CDC Immunization Vaccination Schedule Made Easy

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in this video I will attempt to make immunization schedule easy hopefully and it's based on the CDC 2017 vaccination schedule guidelines and also my second resources Kaplan 2017 first thing we have to know is for birth at the time of birth we'll only give one vaccine and that is the hepatitis B vaccine so birds B is for birds and B is also for HPV that's B virus or vaccine in third world countries or other countries BCG is also given I have a PC G square as well but in the u.s. only h bv is gives network simple next thing we have to know is about hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines hepatitis A vaccine is given twice mapped as B vaccines given three times okay peptides a vaccine is given between the age of one and two years old and both of the doses must be at least six months apart while hepatitis B vaccine is given in those is at zero two and six months zero meaning births so I give it first as birth because it's a birth of vaccine and then I give it at the age of two months and then at the age of six months okay so just remember that each HPV is given in three our hepatitis B is given in three and that is your two in six months okay next thing I wanting to remember is that just like hepatitis B is given in three so if HPV okay and just like HPV is also given and 0 2 & 6 same thing for HPV except for instead of this being 0 2 & 6 months we have 0 being replaced by the first time when you give the vaccine and in this case it would be the post pupil age usually between 11 to 26 years of age makes sense right so for example if I gave my daughter her HPV vaccine on her sweet 16 I would wait 2 months to give her the second dose and thereafter wait another four months to give her the third dose surprise in this example I would give her when she turned 16 and then at 16 years and two months and then 16 years and 6 months of age simple right so now we go to real quick recap so first thing that we learned is the birth vaccines HBV harp that is B vaccine before birthing before HPV next thing we learned how to I say you give it in you give it twice attendees give it three times hepatitis A we learned that you give it twice between the age of one and two years of years old and what the doses must be at least six months apart whereas hepatitis B vaccine is given at zero meaning birth and then at two months in six months zero to six and HPV or human papillomavirus vaccine is given at the same type of schedule zero two and six except for the zero instead of birth it means the first time where you give to those which is at the post pubertal age so just like it hepatitis B is given in three so if HPV okay now let's go to meningitis man Jesus is the vaccine that is given to middle schoolers and high schoolers okay and cv4 is given to 11 years old olds and 16 year olds okay so 11 year old when you're 11 years old you are basically in middle school and when you're 16 years old you're basically in high school so meningitis is given to middle schoolers and high schoolers the age of 11 and age of 16 next you should know the MMR and varicella vaccines now these both vaccines always go hand-in-hand okay whenever you see MMR in a schedule we will always see for itself okay so much so that they're both live vaccines and they're leaving a comp combined form which is the MMRV vaccine which is just the MMR plus varicella vaccine in one shot now these two vaccines are given at the age of 1 and the age of 4 but you don't have to memorize this right now so just ignore that okay now a very important thing is the vaccination schedule format or the dates now this is the format that I would like you to remember birth to 4 6 12 18 4 and 11 so we're going to see which vaccines are given at birth which vaccines are given at 2 months 4 months and 6 months of age and then which in vaccines given at 12 months which is basically 1 year old for 1 year of age and then at 18 months at when you're 4 years old and then when you're 11 years old okay so birth to 46 and then 12 months then 18 months and then in 4 year olds and you're old okay simple just remember these numbers only in case you missed it I wrote over there 18 months is equal to D cap so remember that and memorize it that 18 months you give the tap okay now we have quick recap let's go back to the beginning so birth vaccine again be for birds and be for hepatitis B virus perhaps I say given twice websites be given three times that is a is given between the age of one and two in two doses each of them and they both must be six months apart the hepatitis B virus is given in three doses at zero two and six months right George ringing Bert's and just like hepatitis B is given three so is HPV and same our similar to HB z 0 2 & 6 however instead of 0 we give this and and there's some age between 11 to 26 years of old when the person is a post pubertal okay and then meningitis is given to middle schoolers and high schoolers when you're in middle school you're 11 when you're high in high school you're 16 okay and then MMR varicella always go ahead and on together whenever you see MMR you'll always see varicella and they're both live vaccines and you give this at the age of 1 & 4 again don't memorize this right now and then the most important thing the vasc vaccination schedule format we have the vaccines at birth and then 2 4 & 6 and then 12 months and then 18 months and four years and then 11 years and for 18 months you give B tab so 18 months the vaccine that you give is d tab now we are going to come to the mnemonics there are four mnemonics that you need to know two of them have to do with Harry Potter two of them don't have to do with Harry Potter so if you're a Harry Potter fan yay the first demonic did you know that Gryffindor is the only house to have collected points past bedtime legend has it that it was because one night at precisely 246 a.m. Harry Potter ran into Dumbledore that's 246 points to Gryffindor so 246 a.m. from that we can tell two four and six which is a to two months and four months and six months which vaccines are to be given well Harry Potter run into Dumbledore HP are I and D right the H here stands for him a Lewis influenza B the pay-for pcv13 are for rotavirus AF or IPV and D for D tab ok the D is always for D taps is always for inactive polymers the r is for rotavirus because you know that's a virus I can cause diarrhea Lin illnesses in the little kids the P is for pcv13 and the H it is for him if Louis influenza B because this is something that could cause meningitis or other complications in little kids if you think Harry Potter is childish you can also remember it as I hate doing poor rectals at 2:46 a.m. nobody likes that now let me tell you something JK Rowling told me once during a recent press conference she said that originally she had intended Harry Potter to murder Voldemort in his very first here at Hogwarts can you believe that finishing the entire Harry Potter series within one book that's crazy yeah so Harry Potter murdered Voldemort in his first year at Hogwarts so its first year Harry Potter murdered Voldemort so when your one year old when you're one years of age HP M&V so first thing we have to remember is as soon as you see V we know that stands for very seldom that means if whenever it is very so you'll always have MMR as well so whatever MZ must be there is going to be here is going to be MMR so MMR for M and varicella for V and H of course is for him affluent when the B and the ps4 pcv13 are you still following because my doctor is very forgetful so when your for my doctor is very poor careful once again V that means this is very seldom therefore the other letter if it's an M it must be MMR you must have an MMR in there and that leaves us with the D anti and obviously the AI is always for IPV and the D is always for deep tap ok so my doctor is very forgetful on the final mnemonic and fans have muscular trunks it's just a random fact so when you're 11 elephants have muscular trunks here we do have an M but we don't have a V that means this M does not stand for MMR instead it actually stands for MTV for member amandajoy D says the vaccine that's given to middle schoolers and high schoolers so when you're middle school when you're in middle school you're basically 11 years old and T's for the Tdap vaccine and here H is not for him awful influenza B it is actually for HPV because Hema Phyllis is something that you're worried about when your litter when you're a little but when once you're 11 you're a teenager now you're worried more about HPV okay because remember HPV is given in three just like HPV and the first age where you start where you can start giving it in is when you're 11 so these are the four mnemonics at 2:46 a.m. Harry Potter ran into Dumbledore and the first year at Hogwarts Harry Potter murdered Voldemort and my doctor is very forgetful and elephants have muscular trunks okay quick recap really quick this time okay first of all the birth vaccine we know is hepatitis B virus vaccine hepatitis A is given twice and hepatitis B is given three times and hepatitis A is given between the age of one and two in two doses right twice and both of those have to be six months apart hepatitis B is given three times which we know is a tier two and six zero being birds since the birth of vaccine and two and six the other months and just like HPV is given in three so if HPV and just like zero to six for HPV this is also given at zero two and six however here zero does not mean birth it means any age between 11 and 26 and then in the subsequent two months after that and six months after that meningitis is a vaccine given to high schoolers and middle schoolers so when you're 11 and when you're 16 you get a meningitis vaccine MMR varicella always go hand-in-hand and once again we'd have to memorize the years when they're given because that's all recovered in the damad okay and this is the vaccination schedule date format you give vaccine at birth and then two four and six months and then twelve eighteen four and eleven and don't forget eighteen months you give DTaP so the vaccine that you give at 18 months is always going to be d tapped okay and the four demonics I'm going to slide actually four mnemonics 246 am Harry Potter ran into Dumbledore and here H is going to be for him off Louis influenza B P for PCV and R for rotavirus I for IPV and D for D tab and first year at Hogwarts Harry Potter murdered Voldemort so when you're one years old H for him of bluest influenza B for PCV M and V a so if you see those Saturday MMR this has to be very so low and when you are for my doctor is very forward get full m.div I once again obviously for IPV and D for D tab and as soon as you see M and V in the earth means MMR and varicella elephants have muscular trunks elephants 411 have muscular krong's HMT however here we don't see very tell us so this M must not be MMR it must be and severe meningitis vaccines the T here is for Tdap and the H here is for HPV because now this this person is into his teenage years this is a nice summary of everything that I talked about so far with the whole immunization schedule you can take a screenshot of it and print it if you would like ok now we're going to cover some questions just five of them first one a mother brought her healthy 14 months old child Robert Perez to your clinic her last visit was eight months ago what vaccinations will you give him so last visit was eight months ago that's basically when the child was 6 months old clearly this child has not received his vaccinations when he was 1 years old so just for 14 months is close to 1 you are going to give him this mnemonic Harry Potter murdered fault mourning his first year so we know I am a Phyllis influenza B pcv13 MMR in Brazil MV Marisela and since he's also one-year-old now you can also give him the first dose of the hepatitis A vaccine okay and of course the second dose of the hepatitis A vaccine should be at least six months afterwards Jill brought her 12 year old daughter for a routine checkup her last visit was a few years ago with vaccinations are appropriate for her age so 12 is around living result last vaccination was before that a few years before that so the Monica's elephants have muscular Cronk so HMT HPV meningitis and Tdap when she's here with return for the next HPV and m64 while HPV we'll know is 0 to 6 so after 2 months and after 6 months from today and man gitis is given when it would be given when she's in high school to when she's 16 years old what is the only vaccine you need to give at birth well birth vaccine HPV and 18 months DTaP how many times and when should you give DTaP okay DTaP is given five times and it has to do with the mnemonics 2:46 am d4 Dumbledore and 18 months we know DTaP anyways and when you're four years old d4 doctors and when you're 11 you give a Tdap which is basically the booster dose so in total five doses with the six those being the booster dose when and how many times should you give to have times a vaccine should be given twice between 1 and 2 years of age both doses should be at least 6 months apart are some quick high yield information live vaccines are delayed by at least 3 months from date of last event globulin and registration for whatever reason so if somebody had gone viral syndrome and was I had to get immunoglobulins you would wait at least 3 months until it finished administrating a lab live vaccines inactive intramuscular influenza vaccine is given annually starting from 6 months of age for this you should know you know the influenza vaccine could be from ocular intramuscular or internal thinker muscular the one that's the one that's usually given which is the inactive type and then the other one is the light and car nasal influenza vaccine and you don't give the incremental influenza vaccine because it's a live vaccine you don't give it to em you know comped you don't give it to em you know surprise patients or people who are pregnant okay MMR does not cause autism or IBD but MMR does causes febrile seizures however it's really rare Amuro MMR and varicella vaccines are both alive and are not given until the child is at least one year of age and same goes with hepatitis A vaccine although have Titus a vaccine in some but it's not a live vaccine okay either give the live vaccines on the same day or wait at least one month before administrating the next live vaccine so and if you're going to give somebody the MMR vaccine you better give them the very cell vaccine on the same day doesn't have to be in the same shot but has to be in the same day but if you gave the MMR vaccine and forgot to give the very cell you would have to wait at least four weeks or one month absolutely administer the varicella vaccine same thing applies to any two live vaccines the rotavirus can cause intussusception remember because it's a virus that causes diarrhea or blame I should say intestinal problems okay and finally the egg dilemma if you have an egg allergy you don't need to be worried about the influenza vaccine influenza you can still take that influenza vaccine if you have like hives after apply ingesting eggs then you should just stay in the clinic for 15 minutes under supervision in the clinic of course and if you have severe allergy egg allergy which is anything other than hives so if you have swelling or anything else you should stay under proper medical supervision in other words most probably inside the hospital as an inpatient MMR is absolutely safe and get egg allergy the only thing I believe for vaccines that you have to worry about if you have AG allergy is yellow fever vaccine yellow for egg okay thank you very much these my main sources and CDC website and Kaplan
Channel: Medical StudyBuddy
Views: 72,401
Rating: 4.7685952 out of 5
Keywords: Immunization, Vaccination, Schedule, CDC, Education, Medicine, USMLE, Vaccination Schedule, Immunization Schedule, Paediatrics, Tutorial
Id: mM68JuvzKIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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