CCNA Security Lab Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 1

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you [Music] hello everyone today I will show you how to configure extended access control lists this is our topology - PC need access to services provided by the server PC one needs only FTP access while PC two needs only web access both computers are able to ping the server but not each other now I'll test the connectivity all devices can paint each other and pc1 is able to access the web will use the ACL to prevent the pink from pc1 to pc2 and prevent web access from pc1 both pc1 & pc2 can FTP to server we'll use one more ACL to prevent FTP from PC to to server [Applause] as the sample configuration you see will use extended numbered ACL so we use ACL 100 the PC one need only FTP and ping to server so I'll permit only TCP port for FTP and ICMP to ping all other traffic is denied by default now I'll apply the ACL to the interface Gigabit Ethernet zero zero with Direction is in so all traffic from pc1 to the router will be filtered if it is not FTP or pain to server it will be denied you see the pink from pc1 to serve her still success but from pc1 to pc2 is failed and pc one cannot access the web services also but pc 2 can and we'll try to FTP to server from pc1 of course it's success now we'll configure the named ACL it'll allow web access and paint from PC to 2 server and deny all other traffic's and we'll apply this a cl2 interface gigabit ethernet 0 1 okay we'll test the connectivity PC to is able to ping to server but unable to ping to PC one web access is still success but FTP access has now failed that's it we got 100% thank you for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cisco Packet Tracer Labs
Views: 17,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco Packet Tracer Lab, Configuring Extended ACLs, Extended ACL, Access Control List, CCNA Security Lab, PT Activity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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