πŸ”΄ $30,000 CASINO LIVE STREAM 🎰 BIGGEST EVER @ San Manuel Casino

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i ever to top it all off there's already 4 000 of you guys in the chat so welcome in everyone we're here at our partner casino san manuel and we're bringing it to you from them and also igt because we are doing 40 spins at a hundred dollars a spin tonight on wheel of fortune so get ready for that we're gonna end our live stream at the hundred dollar wheel of fortune machine now listen this casino cml has three high limit machines we're gonna hit all three of them we've already decided what kind of games you want to do but if we're not doing very well in the game i'll pull it short and if we're doing really well we might stay on a little bit longer this is a thirty thousand dollar live stream so what does that mean i have thirty thousand dollars in cash we're putting into these slot machines it does not mean i'm here to lose thirty thousand dollars it means we're gonna play at least thirty thousand dollars worth of spins we'll probably do a lot more than that depending on how much uh control of brit and marco have over me what's the meister thank you thank you for the happy birthday wishes and there was another one in there as well thank you vegas winner for the super chat you guys all ready to go well listen if you've not been to sam mml make sure you come check it out they have a beautiful casino over 5 000 slot machines and they're doing a huge renovation coming up right now as well hi marco hey brett hi uh they have a brand new hotel opening up in uh december as well and there's also going to be a spa i know marco's excited about the spa uh swimming pool and a whole lot more entertainment coming your way you guys thank you jose for the super sticker we are getting ready to start us off on high limit dancing drums thank you deb for the super chat duck elb thank you for the birthday wish has been watching since 2016. i really appreciate it thank you so much all right players card going in always use your players card get those points people all right i'm ready to go let's line it up we're going to start it off with some 17 and 60 cent spins on 10 denomination thanks butcher girl thank you susan for the birthday wishes as well we're looking to get three drums three of those but they have to be on the first three reels we've already got 19 100 likes hit that like button let's let's crush our record tonight on there and make sure you guys get off to a right start let's share this video everywhere you can and get a big audience over here over 7 000 after only two minutes to play mr keenum thank you for the birthday wishes would love to get that pot to close tonight as well that's those are the numbers we can win when it closes that would be really hot we started with our first thousand dollar ticket of the night in there happy birthday brian line it up thank you so much old greg we started a live stream over on facebook before this and i was showing marco and feeding the machines with hundred dollar bills getting these tickets all ready there's a nice 12 120 line here um what's your birthday thank you andrew interested in sky rider we might get on there thank you glad fam for the birthday wishes and everything big spins coming in thank you elizabeth for the super chat [Music] line it up wayne in the house of mid-atlantic slots thank you so much wayne good to see you here good to see everybody here if you guys are my rudy's members from our fan club the rudy's type in hashtag rudy's for life show me where you're at the only haze thank you for the birthday wishes let's land that grant there's 20 hit there yvonne thank you for the super chat all right there's another 10 bucks back thank you chris thank you wayne terry in the house thank you for the critical uh super sticker come on pot close that shop up leanne erickson good luck bc happy early birthday and rudy luck thank you leanne tomorrow is my birthday and it's not just any birthday i'm turning the big 4-0 ugh sounds so gross but we're doing it and we're going to do it in style one more one off we're doing it in style with the live stream tomorrow night starting at four on facebook if it cooperates and five pacific on uh youtube hey christina thank you so much for the super chat thank you so much for the super sticker guys i'm sorry if i missed your super chats they are going by so so fast thank you marcus thank you felisha paul martin muzzybar yeshiko and mindy thank you guys so much marcus wow so much love magic line it up come on martin there we go i got these ones yes thank you over 10 000 people after five minutes that's definitely a new record for us hope you guys are new to the channel if you are hit that subscribe button we're over 342 000 i think we're at right now thank you roy for the super chat so i heard it was your birthday today it is my birthday we just got a bonus you guys want to be on camera we got a bonus we got some people in here oh my gosh look at this you guys thank you so much macaron cake as well and a special cocktail [Music] oh this is nice thank you guys i'm not gonna blow the candle out but i'll dip my finger in here and put it up with my finger and there we go being socially responsible there we go didn't feel a thing thank you so much sam manuel thank you guys nice little cake there oh i love it probiotic drink everybody we need our energies we got oh my gosh there's 40 macarons on the cake as well this is amazing oh my gosh thank you thank you guys so much if you guys are in the area come get a macaron all right let me test this out hold on beautiful oh that's so good look at that look at this one more time look at this thing right it says happy birthday on it too all right it's time for a bonus we got a forward trigger bonus and guess how much it's at already 2 26. my birthday 226 that is so ridiculous 226 dollars we're starting the bonus off with [Music] we could not have planned that any freaking [Laughter] all don't know what right guys which one do we do 15 and 10 5 3 are mystery and they're so sorry there's so many super chats thank you all for the super chats and the love and support you guys oh nelly 12 000 people watching here right now hi how are you all right some threes some fives looking for that first hand pay of the night maybe a lot of tens some mysteries as well thank you so much mega rudy good to see you i don't look 40 thank you i don't feel 40 that's for sure some mysteries let's see i think five seems to be the biggest one next to mystery so i'll say we go for five spins oh baby get ready let's get some re-triggers in here please we got some coins in the house ninety dollars to start us off go all the way across hundred and eighty dollars beautiful oh almost re-triggered we only need two drums uh oh last spin coming in here it is oh almost a trigger but we did get it all the way across for 240 dollar line here we have a 740 dollar bonus beautiful you guys that's how we started off for trigger bonus naomi thank you thank you dom sean sarah margaret and everybody for the super chats beautiful we're continuing on right now we're up to fourteen hundred dollars i'll do a few backup spins and we'll change it over to another machine with some more spins how much have we done already brit uh i don't know what 17 times 42 is not even 800 worth of spins i guess so we could do a few more we could do a few more oh my gosh we got it again we got another bonus thank you joe oh natalie this is called rudy luck everybody hashtag rudy luck if you guys want to join our amazing rudy's go to rudy's for life.com oh my gosh all right what do we do now mystery 3 5 10 or 15. thanks bambi [Music] how is that drink brian it is so good oh my gosh [Music] packs a good punch i love it that's right mystery was the second most popular one i i don't promote doing mystery so but i'm going to do it for you guys because we're celebrating mystery means we're going to get between 3 and 15 games in between 70 700 ways and 243 what you don't want to have happen is the least amount of spins and the least amount of wage you want 15 games with 7 700 ways can it happen for us today on this epic live stream line it up buttercup that is the worst one we need some big numbers give me 15 baby it gave us the absolute worst possibility this is why i tell you i do not do mystery you guys are lucky i love you so much that was a good hit at least we got a 60 line hit in there and a five dollar line hit one more spin all right 150 dollar bonus hey live and learn right guys i i've seen some people do well on that i've never been one of them so just amazing all right let's do a few more spins again hey maybe luck will hit us another time you never know oh that looks pretty good thank you nikki coins thirty dollars we're up to fifteen hundred dollars now great great start all right we'll do seven more spins that means we've done a thousand dollars worth of spins all in thank you kaden for the birthday wishes thank you jessica as well thanks kurt's place bob wallace in the house from him anna lynette mcneil laurie barb lucinda donna happy birthday thank you all so much can't wait to see you guys in vegas tomorrow too two more spins three more spins and last spin coming in sixty dollar line hit we'll cash out the first game up 422 dollars wow that's how we do it i would like a macaron if you don't mind hold on a second all right i'm gonna grab one of these ones i like the green ones these ones are delicious hey it's my face everybody how are you cheers cheers mmm it's good they have a really good bake shop here i always start my business off with it amazing okay you guys are not here to watch me eat let's go gambo i mean maybe you are i don't know hey guys how are you thank you so much [Music] oh thank you guys nice to see everybody we need a lucky wristband we got tons of them right here okay hi friends someone's facetiming all right let's see what's over here guys lots of lots of games to play today uh i'm thinking i got a game right over here that's the game i want to play but someone's on it we'll try this one to start this one's got a really nice major on it all right here we go brit and marco helped me get these thousand dollar tickets ready so i got another one all ready to go fourteen hundred dollars already off the first one all right dragon cash time here we go marco do you want to keep these ones when i finish them thank you follow that away somewhere nicely please i'm on it all right this is dragon cash everybody much are we betting dragon this how much are we betting on this i think what does the 2 denomination look like that's a lot of denomination money let's start off with a dollar denom 25 a spin let's start it off right thank you so much amanda thank you everyone for all the super chats and love here we go we are in the lotus room right now 25 spins off we go we need one more of those we need three of these for the bonus or six of the links thanks ralph let's land the grant indeed oh my gosh i did land the major on this machine earlier on our facebook live but did not get it because we did not have six of these as symbols gotta get those dragon links going come on now we just passed 15 000 people watching right now guys hit that subscribe button if you are new be cool like everybody else we're at 242 000 people subscribed uh 342 thousand people subscribed here on youtube right now line it up buttercup oh nelly can we do it thank you jessica and hit that like button we're at 4 500 likes right now let's get up to 5 000 already [Music] 95 line hit very good so far we have done 250 in spins and we've lost 110 not so bad do it to it thank you sheree got some kings in there all right 15 thank you janet for the birthday wishes [Music] come on now we're not gonna win on every single machine tonight but we're darn well gonna try thank you bicky for the birthday love thanks vancouver jules and nicky george watching with your boyfriend and your son jacob thank you so much hey raymond thank you very much for the super chat let me read it where'd it go there it is line it up from your bc slots crew ah it's awesome thank you crew working hard in the office for us tonight thank you guys come on let's find six of those puppies in there please mrs superset from sheila i think oh we missed one for sheila sheila thank you sheila we've done 625 dollars on spins on here so far come on oh very close okie slots happy birthday 40 is the new 25 i like it sight paranormal tomorrow's my dad's birthday awesome we there are so many people celebrating my birthday tomorrow it's i can't believe it so many people have messaged me on facebook that's my birthday that's my husband's birthday that's my son's birthday all men weird uh thank you so much steve i really appreciate it oh one off can we do it let's land the ground lucky slot diva thank you so much one more oh where is it oh one off again thank you julia we're at 4 900 likes guys hit that like button let's pass that 5 000 mark line it up thank you allen lee for the super chat three more oh nelly nelly nelly now i mentioned earlier about all the renovations they're doing here guys but as of right now they're doing a really good job uh keeping the casino safe for everyone uh when you walk in the casino what's that okay thank you uh when you walk in the casino they do take your temperature and they do social distance all the games for you as well forbes sharecare verified they are and that means that they've been rated in over 300 safety protocols really hot thank you jim mss for the super chat hey monique oh thank you so much thank you pan ass patrick gabby bob thank you guys we've already done a thousand dollars in spins i'm gonna keep it going to the end on this one we gotta hit something thank you wp kelly can we find a bonus in the end fifty two hundred likes you guys did it jordan yvette thank you guys all right there's a little something do it t smith christina says wearing my new rude mask awesome if you guys want to check out our store go to bcslots.com that was the major one by [Music] bcslots.com for a mask for a t-shirt a sweatshirt we got it all over there hey benjamin thank you so much thanks troy three more we're down to our last four spins troy's having a beer for us thank you man it is my birthday in australia that's rude mary thank you so much three more spins thank you evan thanks joseph [Music] yeah man that's how you doing oh yeah it's a good one huh last two spins coming in and last one thank you rico we got some tents that's that should be good 30 bucks okay another spin and we're five dollars shy can we get another one yes we can brian bean thank you man 16 000 people we passed that's amazing all right we're catching up to that one clearly and moving on to the next game this next one is incredible hello guys how are you part of me over here this is a really really fun game get ready for my girlfriend diamond queen last time we played this one we hit a nice big bonus my players card in there and my thousand dollars coming in as well let's turn it up make it nice and loud so you guys can hear it all over the place there it is thank you everyone for the super chats i'm sorry if i missed them they are flying by like crazy and we are doing some 20 spins here we go we're looking for three bonus symbols they have to be on the three middle reels it is such a hot bonus come on let's find that bonus really quick please if you get two of those bonus symbols it will pay you out double your bet so 40 bucks ah sheree sorry you got to work my dear thank you i'll see you soon cheryl have a grand birthday thank you and linda lee thank you so much thank you wendy thanks carmen gambling trucker with birthday wishes for me for tomorrow as well thank you and uh me i sue mel sue melsoo thank you guys 20 hit there she's wild can we line up the diamond queen oh one of carl thank you for the birthday wishes in my hometown toronto thank you charles for the birthday wishes as well katrina thank you so much happy birthday bc big fan you helped us so much oh my pleasure thank you 20 in aces come on let's find those bonus symbols if you guys this has like one of the best bonus symbols ever that is hilarious you say she looks like carmen san diego she does a little bit doesn't she yeah like a dressed up version maybe a princess version come on bonus bonus bonus couple line hits for 15. high limit slots you guys that's what tonight is all about and celebrating surpassing 300 000 subscribers of which we're now suppressing 342 000 you guys are so incredible so thank you guys for tuning in hey slot queens in the house welcome slot queen oh what's that oh it's a lot of ladies in the house hey slotly sorry i can't hear i'm getting old you know good to see you slot lady i have a video coming out sunday with slot lady actually so stay tuned for that one oh come on bonus bonus bonus what was that shirt you were wearing i will show you in a minute it's a good one don't want to miss it very fitting oh yes hey sheila with an h watching us from plaza i'll see you tomorrow thank you for the birthday wishes vicky dave noel kevin and yourself thank you guys well so far this game is not giving us much love so we're going to give it a few more spins and move on come on bonus bonus bonus i feel very lucky for the last time we played it when we got that bonus now oh all right let's give it three more spins thank you so much uh lauren for the birthday wishes and last spin all right we'll cash out there 270. and we'll get ourselves another thousand dollars we've only used what two three three tickets now three tickets so far 27 000 to come still hello kara how are you thank you so much for watching all right [Music] oh birthday gap thank you so much over here hi how are you eleanor how are you hey you're always matthew oh thank you very cute thank you brian bean thank you matchy matcha and one for bread too nice so thank you very much [Music] yeah oh well thank you so much did you guys get a lucky wristband yet yeah you got one okay good can i give that to you yes thank you han well thank you nice to see you good luck to you too thank you so much yeah nice for you hey how are you good to see you too oh nelly what what is this thing oh nelly oh geez and what is this stuff oh my god we even got some bl some 40 bling i like it i like it and some blowouts as well all right i'm loving it what is going on over here this is crazy time and again i have no more hands left here we'll throw it in here marco thank you i'll have to wear that tomorrow for everything god bless and just stay healthy and healthy thank you appreciate it good to see you again as well good luck all right we gotta move on we gotta keep gambling gotta play some more slot machines let's see where we're gonna go to next i got my eye on some machines this way oh i see a really good one over there who likes rake and bacon anyone ever play the high limit raiken bacon i bet not hey thank you guys we have 17 000 people watching right now hit that subscribe button if you guys are new to the channel we upload our videos every single day of the week and go live at least twice a week this week we've gone live three times three times on facebook and three times on youtube gambling trucker thank you again winnie city friendly happy birthday week brian from the boys thank you guys love you guys so much thank you brian bean again and laurie with a happy birthday wishes thank you lori all right let me fix my players card get those points coming in mel sue thank you so much my wife and i just found out we're having a bill a boy brian or marco for their names depends on what if you want to be a gambler or a professional [Laughter] i mean maybe a professional gambler salvador thank you so much for the super chat all right here we go you guys 17 and 60 cents yeah let's try a bigger bet on this one let's try some 35 dollar bets you asked for this oh no don't you know at some point in one of your streams [Music] thanks paul good to see you man thank you all right 35 dollar spin we just made 80 on that so we do the math change of mine yeah 10 cent denomination times 352 is 35 dollars and 20 cents a spin hey travis thank you so much keep it going we're looking for three pots of gold on the first three reels i just want to won a major jackpot on this game a week two weeks ago congrats bob thank you man oh wait i never showed you guys my shirt did i yeah yeah hold on here it is i got my handpay shirt on from bcslots.com that's where this is from too let's get some winning hits now wayne says decided to get y'all on the tv so the family can watch oh how nice thank you wayne your family is like what is he watching what is this stuff hey r d ventures thank you guys so much come on piggy oh he's a happy piggy he's dreaming now dreaming of those big wins yes okay keep it going line it up buttercup [Music] we need to see some cash falling some coins falling that is how you can get a big bonus happening or something else delicious there's another 80 say lucky beach touch the piggy he makes some dollar signs he does here he goes come on piggy there he goes yes he basically farts i think that's what that is but you know at least they're dollar signs i'll take it anyway i can get it i guess i don't know we do have some giveaway bags that sam manuel gave us to give away to you guys if you guys want to be entered into that just sign up for our newsletter over at bcslots.com as long as you're signed up already for that you're automatically entered and then stay tuned we're doing 40 spins on 100 denomination wheel of fortune we're getting we're gearing up to celebrate their 25 years of being on slot machines this spring so we're going to start it off right with some big old spins shelby thank you for the birthday wishes here's a saturday happy birthday that's 120 bucks there [Music] we've done over 750 dollars and spins so far can we find that bonus [Music] get that piggy to explode and give us a progressive as well would be nice come on do it to it he's a full piggy he's ready to blow look at him he he's struggling right now he's trying to keep all that money in hey slot queen come on double coins no good yeah already done a thousand spins i think i'll try a few more come on piggy woof okay we'll take that eighty dollars hey michelle thank you very much come on piggy [Music] carl hello to your mom thank you oh one off come on i'm playing for the bacon let's go where's angela thank you again for the super chat sixteen dollars we only have a couple more spins left we're gonna break the bank on this one ha ha that was a joke i imagine you're all laughing hysterically at home well we can do a 17 spin very close too all right we'll catch that one out right there thank me for playing thank you jd for the birthday wishes i bought the wrapping before all right thank you so much all right let's continue on [Music] let's see what's over here i think i got another cash right here is there a spot for right now oh okay yeah oh yeah pardon me guys pardon me pardon me hello hello coming over here sorry all right here we go thunder cash this is an ainsworth game you can win lots of money on it hopefully it'll be nice to us right now is it time for windexing already i don't know are we there yet are we there yet who's ready for the hundred dollar spins on wheel of fortune now oh my gosh i cannot wait you guys ask for that game every live stream and we're ready to go let's try some 20 spins that's our first first win right there i think sure is 25. get an early hand pay for the birthday man yeah let's do it to it couple sevens couple dollars [Music] all right guys those uh lightning bolts are wild thank you malcolm slot group pulls thank you so much congrats on your new channel four of the kind kings 40 bucks oh wait there's one report it's double 40 dollars we have two two line hits there back up at 9.95 debbie says i won the grand on dragon link last week and it'll be posted on saturday congrats looking for three thunder cash symbols for the bonus there's 40 bucks thank you we have 6 000 likes 6 095 likes i love the love thank you guys so much hit that subscribe button as well i think we can easily surpass 200 at 343 000 tonight we could even do more than that a lot of you guys are new it's free of charge hit that subscribe button hit that button let's see how we how how high we can go there we go four of a kind sevens hundred dollar line hit so far it's being nice to us [Music] come on thundercash give me that bonus there's one line it up thank you wayne [Music] come on oh two thunder cache symbols we need to find three of them please happy birthday this is my first ever super chat thank you so much susan you figured it out you did a good job come on there we go that's a nice little hit there [Music] isn't that what security's supposed to do but you know wow a lot nicer than i thought it was ah we have four diamonds for 100 that's what that is 160 bucks beautiful a couple hits there [Music] 600 worth of spins so far on the game coins and queens [Music] come on got some kings in there one more i almost got that bonus we got some coins we got some nines 15. come on thundercash throw me that bonus thunder thunder thundercash 50 line hit for coins nice 55 overall hey angela thank you so much thank you ashley over 19 000 people in the house welcome everybody hit that subscribe button if you're new and hit that like button and if you guys are feeling extra generous why don't you share this video let's get this those numbers way up there keep it going carrie thank you for the hype good to see you saucer come on big wins thank you shannon good to see you as well thank you socruples thanks kente come on do it ah very close [Music] [Music] thank you very much tony appreciate it ah rude [Music] keep going keep going all right we put a thousand dollars in it so far let's try a couple a couple extra spins on top thank you wayne no plans in the moment but i appreciate it jd just joined the rudy's welcome to our rudy's fan club great to have you you john let's do three more spins [Music] ah thank you peggy 6 700 likes let's get up to 7 000 shall we oh there's a lot of jacks in there thank you roslyn learning and sharing i appreciate that one more spin do it ah almost got that bonus in the end there all right there we go jay pierre peterson says is it really your birthday my birthday's actually tomorrow but we're celebrating early i guess we're really celebrating surpassing 300 000 subscribers with a 30 000 livestream that's what we're all here for and it's my birthday tomorrow we're going live thank you guys we're going live tomorrow night from las vegas same time as well thank you ashley happy 20th birthday for the second time hey i like that one i'll definitely be celebrating um again uh my 40th birthday i'm sure i think it's time to move on to our second high limit room let's head on over that way right now you guys did you order drinks or not yes oh we did all right then we're gonna have to play one more game because we got drinks coming drinks are important drinks are very important so i got my eye on the game over here oh someone's on it nevermind highlight let's see what's open over here hold on a second all right are you playing this one no i'm perfect that works out for me thank you [Music] all right here we go marco for you thank you everyone say hi to marco hey everyone big thank you to these guys they're carrying so many gifts that people keep handing us you guys are doing a great job thank you and your drink and my drinks yes thank you guys thank you kelly and tyrell thank you everyone for stopping in thanks joe this is baraya yes hi all right here we go thousand dollars going into cash machine we're gonna change it up to a two dollar denomination so twenty dollars a spin you know what should we take a chance on this one is it time for our first big chance of the night you're gonna make a switch yeah you can actually make it a five dollar denomination fifty dollars a spin she's like no not 25. okay fine not 25. we're gonna do 50 dollars a spin jessica crazy to see almost as many live viewers as you had subscribers when i first subscribed to you almost four years ago so proud of you thank you so much jessica we love you girl thank you naomi it's my birthday in uk that's right all right 50 a spin this could end very poorly it really could so hopefully we'll do well thank you jessica for the birthday wishes here we go max bet 50. whatever lands we win you win what you see you ready brit here it goes oh my gosh respin come on baby drop something ah rudy tooty all right nothing yet all good all good here we go oh nelly come on all right not bad we're back at even that was 100 bucks beautiful okay okay okay thank you so much raymond thank you norman for my happy night 19th anniversary of your 21st birthday oh i like that too that works too all right we're back at even get it yeah let's do it to it elvia good to see you hun here we go and oh nelly do it again big one zero [Music] oh hundred dollars wayne's got a good feeling to me too i got a feeling that tonight's gonna be uh good night let's go thank you anthony for the birthday wishes it's a birthday birthday it's your daughter's birthday too awesome [Music] if you guys haven't hit that like button please do it because before i fall over because this live stream might end in five seconds all right here we go 19 700 people hitting that share button you guys share it around on you on twitter on facebook let everybody know what we're doing over here big things coming thank you rly from tyrone and rhonda thank you guys and thank you sonny all right continuing on spin number six we've done three hundred dollars in spin and spins and we're down 100 bucks is that right yeah i think so all right we gotta get this machine to go angry do you know what that means it means that it turns red when it turns red you're guaranteed to win something let's get make it go angry here we go hands oh it's angry it's angry oh all right 250. there we're at a profit we're at 150 bucks right now beautiful beautiful beautiful all right you guys so exciting lucy's like leave now we're not there yet here we go nine spins in so we've spent we spent 450 and we are even keep going okay red for fred that's right not angry enough we have passed 20 a thousand people in the house this is incredible you guys are doing a great job thank you guys for tuning in and thank you for sharing this as well thank you jesse for the super chat do i know you jesse i know what jesse with that last name i don't know if it's you or not jonathan harmon thank you so much for the birthday wishes as well really appreciate it here we go liv says free marco oh he's free free as a bird free as a bird here we go all right we're due for a little respin action here we go 50 a spin oh nelly come on girl we're down to 810 six more spins to go rudy tutti five more spins can we do it i agree angie says we need thirty thousand people watching for a thirty thousand dollar life i'm so down for that here we go hands and ah three more come on and last spin thousand dollars in and we're taking out 475 oh my gosh we got it angry one time we didn't get it angry enough i can carry one yeah we got you some liquid courage there thank you all right you got that okay all right we got our drinks now as well as we head on over to you can leave that other drink we're done that one heading over thank you so much thank you guys hi how are you guys uh very quick yeah all right perfect thank you thanks for the support thank you all right guys heading over to the other high limit we have lots of games to go we did test the wi-fi earlier it was flawless going from one to the next in case for some reason it glitches it'll fix itself in a second but like i said it was flawless before heading over to high limit room two of three tonight oh my gosh bigger spins coming including getting ready for some hundred dollar spins on oh there it is right there wheel of fortune hey girl geek thank you so much tonight will be one for the biggest win videos of 2021 i hope so in fact earlier today we had our biggest win of the year it was amazing i cannot wait to share that with you guys on youtube very very soon so get ready for it hello all right i think you guys have waited long enough for this game so let's get on it already all right here we go let me sit down oh i'm hearing a handpay over there too and it's time to say cheers to everybody cheers guys oh you're so sweet thank you amazing yeah i have done your method yeah and today wow [Music] well done congrats thank you thank you so much you're very sweet thank you very much i appreciate you all right here we go buffalo gold time yes please all right i'll try some bigger spins on this one too why not let's just do the biggest spins on this one why not uh this is a 10 cent denomination so the biggest spins we can do on this one is 36 dollars a spin all right here we go people you all ready for this here we go thousand dollars in 36 a spin three coins is what we're looking for please and thank you oh it never likes that third one does it fill this slot channel thank you for the birthday wishes hand paid incoming let's do it to it there we go holy shoot that's really nice that's 150 in buffalo we have another 72 dollars in kings and 24 dollars in queens beautiful 2 46 and we're at 11 26. there will be no wonka that does not exist in high limit unfortunately thank you michael for the birthday wishes you make life fun he says yes you do [Music] all right we're spitting 36 dollar spins how many are you doing you said 28 spins will be a thousand dollars worth of spins there we go oh times four hundred and twenty dollars on buffalo and 48 over on cougars 168 bucks for up a couple hundred bucks already nice another 120 dollars yeah thank you jonathan for the super sticker the camera is catching everything so maybe you need to adjust yours you can see the top and the bottom come on everyone go hit that like button says joel thank you so much joel over 20 000 of you and only 7 600 likes but come on i asked for at least 50 maybe you can do that think magic is sending us the magic thank you [Music] thank you 12 bucks come on coins we haven't seen those coins like this whole time crazy talk three coins for the high limit bonus oh one off and back at even again we're up nine whole dollars right now i think we played with about 6 thousand so far something like that this is the six thousandth one okay we're due for some big profits though i think let's do it to it thank you so much tony for the super chat will you play huff and puff you know i will there's 120 bucks come on coins three coins let's do it 21 000 people hit that subscribe button williams we've already done a thousand dollars in spins wow really yeah 28 times 36 yeah no way wow all right we've only lost 75 bucks uh thank you so much larry apologize i'll do a couple backup spins see if we can get any coins to lands papa's blog thank you so much for the super chat well this game just slowed right down when we hit our thousand dollars in so let's give it three backup spins here we go 57 here's two got some queens 48 and last spin all right we'll catch that one out of 700 keep it going vegas lost channel thank you guys so much for the super chat appreciate it thank you thank you for playing and shells wishing me a happy 40th for tomorrow i'm still 39 for a day don't forget i'm gonna hold on to that thank you thank you so much [Music] i'm better looking in person i'll take it so you guys are used to me always looking down so i've always got the double chin but whoa look at that guy right there you know i think it's time for some big spins again here marco i don't know the camera there brian yeah i'm a ham for the camera i'm a ham for the cam you know where it is i'll run to the right yeah you got it all yeah okay all right here we go thank you who's the older brian or marco i am the elder of our relationship all right here we go although it doesn't always seem that way i mean i'm definitely the more mature right we both laugh all right here we go a thousand dollars in uh we're all set to go this is is our most expensive game so far tonight wheel of fortune cash link this is a 52.50 spin oh my gosh so we're only going to be doing 20 spins on this game get ready yeah here we go and then slot fun says huffing puff please it's coming you're the greatest please come to laughlin thank you mindy here we go 5250 a spin oh my gosh oh my gosh do it first spin treasure chest ah that would have been the best way to start us off oh my gosh that was only the first one here we go almost got it bro we need it's a little bit too loud for my ears did you keep up on super chats i don't know i tried i think i did i did yes all right we've done two spins i guess yes okay come on it's not licking my button anymore there goes ramos thank you so much love you guys brian britt and marco thank you shaky shaky we got it oh my gosh come on bonus bonus bonus yes oh nelly we got a bus already in a nice sized one too [Music] yeah 10 cent denomination [Music] 220 i think they missed six dollars that's all right all right because we're max betting nice job all pointers [Music] are open we want to get a 20x multiplier and that'll be a 400 jackpot here we go all right come on get that 20x multiplier and you have the pointers 20x baby come around here comes here's the 20. here's the 20. oh no multipliers wait what we got the major though i didn't even see it oh my gosh there we go jackpot fifteen hundred dollars shut the front door shut the front door and steve thank you so much christina thank you brad got that major down big win thank you melissa bob wants some fire shots maybe tomorrow night mr nick in the house he's late but welcome you came at a good time fifty five hundred dollars beautiful give us a second you guys let's see if we can uh clear this up [Music] all right well we're waiting for this one i'm gonna have to change over to machines yeah thank you so much how you doing nice to see you well it's for me it's a gift oh my gosh thank you that's very kind of you oh thank you you're so kind hey sophia ah well thank you thank you guys and thank you karen with a big old banza all right first jackpot of the night about time let's keep it going you guys let's keep it going there's some lightning link or something yeah let's see what's over here i think i'm gonna go over here next yeah i'll not be nice and close pardon me you guys gonna come over here thank you we're going to this okay yeah all right here we go here we go nice job beautiful run on that one love it all right i think you guys wanted to see some high limit huffing puff why not can i leave this there perfection all right i gotta fix my player's card malcolm wells shut the front door yeah buddy we certainly shut that front door right there 21 000 people in the house thank you guys so much for tuning in make sure you hit that subscribe button if you guys are new to the channel you have no idea what's happening right now we play slot machines every single day of the week most of the time twice a week in fact monday through friday including live streams every wednesday and thursday night four o'clock pacific on facebook and five on youtube tomorrow night it's my birthday so we're doing an extra live stream as well chris matthew thank you so much for the super gel would you look at that when i enter the chat you get the major there you go all right huff and puff you guys know my biggest win is actually on this game when i hit the major on it so let's see if we can get that right now jared says it's a great day brian's birthday and the equality act passed yes indeed that was so hot to see thank you so much all right we're gonna do some big spins 50 cent denomination and 25 bets jerry happy early birthday brian thank you so much and thank you joseph as well you're keeping an eye over there right okay want to come all right cool vegas winner uh so my wife and i say there's only one brian that's so cool thank you and it only takes one spin to win mr nick almost forgot happy birthday thank you so much all right cool and are they looking into all right cool all right a-a-e glass please say hi jv stop watching rocky and pay attention to my live stream there you go kayla say hi to zach hello zach all right here we go guys 50 credits times 50 cent denomination that's 25 dollars a spin that's what i did when i hit the major we need to get six construction hats for the bonus let's line it up oh i hate when it does i know it sounded so good beautiful hi i'm sophia thank you sophia hit that subscribe button if you're new we'd love to have you happy birthday tomorrow thank you oh thank you yeah what am i doing talking about a major we can hit the grand for a hundred and twenty nine thousand dollars slot gypsy leanne can this rudy get a beautiful there you go you got it girl thank you leanne come on hats had some more hats let's do it nice happy birthday from latisha thank you joseph guys you got to show me those construction hats in the chat oh i know they're out there let's find it line it up buttercup chew hats come on girl line it up are you up to date here i'm close all right no worries i wish they could oh man come on construction hats there they are thank you travis for the birthday wishes i wouldn't mind some big line hits in there too please and thank you thank you paul two more oh very close almost twenty two thousand people live wow this chanel says mr nick we are 25 people away from that and just over 1500 likes away from 10 000 likes oh my goodness there's a good hit 200 line head thank you francisco happy birthday hope it's the best one yet thank you so much thank you john for the rudy luck [Music] magic word poof not puff all right that's what i like to say that i say hoof and poof let's get it [Music] oh come on you can do it van gmal thank you for the super chat come on hats hats and more hats we have 10 more spins to go come on oh ouch ouch six hats i know you can do it david wallace happy birthday from chuck and taylor thank you guys let's get those hats thank you sloppy good to see yes three more three more spins [Music] javier happy birthday eve thank you javier how long are we gonna be in vegas just for the weekend we're doing live streams just tomorrow night then it's brian's turn to relax for his first time ever actually in vegas i've never i've literally never done that before so marco's gonna uh uh hide me for the weekend i guess all right last spin coming in steve atlanta super grand on dollar store it's all you thank you so much steve i'm gonna do a backup extra one why not all right we'll cash that one out i think i'll try another lock at length game now oh should we go back on wheel of fortune then over there let's do it here we go marco all right i mean we got our hand paint now let's try it again why the heck not you know why not here we go aaron and lori thank you so much for the super chat and the birthday wishes 22 100 people thank you guys for jumping in [Music] just getting my players card in there there she is putting our ticket back in from where we were diddly boo this is for all the graham crackers your little heart desires thank you so much she actually probably messaged me earlier today and said i was gonna show up with some graham crackers for you that'll be hilarious all right back at it hopefully this is not a mistake to be back here oh wait that's too loud isn't it on this one we already we've only done we've run in four spins it only took us four spins to get that bonus wow all right so we got more spins to go can we line up another big one here we [Music] go van gmal happy birthday can't wait to meet you thank you so much would love to get out there at some point paul robins thank you so much for the super chat can we get another shaky shaky fourteen dollars [Music] come on line of that wheel of fortune do it we did it oh my gosh line it up all right lion hit 476 dollar line hit beautiful that was a nice one 2mc i just want to hear about bushka thank you so much all right that was not bad that was not bad pharrell happy early birthday you and my mom shared the same birthday wow that's amazing all right we still got another nine spins to go looking good so far thinking pamela over in canada come on get the treasure chest again find that treasure chest come on oh run around so many times here we go we're at 888 likes thank you guys for the love five more spins at 55 dollars a spin 52.50 a spin actually [Music] three more [Music] do it oh my gosh come on bonus come on bonus oh no it's a baby hit it wasn't faking shaky after all we got our bet back all right last spin coming in oh my gosh again last spin oh okay that's not bad at least we got some money [Applause] william thank you for the birthday wishes from bill and ryan 240 dollars we just turned a thousand to twenty three hundred on wheel of fortune getting ready for our four thousand dollars going into the hundred dollar wheel of fortune later on at the end of our live stream tonight there you go marco thank you all right let's keep it going let's go to another area over here [Music] i see a game we can play over there you guys love this one as well a little bit of ultimate fire link [Music] see if we can line this puppy up ultimate fire link here we go ticket going in card going in okay tab let's line it up thank you so much for the birthday wishes ten dollars going in you know what these guys love this game let's do 2 000. let's put 2 000 in this game why not zrg you want some triple fortune dragon or some golden roost i know where you're from washington cause they don't have those games over here unfortunately but thank you so much for the super chat we're doing dollar denomination thirty dollar spin sound good to you okay you're gonna do the math on that one i didn't put it that way nope you didn't go to that no i mean we could do 50 spins should we try 50 let's do 50. so we got 40 spins at 50 this is the max bet you can do on this game you cannot do more than 50 spins let's line it up here we go 50 spins we need four fireballs for the bonus thank you teresa thanks michelle can we get four fireballs or three free game symbols as well mark thank you for the birthday wishes he wants a five dollar ian's worth in the back don't think it's on our plans but thank you so much for the super chat all right hundred dollars back we'll take that one thank you [Music] tim says new subscriber you got me hooked thank you so much tim thanks for subscribing guys hit that subscribe button if you're new leroy good luck my birthday is march 1st get the grand let's get that big old mig on here come on tony happy birthday check your email later thank you tony 25 bucks hey there brian happy birthday banza thank you blaze and sloths played it at angel of the winds yesterday there you go i thought you were over there thank you again do it oh one off it's all about timing all waitress says that's right huge shout out to our moderators they are working overtime tonight and to our staff at the office you guys are awesome thank you all come on fireballs four of you mary thank you so much come on buy your balls fire your balls 75 bucks [Music] all right that's a thousand dollars of our spins we still have another thousand to go so we lost 550 on the first thousand can we make it back on the second thousand here we go first spin just need four fireballs can we do it casey young thank you so much for the super chat happy birthday from 10 high flash thank you blah 25. this is a tough game oh my gosh rude it's only a 10-line game as well which makes it a little harder to line it up but those fireballs can be anywhere come on let's get those big old wins just the general user hey brian can you say hi to my buddy william what's up william come on we're down a thousand bob andrews now i do need a fireball that's very true we have nine more spins at 50 dollars a spin can we line it up please oh we're missing the middle one right there fashion mason davis happy birthday we you and marco are extremely handsome thank you so much you guys do it to it oh again missing one we have six more spins can we find it i have never done fifty dollar spins oh one uh one uh off there four more one more free games oh that was so painful all right last two spins coming in [Music] [Applause] spin it dirty says richard last spin all right no bonus on that one it's a tough one i knew it going in i knew better [Music] all right i got an idea for our next machine i think let's go this way here we go i think you guys might approve oh someone's on it right now all right hold on then hold the phone we'll go back this way instead all right here we go how about some monopoly everybody monopoly at 25 dollars a spin i'm down i'm down here we go this is called monopoly money monopoly money and thousand dollars going in at 25 dollars a spin 40 cents here we go for this game we need to find three of those wheels on a payline otherwise you need a lot of those money bags at least five for a progressive win oh one off it had to be down there very close there's no stopping tonight thank you three of them gives us our money back [Music] just think young the rest of you is sure to follow thank you think magic i'm on it 10 spins down come on oh a darn thank you here is for you thank you [Music] just got paid out for the jackpot and oh we got a line head there though put that with it thank you come on line it up buttercup [Music] and oh we even had a 2x going there too jay peterson happy birthday to you there we go what's up thanks man that was fifty dollars we are halfway through our spins right now at 6.75 let's get that bonus all ready five line getting just past 22 000 people in the house welcome everybody oh very close [Music] hope's in the house happy birthday my friend thank you so much hope good to see you girl and ah where are you playing asses arielle we're here at san manuel casino highland california and san bernardino it's basically in between that would have been nice in between los angeles palm springs there's 50 bucks we're at 500 with 10 more spins to go [Music] three of them money back shelly just got here welcome shelly good to have you you did not miss any sky rider who might get on that next hold on hands ah do it money back five more spins [Music] rude three more sorry there's 50 bucks and last bit monopoly money i got our money back all right we'll cash that one out there you go marco my bank account i got you you got me all right let's go jump on some pharaoh's fortune all right pharaoh what do you got for me over here oh there's both run there too all right pharaoh's fortune this one is between 15.90 has a spin yeah right i know i know i mean we're going crazy but we're not going stupid crazy all right 1000 ticket going in let's do it to it i don't know we're going to spend maybe 45 45 right so what's that like 22 spins or something like that i know bro i'm i'm getting a little antsy here you know happy birthday laurie from pittsburgh thanks so much can't wait to meet you all right that's what i thought here we go 45 spins we need three of him on the first three reels on a payline that's wild here we go oh there's one of them that looks good but it doesn't line up oh one off of the bonus 45 dollars a spin patricia there we go 111. thank you patricia if only that one lined up with it too my gosh it's a 15 line game you want to hear gong gong gong that means you got the bonus whistling brian thank you i do enjoy my whistling i do too come on line it up buttercup ah wasted wilds one off of the bonus there [Music] we are 650 likes away from 10 000 and almost got a bonus two more spins to make it a thousand dollars in spins how do you know me so well well we only made 163 out of out of a thousand so i'm gonna give it three more spins oh so close justin stevens happy birthday i'm turning 226 for day two turning 40. yeah buddy happy birthday happy early birthday from nikki as well thank you so much nikki not quite enough for another spin so i think it's time for a wolf run 40 spins why well because i'm turning 40. so why wouldn't we right move on over here to wolf run yes please 40 spins all right well so you got to come out in your in uh what do they call them when you have a bunch of wolves pack all right 95 year old mama mary watching for the first time first super chat wow happy birthday thank you so much victoria great to have you in here and joyce thank you for uh the super sticker as well big ribbon thank you very much and a bunny as well thank you guys all right 40 dollar spins here we go kevin kramer you are amazing thank you for the super sticker off we go these are wild we need to line those up that's ten dollars do it yes that's good four hundred dollar line head now we're talking she's a quiet machine so we'll make up for it there we go all right 400 keep it going we want to find that bonus symbol we need to find three bonus symbols on the middle three reels probably what we really want is to fill this screen with wild so we blocked by a ladies today who won over twelve thousand she had almost a full screen a while it was so hot oof queens thirty dollars back lining it up buttercup rude oh we just hit it i didn't see the tens and queens there too 20 bucks a little something back there all right we have done four hundred dollars in spins and we are up 75 i like that not bad [Music] looking forward to playing this slot area in april thank you george come on bonus bonus bonus can we do it to it line up those wilds it's all about timing wild wild wild wild couple nines a couple dollars this is crazy good said leanne i hope so come on can we find that bonus even getting a bonus is not guaranteed you're going to hit anything big it should be helpful though go go go there we go indeed uh i think it's like 25 25 155 back two more spins arlene happy birthday from the flores family thank you eileen and kathy happy early birthday to my favorite gambler i love you and marco thank you kathy johnny see you in vegas happy early birthday thank you last spin yeah we're at 226. 22 600 people i love it shout out to our gorgeous spouses marco and chrissy line it up thank you robin and ronaldo thank you for your super chat um [Music] i forget let me see your little thing there you got i think you swapped these we got that much left we're here okay so i'm thinking we did that we did that didn't we there you go uh let's see we did the third one i think all right all right i'll catch it out there we got we have a spreadsheet and everything i'm not following it at all but like i didn't want to like run blindly through the casino so i was trying to figure out where we should go and stuff kelly thank you for the super sticker all right skyrider here we go we're actually not doing sky rider we're doing skyrider deluxe at 30 dollars a spin it's not on the list well we're doing it now hey since when does brian pull instructions i don't follow rules [Music] can marco and brit also say babushka there you go all right that better pay me [Laughter] okay 30 dollars a spin you ready for me yeah how many are we getting you know [Laughter] here we go 33. 33 spins all right line it up there's the multipliers and and no no no multipliers back again and we got a little piece 16. multipliers and bonus symbols only come out every now and then so as soon as you start seeing them you know they're active otherwise right now you don't see a thing there's my multipliers but they did not show up for us oh i can deviate do it do it yes yes all the way across nice win i love you brian thank you kevin love you back nice hit 184 bucks back at 9 32. here's spin number 10. if you're just joining us we are doing 30 dollars worth of spins actually we're doing more because i keep doing extras we're playing a san manuel casino super hip casino guys and uh they have three high limit rooms we're in our second one right now we're gonna do a couple more games and then move on over to the next one and they're building a fourth in the new hotel they are doing a fourth one it's true come on girl do it to it nikki thank you so much for the super chat from the you re i don't know how to say that your family thank you family thank you marcos i knew i brought you for a reason what is your birthday eve dinner brian birthday eat dinner we're heading to the steakhouse tonight i haven't decided what i'm going to eat we have a great steakhouse here yeah we're going to the pines there's the bonus symbol we need three reels of it come on find it [Music] lee thank you for the super chat that spreads you see for babushkas that's paula there we go 144 we needed that one [Music] another 12 spins or so on here can we line up a bonus or a bunch of multipliers please and thank you we are so close to 10 000 likes wow yes 220 212 likes away now from 10 000 come on girl line it up 30 dollars a spin there's our multipliers we've got a little bit of jacks mimi wish you the happiest of birthdays thank you so much line it up buttercup there's our bonus symbols no you peeked too early they came too early three more they're back oh come on stop do it stop stop here comes and come back oh rudy judy last two spins coming in 10 000 likes you guys rock wow the schnauzer amazing and one more for good luck for good measure and cashing out there 352. thank you thank you shirley says got my rudy's hoodie today thank you so much shirley for getting your booties hoodie appreciate it here you go marco yeah thank you and the pines is back open ask mark it is open by appointment only with your casino host at the moment until they open it up to the public again sam good luck brian how do you keep track of how many spins you do she's counting it i i can't do i can't do that many things at once it's not a thing i can barely do it yeah it's tough it's tough okay let's see what else is over here i think i'm gonna go over to some mighty cash double up what do you say what do you say guys are you gonna post uh to facebook the live videos from youtube no i am not i don't do that um what i do do instead is i go live on facebook as well so you guys get double live streams every wednesday and thursday brand new live stream so join me four o'clock pacific 7 eastern every wednesday and thursday over on facebook and then later on youtube hey lee i do not but thank you for the super chat are these all the same numbers they're different aren't they this one's got a huge major good luck and happy birthday thank you er slots someone's got a nice one too and slot brat welcome to the 40 fabulous club happy birthday thank you slot brat this one's pretty nice on this one all right let's do it to it here we go all right thousand dollars you know what i'm going for two thousand this one two thousand i'm going two i'm feeling it here we go all right y'all ready for this puppy let's do it to it left coast district can you give a shout out to my mom lolita oh hello to you thank you so much how much are you spending on this i forget let me see what the bets are again there we go uh no let's do the dollars oh boy i'm gonna regret that or maybe i'm not open because the minimum bet for a double up is 45 dollars a span oh baby here we go 44 and a half we'll do 45. okay he has lost his mind [Laughter] yes he has can we get a roar in here yeah i look crazy a lot of people who have no idea who i am that's all right 45 what you want to see are the coins on top falling that means you're going to get something big for mr tiger up on top let's see if we can do it to it here we go 45 dollar spins dollar denomination we need five coins or three free game symbols 24 bucks 40 was my favorite year oh nice to know thank you so much paula 76 bucks thank you we've got to get those coins to spill over got to do it go ah hey that pays 32 bucks though five of those please oh your card's not in here oh shoot it's my hand thank you my card was not in now i can win oh one uh yes let's find that bonus i will lose everything if i don't get it oh my gosh money get a brit roar do you want to do it or should i hi brit roar coming there you go come on now [Music] three free games six coins 45 a spin knock those coins over up up there please mr tiger [Music] oh my goodness is this the midlife crisis taking over ask mike no we're just celebrating being with y'all we love to celebrate with you guys oh there we go [Music] 168 bucks all right keep going keep going tyler love your videos hope to see the new casino soon thanks tyler don't forget we're ending this live stream in the third high limit room with 100 spins on wheel of fortune they are gearing up for a big celebration starting in the spring to celebrate their 25th year of being on slot machines 23 000 people in the house welcome to everybody joanna thank you for the super chat cat our cat has learned how to ring the doggy bells thinking she can go inside now i love it now they want a marco roar oh no don't do it marco you'll be stuck forever doing them two more i don't know if i want to step on that line how many spins are we doing on this again uh 42 42 spins we're more than halfway through come on line it up 40 all right we are halfway no we're more than halfway through we got to hit something you guys big 4-0 thank you so much angelo and lou oh nelly can we get something we're down over a thousand dollars thank you donna d all right ten more spins coming there we go 56 thank you [Music] pete you stop stirring the part darn you i love you brother 38 we got five more spins shot of the snow 45 it's his birthday march 5th thank you lee [Music] three more come on knock over those coins last spin oh ouch one more [Music] all right mighty cash you dummy wrong you're making a mess making a mess all right oops there's my ticket here you go marco thank you we'll index that screen says fashion mason davis we missed it we'll do it later all right i think it's time to head on over to the next uh high limit room let's head on over a little bit of a walk over there so let's enjoy our time get ready for the big spins hello hello this is where the 100 wheel of fortune is you guys they've also got games like lightning a link in there uh andre you guys are stirring that pot oh my gosh love you andre they have the 100 wheel of fortune they got some high limit dollar store uh not dollar store uh top dollar thank you the intrigue thank you so much [Music] moving on to high limit room three of three oh baby we're halfway there this is super exciting happy happy birthday thank you winning isn't easy i got you 10 600 likes and 23 000 people watching thank you how much have you put in so far i have no idea but we can find out later we're doing using thousand dollar tickets we have 30 000 to start with we have another 13 to go so that would be 17 000 views so far we don't have 17 000 still so we need to find some money in the next high limit room but if you guys know me on this channel i love a good comeback story big wins in the end let's do it to it thank you for the thumbs up don't forget guys tomorrow night another live stream happening in las vegas starts at four o'clock on facebook pacific time and then uh an hour later over on youtube that'll be our fifth and sixth live stream of the week wow it's natural birthday tomorrow so that's exciting i'm getting ready for this one all right almost there switching over to the fly on this end and heading up to high limit room three of three oh baby get ready oh nelly yeah watch where you're going love britain marco loving it brian thank you kurt's place and mega23 i remember when there was only 100 people watching i don't so thank you yeah we've been going live for a long time we have a five year anniversary coming up in april four year anniversary of the rudy's fan club also coming up then if you guys are members of the rudys welcome guys good to see you here we're doing a private readings live stream next week as well just for you guys for the first week of march all right welcome to welcome to the vault this is the sex one on here as well i love this room it's so so hot katie happy birthday brian uh i think glasgow it's actually your birthday thank you so much katie keep going hey canadian jackpots watching you for a few years oh thank you so much we have worked very hard thank you for noticing hi guys all right here we are final final um high limit room now this is so exciting oh my gosh this place is beautiful and i'm ready to jump on our first machine some lightning cache let's do it this is the room with a hundred dollar wheel of fortune oh nelly here we go mike's asking for 50 pinball spins we're doing 75 pinball maybe maybe sean happy birthday brian you don't look a day over 21 sending lots of love thank you so much you know i think the mask still working for me um no you just moisturize your face and keep the mask on all day you're you know you're saving years you guys here's a secret all right let's do the let's do 50 cent denomination at 25 a bit okay all right 40 spins here we go 25 dollars a spin do it oh almost got a bonus on our first spin six pearls for the bonus those are the numbers we're looking for seventy thousand dollar grand mr cordova thank you so much for the super sticker three dolphins for a bonus would be nice too mario my girlfriend laden from salvador said happy birthday and we got a bonus oh nelly 25 dollar bet [Music] i should have a skincare youtube channel so down uh i actually don't really do much skincare uh so that wouldn't work out very well all right guys bonus time we want to find a big big pearl in the middle here here goes get that pearl to drop lots of wilds and that's a wild big wind coming in there you go nice [Music] let's fast forward this puppy here goes 375. thank you kathy for the birthday wishes pearl wild again and fish is all the way okay you like it [Music] welcome viviana good to see you another 250 wow on our first two spins looking pretty good oh my gosh a third wild again this one does not make it to the very end we're already at a 675 bonus before this hit there you go up to 845 what do you got wow another line hit with tens we have two more spins pearl yes 500 pearl all right 500 we're at a jackpot status i do declare all right here we go let's find a 500 minute 2500 miner 5 800 major keep going all right that's 25 bucks gives us an extra three spins as well [Music] do it and the last spin come on hey 525 ain't bad we have one more spin on free games every single spin has been good so far can we cap it off with another winner here it is ant ah 1400 jackpot jackpot nice well done oh yes here we go [Music] all right i use my fast pay there and we are back in and we're ready to continue on with our spins yes that was only our fifth spin nice keep it going oh my gosh we've been hanging around in each other too long keep going think brian ah thank you jim hello sue ten bucks i'll take another bonus six pearls sounds delicious there's two 50 bucks what does fast pay they want to know oh hey lauren fast pay means instead of having to wait for someone to come pay you out you put a little code on the screen three more and it gets added on here instead and then they will send you the tax documents in the mail so much nicer if you're gonna do a lot of um high limit it's a good idea to do that before you can pick the document at the end of the day too three more by the way thank you so much thank you guys come on hi thank you so much appreciate it it's 40 spins is that what we said uh yeah all right here's your 20th spin then three more one more oh no i'm okay thank you so much all right we're up a thousand right now on halfway through our spins so we're guaranteed to leave with something it's always a nice feeling got some treasure 25 bucks money back another 12. looking for that pearl bonus that hold and spin bonus please and thank you [Music] three more ah not yet [Music] line it up buttercup oh all right ten more spins on lightning cash magic pearl we need three dolphins or six magic pearls [Music] one off again are you kidding me another shout out going to my moderators thank you guys so much for working so hard and our hard-working staff including marco and britt ouch four more spins [Music] one more oh last man oh you're so rude to me but hey we made a 590 dollar profit on that game i love it nikki thank you marco for saying you might the name right my boyfriend's from austin el salvador that'll do it i still know that's right all right what's up what else can we play in here on this side that we haven't played yet yeah sure it's a well-oiled machine yeah all right cool let's see what else is over here any other you know what i gotta play this one i played this game the other day oh wait someone's won that game there's two dollars left in it so let's not jump on that there's a drink there and a card there and everything so i'm guessing they're still playing see these ones are full let's go this way i see some cleopatra in my future i love some clio in fact we're gonna do a little competition here cleopatra or cleopatra two guys which one should we play [Music] hi here we go thank you appreciate it which one do you guys want me to play here cleopatra or cleopatra a lot of votes for two indeed all right you guys know it's one of my biggest uh wins ever it was my biggest jackpot for a few years in fact it took me forever to to beat that puppy the one that started it all it is of course thank you all right here we go 20 spins thank you heather here we go 20 to spin we need to get three of those symbols for the bonus sam fowler thank you so much for the super chat five bucks do it oh we're getting closer to those hundred dollar space we are getting closer to those hundred dollar spans [Music] [Music] come on do it to it happy birthday jasmine what's the highest symbol the wild symbol is the best one do it oh one off thank you craig i'll see you tomorrow night for our birthday live stream as well fifty dollar line yet finally giving us something there cleo thank you 20 spins down we have 30 more to go on here aces [Music] okie slots thank you very much for the super sticker what's going on cleo i don't know why y'all guys all pick this one over cleo what's going on maybe you know something i don't let's find out if we can get that bonus holy shoot it doesn't line up very nicely for our line heads but 70 bucks is 70 bucks elf clark so if you have more viewers in the nba's live stream right now take that mba can we get more subscribers in the nba the question hit that subscribe button you guys let's do it to it there's 50 bucks oh my gosh 11 000 likes right now can we make more money than the nba no we can't no we can't happiest of birthdays to you thank you so much kenneth three tens ten bucks whoops [Music] three sphinx find it girls find it two of them we're getting close to 100 wheel of fortune it's incumbent one more ouch slow your roll no thank you i don't get just like waiting and waiting and waiting anyway you know that's going to go for it i've been live an hour 45 minutes don't you want to see his hundred dollar spins yeah let's get to it do it ah nba got nothing on brian says lori yeah girl five more spins and it only takes one right you know it does three more teresa my brother andrew loves you please say hi to him hello andrew thank you so much teresa all right that was the full thousand dollars but we're not going anywhere because i'm cashing that out and putting another ticket in and we're going to try regular cleopatra now and see which one pays us better do it too it says ann craig we actually have a challenge video coming out doing this exact same thing coming soon we're going to double the bet on this one too let's do it let's make it interesting 40 dollars a spin why not yeah let's do it i like that 25 spins at 40 bucks again need three bonus symbols thank you nadine for the birthday wishes one more oh well we got a nice big hit there five of a kind nines and a scouter pay 596 dollar win bowser schnauzer that pays 400 for that scatter pay is another was that 50 bucks it was no 80 bucks yeah beautiful so beautiful all right keep it going line up that money sphinx [Music] that's a wild doesn't line up much for us except for the nines 24 bucks say sluggats thank you guys bonnie your channel brings me so much joy thank you bonnie i love it alan [Music] we've done 600 and spins on here we're at 1060 right now casino plr sorry mr phone call for us rudy it's happy birthday thank you so much firebra with some birthday cake thank you barbara you brought us a nice win for 240 bucks back at it it's been 19. that was 18 yeah now or 19. ants five more ten bucks four more [Music] ants and two more [Music] beautiful 48 we're down two on our last spin [Music] yeah not bad let's do one more i mean i like my back up to the back up to the back all right looks like cleopatra was a little better that time than cleo ii is that always the case is the question i don't know all right kids where are we going now where are we going all right what's around the corner over here i think it's time for some bigger bets yeah yeah i mean i think it's time for our biggest bet of the night right now we're still gearing up for those hundred dollar spins but i see some double top dollar in my future yes i do double top dollar hey how are you very well thank you double top dollar 25 denomination have a look bc slots our favorite youtube channel we love you brian from a frank and stephanie thank you guys take a look at this 25 denomination 75 our biggest bet of the night so far how tall are you i am six foot one what percent do you take of the winning is 100 my friend and guess what get somebody on this what 26 spins 26 spins for 2 000 all right we're putting 2 000 in worlds well leona says three thousand oh boy oh let's start with two we gotta save four for wheel of fortune we do [Music] all right 75 dollars a spin finally a real slot machine okay this is a very very popular game we need to get the double top dollar symbol in the middle of the third reel can we do it 80 credits that's 2 000 let's line it up 75 freaking dollars a spin there is a symbol right there cherry i like the chair that pays us money that's a hundred dollars they want to see marco's shirt let's see your shirt marco rudy's for live yes and brett what are you wearing tonight jackpot and what are you wearing tonight brian hold on hey handpay all our brand new shirts over at bc slots at bcslots.com guys go check it out if you want to get your lucky t-shirts let's keep it going spin three [Music] oh that would have been nice three double diamond symbols pays 2 400 credits you do the math cause i can't somebody else please 2400 times 25 no a lot more than that no i don't know well if it was ten dollars it would have been twenty four thousand dollars right so it's gotta be over 50k so sixty thousand yeah i think it's sixty thousand nothing [Music] also get a shirt that has uh your logo on it we do have one on it yeah go to bcslots.com we got them all on there 100 bucks back [Music] let's find that bonus symbol oh very close it's right there such a sexy group of people i know right you're trying to be my hands can you pull the handle sure rose let's do one two three and pull the handle so much work rose one more [Music] physical labor all right back at it all right i believe we've done uh let's see 14 spins uh we've lost 750 dollars out of that so we've only made a couple hundred back let's let's do better than that let's do better timothy our go up to 5x on our store yeah our sizes are from extra small to 5xl we need a good line hit here let's get three of a kind of something please or some double diamonds in the mix [Music] oh let's get three double diamonds and figure out what that pays us [Music] that would be pretty freaking awesome [Music] where is that bonus symbol come on thank you very much oh nelly get it oh how many spins are you doing again britt 26 26 we got five more only five more oh my goodness here we go one here's two [Music] oh last chance what i'd like to do is 24 spins 26 spins oh 26 sorry i don't know why i'm thinking 24. two more where is that bonus symbol oh gee ouchy ouch what's that sixty thousand all right there he goes that's what it would be if he got three double diamonds all right that one was a little rough let's go find the next don't be nervous we're doing we're having a good old time tonight let's see what else is over this way i see some fun games this way all right hello hello all right i think we play some zeus who doesn't love some zeus i love it all right zeus okay thousand dollars thank you hollis 40 bets okay welcome yeah yep yep you'll be up here we go 40 dollars a spin ready how many 25 25 spins we can do this i think i think we can how are they putting money in oh no bret ate my ticket this machine might take it to their day too all right so i'll go to the one beside it then instead well brit waits for that with marco i'll just come over here and play this one instead actually i thought someone hit a huge jackpot on this one before so maybe i can do that myself my boyfriend joshua wants to know why you don't play table games since you do such big bets on slots i find that slots to be so much more fun and you also can't generally film at table games especially with other people at the table unless i want to play by myself and so i choose to just play slots my name is brian christopher slots after all what slot machine is your least favorite says revamp oh jeez uh wicked winnings is pretty rude to me i would say yeah all right 40 dollars a spin here we go [Music] oh nelly we want lots of zeus lined up that's where the money's at or we want three of these lightning bolts for the bonus if you guys are new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button we upload videos every single day of the week and go live a couple times every wednesday and thursday line it up oh there we go [Music] 624 dollar line head we got the zeus i told you he's nice keep going [Music] oh close close [Music] right there let's keep it going spin 15 of 25. all right 10 more spins yeah no there's thank you there's there is no respin on this one only the old there's all the old school ones do that certain versions five more spins all right 60 bucks [Music] find it and last spin [Music] well you know what that one was so good to us i say we do another thousand dollars worth of spins on this one what do you think all right so another 25 spins let me let me cash out that ticket just so we can keep ourselves straight on what we're doing throw another thousand in all right here we go nice okay 40 bucks back can we find three lightning bolts for that bonus please and thank you yes please come on zeus oh he blocked us there come on let's do it salmon well casino let's end with a bang tonight 30 bucks wilds are good gotta line it up [Music] one more 80 dollar line there [Music] i don't think we have windows this time all right there we go 40 bucks wild zeus 56 what a random number 30. we've had two jackpots so far tonight i'm looking for more these bigger bets coming in good help go go 160 dollars [Music] one more we have three chances and oh nelly find it ouch ouch ouch five more chances here we go 80 bucks here we do go two more spins [Music] and last spin zoozy zeus is susie all right cashing out he was all right to us he was all right can't complain with that one here marco thank you thank you all right new subscribers is ari welcome found me a few days ago love it thank you for the thumbs up as well all right let's see what's over this way now [Music] almost ready for the 100 wheel of fortune why don't we try some blazing gems you guys 27 spins to win some big big money hey gc how are ya all right gc in the house [Music] nice all right let me just clean my phone it looks foggy but i don't think it's the phone but i'm going to double check in case my finger touches at some point yeah i know it's not my phone it's the lighting on the game all right here we go good luck brian thank you danny slots all right max bet 27. here we go line it up it's a nine line a game no time for quickit tonight unfortunately [Music] yes new to you thank you so much make sure you hit that subscribe button almost got 24 000 people in the house thank you guys so much for hitting that subscribe button tonight and for sharing this video get the middle one for a jackpot oh 992 dollars if that was in the middle danielle thank you so much for your super chat unfortunately we're getting down to it 100 wheel of fortune is coming [Music] come on line it up we're due for a big win oh how many spins we get breathe [Music] mystical always enjoy watching thank you so much mr love you sir 39 times 27 that makes sense yeah that's about right i guess yeah [Music] top or bottom for the jackpot oh we got it jackpot yeah baby oh nelly we got it 998 dollars beautiful i think that was 10 20. it's all good how's how much we getting for that puppy right there 37 all right eleven hundred and three dollars nice under a jackpot love it that is now reset down to 900. let's keep our spins going we have 17 more andre you blaming greg so rude [Music] i don't want to give laura a stroke if i say hi but i'm going to say hi anyways hi laura i love you thank you so much for watching [Music] oh i read that wrong i apologize big hugs to you laura thank you for the super chat [Music] hands oh rudy tooty seven more nice 45. [Music] welcome jeffrey thanks for subscribing my friend over 24 000 people watching and 11 500 likes as well one more all right one more spin coming in all right we'll do that and cash out after this last spin snuck one in ah one more one more oh my god back up to the back up you know sometimes it works it happens to work a lot not tonight but [Laughter] here marco all right okay guys almost that time for the hundred dollar wheel of fortune i can see it right beside me here oh my gosh real twinning slots happy birthday sending a twin luck your way thank you real twinning and gina sending you good luck on your 100 wheel of fortune happy birthday thank you gina and tamika you're a great and happy birthday thank you so much and thank you rick for subscribing as well all right here we go guys it is time here we go 100 wheel of fortune get ready oh my goodness yes yes yes are you ready is this a record for people watching this is a double record we our biggest was like twelve thousand we've doubled it up tonight incredible angie thank you for your super chat okay let's get that money ready fans i hope you land the highest jackpot on the wheel says todd me too twenty thousand dollars up on the wheel right now there's a thousand thank you mary good to see you oh nelly the excitement is real oh maybe it won't take any more money no it's like you give me enough money all right we'll keep the other money on the side let me put my players card in so make sure you get those points on the 100 bets try again there you go thank you all right players card is in you guys ready for a big finish let's do it to it hundred dollars every spin we're gonna do 40 spins uh to celebrate my 40th birthday plus guys don't forget uh wheel of fortune is going to be celebrating their 25th anniversary of being on slot machines starting in the spring we're going to be there with them for it cannot wait so let's line it up for them oh my gosh 24 000 has to be a record congratulations thank you josh ray it sure is and happy birthday brian from 30 kitty green here we go first spin coming in we just won a hundred dollars three blank symbols pays a hundred that was awesome very good keep it going thank you so much for the super sticker adam age amazing brian happy early birthday see you tomorrow thank you adam we're looking for the spin button to land in the middle of the third reel right there 100 a spin we got it wow the schnauzer our third spin we got a bonus now we're talking you've spun your way to the wheel of fortune bonus all right guys looking up at that wheel the lowest amount we can go away with is i think this is your big opportunity press the button to spin the wheel 3000 no 2500 all right we're going home with at least 2500 here is there 12.50 oh that's rude all right let's beat 1250 that's all i ask here we go the wheel is spinning here we go come on big money all right we did it three thousand dollars beautiful that was only our third spin as well how hot is that all right let me uh put in my code here clear that one off keep the fun going with wheel of a fortune there we go 3 000 been added onto our credits there wow we were only down 200. spin three of 40. if we can get a spin on every three spins that'd be pretty good i'm down all right okay brett here we go [Music] all right if that was blank right there if there's nothing there he would have had a nice little hit please say hi and may i get away from brit says george britt's hands are full but she says hi thank you so much all right keep it going 100 bucks back nicely done keep going can we find that spin button again blank i almost got it but we take 100 from it so that's great all right keep it going spinny spin spin let's find her oh nelly let's go says slot queen let's do it to it spin says elvia come on oh boy by the way if you get three sevens in the order of red white and blue that's eighty thousand dollars if you get three wheel of fortune symbols that is two hundred thousand dollars thank you real twins thoughts again you're welcome william we've done 10 spins we still have 30 more to go oh got a hunter back [Music] come on girl [Music] kim hicks thank you so much for the super sticker oh nelly let's keep it going we've had three handpays tonight and two of them came from wheel of fortune games love it there's 100 bucks back again oh boy yeah i love this game who doesn't love this game hundred bucks back keep going [Music] if this is what my forties are gonna be like i'm excited that's all i gotta say pretty good hundred dollars back lots of love from amsterdam go line it up tiger thank you michael spin number 20. all right we've done 20 spins we have 20 spins to go go oh nelly go [Music] 100 back happy birthday weekend you need to come back to arizona and bring michael this time says rachel all right thank you for that nice sg happy birthday to your son tomorrow too that pays 200 that's a nice little surprise me too you guys thought that was a spin huh yeah all good all good keep going where did the line hit we haven't had a line hit yet a real one yeah stop being rude just angel let's do it come on happy 40th can jamie christian get a beautiful thank you michigan scratcher all right it's taking us 25 spins we've only had one spin after the third let's line her up guys come on oh you know after that spin we've not been doing that bad we've been getting a lot of money back so yeah all right well rose wants me to pull that handle here we go now let's see what happens i knew that's gonna happen [Music] that wheel baby all right gage [Music] ants oh hundred dollars back hey i'll take it oh three red sevens would have been nice [Music] come on girl let's go let's go rapid fire no thank you no all right eight more spins i want to see some sevens lined up watch it from australia thank you renz oh there we go oh my gosh i could feel it coming too yeah that was spin 34. now all right guys we got another spin marco you're ready yes okay let's line it up buttercup here we go it's all about timing where it's gonna land has not been decided yet until you press the spin button in three two one here we go can we beat the last one come on come on girl come on girl ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars wheel of fortune ten thousand dollars on the wheel wow my second time in my life hitting 10 000 on the wheel what there you go holy shoot beautiful that does need a brit roar you're right thank you michael pure profit says tom you know it oh my gosh all right let me oh i can't add that one maybe i waited too long ten thousand dollar win wow thank you wheel of fortune oh my gosh i'm even more excited about their 25 year anniversary now as well i don't know if it was there but i may have missed it or maybe i want too much money maybe they're like what's going on over there we only put 3 000 into this game so far and we're at 13 800. are you kidding me holy shoot thank you george for the thumbs up oh nelly chris happy 21st birthday now win that 21k thank you chris see if i can press it any buttons over here no i think i missed my opportunity or i made too much money i'm not sure hey thank you wow guys just hit 10 000. we got more spins to go as well how many more we got six more spins pull it out yeah [Music] beautiful oh my goodness so hot well we're not done we have more spins to go we are 74 likes away from 12 a thousand likes we have 25 600 people watching 40 more spins says cody cruz and i don't know we have six more well you know guys know what what else what you know what else i have another ticket for a thousand dollars that i hadn't used yet what i was holding out i'm like maybe we'll throw it in this one as well i think so have a look again ten thousand dollar jackpot beautiful beautiful beautiful oh nelly all right we're about to jump on it again in a second just gonna do some paperwork quickly my dad's watching too hello dad out there hello mom and dad my sister's watching i know so hot oh baby i can't believe we actually hit the tent ashley thank you so much we hit the three i thought i was gonna hit it last time actually but it went and hit the three instead 20 is the biggest we just got the second biggest or actually that's not the second biggest third biggest fourth biggest somehow we got well from the lowest we got like a lot better than that you ready for me 2 26 81. sure it's my birthday in a few hours [Music] talk about your comeback amazing says sonny you're able to reset it for me so i can keep playing [Music] okay waiting for a supervisor they'll be here in a second and we'll keep on playing the rest of our spins so hot talking about your comebacks amazing says sonny i told you guys i like my comebacks i have been nicknamed what brit come back king we got a jackpot yes we did we got a hamper yes we did and we got rooties for life yes we do because we love them stephanie congratulations on over 300 000 subscribers and happy birthday sending you lots of love and wishes thank you so much stephanie good to see you and what a great way to start celebrating i can't believe it's so good big big thing is sam manuel and wheel of fortune igt you guys are awesome partners we love working with you guys come back kids it's alexander and scriptwork congratulations and happy birthday brian we love you hi are you able to resent that for us thank you thank you script war again thank you so hot huh all right we're resetting it right now guys we have six more spins and i was holding in an extra thousand you know big bands of bonanza bonus brian thank you ashley you're right all right and we're back at it beautiful beautiful beautiful jim come back king six more spins do it two at 10 000 is a great 40k absolutely oh baby baby baby wow we waited for that second spin and it was well worth the wait players card going back in guys a lot of people have this uh idea that putting a player's card in is gonna hurt your winning well clearly it doesn't i use it every time and i get a lot of good benefits from it uh i got um easy part in here especially i love that vip parking i get my food covered hotel stays covered uh free play as well actually we haven't used our free play yet yeah i gotta use that before we leave all right here we go getting back to it banzai uh hit that when i said a rudy luck oh thank you so much george must have been must be due for a brit wave for that if he really wants you to wave bran here give me your phone all right give a wave right thank you george all right six more spins and then another 10 for good luck for the next 10 years i guess i don't know here we go 10 more spins or six more spins sorry do it to it let's get that spin one more time can we do it guys oh my gosh hundred dollars back thank you oh almost we got 100 back again let's do that again indeed all right get it hey a thousand dollar lion head bar all right we guys we are up 11 500 on this game right now that is so hot and we have one more spin for our 40th 100 and i have one more thousand dollar ticket going in oh i can't put it in that's right sorry i just gotta do the spins all right guess gotta do them all right guys ten more spins this is what we call it's the sugar on top i guess so happy to have 25 000 of you in the house tonight that is incredible thank you guys for tuning in and thank you for hitting that subscribe button we've got to be killing it with subscribers i hope so hit that subscribe subscribe button free of charge don't forget i just like that like button half of you guys have now hit it so i appreciate you guys so much here we go free to charge both of those hundred dollars back again
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 642,669
Rating: 4.8992562 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Brian Christopher Live, BCSlots Live, Live 30K, Brian Christopher Live from San Manuel, live jackpot, live high limit, massive jackpot, san manuel casino
Id: KQywOwhPunQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 2sec (8522 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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