Celebrating 40,000 subs! LIVE SLOTS at San Manuel Casino!

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play uh i have a nice little ticket uh from my free play and let me flip it around we're gonna start off with this game right here just hit a nice before uh trigger hit here uh at four bucks a spin got a nice hundred and four dollar uh uh feature going already so here we go we'll get started with this [Music] see if these multipliers want to show up put on multipliers [Music] oh thanks bmt oh come on bear oh i got queens [Music] at least i got something oh hey everyone i see the chat flying by that's paying attention to the screen hi jamie hi angie hi richard hi sherry thank you very much oh i got some hits now yeah so i just flipped 40k on subs uh not too long ago i actually should have titled this celebrating 40 300 because that's what i hit today oh shoot hey well that was a nice little bonus soon we get another one thank you very much everyone it's been a long time since i've gone live i got a silver dollar for someone to win in chat today so we'll do that hey sharonda [Music] oh yeah jamie you did win the coin last time took a minute for me to get it to you i hope you enjoyed it maybe you'll win another one today so i'll keep playing until about 900 bucks get it perfect alrighty that didn't take very long [Music] [Applause] oh sarah herrera thank you for the super sticker appreciate that all right let's see if this is better than the last one oh oh that's hard to get that 15 times joseph duffy congrats from sodoholic great luck today thank you joseph appreciate the 15 super chat 100 bucks so far [Music] [Applause] so the ticket this is all free play by the way hey that's a good one 200 bucks on that one i started here with uh 410 dollars of replay i did some recording of some of my normal videos oh my gosh why am i shaking i had too much coffee and um i've worked it up to like 11 now it's up to 1200 bucks nice way to do it that's a good one well we'll go to 1200. [Music] jax [Music] last spin hey that was a good run all right all right let me show you the coin we're playing for today oh my god where did it go okay we're playing for a silver dollar this is what year is it 1888 and it is new orleans mint mark here there's an o at the bottom right by the um i don't know if you guys can see that that means it was amended in new orleans in 1888 thank you lj so someone's going to win that today in chat so i wish you all luck here let's go find a game and i'll tell you how to win it uh what do i want to play let's go over here mid-atlantic slot hey awesome caught you live before i head to mgm national harbor best of luck thank you [Music] how do you call me that means you got a chance to win a silver dollar oh they put new carpet in here it's all nice and squishy oh i don't want to play any of these let's go over here you know what i'm warming up to this wheel of prosperity game here i'm gonna give this one a shot here so start chatting away guys i'm at uh 44 thumbs up as soon as i get to 55 thumbs up so i'll choose someone out of chat and someone's going to play for this silver dollar so start chatting away start thumbs-upping we'll do 526 528 spins here oh my gosh this chair is not comfortable um okay and the chat is sorry i'm waiting for the chat to scroll the next person i see it's uh ryan 403 ryan says me ryan it's you we'll do 264 spin actually no we'll do 528 i can be a bit higher roller so the person gets the highest multiplier in a bonus oh that's good or free games will win the uh silver dollar so ryan you're automatically in the lead here we go super can get a good multiplier free games oh not the 2x lame all right well that's still okay 1860 times two so what is that that's we'll say that's a 7x win so you're in the lead with 7x [Music] uh it's always good to hop into my lives early because you get a better chance at winning that coin oh real twin slots hey neely congrats on the 40k subs please let us know your secret to winning on the wild wild machines i don't know i wish i knew my secret because then i'd win more but uh i don't seem to have a problem on winning all those games for me it's all about max bet it's five bucks a spin on that game and that does it but lord knows i keep playing them oh my gosh gina i'm live right now do you want to say hi yes okay this is crazy gina everyone oh my gosh hey how's it going oh so good to meet you i've seen you on live i came here today because i was gonna give you uh 100 20. yeah i'm on it i'm on it good good oh yeah let's take a picture sorry guys hold on we're taking the pictures awesome oh my god good meeting you i love you guys hey let's cut let's catch up when i'm done okay awesome oh that's gina you see her in chat all the time she's such a fun lady oh my gosh that was a funny i recognized her anywhere it's funny how you get recognized with like even the mask on okay ryan let's do a few more spins here what's that oh yeah yeah yourself oh yeah oh thank you so much [Music] it's like the paparazzi oh my god you got it all right uh that's funny [Music] see ya see ya um good luck oh how funny um i'm so like 80d right now i'm easily distracted hey that's a good one 36. that's about as much of that bonus so that's still like 7x all right we'll do three more here [Music] i'm all sweaty from meeting people i had like two people take pictures of me it was kind of crazy okay ryan not so great uh but you're still in the lead i've had really crappy live streams before where like it's a low multiplier but i don't think 7x is going to hold you so we'll see we can pick it for the next game i wish i could get on that while oh i could get on this wild wild so they put these boxes here on the machine on the seats i guess they're changing out the cash and it's like super uncomfortable when you sit okay we are playing for a silver dollar let me show it to you guys 88 minted in new orleans let's see i upgrade this probably a very fine coin it's 90 silver um and someone's gonna win it right now ryan's in the lead with a 7x multiplier i'm gonna choose someone out of chat though uh when i get to 80 thumbs up so start chatting away and start thumbs up and i'll choose someone out of chat oh my gosh i gotta put this box on the floor i see the chat flying by we're still at 76 on my end here there we go it's going to be uh never wear is that what that says never wear i think that neverwhere neverwhere something like that never wear it's you you got to get a higher than a 7x multiplier certainly we can do this on wild wild let me turn it up here get to that thing [Music] do you guys know the secret to uh the tell on here i know it but i'm not gonna give it away right now [Music] so neverwhere you need like a 40 win or higher to get in the lead [Music] oh i got a super chat from kathy c congratulations thank you kathy appreciate that i don't really celebrate too many milestones with subs but i thought 40k was a good one to hit i'm really waiting for the 77 777 sub that'll be a big celebration there we go darn it well yeah 777 000 that would be nice [Music] well neverwhere this is not a good showing on wild wild [Music] i've lost my magic touch a little bit it's not as hot as it used to be i still get good hits on it though that's not good [Music] oh thank you chris dang it there we go come on now i'll get the [Music] mountains i think i got it this time i think i got it again i think i got it again and it's a big one come on now yeah there we go all right neverwhere you're in the lead you're in the big league that is an 80 83 x at least maybe 84x [Music] [Music] all right now we got a good live stream going [Music] i didn't want to let you guys down with that without a big win on it that was oh i missed it we'll say that was 84x let's see is it gonna do it [Music] nope well let's get the free games susan thank you for the super sticker appreciate that very kind of view susan vp well neverwhere let's do a few more uh oh it's 427. that's an 80 what is that 85x 85x we'll go to 13.50 here we'll find another game all right not bad guys they're kicking everyone off their machines here because they got to change the cash boxes on the inside so i am in the wrong section oh there's magic unicorn let's do it it doesn't take tickets so i gotta stick in a fresh hundred dollar bill so we'll play through the 100 bill who wants to play this with me uh let's see i'm at oh i missed a a super chat too hey lines well deserved milestone congrats and pete let's keep the winning big thank you very much paylines appreciate that we're gonna do um my favorite one of my favorite games here enchanted unicorn i'm at 107. let's go to 115. we're playing for a silver dollar this 1888-0 silver dollar right now never wears in the lead with an 85 x win on wild wild here let's do a 450 a spin what did i say we'll say 110. i can't remember what i said start chatting we need two more thumbs ups [Music] there it is it's gonna be um andrew ripley andrew i believe it's you we're playing against neverwhere here we need a big fat win for you [Music] gonna be 85x basically if you get the three unicorns you can probably do it [Music] so here's the deal neverwhere if you're the winner you're going to find me on facebook and private message me on facebook the way to do that in the uh video description there's a link to my facebook group you can join it and then private message me on there and uh we'll get your address and i'll ship you the coin if you're the winner for whoever the winner is that's how it [Music] works [Music] uh slattery wins thank you for that uh 365 or higher it can happen yeah jackpots on this bet [Music] i don't understand why they would change the um the cash boxes in this machines right now in the middle of the day very kind of bizarre [Music] well chris enchanted unicorn's not showing up here [Music] dang it oh jackie mcglone thank you so much jackie's won a silver dollar on my live stream [Music] oh that's it okay well i'll do a nine bet and a seven bed that was a no-go there all right lame all right let me get out of this section because they are still changing cash boxes yeah you can you can get multiple shots i've done that before where you get chosen again should we do um playboy midnight diamonds i never play this one hold on let me get situated here give me a sec i had to put you guys down for a second okay never wears in the lead for a 85x win i'm at 133 let's go to 140 on thumbs ups i'll choose someone out of chat you're playing for the silver dollar trying to get an 85 x win or higher on a line line hit or a bonus i'll choose someone out of chat once i hit 140 thumbs ups get it oh dang it [Music] there it is it's going to be um raymond liu says 777 raymond it's you congratulations you're playing for um a silver dollar here i'm doing max bet at three bucks a spin so you gotta get 85 x or higher so that's like oh i'll do the math once i'm close but you gotta get upwards of like two hundred and 250 bucks or something let's see if we get nine quick hits that's a 309 progressive that'll get you there [Music] raymond we don't have a winner yet the winner goes uh we keep playing until the end of the livestream [Music] oh come on 258 lottery's on the calculator appreciate that i don't do live streams often but when i do i try to do a little giveaway with each one so make it a little bit more engaging for the chat dang it this is the reason i don't play this game very much a lot of teasing [Music] oh is that good yeah come on now [Music] what is that seven that's not as much as you want it to be 87. that's okay i like 87. oh that's a fun little feature [Music] [Music] okay we're gonna do a few more raymond and we're gonna move on give someone else a shot i gotta uh let's just get rid of that guy there we go [Music] [Music] and one more here oh maria what the sweet super sticker says you're amazing thank you so much maria i appreciate that hey raymond we didn't do it we got one good hit on that still at 13.36 that's a nice size ticket alrighty let's move around a little bit someone said lightning link i'll see if i can find one there's not too many over here someone also set three reels so i'll keep my eyes open for those [Music] but i want someone to have a shot to win so three reels are kind of hard to do let's see looks like they're done with the boxes over here so maybe i can snag this uh dragon link sadly the uh major's been hit but i'll still play it and we'll do dollar denomination how about that um okay uh 155 thumbs ups i will choose someone out at a chat at 165 we're playing for a silver dollar let's do five dollar spins 165 and start chatting away you guys neverwhere is still in the lead here there it is it's gonna be oh my gosh charlotte hornshamer or something like that charlotte with the big long last name that starts with h it's you congrats charlotte we're playing for a silver dollar gotta be 85x [Music] that's like a 425 win we can do it on this bet [Music] oh dang it yeah it's salmon well if anyone's wondering i put that in the title of the um video dang it there's a good hit [Music] oh man you know doll i like dollar denomination but it's just like kind of lame that it's only five lines you know so i might switch it up now let's get out of dollars here let's go to dimes we'll do 750. charlotte i need your you send me this and good luck here [Music] [Music] oh man chat's flying by come on get it there it is all right charlotte that's a hundred dollar mini i don't even know what 85 times 750 is but it's got to be around 600 600 bucks or so so that's what we're looking for looking at that miner to show up you'll get it minor or the major the majors 500 502 nope not that one at least we got a bonus [Music] yeah steven says just hit the ground i wish that's still on my bucket list i think i think i'll get one in my lifetime i know plenty of people who've gotten multiple ones [Music] 637 is the total all right that's what we're looking for [Music] i i've got a jackpot on um i think on this game uh that i haven't shown yet and it's on dimes i think i was doing 1250 a spin but i got a nice like 600 ball showing up on that and then it turned into a jackpot oh my gosh she is whacking the heck out of that machine i'll move at 1200 you guys will give other people a shot [Music] unless i can get it above 1300. oh fur who is that fern says good luck super sticker i appreciate that thank you so much all right well charlotte it was fun while it lasted here let's go find another good game we have over here i'm gonna try a lightning link from one to the other all right i'm at uh 185 let's go to 195. oh that one's not working they're all out of service dang it here's one is it gonna work 195 that's what we're looking for on thumbs ups you guys we're playing for a silver dollar i gotta show it someone's gonna win this right now never wears a lead an 85x multiplier oh thank you terry we're looking for 195 thumbs ups and i'll choose someone out of chat to play along with me we'll do um five dollar spins oh one more thumbs up [Music] there it is it's gonna be cynthia b says why not me it is you cynthia b congrats we're doing five dollar spins here oh i missed a super chat jackie elizabeth r says good luck neil congratulations win big thank you jackie elizabeth i heard you won big too congrats on your grand all right cynthia a nice big fat win here let me make it a little bit louder [Music] [Music] [Music] oh dang it [Music] oh man hey debbie i've had some good hits i started with a i don't even know what i started with 700 bucks or something like that this is all built off of free play too i actually did lose 100 bill on what uh enchanted unicorn there's only cash type stuck in that was my own [Music] come on cynthia [Music] thanks debbie yeah it's been a fun ride i've been doing this for a number of years i try not to beg for subs and make it all about that but it's nice to see the growth of the channel but hey now's a good time to sub if you haven't let's get me to 50k and onward to 77 777 that's the milestone i really want to hit what happened in the next couple of years i'm sure get it dang it oh this is a tight little machine cynthia oh that's nice 40 bucks thanks michelle okay cynthia this is not hitting do a few more we'll try something else get that darn it i like two centidom because the the numbers are nice and big sometimes get there get it there it is finally all right i'm switching hands for a sec [Music] all right come on now oh wilds lame oh good wild lame so there it is that took a minute all right those are the progressives [Music] there ah bummer [Music] someone asked if i'm on the top i'm on the bottom floor [Music] there we go oh get it darn it that would have been nice all right almost 200 bucks that's pretty good makes up for all the dead spins at the beginning we'll do a few more for you cynthia and then we'll go find another game get that turn it oh carolyn thank you so much i appreciate that that was very thoughtful and let's do three more one two and last one all right well we have a nice little bonus there at the end all right let's do some doji dolly we got that coming up over here let's go over here all right i'm at 227. let's go to 235 on thumbs ups there's plenty of you in here so we know we can get there i'll choose someone out of chat to play for that silver dollar in my pocket right now neverwhere still in the lead with an 85x win and we'll do 5 28 spins here we're looking for 235 thumbs up so i'll choose someone out of chat then [Music] there we go and it's gonna be jeans falling says i am next gene spalding it is you congrats now i've had a major on a live stream on this game before so gene let's make it a second major [Music] oh got it that's what we're playing for there [Music] lame [Music] going uh in a sec guys oh got it again [Music] lame [Music] pittsburgh california i've been there [Music] [Music] [Music] hercules california i've been there yeah i went to college in san francisco so bay area is my hood back in the day [Music] oh thanks for head spots and stuff someone says aloha nice to see ya [Music] i've never been to vancouver british columbia it's probably gonna be a while until uh travel opens up uh again before i travel internationally but i'm interested to go you know what i'm planning on doing is going to oklahoma this summer and going to the casinos out there so maybe i'll see some of you guys on the texas oklahoma area out there stacy you made it live congrats gene we need something to happen here [Music] mama slots thank you yeah i think i'm planning on going to like choctaw durant i think that's where uh they're super friendly on recording all right gene let's get it this time lame dude what do you think about that kid's haircut [Music] great come on bonus or we need that luck has arrived kind of thing going on i think choctaw durant was uh recording friendly [Music] get it there it is all right gene finally [Music] all right once we get over 400 you're gonna get close gene [Music] there's 120 do that three more times [Music] all right we need some big hits now gene [Music] okay 232 that was about half of what you needed boy neverwhere had that killer hit on wild wild hey that's a good hit [Music] do a couple more and then we'll change games so i know other people want a shot [Music] 30 bucks all right back over 1300 good [Music] yeah not losing on a live stream that is nice huh all right gina but uh let's see what else we got i wanna i'm trying to see if wild while the emerald's open but i think someone's hogging that game yeah someone's someone's in a bonus on that game yeah wild wild is the best game i agree let's see here all right i have a runny nose my allergy has been crazy lately it's been really windy lately and the weather's been changing in california and having a runny nose while wearing a mask is like the worst he's gonna see if that was open the buffalo chief but not you know let's do it let's go into high limit here we go guys i'm not gonna get too high limit we can do some buffalo gold 10 cent denomination alrighty i'm at 256 thumbs up so let's go to 265. i'll choose someone out of chat and i'll show you the silver dollar we're playing for that's it right there 1888 not bad start chatting away guys we'll do six dollar spins on this guy neverwhere is in the lead with an 85x i get a good bonus on this there it is i am going to be at uh bradley jones says pick me bradley jones it's you congrats i think i saw a slot gypsies leanne in here hi leanne nice to see ya [Music] bradley let's get a big fat bonus on this game 40 bucks [Music] oh my gosh chat's flying by dog out slots 40k how the hell did i miss that congrats brother next stop is 50k thank you dog house slots oh get that bring the luck dog house oh not quite 20 bucks oh real 20 slots gave me a super sticker thank you so much for that can i turn that up i cannot [Music] 1888 is your birth year oh you must be hella old it's someone's birth year but they are not alive anymore i swear it is so hard for me to get bonuses on buffalo gold these days i just don't play it very much anymore mighty cash double up i'm sorry you just you guys will not see a lot of mighty cash on my channel it is not a good game for me like it like wild wild is a great game for me mighty cash is a terrible game for me come on get that [Music] leanne you got a date for that grand jackpot coming out on your channel [Music] dang it [Music] get that dang it [Music] thank you cash for crash kino there we go 80 bucks finally a decent hit may 2nd 5 p.m all right everyone watch that channel a slot gypsies travel they got a um grand jackpot coming out i'm kind of jealous bradley go get it now ah close i'll do one more bradley [Music] okay that's that let's see what we got over here oh my gosh my nose is so runny oh someone wanted huff and puff i hate this game just because it never hit but we'll try it okay 279 there's 700 people in here let's go to 300 thumbs ups i know we can do this take a little effort from you guys to push a button but push that thumbs up button i'll choose someone out of chat to win a silver dollar hey i like it come on six more thumbs up so we can do it three more thumbs ups who wants this there it is it's gonna be [Music] um anna banana 26 anna banana 26 it's you congrats let's hope hopefully this is a lucky one as a first spin bonus but the only way i can win on this game [Music] [Music] congratulations [Music] okay kind of not so great on the hats but you never know those are the progressives right there [Music] okay no coins not bad though 200 bucks a nice first bin i feel like i should leave walk away a winner [Music] oh judith i'm glad you caught me live too [Music] well let's made up for all the buffalo losing [Music] it's hard to win on this game [Music] we're still at 85 x uh for the uh the top player here it's a very good score [Music] oh [Music] [Music] do [Music] all right and banana i don't want to go below 1200. i know it's kind of a short run but this game can suck your money so fast [Music] see one more i'll give you one more here okay 11.99 all right someone wanted um three reel slots so i'm gonna go to see if it yeah it is open it's a ten dollars a spin here so i'll stick a hundred dollar bill in who wants to play this double double diamond with me 10 spins i'm at 324 let's go to 330 thumbs ups i'm gonna take a swig of my water here put you down [Music] we're looking for 330 thumbs up start chatting away everyone very close there it is it's going to be christina f says me please or whatever hopefully i get some hits on this [Music] dang it there you go so christina we need an 850 win or higher i've seen plenty of jackpots on this [Music] game [Music] dang it [Music] all right last shot christina oh nope we got saved by the cherries all right last shot again oh lame uh tough game uh fire link here dollar denomination fire link i'll do some 10 spins all right sorry that was so short and sweet let's go to 350 thumbs ups i'll choose someone out of chat to play for that silver dollar i got in my pocket 350 is what we're looking for [Music] one more [Music] oh we're so close there it is it's going to be [Music] judy bailey gives me a whole bunch of thumbs ups judy thank you judy let's do it [Music] i know i'm ready for a coin show too i'd love to get a bonus on this game [Music] i got the tens five of a kind tens only plays fifteen dollars lame well someone's hooting and hollering back there [Music] oh dang it [Music] [Music] shoot it's taking all my money back do a couple more [Music] get it dang it i know oh that would be a nice mini too 348 get it get it okay that's enough back to a thousand all right let's get our high limit let's do one more game and i'll call it a live stream he's trying to see what that person was yelling about i couldn't tell what they won all right let's see if we can finish it up we'll have a wild wild show off here if it's open we'll make that the last game and good luck to you guys thanks for joining my live stream you guys appreciate it is it open is it open oh they're all taken dang it well we'll make it a lightning link oh that's they're all closed too my gosh okay well that's harry got hecka busy well what do i want to finish on oh he got a thousand dollar hit there that was a nice one what's gonna pay what's gonna pay [Music] we'll give this one a shot it's just called link i have no clue queen of olympus is what it's called all right let me get set up let me choose someone out of chat here we're at 362. let's go to 375. and we'll do two centinam we'll do five dollar spins 375. we can get there oh did i get it no you need six neverwhere is in the lead with an 85x win see if someone could beat him on this game dang it i see the chat flying back we're looking for seven more thumbs ups you guys six more [Music] there it is it's going to be brandon cassin brandon it's you or neverwhere you're looking for a nice big 85 x win or higher i can't believe neverwhere's has gone this whole live stream in the lead it's made me do less math that's for sure [Music] oh dang it [Music] nice big numbers showing up oh man keeps giving me five [Music] yeah i appreciate you playing along guys thanks for all the thumbs up thanks for uh subscribing to my channel and get me to the 40k that's always nice thanks for joining me this saturday afternoon it's been fun to go live oh i would have loved those numbers come on brandon ah darn it [Music] slot gypsies travel happy 40k proud neely for nearly three years yeah leanne and slot gypsy travel have been huge supporters of mine thank you so much and thanks for the celebrating my 40k hopefully we'll do celebrate the 50k soon and then celebrate the 77 777. ah darn it this game is all about teasing [Music] well brandon we'll do a few more here it looks like uh neverwhere you're gonna win the coin so congrats on that you'll find me on facebook neverwhere uh private message me your uh your address and i'll ship it to you hey that's pretty good finally a decent hit i'd love to see a bonus on this but it doesn't look like it's gonna happen we'll stop here at 800 and call it a live last shot oh that'll give me a couple more get it [Music] nope and last one okay didn't want to do it oh my hand hurts thanks guys you're all great love you so much give me a sub and the thumbs up if you like this video and we'll see you next time got a nice little video coming out tomorrow it's double or nothing tomorrow and uh i'll see you then all right take care of each other be kind tata for now
Channel: Neily 777
Views: 33,058
Rating: 4.9420786 out of 5
Keywords: slot machine, neily777, slot live stream, live gambling, neily777 live, slot, slots, online slots, pokies, pokie, new slot videos today, gambling, casino, how to win on slots, Neily 777, best slots to play
Id: Bh2McI79BtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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