thank you lord for the life of maryland you will send her our way she has been a blessing to each of us left a footprint in the sand and impacted each of our lives in some marvelous ways for every deposit that you made in her she was able to share with us and so we give you thanks for the short but yet quality life that you have given to her our hearts are heavy our spirits are broken and we need you o lord the one who created us now to comfort us we pray for your comforting power to rise up in us that you'll give us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow realizing blessings all ours with ten thousand besides so we thank you for every blessing that you give us just for being able to be able to breathe your fresh air to be able to walk on your green earth to be able to witness the blue in the sky we bless you for who you are now god i pray for this family that you god will feel the void that's missing in their hearts that you promised us that you would comfort us you promised us that you would go before us you promised us that you will always be there for us and god if we need you now we need you like we've never needed you before speak to our hearts help guide our feet as we run this race and forever we'll give your name the praise the honor and the thanksgiving for who you are what you are doing and what we believe you're going to do in us and for us and through us we pray this prayer in the mighty name of the one who created us we call his name jesus and every heart said amen amen amen come on put your hands together let's give god some praise he's worthy of all our praise and we worship him this day [Music] my brothers and sisters it's time for the tributes and they are just listed on the program i know all of you may have something you want to say but the designated ones are the daughters uh no ring uh and annie and donna if you would come in that order which is presented there is a mic here to my right i'll bring it down and you can come in and you can be able to stand face the audience and give your tribute if you choose to all right grief is painful so let her be herself and let her get through it the way she wants to right man bless you today hey [Music] my brothers and sisters let's pray for her all right [Music] this is tough those of us who have been on that journey before we know how tough it is those of you have not experienced you ought to thank god that you have not had that experience yet all right annie uh um um um [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] donna i will bless the lord at all [Music] oh my knee hurt a little bit but i would have hopped in here crawled in here slid in here for marvin that's what i do so i said praise the lord everybody i didn't hear you i said praise the lord everybody because this is not a funeral this is a homegoing service for my sister my sister marlon christian lee aka pinky okay this is a homegoing celebration and we come to celebrate her life because god said let us have life he said he came that we might have life and have it more abundantly and marlon believed in living her life she believed in living to the fullest she believing laughing crying cooking laughing oh my god just in case y'all don't know who i am i am just a servant but i am a sister from another mother of marlin my name is donna and i came all the way here from the windy city of chicago but again i would have walked i would have crawled i would have sled with my cane and my walker to get here for marlin because i loved her and to know her was to love her i wrote something down but you know i left i can't find my pink glasses so i'm just gonna have to just go by what i know and almost 30 years i think i know a little something but i know the lord and i know he loved marlon and the best part of marlon was her children her family her sisters and her friends she loved god and god put that in her to love her children oh my god so i just thank and praise god that he allowed us me demon shepherd because dennis shepard was the one to introduce me to marlon so we just stopped by here from the great city of chicago to let y'all know that we love us so marlon brinson we stopped by here to celebrate her life we stopped by here just to share when i ain't got all day i know i ain't got all day i know what i'm saying i didn't come here to preach i just came here to show some love for marlon and her children because they call me unt don they call her unt nina we just came back here to love on you to let you know to look to the heels from which cometh you'll help because not some of your health not a little bit of your health but all your help go come from the lord i know it for myself i'm not telling you about what somebody told me because i know for myself i know i'm for myself my my dear sweet mother went on home to be with the lord but because of the strength of god it was only god that strengthened me to keep on going on he said i need you to let go and let god you're going to always hold on to her she's going to always live right here she's going to live in your heart but i remember just just to share a story that uh she came to chicago by a surprise because dina surprised she said you know mom you can't tell too much you can't keep too much from her but we gonna surprise her this time and dina gave her a surprise birthday party she said y'all play too much y'all oh my god but she loved we had a such a good time because back in the day when we was young gifted and black we had a good time with marlin every time we came to atlanta because we came to atlanta at least twice a month early when they had them hot 99 deals as a matter of fact as a matter of fact we was coming to atlanta and i'm gonna be done with a minute i'm close in a minute but uh [Music] hallelujah we was coming to atlanta and uh they said was anybody here that will take the next flight and we'll give you 500 cash on a and i said i looked at dina she looked at me and i said we'll take the next flight 500 for alex we'll take the next flight for alex 500 yes we will baby when we got here we ate crab legs seekers might love kremlin she loved us from cry blessing seafood baby when i tell you we had a feast we had a ball eat drink and be married back in the day when was young gifted and black yes lord we had a good time in the lord and we had a good time with marlon oh my god but we had plenty of money didn't have five i had five and then we gave marlon some money too and we took her wherever she wanted to go but i just thank and praise god that god allowed me to live in the space and place with her to just be in her presence because she just loved on everybody like noreen said she didn't have a stranger she never met a stranger because when she met me she said my sister my sister and it's been over 30 years she said my son we've been connected in the heart ever since so i just came here to honor her they said god said give honor where honor is due and so i just want everybody in here to honor my sister right now she's a legend in her own time let her stand up and give marley a standing ovation because she deserves it she deserves it she deserves it she deserves hallelujah hey glory glory glory hallelujah she was a good mother she was a good sister she was a good daughter she wasn't even a good wife but she was good hey hallelujah but i just wanted to say those few words and hallelujah and god bless you all all right thank you sister donna warm in this atmosphere somebody said hallelujah [Music] glory oh yeah oh yeah hey man hallelujah praise god i hate going behind her every time right i knew something wasn't right but i thank god he didn't allow her to suffer and like dean and donald he's like they said they said it all y'all know god heaven knows i know my life is so crazy but y'all know it doesn't matter y'all know i'm here regardless of what i ain't going nowhere as long as god allow me to be here on this earth and to be able to move i'm here and i love y'all and if y'all need me please like donna said dina said call y'all i know until you don't move fast enough sometimes but you caught me cause i'm here and this is i can't even say it but i love this one you understand me i love this lady because it's my sister and i didn't see her no other way never that's not a friend it's a sister for life so y'all family for life we gonna make it we're gonna make it and i love all right we bless the name of the lord no no sir uh we're gonna have to we have a time frame uh for two reasons one we this is being videotaped and so or so we not having an open mic it's basically what the family has requested but i'm going to help everybody would you all repeat after me would y'all say maryland marlon we love you now you can go back and tell everybody you said something at this service all right everybody everybody says something and so we thank you for your time we've got a late start and we're on a time frame uh with the video and some other things uh activities we have to go so i appreciate it if you're bear with us now cal this is how you how you can help don't wait don't wait for these children to call you you call them they gonna need you in the days to come they're gonna need a word from you they're gonna know because some of us been through this we know for the first week everybody's there but then after that it seems like the well dries up so you got all year and next year to call these children and check on them don't don't don't wait on them to call you they may not feel like it but if you call them it'll make them feel better is that all right no come on put your hands together and give god some praise all right we have a musical selection then we'll have the eulogy at this time latricha and john um how you doing family and friends hi i'm all insisted my name is lutraya um so i'm going to get the strength for marlin because she liked this thing um and she sing all the time so i'ma sing a song that we grew up and we both love when i think of home i think of a place where there's love overflowing i wish i was home i wish i was back there to the things i've been knowing that makes the tall grass veins into leaning suddenly the raindrops before they have a meaning sprinkling the whole scene it makes it all [Music] maybe there's a chance for me to go back now that i have some direction [Music] it will surely be nice to be back at home with this and affection and just maybe i can convince time to slow up giving me enough time in my life to grow up tongues been my friend [Music] and let me start again [Music] gone and changed his face so i could nowhere i'm going my eyes have had my mind spun around in space so you can watch me growing [Music] and if you're listening god please don't make it hard to know that we should be the things that we see so let us should we try and say or should we run away or would it be better just to let things be but live it here in this brand new way might be a faint to see but it's taught me to love so it's so real real real to me so i've learned that we must foster inside our hearts to find a high a world full of love we love you pinky we love you marlon always hit my heart sister if i had no more time no more time left to be here would you cherish what we had i'd be everything that you were looking for if i couldn't feel your touch and no longer were you with me i'd be wishing you were here to be everything that i was looking for i don't want to forget the present is a gift and i don't wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me cause lord only knows another day it's not really guaranteed so every time you hold me hold me like this is the last time and every time you kiss me kiss me like and every time you touch me touch me like this is the life promise that you love never seen [Laughter] [Music] hmm how many really know what love is millions never will do you know until you lose it everything that you were looking for when i wake up in the morning you're beside me come on let's give god some freeze marvelous mistrals gift of music and that in song god has blessed thank both of you uh who just blessed us with the skill that spirit that god has placed in you let's pray let the words of my mouth and the meditation you've laid up in my heart o lord my strength and my redeemer in jesus name we pray america amen my brothers and sisters i know that we could be here all day because when you have a quality of life you know sometimes we concentrate on the quantity of life how long a person lived but it's not how long you live it's how well you live and the quality of life and so uh i want to say to donna you just dancing all over this eulogy i'm coming from the 34 psalms those of you are bible readers know that she talked about the first three verses of the 34th psalm i want to encourage you if you have not read the 34th song go back and when you get home and read the entire psalm i wish i had time to preach it but i just want to live lift up two verses in your hearing from the 34th psalm and it says these words in verses 11 and 12 come my children listen to me i will teach you the fear of the lord whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days whoever of you loves lives and desires to see many good days i want to talk to you from the subject to say life is good somebody said that with me life is good i have a television in my home it's called a lg some of y'all may know what i'm talking about as soon as you turn it on the first thing comes up on it that reminds me every day that life is good one of the things i appreciate about life and what god created us he created us as what we call free moral agents which means that when he created us free moral agents we have the ability to choose what we want to do sometimes when we want to do it and how we want to do it god gives us that ability to choose so you can choose right or wrong you can truly choose to walk with truth or lies you can choose sin or salvation you can choose to go to work or to stay home to get educated or not to be educated life is a choice god does not make us do anything whatever we do is because it's in us of our desires of a good life to be able to choose what god has for us but right choices leads to a good life but wrong choices can lead to the consequences of life so god rewards us for choosing a good life and i believe that our sister here marlin had a good life it was a a long life but somebody said a good life it was good life and so we thank god for the good life that god has given her so there are three things i want to share about life is good that i want to leave with you today i want to talk about the love the the love the the grandeur of god's love somebody said love this lady loved not only her family and it's evident that her family loved her she loved the family you know you reap what you sow if you sow love you're gonna get love you sow joy you're gonna get y'all joy if you sow into the kingdom you believe the kingdom gonna bless you back so she loved her family she loved her children in particular and even those who are around her but not only did she love her family but she loved her friends that's that's evident these these ladies came all the way from chinatown you know they say if i had to crawl to get here that's a lot of love and because they knew that she loved them they were in return wanting to love shirt demonstrate they love in return so love is the thing that god has created us with is the foundation of the christian faith jesus told us that we shall be able to not love god but to be able to love one another as he has loved us so we know she knew how to love family she knew how to love friends but watch this she had a faith somebody said faith she loved her faith because in order to help other folk there got to be something in you there's got to be some god in you that will not overlook others but whatever you have they can have it as well that's a faith to believe that if god will supply all of my need according to his riches and glory then god is going to help me then i'll supply my need but he's going to help me to bless you as well so we have to say in the good life there is love somebody said love also in the good life there is light somebody's delight one of the things that noreen was sharing with me that her strength was just amazing and when you realize that you don't have it and you feel weary and you feel weak anybody besides me and he'll want to woke up one morning and said i don't know how i'm gonna make it through the day but when you call on the name of the lord my god he gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow she had amazing strength to be able to overcome the obstacles to be able to go through the valleys to be able to scale the mountains that was amazing strengthening her then i understand that she loves singing i can tell that by her sister and the the gentleman here they she loves singing and i'm hearing all of y'all want to sing a song because she singing will lighten your load singing will help you feel better singing will help you get through some tough times the blues help those who are down the jazz helps those who are who want to look up a little better gospel music will inspire you to look to the hill from which cometh your help so singing is a good thing singing brings joy in the midst of your darkness in the midst of your despair singing will that's why when we come to the psalms you read the psalms watch this i want to help somebody if you haven't been to church you don't know the lord you have read the bible let me help you today don't try to read the whole bible because you may not understand it but start in the songs i have a saying a psalm a day will keep the devil away i just it just helps me because donna was right i will the psalm this psalm open up i will bless the lord at all times in moments like this yes his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall both have supposed in the lord and the humble shall hear of be glad oh magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together and so when your tears are heavy sometimes you gotta lift up your hand and say praise god i praise the lord from all blessings flow i'll continue to praise god for the mama he gave me or the auntie that he gave me you keep praising god because this lady was the life of the party somebody said that whether the party was in church or whether it was at home she gonna be the life when she walked in the room everything lit up and because you have strength and because you're able to sing you can serve and this lady knew how to serve people love love white love cooking because she liked to watch you eat you know when you're a good cook you love to see people you devour what you have prepared to and so she didn't my servant she i understand she never complained about the service she was rendering to others because it was a joy to her to be able to bless other folk as well so there's in the good life there is love and the good life there is light and then in the good life there is life somebody said life can i tell you a secret today life is a gift from god you know if you have a quality of life matter of fact you know some people we just have to praise god for the life we have we you know in our younger days we didn't know what aches and pains were but as we grow older i'm talking to some young folk now if you pain-free you ought to give god some praise but just keep on living oh arthur try to creep up on you some other stuff will try to come up on you and then you don't want to go to the doctor because you're scared they're going to have another diagnosis i wish i had a witness in here but i thank god for the gift the gift of life that he created me he made me watch this and he made something wonderful out of my life and so you thank god for the gift the gift of life this this was a short life then last but then they made the three score that the bible talked about but it's not about the quality quantity is about the quality she left a footprints in each of our lives and then life it has to ask grace somebody said grace grace is tough y'all because lined up in grace is something called forgiveness you know why some people are so unhappy because they are carrying grudges they'll have a unforgiving spirit back in 1952. yo grandmama slapped my grandmama and we've been feuding ever since somebody said let it go comes a time in life that we can't keep holding on to stuff that has hurt us i'm preaching to myself grace means that we have to stand forgiveness why because god has forgiven us and in the prayer that he taught us he says forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us so my forgiveness is also based on my forgiving oh i wish i wish i i wish i had witnessed it here so if you're holding on something that somebody hurt you or something did wrong and it didn't go right just say god give me more grace because grace is unmerited favor we don't deserve everything that god has given us but we bless him because of who he is and when you understand god's grace you can walk in god's glory i'm so glad that the glory of god is all around us and you ought to be glad that when he woke you up this morning you can be in the presence of god you ought to be glad every time you experience the peace of god it's the glory of god all around you every time god makes a way out of no way it's the glory of god so i want to let you know that this mortal the ring i'm going back to tell you what i told you the other day this mortal must put on immortality and this corruptible must put on incorruption and when we get to the glory of god we find that god has a place that he's already prepared for us there is a place where the wicked shall cease from trouble and the weary shall be at rest there is a place where all the saints of the ages shall sit at his feet and be blessed there is a place that jesus has prepared for his people for he told us in his word in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so i would have told you there is a place where god will wipe away every tear from your eyes there will be no more death no more sorrow no more crying no more pain for the former things have passed away there is a place that he says behold i make all things new so i stopped by to tell you we can celebrate that she may not be at the place of her residence but she has a new address on the streets called heaven [Music] and when we get there she's going to be on the welcoming table every now and then i go on vacation with a couple of my buddies i get there first i get to make sure the room is ready make sure the rental car is ready and so when they get off the plane i said just get in the car and let me take you to your room and we're gonna have a good time because we got a good life and i believe that marilyn has already moved on to that place that she is waiting for us and we have to get there so i want to say to you stop holding folk forgive folk as the lord has forgiven you continue to love people continue to let your light shine continue to believe a good life that the glory of god may be manifested in you as it was in her god bless you god bless you father bless this family bless these friends we submit to your holy will thank you for receiving maryland and to the place in which you've already prepared for her in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey man amen amen well first given honor to god who is most certainly the head of my life to this wonderful eulogist reverend michael smith thank you so much for your words of encouragement i heard you outside i was getting happy jermaine told me i belonged to the wrong church because i got a little happy [Laughter] and to our organist uh bishop james norman thank you so much for your musical selections that you have rendered to this family i know they um thank you to the family and friends who have joined us here today as well as on our live stream thank you all so very much for all that you have done on behalf of this family they would like to thank you for your cards your calls your prayers your presence here today your beautiful floral tributes but most importantly being here today and even if you're on the live stream just your support and knowing that this family needs you they thank you so much our prayer in these coming days is that you would still keep this support going still call them still text them like you've been doing because they're going to need that same love and support even more after today even more after today than they did on today amen amen well on behalf of myself my father mr william watkins mr jermaine williams mr tony lofton and the entire willie watkins in our home family we would personally like to thank this family for entrusting us with your dear dear loved one did she look beautiful she was beautiful thank you for allowing us to to serve you and give a little piece of our heart to you all during this time and in doing so we have prepared this memorial plaque to keep and cherish her beautiful and loving memory until you meet her again but you don't mind before we get out of here you mind if i sing a song daddy treasures are commonplace all kinds of diseases people are slipping away the [Music] all i can say is thank you folks without homes are in the streets and the truck have it some say they just can't be muggers and robbers no place [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] or just another [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time can you help me hey it could've been [Music] without a friend or just another number [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey thank you you've done for [Music] me amen [Music] thank you miss ferris watkins the daughter of mr willie watkins mr watkins anything you want to say all right my brothers and sisters we're ready to conclude this service at the west view cemetery follow the directions of the funeral directors make sure you put on your high beams as well as your flashers if you're going to the cemetery we want you to be mindful of this family this is not the last time you should speak to them or to see them in the days to come they need your presence more than any other time and so we want you to make sure you do that for each of them god bless you we'll conclude thank you for protection [Music] [Music] protection thank you for protection every hour [Music] do [Music] so
Channel: Loud Films
Views: 662
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wnKQzubqlhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 16sec (3736 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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