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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] recognized by deped piyak tess the commission on higher education and pakukawa contact ads at cdsg a facebook page and cdsga youtube channel [Music] good afternoon ladies and gentlemen welcome to the junior high school moving up ceremony and recognition day of collegio de san gabriel arkham hill leading the processional r the school maze the junior high school [Music] [Music] class advisors and teachers of the junior high school [Music] emmanuel t grade 7 adler dominic bryal j mahaville grade 7 covey [Music] jessica monique p laguitao grade 8 rogers joshua has said g christmas grade 8 sheldon [Music] ronel c abloh grade 8 watson joshua o correa grade 9 master maricris dc rodriguez wait nine of law winner in c two high grade nine bigotsy [Music] jason b gabriel great dan toy john l p hovest grade 10 plato [Music] the school officials professor [Music] professor leia c felias staff of the guidance services professor winalin si tukai in charge of the junior high school dr remedios or oyarte the director for registration [Music] professor tiffany jones v oriate the director for human resource dr grace joy p uriarte mendoza the vice president for finance and the senior high school coordinator dr charles bryan p oriate the vice president for academics planning and research [Music] professor gemmarp uriate the vice president for human resource management dr shailotti oriarte pai the vice president for external affairs [Music] dr lucina pioriarte the executive vice president dr gabriel g uriarte president [Music] the entrance of colors [Music] hint [Music] ladies and gentlemen the philippine national anthem and the cdsga him [Music] and foreign oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i my [Music] [Applause] is [Music] i [Music] us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] good the candle ceremony and the prayer by aliana cassandra alawi grade 10. [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen our father in heaven we bless and except your name on high today as we gather in hearts and as we celebrate your goodness and faithfulness in our school kulejayodus and gabriel are come hell may your presence be upon us for our moving upset and we extend our gratefulness oh god because even in the midst of pandemic you still give us an opportunity to have a ceremony for the students may each student today feel proud and enjoy celebrating their success and lord thank you for being with us since the very beginning and we know that you will always be on our side we also thank you for the life of every teachers and especially doctor ariata and their whole family continue to give strength and wisdom to everyone we entrust everything to you god continue to cover us with your most precious blood and your divine protection be upon us in jesus name this is what we pray in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] is um oh [Music] god as the candles are lighted the reflection of the light shines in our eyes may the class of 2021 take this light into the world so that the light of christ may continue to shine into the lives of all those whom on behalf of the school president dr gabriel the executive vice president dr lucinar the school officials members of the faculty staff parents candidates for graduation ladies and gentlemen good afternoon the junior high school moving up ceremony and recognition day of collegio de san gabriel arkham hell is hereby declared in session to all here present we extend the warmest welcome ladies and gentlemen it is my privilege to introduce to you our school president dr gabriel g oriate for the greetings [Music] [Music] to our almighty to the gabrielian community to the teaching and teaching staff parents and to the graduates good day life is becoming more difficult this time because we're still independent though it's still difficult always remember that you are a gabrielian a man of god a man of character a man who is always ready to face all the challenges and a man who will never surrender in any fight of life foremost let us not forget to thank all the people in one way or another who touched and became the instruments in your journey to fulfill your significant achievements these are the members of the gabrielian family your friends your family and most especially your parents as a father of kalihi you designed gabriel arkham hell i am very proud of you you keep the light burning in reaching the finish line of your education do not stop in holding tightly the gabriella torch as the symbol of your mission to serve man and god always and do all your best to keep the light always burning darum d you are a man of god forever as gabrielians let us not forget our tagline we care your legacy to share mabuhay [Applause] an inspirational message the vice president for academics planning and research dr charles bryant to our god almighty cdsga management teaching and non-teaching staff all gabrielian stakeholders parents graduates and all of you watching a lovely and a blissful day cdsga has been using the flexible mode of learning for more than one academic year already this pandemic had a significant impact on our lives in this new normal we can't do many of the things we used to do [Music] a lot of things have changed since then but here we are virtually enjoying your graduation day what brings us here [Music] because your ambition to complete your education has remained constant your parents and significant others who have always been by your side until you cross the finish line have not changed their desire to run with you and see you to graduate [Music] pacocoa gave level 2 accreditation amidst the pandemic to cdsj [Music] this is a distinction that not all higher education institutions can claim i can still recall when cdsga first opened in 1993 it was a small school with tinder up to grade four a small classroom and only few students including me and now we almost have 30 degree programs in college excellent board exam performance high performing alumni and numerous achievements why did we achieve this because cdsga's desire did not change to provide you a quality and transformative education that all of you deserve [Music] salud [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign to deliver the welcome address isis may seem and grade them [Music] for the past four years of learning waves of laughter memories to tell and journey to treasure finally we are all gathered here to witness our most memorable day the last day for us to claim ourselves as juniors as one of the competitors was given the opportunity to speak before you though it is virtual i am so honored to welcome you all to our virtual moving up ceremony of batch 2020 2021 to our beloved president of colegio de san gabriel arkham hell dr gabriel g oriate to our dear vice president dr lesina p oryate to all our school administrators to our junior high school oic teacher vina lindsay tukai to all our school teachers family friends and especially to my fellow competitors thank you and have a great day our journey as juniors was never easy we experienced many struggles but look at us with the help of our school and teachers we are now ready to step forward to the new beginning of our battles we are now one step closer towards our dreams this day is a fair wall to all of us but the knowledge and skills our teachers had taught us will surely be a great help in the future the stories of dr gabriel and dr charles will be our sources of inspirations as we face the new chapter of our lives and we promise that 10 years from now when we are all fully grown and successful we will look back to our dear alma mater with huge things and appreciation let us capture this day and continue learning for our future always remember that there is no virus that can stop us from reaching our dreams all the sacrifices are worth it and when you feel like giving up god is always there waiting for us once again i am isis mehmandak delighted to be a gabrielian welcoming you to our virtual moving up ceremony of class 2020 2021 [Applause] presentation of candidates and confirmation of completers to present the completers of the junior high school is the department head misuina lin tukai and for the confirmation of completers the president of koley de san gabriel dr gabriel mr president i have the honor to present to you the 115 competitors of the junior high school department batch 2020-2021 who had successfully completed all the requirements prescribed by the department of education by virtue of the authority vested upon me as president of colegio this and gabriel are compared as designated by the board of trustees and by the department of education are hereby accept the candidates and confirm their graduation [Applause] [Music] [Music] so good academic and non-academic avoidees grade 10 freud advisor teacher jason b gabriel ariola naomi andrew are calm affectionate and behaved academic [Applause] awardee industrious approachable and loyal with honors caring calm and companionable [Applause] [Music] gentle polite and reserved academic awardee de la pena hurt adriel a cheerful friendly and realistic these are shown old rich s imaginative polite resourceful and prudent with honors dr rafael sg well groomed meek and thoughtful elago john floyd p cheerful caring and gregorios academic avoiding faustino riley mark a jovia humorous and popular [Applause] fontanellia lil andre c 4th place audiovisual presentation during the cdsga's 28th founding anniversary make silent worker bright and perseverant with honors [Music] lazatin louise clyde and clever courageous and attentive loredorique humerus energetic and sports-minded eliseo junior g participant poster making contest during the english month of 2020. capable respectful attentive and responsible with honors maikawa jasper canty groomed confident and independent [Music] cooperative polite and sociable academic [Music] silent worker determined and patient with honors santiago marion benedictine resourceful jovial and candy academic awardees santiso lands andre s companionable purchased and sports minded [Music] independent and friendly [Music] soliven justin kuailoan jovia amicabal and gregorios [Music] s energetic amiable and considered vargas john edward j second place tagis during the united nations month 2020 prince of the gods during the english month 2020 champion christmas chorale competition 2020 second place oration during the cbsga's 28th thousand anniversary champion dance competition cdsga's 28th founding anniversary inquisitive talented passionate participative and smart with high honors villanueva rohan danielle jovial self-reliant and respectful academic avoiding gwen christian p bright chiming participative and obedient with honors [Music] says jackie s resourceful calm and affectionate academic awardee abadinio's echo joy's youth calm caring and soft spoken [Music] [Applause] spelling bee during the english month of 2020 participant poster making contest during the month 2021 knowledgeable perseverant attentive responsible and industrious with high honors albon francine why consistent charming modest and helpful with honors aquino faith m amiable mirthful and thoughtful with honors arizappa alexa p self-reliant obedient and sports minded academic awardee [Applause] m participants slogan making contests during the united nations month 2020 participant slogan making will be the map a month 2021 participant junior high school got talent during the month 2021 bright responsible punctual and industrious with honors [Applause] jmp cooperative resourceful alert and persistent with honors meek independent and polite academic awareness cabal said choice faith the caring jovial and companionable [Music] the cast only called him success thoughtful respectful and resourceful with honors [Applause] francisco bianca unisto helpful reliable responsible and hardworking with honors [Applause] soft-spoken and sincere [Music] cheerful diligent thoughtful and enthusiastic with honors [Applause] darin wrote in participant storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 second place spoken poetry contest during the cdsga's 28th founding anniversary prudent sympathetic approachable and thoughtful with honors soft-spoken polite and obedient academic awardees [Music] energetic miracle and decisive with honors logana rossette and s for choose helpful and realistic with honors amiable resourceful and sports minded [Music] isis may see participant essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 optimistic hard-working warm-hearted smart and good listener with high honors reserved soft-spoken and patient academic oid [Music] [Music] intercontinental during the united nations month 2020 participant tick-tock challenge during the month of 2021 reliable punctual participative and polite with honors [Music] osmena nicolesi respectful passionate and humble with honors third place poster making contest during the english month of 2020 artistic bright patient and industrious with honors [Music] [Applause] ryodike grace valerie d thoughtful calm and amicable companionable punctual caring and resourceful with honors julian metis charming tidy and sociable academic award academic and non-academic awardees gueden plato advisor teacher jayonnelle p hoves beranya jasper the kind and sociable bernard doren's paolo are fourth place audiovisual presentation during the cdsga's 28th founding anniversary 2021 third place poster making contest during the united nations month 2020 talented artistic amiable and respectful with honors catalan manuel junior g sports minded and obedient cinco eugene l caring and respectful [Music] [Applause] kurabo justine paul allen meek calm and determined mon angelo a cheerful resourceful and amiable [Music] espionage team well groomed caring and determined with honors esto waria rafael blg helpful resourceful and aiming academic awardee [Music] motivated and resourceful academic awards cheerful silent worker obedient and respectful academic awardee [Music] respectful and independent academic awareness javier justine rainel confident determined industrious and responsible with honors lolo jericho s sports minded cooperative and hardworking [Music] miguel russell allen z eagle in kabul and humorous miranda prince broadchester s punctual cheerful obedient and industrious academic award olandria raniel paul b third place spelling bee during the english month of 2020 respectful diligent reliable responsible and knowledgeable with high honors [Music] s participated during the junior high school gunpowden during the month of 2021 talented caring diligent and determined with honors cheerful sociable and obedient [Music] rodolfo jedrik vincent c kind helpful industrious bright and trustworthy with honors romo juwan jean jay mr united nations of 2020 well-groomed amicable resourceful and responsible with honors [Applause] san diego carl benedict mirthful amiable and determined [Music] santos eric participated virtuous cooperative respectful and knowledgeable with honors sestoso carl vincent b attentive organized amiable and responsible with honors 4th place audiovisual presentation during the cdsga's 28th founding anniversary of 2021 obedient responsible good listener industry used and trustworthy with honors punctual silent worker industrious and purchased academic awardee taborda jeff erwin c silent worker polite and hardworking academic awardee [Applause] zamora january a kind motivated good listener helpful and trustworthy with honors [Music] [Applause] abadilios i call joy view calm polite and respectful abion ayumi nicole b active eager and hardworking [Music] aguya kg attentive organized ambiable and responsible with honors antolin novel in c participant aggies during the united nations month 2020 good listener responsible independent courteous and diligent with honors [Music] jelaisa daniela d cheerful kind and sociable arrigor jonathan l eagle amicable and cooperative academic awardee [Music] argelia estriano respectful nicole m perseverant eager and helpful banty lance stefan in [Music] contest during the english month of 2020 kind motivated helpful and trustworthy with honors cooperative considerative persistent and conscious with honors [Music] katapusan maria stella well group silent worker and cooperative with honors [Music] attentive organized amiable smart and responsible with honors polite motivated cooperative and trustworthy with honors david crystal g careful sociable and determined academic awakening di landi soft-spoken caring and resourceful [Music] maria stephanie lorenti participant storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 delightful confident organized bright and diligent with honors mp participants slogan making contests during the mapping month of 2021 responsible inclusity white and game cabal with honors [Applause] [Music] and sociable during the mapping month of 2021 confident amicable helpful and independent silent worker obedient and respectful with honors muyo graciously may and champion during the dance competition of the cdsga's 20th fountain anniversary of 2021 companionable motivated for choose to lose and trustworthy with honors [Applause] angelica maripi silent worker kind and polite [Applause] sga 2021 best in long gone during the mr nbc sga 2021 best in thailand during the mr nbc sga 2021 queen of the goddesses during the english month of 2020 confident amicable organized humble and diligent with honors [Music] calm obedient and respectful academic avoidance third place logan making contest during the united nations month 2020 participant poster making contest during the english month of 2020 participant paper mache during the month of 2021 silent worker inquisitive amicable artistic and responsible with high honors [Applause] [Music] o sports minded cooperative and hardworking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] mhm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] the serving students will now be awarded medals of honor special awards is given to the following students [Music] best in filipino john edward j varkas best in english best in technology and livelihood education best in mape best in musical arts pious awardee loyalty award isis may seem undock best in mathematics best in science pious avoid cranial paul b orlandria best in adeline [Music] santos best in education loyalty [Music] best in computer friends paulo or bernardo best in visual [Music] arts no villain see antonin ideal gabriella sean ulrich as visa loyalty awardee carl vincent v sestoso [Music] goblin [Music] prince road chester s miranda punctual gabriella [Music] punctual gabriella [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so academic and non-academic awardees 7 adler advisor teacher emmanuel t russia [Music] al baladejo elijah jared i resourceful and affectionate [Music] astorga and gravy industrious and reserved [Music] mr intercontinental 2020 during the united nations month of 2020 sports minded and energetic [Music] enriquez renzi cooperative and helpful [Music] period israel's jeans ill courageous and [Music] confident good listener independent and persistent academic awardee [Music] campaign sports minded and kind [Applause] [Music] honorio delaware wentworth c participant agizalino during the united nations month of 2020 active bright capable and inquisitive with high honors team john alfred quinoa dynamic and careful [Music] massive raw friends be caring and reliable patient mirthful and amiable with honors reserved and passionate [Music] malibun jesse adrian c decisive and adventurous [Music] monsanto neat racial sea sincere determined and functual with honors placenta john wick's age participant during the poster making contest during the mapping month of 2021 creative and cheerful john cedric e passionate and sympathetic [Music] for all clarizel francine m champion during the christmas choral competition of 2020 talented imaginative and enthusiastic academic avoiding [Music] alvarez good listener polite and independent with honours second place during the poster making contest of the english month of 2020 artistic courageous and respectful [Music] aperuccio aryan jose m attentive organized and companionable with high honors [Music] caring and diligent academic awardee resourceful and adventurous [Music] holiday a miss supranational 2020 during the united nations month of 2020 participant junior high school got fallen during the month of 2021 passionate confident and gregorios with honors [Music] kalasara elise kimberly mick and thoughtful [Applause] participant during the spelling bee of the english month of 2020 jovial and considered [Music] sociable and delightful fox alexandra are self-reliant gentle and productive with honors [Music] diaganon princess elise l participant tick-tock bottle during the map month of 2021 alloyed perseverant responsible and well-groomed with high honors del rosario danielle j self-reliant and calm [Music] [Applause] kazoo are participants during the poster making contests of the united nations month of 2020 participant essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 decisive tactful and trustworthy with honors m honest sympathetic and helpful academic awardee habulan grants dana see caring and thoughtful innocente candice michelle t cooperative and obedient [Music] during the paper mache contest during the month of 2021 behaved and resourced silent worker humble and soft sport lauren princess kyle s gracious and sociable participants storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 friendly charming and adventurous s cheerful dynamic and participated motivated and respectful natividad sofia angeline a affectionate and kind [Music] during the slogan making contest of the united nations month 2020 participants slogan making contests during the map month of 2021 helpful enthusiastic and considerate with honors santos called e amiable passionate and smart femirife angela courageous and [Music] determined academic and non-academic awardees grade 7 covey advisor dominic browell g macavelin gill mark errol r caring and humble [Music] kim tristan v respectful and warm-hearted academic awardee joshua f confident and patient as edwin gabriel sincere and soft-spoken caring and charming for light and soft my horse chris austin v bright jovial and independent with honors mendoza you mr cdsga 2021 best informal affair mr cdsga 2021 best in poland mr english cdsga 2021 during cdsga's 28th founding anniversary 2021 champion christmas choral competition 2020 king of the gods during the english month of 2020 smart gentle polite and confident weird honors obado john christian p sincere and warm-hearted [Music] adelia chris gmb amiable responsible and independent with honors matthew a participant spelling bee during the english month of 2020 smart independent and responsible with honors [Music] peralta brent leonard b caring and charming [Music] attentive and cheerful academic awardee saluna crete cobain b active reliable and responsible with honors kyle said retreat sincere and behaved [Music] leho matthew dwyane r gentle and well groomed academic awardee [Music] vergara kian humble and polite marc andre you obedient and optimistic [Music] vanilla elijah kc silent worker and warm partner with honors during the united nations month of 2020 calm companionable and polite academic awardee ada young stephanie l home and industrious academic awardee [Music] attentive and responsible academic awardee [Music] [Applause] who is kathleen faith silent worker and warm-hearted academic awardee [Music] del monte xylo v participants storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 participants junior high school got fallen during the mapping month of 2021 active jovial and responsible with honors kind and quiet participant poster making contest during the english month of 2020 creative silent worker and warm-hearted academic awardee charming and companionable with honors gerardo naomi natalie r duchess of the goddess during the english month of 2020 participant paper mache contest during the map a month of 2021 active confident and responsible with honors [Music] during the united nations month of 2020 participant during the poster making contest of the map a month of 2021 creative silent worker and warm-hearted with honors [Music] active companionable and responsible [Music] academic awardee doll stephanie chain eye soft spoken and warm-hearted academic avoiding [Applause] plando trick cp careful and fighting [Music] celestine s sincere and cheerful academic awardee [Music] bottle during the map month of 2021 confident participative and well groomed with honors san diego irish zen participants slogan making contest during the month of 2021 creative responsible and warm-hearted with honors [Music] sanchez sheena audrey c charming and silent worker with honors [Applause] christine ray i participant as your writing contest during the english month of 2020 active companionable and responsible with honors volante nina s participant slogan making contest during the united nations month 2020 creative delightful and responsible with [Music] honors academic and non-academic awardees grade 8 rogers advisor jessica monique pilagita alivio james gabriel b jolly and [Music] friendly respectful obedient and behaved respectful obedient injury [Music] for life helpful and true [Music] sports minded and friendly laurenaria axel ac behave respectful and obedient miranda john paul respectful friendly and obedient [Music] sasha patrick v fortress [Music] respectful and kind prudente mark harvey g obedient and [Applause] friendly seeing eric anthony junior c participant slogan making contest during the united nations month of 2020 participants slogan making contest during the english month of 2021 purchase participative smart and humble with honors [Music] jesus is quiet mr multinational during the united nations month of 2020 obedient well-groomed helpful and worthful kakehara dominic si polite thoughtful and friendly [Music] uchi louise simon f calm and respectful elena rose l for life and soft spot alba juliana clicharmiel participant poster making contest during the mapping month of 2021 amicable cooperative and respectful [Music] juris maya t participants logan making contest during the united nations month of 2020 polite obedient trustworthy and crime alexandra m first place tagis during the united nations month 2020 participants spelling bee during the english month of 2020 amiable purchase respectful participative and coins with high honors [Music] boy zara may l bought full purchase and reserved with honors white polite and reserved [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] friendly and job [Applause] [Music] for life honest smart and trustworthy with honors [Music] active respectful and kind [Music] james thoughtful and obedient paula jonah may p participants logan making contest during the month of 2021 obedient behave and participated participants storytelling contests during the english month of 2020 participant bottle during the month 2021 amiable obedient and smart with honors tamira participant as a writing contest during the english month of 2020 participate organized purchase and bride santiago hanafeti kind respectful behaved and obedient with honors [Music] respectful time [Music] academic and non-academic awardees grade eight sheldon advisor teacher joshua sng [Music] aguilar rochelle wayne s behaved and artistic please accept me participants telling me during the english month of 2020 smart well groomed and perseverant with honors [Music] participants logan making contest during the month of 2021 polite jolly and sportsman [Applause] yes domari jaundi sociable and cheerful [Music] francisco road bnbg well groomed and [Music] polite [Music] silent worker and participative with honors [Music] francie's a1a capable and fun [Music] diligent respectful and obedient [Music] irvin paul b friendly and behaved [Music] inquisitive and respectful and honest [Music] warm-hearted well-groomed and consistent academic award joseph a obedient hard-working and respectful academic award [Music] sacramento desmond daniel m cooperative and purchase [Music] participant poster making contests during the united nations month of 2020 participant poster making contact during the english month of 2020 artistic smart and honest with honors [Music] panchetta chrisler judy c bright perseverant jolly and sociable with honors [Music] backlash mary rose charon a determined and cooperative [Applause] [Music] during the english month of 2020 participants during the tick-tock bottle of the map a month 2021 knowledgeable productive reliable and diligent with commerce [Music] during the united nations 2020 artistic and collider participant storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 sports minded and cooperative cheerful academic awardee responsible and smart with honors more resourceful than industrious academic avoiding [Music] gel queen o diligent and sincere [Music] smart gentle and responsible with honors [Music] well groomed and jolly [Music] academic [Music] hard working persistent during the united nations month of 2020 charming and helpful [Music] class called gizelle quiet diligent and hardworking with [Music] honors academic awardees grade 8 watson advisor teacher ronell c [Music] obedient and cooperative [Music] respectful quiet and sincere [Music] jolly and polite [Music] fernando yuri and brady reserved and [Music] respectful english month of 2020 participants logan making contest during the united nations month of 2020 artistic sociable [Music] poster making contest during the month of 2021 humble honest and silent worker with honors [Music] kaiola jane r attempted independent [Music] creative and purchased [Music] adventurous and friendly [Music] m active and imaginary decisive and considerate academic avoidance [Music] [Music] [Music] junior high school got talent during the month of 2021 collide and custody with honors [Music] caperous [Music] away [Applause] [Music] is [Music] diligent and modest [Music] sincere first place poster making contest during the united nations month of 2020 participant poster making contest during the english month of 2020 participant slogan making contests during the mapping month 2020 artistic cooperative [Applause] industries [Music] starter pena verde lastly q tidy and gentle m princess of the goddesses during the english month of 2020 cooperative respectful politics and obedience [Music] kirin hazel hell meet and carry [Music] [Music] independent jovial and well groomed with honors during the english month of 2020 participant essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 tactful trustworthy sociable silent worker and cooperative with high honors [Music] santiago madiya cherries are industrious sincere and sociable [Music] vergara industrious and calm advisory teacher joshua o correa polite and independent [Music] during the english month of 2020 smart punctual perseverant and enthusiastic with high honor partial john carl j purchase independent enthusiastic humorous and amicable [Music] the guzman christian candidate p diligent enthusiastic energetic approachable and sociable de la vega junil rv dre l third runner up mr united nations pageant 2020 industrious responsible diligent and regardless [Music] gentle mirthful and humble rooney is tristan mikuchi jolly and regardless [Music] soft-spoken approachable and gentle academic awareness portugal russell john and dynamic sociable engineering [Music] ks claims chico s gentle well groomed and shining romero john aldrin c dynamic enthusiastic and cooperative academic awardee from then jesus [Music] [Applause] with others olivia michelle janmel behaves soft-spoken and cooperative with others industrious and perseverant with honors [Music] [Applause] clemente richelle s gregoire's gentle and independent isabel s behave gentle responsible and independent with honors gregorios gentle and independent with honest patricia soft-spoken affectionate and benevolent with honors eugenie or justin timberlake behave jovial and persevere [Music] angelica responsible for operative and yogil with honors usman hannah julia meek well groomed and benevolent academic award [Music] gentle artistic and enthusiastic academic avoidance cooperative perseverant and humble madeira kate margaret p benevolent and optimist madhouse nadine v first place storytelling contest during the english month of 2020 first place essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 participant paper mache during the map amount of 2021 first place essay writing contest during the 28th cdsgaa founding anniversary smart industrious organized and responsible with high [Music] honors [Music] [Music] cheerful charming caring and independent with honors [Music] colas nicole and jeanette v participant tick-tock dance contest during the movie month of 2021 responsible caring obedient enjoyment frances may s participant poster making contest during the united nations month of 2020 third place poster making contest during the english month of 2020 participant poster making contest during the month of 2021 participant junior high school got talent during the month of 2021 active soft-spoken enthusiastic and artistic with honors affectionate and benevolent academic award recapote reign t participant general information quiz b during the united nations month of 2020 independent punctual perseverant and enthusiastic with high honors coco irish one gentle enthusiastic and behaved conscious aliabi purchase caring and cheerlead crystal lean humble soft spoken and good listen academic and non-academic awardees grade 9 pablo advisor teacher maricris d.c rodriguez abbyog chester island s approachable diligent and cooperative [Applause] [Applause] wlg sports-minded delightful and well pruned [Music] papa nico m kind amiable and cheerful guzman paul bryan f well groomed caring behaved and industrious with honors [Music] kind and gentle [Music] friendly active and polite forest behave caring and companionable [Music] magno j mark 8 warm-hearted capable and trustworthy m well groomed sociable gentle and capable with honors m silent worker affectionate resourceful and determined with honors [Music] award by just crazy considered independent and motivated [Music] b marcus of the gods during the english month of 2020 companionable hard-working participative and optimistic with honors without random chewed bar fifth place poster making contest during the united nations month of 2020 soft-spoken gentle capable and good listener we're honest [Music] alba maria erica third day storytelling contest during the english module 2020 delightful perseverant trustworthy and smart with high honors [Music] um crystal me a self-reliant attentive respectful and creative with honors [Music] responsible compliant obedient and passionate with honors [Music] caring kind and independent [Music] religion caring and cheerful academic awardee [Music] third place essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 motivated organized sympathetic and knowledgeable with high honors respectful silent worker gentle and good listener [Music] passionate kind and persistent modes and industry use and warm-hearted with honors well-groomed helpful independent and trustworthy with honors humble regardless industrious and knowledgeable with honors [Music] [Applause] [Music] sheen chloe [Music] and persistent m sociable confident and sympathetic with honors gentle meek and respectful with honors [Applause] participants logan making contest during the mapping month of 2021 self-starter optimistic productive and responsible with honors peralta alessandra first place poster making contest during the english month of 2020 participant poster meeting contest during cdsg's 28th county anniversary 2021 resourceful industry use self-reliant and good listener with high honors romo joanna kdj consistent delightful and sociable affectionate productive gaborus and good listener with honors [Music] third place during the united nations month 2020 participant paper mache pontes during the month of 2021 well-groomed hard-working trustworthy and smart with high honors colleen keira louise a charming sincere and respectful spoken caring and polite academic and non-academic awardees grade 9 viggotsky advisor teacher winalin c tukai [Music] active and gentle industrious delightful thoughtful loyal and consistent with high honors [Music] helpful patient and perseverant [Music] charles d soft-spoken caring and friendly cooperative jolly and sports minded academic avoiding [Music] carmen movies 1b artistic cheerful and obedient fernando aeron lorenzo approachable diligent and cooperative francisco kevin e behaved sincere and kind guerrero john paul s active companionable caring and respectful with honors for us jean van v meet and independent peralta bien lawrence b approachable diligent and cooperative participant poster making contests during the united nations month of 2020 participants spelling bee during the english month of 2020 responsible attentive consistent helpful and smart with high honors progression modest friendly and confident academic awardee [Music] went over jolly considerate and sociable [Music] [Music] sociable and delightful [Music] davides rigid cyril bianca second place essay writing contest during the english month of 2020 motivated charming self-reliant resourceful and good listener with honors [Music] [Applause] [Music] punctual participative smart helpful and trustworthy with high honors rafaela margaret m behaved and considered it [Music] industrious jovial independent and courteous with honors humble warm-hearted sincere capable and hard work with honors judea seen sociable humorous and sports minded april meiji consistent amicable and patient [Music] groyon trisha ji affectionate meek and sincere [Music] [Music] foreign participant tick-tock bottle during the map month 2021 participative energetic talented and confident academic awardee thoughtful humble industrious companionable and sincere with almost soft spoken and determined my team jade andreappi marcionis of the goddesses during the english month of 2020 warm-hearted independent reguarious healthful and generous with honors [Music] mulan made them fatal enthusiastic sociable confident and considerate with honors nicolas joey kyle heath well-groomed cautious optimistic and reliable real honors jessica bien silent worker and sincere [Applause] lando younis calm and kind ragua alfaya sports minded caring independent and respectful with honors [Music] san antonio ashley madison soft spoken kind and polite academic award sanchez princess angel t energetic sociable and creative solis rochelle maybe miss united nations 2020 participants slogan making contests during the united nations month of 2020 champion christmas choral competition 2020 participants logan making contest during the muppet month of 2020 optimistic cooperative humble resourceful and bright with high honors ampos visa may are cheerful kind amicable and sincere with honors watson you miss christine m companionable industrious respectful and [Music] to deliver the word of thanks john edward j varkas grade 10. [Music] greetings doctors gabriel and lucino the administration faculty and staff guests friends and fellow completers i am truly honored to be here before you it was definitely strange to give a speech to a bunch of lights and microphones instead of live audience but it was a really fun experience to begin with i want to congratulate all the students for finally completing junior high school level we did it we all accomplished one of the major early milestones of our lives junior high school completion it has been an amazing journey that i will never forget we all work hard to get to this day and everything is worth it a diploma is a wonderful tool in this world that leads to many doors of opportunity for anyone who is blessed to have one graduation is not an end goal but rather should serve as a launching point wherever our future takes us let it take us somewhere life is a journey and all accomplishments we achieve during its course should be taken starting points for further achievements when covid19 pandemic came it has created the largest disruption in the world including the education system this has brought changes in all aspects of our lives teachers struggled to deliver quality education in the middle of pandemic the transition of from traditional face-to-face learning to online learning has been an excruciating experience which we must adopt with little or no other alternatives available unfortunately this brought anxiety were challenges and disappointments even though we struggled to learn in online learning we still manage to finish our studies studying with new material and setup is difficult but with the help of our teachers with the added support and help at home it becomes possible to continue schoolwork this has made all of us more resilient we've been through a lot and just graduating high school in general this year is rewarding standing here today despite of all the challenges it makes me feel so blessed this made me realize that our drive our perseverance our willpower to endure is stronger than any challenges although it may not be easy to see every accomplishment we achieve is added to the world's accomplishments we worked hard to get to this point but we didn't do it by ourselves we have the important people in our lives whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude for always being there for us no matter what now i would like to take this opportunity to thank the people that have touched my life and brought me here on this special day i want to return all praises and thanks to our almighty god for giving me the strength to carry forward mean by academics and for this beautiful life and everything else as well without him none of this would be possible the greatest gift parents can give to their children is the gift of education and i cannot thank you enough amma and apa for this present thank you for your unconditional love selflessness your unwavering support your countless sacrifices that have opened many doors for me to grow and succeed and for the things that you have taught me along the way i hope i make you proud thank you with all my heart thank you teacher mary jane for helping me to reach my potential and for nurturing my spelling skills since way too this exposed me to a high level competition and boosted my confidence my spelling bee success taught me that if you set a goal and worked hard you will achieve what you planned words cannot express how thankful i am to all my teachers you are the great ones and have been such an inspiration for all of us graduates at times you were definitely hard on me but i realized that you just wanted me to be the best i could possibly be i was excited when i was accepted into the journalism program truly a large part of my success was your after-school mentoring you made sure that your students would graduate from high school with the best real world skills we could have without their contribution this could never be possible thank you dear teachers classmates friends and schoolmates thank you for the successful completion of our study i had great fun and time meeting all of you every moment is a memorable one thank you guys you're the best reminiscing my years at my alma mater i can truly say that there's no better school that is filled with lots of wonderful staff who dedicated their time to fulfill every student's individual goals every encounters and experiences i gained here at colegio de san gabriel acangel has been enriching and will always remain within my memories for life long the road that lies ahead of us won't be easy there will be obstacles missed exits and battles there will be times when each of us will think someone is alone we back against the wall but we are not alone we're all in this journey together we've made it this far why should we quit now nothing worthwhile is easy and that includes making the most of our futures we will keep pushing because we know we can achieve our dreams and because we are worthy i pray that the class of 2021 will enjoy this moment feeling proud of all we achieved and always remember it's not just about the friends and achievements that we make while we're in school it's also about the memories that we leave behind that really count from this day forward let us make each decision with the best interests in mind let us believe in ourselves so that we may reach our goals and fulfill our dreams let us be the best that we can be so we may fill our lives and the lives of those closest to us with happiness and with pride now it's time to take the next steps in the journey that is our lives and begin to fulfill our dreams congratulations to the class of 2021 thank you for the pledge of loyalty raniel paul b olandria grade [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let us now hear the graduates sing their graduation song [Music] you'll never reach it every step i'm [Music] i gotta keep trying i'm gonna keep my head held high there's always gonna be another mountain [Music] on the other side it's the clouds [Music] no i'm not breaking i may not know just keep pushing there's always gonna be another mountain there's always and about what's left [Music] [Music] and about how fast i get there and about what's playing on the other [Music] side keep on moving keep climbing keep the all place it's all about the clouds is and about how fast [Music] yay [Music] it's always gonna be another mountain i'm always gonna wanna make it move and about how fast i get there and about what's playing on the other side [Music] [Music] keep on moving keep climbing keep the place [Music] i'm [Music] just keep pushing sometimes i'm gonna have to lose [Music] yay [Music] it's always gonna be another mountain i'm always gonna wanna make and about how fast i get there and about what's playing on the other side [Music] [Music] is keep on moving keep climbing keep the place [Music] i've been working hard so long since typing has been my only thing my fragile heart's been done so wrong never stay the same all around me i can feel a change [Music] behind me [Music] yesterday [Music] [Music] forever never stayed the same all around me i can feel the change [Music] behind me today so i'm learning so you better make [Music] begins [Music] happiness [Music] i know i can make it today [Music] today [Music] i've been working hard so [Music] never stay the same all around me i can feel the change [Music] behind me [Music] yesterday [Music] never stay the same all around me i can feel the change oh [Music] so i'm learning now to live so you better make [Music] is [Music] happiness will find [Music] i know i can make it today [Music] today [Music] i've been working hard so [Music] never stay the same all around me i can feel a change [Music] behind me [Music] yesterday [Music] never stay the same all around me i can feel the change oh [Music] so i'm learning now to live so you better make [Music] is [Music] happiness will find [Music] is [Music] today for the closing prayer trisha methi polyawan grade 10. [Music] i love you lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen dear lord we are gathered here today on this meaningful day with hearts filled with joy as we will soon begin the next stage of our life's journey we thank you for guiding and protecting us from this pandemic so that we can continue our studies and face again the next challenges even though we weren't able to gather physically we gather here today at our mutual moving up ceremony as one line one heart and one school lord thank you for giving us strength with our academics we glorify you as each of our names are presented to the screen with or without awards we are still proud of ourselves and thank you for helping us solve obstacles throughout this school year we are grateful for the constant support and love of our families and also to our classmates who became our friends as well we are thankful for the teachers and non-teaching staff who have given us challenge to grow understood us patiently and inspired us to learn not only in our lesson but also on how to be a responsible and disciplined student during our online classes we ask that your presence will continually shine upon us we pray that you will give us help physically emotionally and spiritually to protect us from disease or any harm we ask this in the name of jesus amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit [Music] in amen ears [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and knowledge of the holy one's understanding [Music] how right we are to praise him how right we are to adore him god's wisdom envisioned [Music] foreign [Music] we love you [Music] and knowledge of the holy one's understanding seek first is kingdom and righteousness and all this thing shall be added on to you how right we are to praise is [Music] [Music] hello is [Music] hello [Music] oh [Music] we love you [Music] bye [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] 1919 [Music] now heading to university [Music] a [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] it is [Music] with the retirement of the official callers of the country and our institution the junior high school moving up ceremony and recognition day of colleeo de san gabriel arkham health is hereby declared completed so all the complainers congratulations thank you and good afternoon good day everyone i'm jose mcgranados grade 11 stand student of kalaheo the sanger bell arkham health publisher on campus i graduated at san jose mountain national high school and i'm full-time student there are many reasons why it is good to enroll in cdsga and it's one of them is their earlier system it's very systematic and it also serves as a guide to the students so what we're waiting for enroll now hi everyone and then guys from doug simon mr nesgus i graduated at fbi national high school and studying cdsga in grade 11 and grade 12. i'm a full-time student and i'm proud to say that cdsda have really done a great job for all of their students whether it is online modular or blended all is well and fair all of my teachers are all awesome they listen to their students and give them learnings and education that they need thank you cdsj hi my name is prince inabe i'm in grade 11 and i'm a stem student i'm a great and graduate of cdsga and also i'm a part-time student assisting every saturday as a clinic receptionist cdsga teachers can make the hardest lesson easy to understand teachers always review the lesson that they will teach to students and kapanggaritan against among students they will always end up on idea on how these lessons may become easy to teach easy to understand by students and easy to remember good day i am sheena may a urban senior school a grade 11 stem student studying at kalaheo de san gabriel i come hell i have graduated from north hills village high school and i'm a full-time student lessons in city sga are distributed to every student in a form of learning activity shifts las and subjects are simplified just like in our general biology usually general biology is a hard subject yet our teacher managed to make our discussions full of fun and lessons are being thought in the most creative ecs and updated ways that genesis will surely enjoy contact as cdsg a facebook page and cdsg a youtube channel recognized by depp ed piyak tess the commission on higher education and [Music] pokuwa [Music] you
Views: 3,158
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -DvfBZlmEhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 48sec (10668 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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