Celebrating THE BEST DOG AUDITIONS & TRICKS EVER On Got Talent From Around The World

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hey you can say you good evening you speak English it's my knife come on hey say something know what why not it's fantastic come on it's a present see dirge yes no no listen in English see Spanish wait let's not say okay hey Wendy listen to me you think I am stupid yes so well you don't want to speak anymore no okay and now oh yes I want you know you know how to sing know what yes where we listen to you it's about wow and you understand music plays we're gonna sing something for you alright okay don't look at me look at me audience the exact feelings come on nothing crying all together okay please come on you see it's pretty good talent okay go get that feeling amazing the single dog gets a standing ovation I'll think of you that is all fantastic thank you so much uh Howie do you know what medieval times have you ever been to medieval times if they took that concept and made a one-woman show this is what I think it would be I didn't see an amazing trick I didn't see one amazing trick did some flips and kind of jumped up a button did another weird flip I would like to see more he's so cute okay Mel I think I'm gonna have to kind of agree with Howie what I think if you do get through to the next round focus on really switching up what you do because there were a few tricks in there that I was like oh wow that's great I just wish you would have put them in a lots to they've had a sword fight I've never seen a dog have a sword fight with his owner before I felt hero was almost singing along with the music so I don't think they quite understood what you just did all right but maybe now I've explained it let me pick this up with Howie you don't understand I do I don't okay I don't so I'm gonna say no yes or no Melton I'm sorry I'm gonna have to say no oh we don't want to make anybody feel terrible listen what you do is what you do is I've never done this before never but I'm asking you on behalf of Sarah I'm here Oh Mel talkative trust me on this I saw something you didn't say okay okay I'll tell you what I'll tell you what I know people like dogs so I'm gonna feel so bad this is emotional I'll change it to yeah Heidi wanted to see you again in any case you'll have it yes for me so chances so you have a yes firm Howie a yes from the Heidi a no from Mel who but Sarah hero you have a yes for me if you would like to choose a number that you would like for her to count to I'll tell her to count it for you for Mia count to four go are you nervous are you nervous are you nervous no no she's under okay sit via count to four Oh give you another number 16 16 Mia sit 16 Lea 16 we need help Tyra he'll let you pick the number I just picked yes you pick a number you want her to count to okay Leah sit sit yeah what numbers maybe deep breath Adobe stars bowl running away you've got rim he's my little tuna all alone hello hi who are you I'm ma honey and this is Robbie and what make is Robbie he's a Maltese terrier why have you entered this show what are you gonna do today Doge I teach dhoka dhoka so yes that yoga is yoga for you and your dog wicked oh so you gonna watch the act that's a good boy rocky watch that why I've got to see this right okay Wow breathe deeply seen an out through your nose connect with your dog and bow place your dog on the top of your thighs I can't place me dummy thighs the size of them and rise up into boats your dog is the Sailor and you're the vessel and we're gonna finish in hotdog place your dog in the top of your thighs Raisa damnit off what they've all got their dogs as well come on let's do yoga you gotta take your shoes off and you stop to be waiting I'm not yeah I think I let the little dogs carry on I will go by the same stage well that's what you thought of reactor okay let's do the upper Papa's all of them now ready gently fold forward in loose dog position just yes hold your dogs support your dog there you go very nice breathe don't forget to breathe bring him back into the center well done everybody think that's enough Doga for one day Bobby data stolen yogurt there's literally way everywhere I think someone needs to get him or whose dog was it I do carry good evening what's your name my name is Christina Lenin cuz you know why are you here um I want to be the next Pole McKenna I'm a comedy stage hypnotist can you hypnotize someone to be a nice person can you hypnotize somebody to stop being really annoying how long is this gonna go on Wow okay well look why don't you just get on with um I am actually only one half of the act I have I'm the assistant okay so you're not the person who's actually hypnotizing no I've got the master Hypnotizer okay this is Prince estimate no dog no Harold you are telling me that that dog is a hypnotist I am indeed - Christina Lenin and this is princess and today we're going to be hypnotizing volunteers from the audience this is princess she's a girl don't look into our eyes she's the world's only hypno don't was it involved in you she looks into people's eyes and they just fall asleep we've actually had instances that at the wrong moment where she's looked at somebody and they've fallen out of the seat or go to sleep so now we tend to keep her out of the way until she's needed we're going to show them something that never seen before the world's only canine hypnotist okay I've got to see this I need some volunteers from the audience let's have a look yet you guys there that row that just go to sleep couple more seats guys was - come on you know you want okay the county 5 you'll all be wide awake as soon as I ask you to count your fire the number 7 does not exist on the count of five wide awake one two three four and wide awake just take a seat fucking places for once technology yep 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 ok give them around dare your review protracted 911 yeah I don't know what was going on there Alicia what the hell is going on well youdon't are Ant & Dec well she's amazing and I think Paul McKenna has got a problem did you believe it Simon what I did at the end yeah I mean I think if you're gonna do this I think you got to get them to do more crazy thing yeah this was not to show you that the dog can do would you do it with to me here we go a meal down for you that's the first four star can you hypnotize someone to be a nice this is the kit they'll use when they know you finally lost your mind I don't think we could get guitars everyone just a normal don't happen what that was used like a dog with a huge town with staring at me no David yes or no I'm intrigued and I'm gonna say yes I am interested in seeing else you could possibly do so I'm gonna say yes today I'm gonna show you Simon yes with me are you 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 you've got to change this yeah you're the best you're the best and you're the best baby that dolls done something to 100%
Channel: Got Talent Global
Views: 27,115,783
Rating: 4.8628387 out of 5
Keywords: year of the dog, amazing dog auditions, cutest dog, Cutest Dog Got Talent, cutest dog performance, Britain's Got Talent, America's Got Talent, Dogs on America's Got Talent, Dogs on Britain's Got Talent, Britain's Got Talent Auditions, America's Got Talent Auditions, Dogs Got Talent, Top dog, Top Dogs, Dogs Auditions, dog tricks, Dog Tricks Got Talent, Amazing Dog Tricks, BGT, AGT
Id: eSpAsz0X3Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 20sec (2000 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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