CCIE R&S v5 Lab

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hey guys welcome to our our video series here on the CCIE version 5 lab exam like I just finished teaching a bootcamp last week and and the class and I spent a lot of time talking about the lab not in detail the lab right I mean not giving away answers we don't do that but but we were talking a lot about the testing center how do you find the testing center I mean we talked about everything what is the lab exam you know kind of look like what what are the menus like and you know does the desktop stay up the whole time and just I mean there were so many questions that I got that I actually decided to go and post something on our Facebook page and I asked the six thousand folks on on our RN s study group page and and I asked if this video series would help and everybody unanimously unanimously said yes and so here we are I'm recording this video this is going to be a four part video series on the CCIE version 5 lab exam everything from the parking lot in the testing center to when you walk out of the lab I'm gonna hope to cover in the next four videos now this video here is going to be a generalization of the lab exam so the testing center what should you bring with you some of the major changes between v4 and v5 the desktop you're going to be running on the environment things like that and the next three videos will be focused on the three individual sections that you're going to deal with in your lab which are troubleshooting diagnostics and configuration so without further ado let's take a quick dive into this small PowerPoint presentation of half a dozen bullet points and let's go over some of the things that you really should be prepared for in your lab so one of the biggest changes between v4 and v5 is the fact that you are now 100% virtualized okay so cisco has taken its virtualized platform and they've configured they've built for you a virtualized rack of equipment and that is what you're going to take your lab on so everything throughout the duration of your lab from the time you sit down and you say begin exam and you're in troubleshooting all the way down until the time the proctor walks in at the end of the day and says write your configurations and you're in the configuration section a single device you touch do that 8-hour span of time is going to be a virtualized piece of gear okay not one configurable device that you touch through the duration of your lab is going to be physical all right now big change between v4 and v5 because in v4 we had four routers and six no four switches and six routers I always do that so we had four switches six routers where as now it's it's all virtual and the size of the topology has changed so you went from four routers four switches and six routers to anywhere from twenty to thirty routers and eight to ten switches now obviously that that the amount of hardware you're going to get is going to be based on what revision of the exam you get within the v5 blueprint but you need to be prepared to see this size of devices so this here is just a huge change between v4 and v5 because again you had 4:35 60s you had six I think there were 26 hundreds of 2800 so I don't remember which they were all running 12 X code which now we're gonna be running 15 dot X iOS whichever platform were on so obviously for the switches we're gonna be running a layer to image and for routers we're gonna be running a layer 3 image right so that's just a huge change because you've gone from this very small condensed physical topology to this massive virtual topology but this actually is a great benefit to you and let me explain why there was a lot of folks back in v4 that would say they failed because the proctor went unplugged a cable which was of course not true so because the Proctor's aren't there to make you fail the Proctor's are there to actually make sure that you don't cheat and to make sure that you do a good job in your lab exam I know sometimes they can be cold-hearted I know sometimes they they come off as somebody you don't really want to talk to and befriend but believe me I know I know some of the Proctor's pretty well and believe me they are very very nice people they're just there to do their job so they're not there to make you fail ok trust me take my word for it ok there's no more real physical problems that you can have I mean yeah you can have a link fail inside the data center you can have that maybe the physical server that you're running on go down and of course your virtual rack would go down but Cisco's built in a number redundancies to accommodate for that type of failure so yeah you might be down for 15 or 20 minutes if a server crashes or something goes down in the data center but you're gonna get that time back nobody's gonna go in and delete a virtual connection between the two virtualized devices when you can't get to that virtualized platform to put them back now there have been some folks that say yeah I failed my exam because there was actually a virtualization bug in my lab now I'm not going to say that doesn't happen I'm gonna say the odds of that happening are pretty slim if that does happen you need to prove to the proctor that it is in fact a bug or it is in fact something that is outside of your control okay you will have to actually prove to the proctor that the error messages that you're getting are not iOS messages that they're actually based on whatever virtualized platform Cisco's running all right but again most of the folks that I talked to have never had a physical or virtualized problem with their rack it's all it's all been based on they just didn't configure it properly which is okay let's face it if you don't do it right you're not on ie you go back you study more you go back you become an IEE that's how it works so that's one piece where it benefits you because there's no more questions that somebody's unplugging and cable on you the second thing in the second area where it really helps you is think about those of you guys that studied for the v4 think about what you had to do I mean you had this very small condensed topology that you had to configure almost everything you had like every routing protocol you had all I mean I studied for the v4 you had everything packed into this small condensed topology well in the v5 they've made it a lot more realistic now think about this for a second 20 to 30 routers for some of us that's like one floor of some of our infrastructures right I mean eight to ten switches that's like one small office you know what I mean that's that's nothing compared to what we may see on a daily basis in our real infrastructures I mean some of us are dealing with hundreds thousands of different devices this topology is really not that big when you think about it it is a little bit bigger to do in a you know eight hour span of time but believe me Cisco's going to make it doable because people are passing right now we move from having to put all of this technology in this all condensed apology to actually being able to spread it out more so Cisco again has made this topology a lot more realistic where we might have multiple offices we might have multiple campuses we could have multiple geographical locations we could have multiple floors within a building so they've actually made this a lot more realistic where yes we have a lot more devices but they're also spread out a lot more to make it more realistic in what you're gonna see in your daily in your daily job and your daily duties as a consultant or a full-time network engineer okay some of these offices are gonna connect using layer 3 VPN maybe this office is over here is going to run some VRS and this office down here is going to connect to a GRE tunnel or some type of dmvpn or whatever it may be IPSec who knows but regardless Cisco's built in all this technology to actually make a full-blown real live topology of what our network may actually look like based on this scale of devices so when you think about it 20 to 30 routers and eat the 10 switches is really like a small midsize company that you as a CCI are being called in to fix and you are being called in to configure and make make it work make it happy all right so now let's talk about the testing center for a little bit what I would recommend that you guys do now I'm here in the United States so I can only talk about San Diego California and Raleigh North Carolina right I don't know the other testing centers around the world I do get a lot of questions about the mobile lab I hear it's pretty good depending on where you are I hear that the mobile lab is actually pretty good right now I hear some mixed reviews but for the most part I hear that it's pretty good the connection is pretty fast and stable you know it's a little bit cramped but for the most part it works pretty well so the mobile lab may be something that you think about I didn't take it so I'm not gonna really talk about it because I can't tell you for a fact I did take my lab in both San Diego and North Carolina so I'm gonna talk about both when you get to the testing center you want to get there you want to leave yourself enough time first of all get a good night's sleep the night before a lot of my students say yeah I really couldn't sleep and you're gonna be really nervous so just try to get a good night's sleep all right so you're gonna get a good night's sleep you probably won't because I know I didn't and you know you're gonna go to sleep 1 2 o'clock in the morning and be exhausted it is what it is so try to get a good night's sleep leave early enough to leave to leave yourself that oops there's traffic or oh no there's a car or something along those lines because the Proctor's are not always very giving when it comes to time if you show up a half hour late assuming somebody didn't die and I don't mean to get you know I don't mean to go over the line with that but but honestly assuming something catastrophic didn't happen the Proctor's aren't gonna be real giving in giving you that half hour of your time back you're most likely gonna lose it so you want to leave yourself enough time to get to the lab with enough time to to spare I like to leave myself about a half hour when you get to the parking lot of the testing center make yourself some cheat sheets a couple of weeks before and those cheat sheets should contain may be things like timers maybe you forget what the spanning-tree timers are off the top of your header or bgp timers or just you know make yourself up a cheat sheet of the things that you just need to remember and you plan on just writing down the minute you sit down on your testing at your at your workstation so get to the testing center just do a quick review in your car and then about 5 to 10 minutes before you actually have to go to the lobby over when you see folks starting to crowd around the lobby or outside in the front that's when you want to go and you want to stand in the testing center because I'm telling you 90% of the time most of the folks that are kind of gathering in front of the building where where the test is given greater percentage of those folks are going to be CCIE candidates that are there for their exam of whichever track now sometimes the testing center is going to be locked because maybe they're on a weekend maybe you know in North Carolina it starts I think like 7:00 or 7:30 there's not always a receptionist that's there sometimes there is and so the door may be locked that's okay you just kind of wait outside when the proctor gets there the Proctor will come out and get you now I want you to make sure that you listen very carefully to this statement anything that is not critical for you to survive or take your lab exam you had better leave in your car that is the best option for you and I'll explain why in a couple minutes when I get there the only thing that you should be bringing into the testing center is your body meaning yourself you're closed because you need them and a picture ID of some kind license passport or military ID those of you that are here in the United States right we give military IDs with your your aa photo on and your signature so you should bring one of those three pieces of ID identification with you reason is because the Proctor is gonna want to make sure that you are who you say you are and that your signature matches so that should be the only three things you bring into the lab your clothes your body and a picture ID that's it everything else should stay in your car okay once the proctor comes out and greets you and explains to you all the rules that I'm gonna basically go over with you anyway but make sure you pay attention to the proctor when they tell you this because they're gonna be very very specific and what they want you to do and if you don't follow your orders the Proctor is gonna get upset with you okay so you're gonna go up you're gonna use he or she's gonna call your name you're gonna go up you're gonna show them your ID you're gonna sign where they tell you to sign they're gonna give you a name tag you're gonna put it on your shirt and that's it once everybody that's there for their exam has that process completed the proctor will walk everybody down through the the Cisco building you know down through the hallways and kind of show you around the bathrooms are there the vending machines are there coffee machines over there blah blah blah blah then you will get to the testing center door now behind that door is essentially where you're gonna take your exam now let me explain both locations in San Diego there's only one big room okay so all of the testing stations are in one row they're basically half cubicles where when you sit down you get a half-height cubicle wall that you you can't see over you can't see the person next to you other than basically the top of their head okay that cubicle wall blocks the obviously from you seeing the screen to the person next to you now they're not going to put two routing and switching people next to each other if there's gonna be two routing and switching folks so odds are you're gonna be at two opposite ends of that row with data center guys or service provider guys or you know different tracks within you you know what I'm saying so they're not gonna put you guys very close together they're gonna do every other or something along those lines so when you sit down in the testing center when you get into the testing center again all these workstations are going to be in one single row the Proctor will sit in the very back corner the left-hand back corner of the testing center okay now the collaboration guys are the only guys that are separate from this and you don't care about the collaboration guys because you're watching this routing and switching video but regardless the collaboration guys are going to sit behind you with their backs to you so they're actually gonna sit behind you facing the wall now I would recommend here that you bring earplugs if you're gonna go into San Diego because it's inevitable that you're going to be two hours into your lab and all the sudden you're gonna start to hear all these random ringtones because the collaboration guys playing with the ringtones and you're gonna want to throw a phone across the room because it's gonna break your concentration and there's nothing worse than hearing random ringtones when you're really frustrated you can't get something in bgp working properly or filtering working or whatever there's nothing more frustrating believe me so bring earplugs they will not give you earplugs in San Diego they will however provide them for you in North Carolina the proctor will actually give you a bin of fresh air plugs the proctor there will stop them daily or whenever they run out they're brand new it's like a candy machine you go up and you turn the crank there's no money no nothing you just turn the crank earplugs come out and you're happy hunky-dory now in North Carolina this is a little bit different when you walk through that door to the testing center you're actually walking into the Proctor's office which is actually a small old data center okay that is where the Proctor sits the Proctor sits facing a glass wall okay on the other side of that glass wall is where you are going to sit now I think there's five rows in Raleigh and each row you face the back of the person in front of you but you can't see it because there's obviously a cubical wall that covers you know your your your all around you so the really you can only see the top of everybody's head you can't see everybody's workstation now in both locations there's going to be a set of lockers in San Diego the lockers are going to be directly in front of you where you're sitting in North Carolina the lockers are going to be in the first room in the proctors office directly next to the Proctor what are those lockers for they're basically bust lockers they don't get locked they don't get there's no key all right they're basically bust lockers for you to bring all the personal items that you brought with you because you ignored my advice here's where I said I would get to why I recommend you leave everything in your car and I'm going to use a cell phone as the best example you are going to be very nervous on lab day in fact if somebody asks you your name you're probably not going to be able to answer you're gonna have to think about it for a few minutes because you're honestly not going to know somebody's gonna say what's your name and you're gonna say bgp because that's what's gonna be on your mind and that's okay but you're going to be really nervous and a lot of times you may not hear all the requirements of the requests of the proctor and this is why I say leave everything in your car the Proctor is going to tell you to make sure that all electronic devices are turned off and put into the locker and it is inevitable that somebody's going to forget to turn off their cell phone they're just going to put it on vibrate because they're not going to want to turn it off and they're gonna put it in the locker the minute one of those cell phone rings or a or a watch timer goes off or an alarm goes off or there's a beep a beep it doesn't matter any the minute one of those Proctor's in either location hears a beep or some sound from an electronic device in those lockers they are going to ask every single candidate to get up open their locker and validate that every single electronic device is powered off and if that takes ten minutes for everybody to do then everybody in the testing center is going to lose 10 minutes out of their lab the proctor will not give it back to you because it is essentially one of your faults that everybody has gotten up and had to go through this process so do the safe thing just bring your ID with you your clothes and your body and that's it both locations are going to give you paper I'll get to that both locations are going to give you writing utensils pencils and pens so you don't need anything other than your clothes your body and your ID all right now once you put all of your stuff in that locker you're gonna close it the proctor is gonna give you the times what what time you're gonna start what time you're gonna take lunch the proctor will give all of that to you it's never the same thing because sometimes labs start a little bit later because maybe they have a problem with a security rack or a wireless rack or you know problems happen so your lab isn't always gonna start at exactly 7:30 maybe it starts at 7:45 or 8:00 o'clock ok now regardless what location you're in the proctor will tell you to go down the row and find your name again in San Diego everybody goes down the same row in North Carolina the proctor will tell you if you're taking routing and switching go down this row if you're taking Wireless go down this row or you know they'll say Wireless and routing and switching or these two rows or something along those lines because again they're generally not going to put two RNs guys and two Wireless guys together when you when you find that piece of paper that piece of is going to be sitting over the keyboard and it's gonna have your name on it an ID and a password that ID and password are to get into the exam itself not into the desktop the desktop is going to automatically login for you it's automatically going to be logged in when you sit down as a matter of fact doesn't matter who logs in it matters who logs into the exam speaking about the desktop the desktop itself is going to be a single desktop a single machine single keyboard single Mouse these are going to be the cheapest $9.00 Walmart keyboards and mice that you can possibly find they are going to be USB cable let me stop there for a second it is Cisco's policy to allow you to bring your own keyboard and mouse there are some requirements or restrictions around that they cannot be wireless they cannot be they cannot be digitized in any way meaning you can't have the scroll buttons like those nice fancy Logitech mouse is or you know your your the keyboard that you bring can't have volume control in it or anything digital it has to be just a plain bare-bones keyboard and mouse and they cannot be wireless I would recommend for you guys to use the ones that are there that Cisco provides you even though they're cheap and even though they're pretty terrible compared to some of the nice stuff that we have you know in our homes and in our offices don't change it out unless you have a medical reason to for example if you have carpal tunnel and you need an ergonomic keyboard then try to find you know the the cheapest non-digital ergonomic keyboard that you can find and use that but I would still keep the mouse you know keep the mouse the same is assuming you don't need to if you have a medical reason then you have to do what you have to do the reason I say that is because if for some reason the machine starts to have physical problems because you've unplugged the keyboard and mouse like you know maybe there's a new driver that needs to be installed or maybe when you unplug it you accidentally broke the USB port on you know I don't know I'm making stuff up but the point is is that the proctor will not help you troubleshoot that so if you unplug the keyboard or mouse and you plug in your own and it doesn't detect it for whatever reason and then you unplug your own and you plug back in the keyboard and mouse that you that that came with the machine and it doesn't detect it either that's your your your $1,600 lab day is going to be spent troubleshooting a keyboard and mouse the Proctor will not help you okay so if you don't need it don't bother touching it now the machine itself again single desktop single keyboard single Mouse you are going to have dual screens here in the United States so in both San Diego and North Carolina California and North Carolina I should say we have installed dual screens throughout all the testing centers and I think they're 24-inch I'm not exactly sure on the size but they're pretty good size screens they're not going to be small they're gonna be pretty good size and they're mounted on swing arms and so you can move them around you just the product is not going to want you to go crazy with it but you can move them around a little bit you know so that you can essentially see and maybe work a little bit better the operating systems on these devices are going to be either XP or Windows 7 now when I took my lab it was Windows XP I do understand that they have upgraded some of these machines with the implementation of the dual screens so you may have Windows 7 I'm not positive on that at this moment the one thing that I want you to be aware of is that when I took my lab I had one gig of memory from what I recall maybe a little bit more than that but it was around one or two gigs of memory it was not fast at all this machine is going to be something that is bare-bones in other words it's the cheapest Walmart PC that they could buy and they do that for a couple reasons they do that because why spend a lot of money on CCIE candidates that are coming there to take their lap why give you guys the fastest latest and greatest machines you're there to take a test the second reason I believe that they do this is because they're simulating you walking into an environment with a network of that size and it's completely destroyed let's take the troubleshooting for example it's completely destroyed you need to fix it you don't have your laptop you don't have any of your equipment and this is the best machine that the company can spare at the moment for you to use can you still fix their network and to be honest with you yes you can you should be able to because it's possible I passed you know there's a ton of people that are pass and you can do it so the machine is not going to cause you to fail however if you're not prepared to work on a machine like that then it may be then it may cause you some heartache okay now the other thing that I want to mention here is that the telnet client that you're going to get is going to basically be the Windows command prompt okay now when I took my lab I didn't actually look at what it was that I was actually running but it's very very similar to the Windows command prompt I've looked at it afterwards it's not really putty it's it's definitely not secure CRT it's not super puddy it's nothing of that kind it is basically if you open up your command prompt and your Windows machine start run CMD and hit enter that is the exact same style and look and feel to what you are going to get in your routing and switching lab exam when for example and let me explain why I say that because most of us are used to a telnet client where you could first of all have tabs can't have tabs if you have 30 devices that you need to tell that into you are gonna have 30 individual telnet sessions open at the same time there's no tabs the second big thing is that most of us are used to highlighting and when we right-click and automatically pastes well in the lab exam it doesn't do that when you highlight something it does copy at least I think it copies I remember it copying a little bit foggy but when you right-click you have to actually select paste give you a funny thing that I did I had I had gone through a switch and I had built my template and I had gone through and did everything that I need to do and I did you know my show history and I grabbed that chunk and I highlighted it and then I just very quickly went to the other switches that needed that config and I just right clicked and I wasn't paying attention and I ended up not pasting anything at all and I took up three or four minutes trying to figure out why nothing was working it was because I didn't actually paste the config and then I went in and accidentally pasted the wrong config to the other switches that I needed because it was just it just threw me off because I was so used to highlighting right-click and I was so used to being I was very proficient at that and putty the command client that you're gonna get in your lab is gonna be different it is not putty as were used to okay again it's gonna be very similar to the Windows command prompt all right again this machine is not gonna be very fast it's gonna be pretty slow so you're gonna want to you're gonna want to watch what you keep open and what you don't keep open now when we get to the other three videos that show the topology size I'm gonna kind of show you what I did to go through you know having to manage all these windows and whatnot so I'm not going to now I'll do that later on but just be careful about how much stuff you keep open even though you're gonna have dual screens it's still going to be a lot of windows open you're gonna have a lot of real estate on these monitors and it is still going to be a pretty big challenge now when you sit down you're gonna log into the exam on the desktop you're gonna have two internet explorer icons the first one is going to say lab exam the second one is gonna say the doc CD now I'm gonna tackle the doc CD first the doc CD as far as you're concerned should be deleted the doc CD is barely gonna work for you and I know this is not a shot at anybody all right I want to I want to be respectful to to other folks out there that are helping you obtain your CCIE so I'm gonna be respectful here I don't want this to sound like I'm poking at anybody you're telling anybody that they're wrong the doc CD is a great resource it really is it is is fantastic for you to learn the doc CD is a great comfort blanket when you take the exam in other words so I'm not as nervous as I as I really could be because I know the doc CD is there however what's gonna happen is that once you actually get into your exam and you actually open up the doc CD and you actually try to use it you're gonna realize that you should not have based your entire lab exam on memorizing where things were in the doc CD and I'll tell you why because most of the time it's not even going to work in other words you're gonna open it and it's not even gonna come up or it's not gonna work right I open the doc CD in in in my attempt and all I saw was HTML code now if this was 15 years ago and I could still read HTML I may have been able to find what I needed in that particular window but I forgot how to read HTML I can read iOS commands because I'm a CCIE so it didn't even work and when I went to the Proctor and said hey you know the doc said he's not really coming up the response was yeah but you're a CCI you they will not help you if the doc CD doesn't work sorry they'll tell you to reboot and work it out they'll just continue doing what they need to do all right so don't depend on the doc CD if it does actually work and it does actually open it is going to be obnoxiously slow and I mean very slow let's just say for example you struggle with dmvpn and you've memorized in the doc CD where the dmvpn is because we all know that cisco has given you that a command example that you can just copy and paste them tweak it to what Cisco wants you to use it's going to take you ten minutes to get to that takes you a lot less time to learn the dmvpn before you go to the lab and then just crank it out and configure it so don't use the doc CD but listen the the exam exam day is not the day where you want to learn something new you do not want to spend sixteen hundred dollars to sit in a to sit at a workstation to have to fly halfway across the country to sit and essentially have two web browser into what you're being asked to do all right you want to learn it beforehand take the extra time to learn how to do a dmvpn for example and don't use the doc CD please don't use the doc CD every single student that I've had has confirmed whether they passed or failed and I've had a lot of both okay whether they have passed or failed they have all told me that I was 100% correct in the doc CD don't use it okay now the other internet explorer icon is going to be what you're going to use to actually get into your exam now this is not like our CCNA and CCNP where the desktop disappeared and it opened up this exam simulator it's not like that so in the in the version 5 lab exam when you open up that internet explorer icon which by the way is going to be like Internet Explorer version 5 it's gonna be pretty old it'll be the the it'll be the the lowest version that's still supported in that version of Windows so Windows XP it was like version 5 or 6 or something like that windows 7 it may be like 8 or 9 I don't know the version but it's going to be the oldest one it's not going to be the newest latest and greatest now when you open up that lab exam it's going to ask you for an ID and a password you're going to enter in the ID and a password that was on that piece of paper you'll also have two other pieces of paper that are for scrap so essentially three whole pieces of paper together you will have to deliver those three pieces of paper back to the proctor before you leave if you do not the proctor will consider that you trying to take the exam and will most likely bar you if you're found talking on your cell phone because you didn't listen to me and leave it in your car the Proctor will most likely bar you means you're never going to take a CCIE exam again just leave it in your car leave everything in your car return the pieces of paper just be very simple okay so where was I oh yeah so so when you open up the eggs you logon with that ID and password it's gonna bring you to this welcome page that welcome page is gonna have a green button on it that green button is gonna say begin exam the minute you click begin exam you're going to be in your troubleshooting section that is the first section every single RNs candidate has to go through by default the time in the are the the troubleshooting section is two and a half hours two hours and 30 minutes now a lot of you are saying wait a second I thought it was only two hours hear me out for a second the default time in other words the timer there's gonna be a great big timer right here in the upper left hand corner of your screen and it's gonna start counting down from two hours and thirty minutes it is not going to start counting down at two hours okay it's two hours and thirty minutes what happens is that once you hit the two hour mark you're going to get a pop-up in the middle of your screen that's going to say hey by the way you've reached the two hour mark in your troubleshooting do you want to continue another thirty minutes yes or no and you're gonna have to select whether you want to continue for the next thirty minutes or whether you want to end your troubleshooting section okay if you select yes to continue the that additional thirty minutes that thirty minutes actually comes out of your configuration section so you will get four and a half hours in your config instead of the default which is five okay if you select no and you say I don't want to take the extra 30 minutes essentially yes I'm done at two hours I'm good I've passed or you know what there's really nothing more I can do I'm gonna fail there's really just no other tickets I can solve I'm gonna go ahead and say no that's a hard option to choose by the way so you're gonna say no that 30 minutes does not get used it stays in your config which means you get this default five hours in configuration so but but the thing that I want you to remember is that the clock actually doesn't start counting down at two hours it starts counting down at two and a half hours why do I tell you this well because what happens is a lot of folks see this timer right and you ignore it right so you just you start you start cranking away you start doing your troubleshooting you're you're cranking through these take and then you hit one that you're struggling on and you're trying to fix it and now you're actually starting to pay attention on time now you're actually saying I'm gonna run out of time I'm gonna run out of time you look up in that upper right-hand corner and you see 40 minutes and you save yourself oh good whoa I'm safe I got 40 minutes left there's no big deal I can absolutely solve this ticket wrong you don't have 40 minutes left you have ten minutes left because the clock actually started counting down from two hours and thirty minutes you have 40 minutes left on that clock remember that 30 minutes is your extension so you actually only have ten minutes left before you have to go into your 30-minute extension essentially using all the time in troubleshooting now let's say that you do decide to use the 30 minutes and you essentially fix that last ticket in 10 minutes we'll make the math easy so you've used 10 minutes out of the extra 30 and you've hit you'll see in the in the next video the troubleshooting video you've hit the button that says end session I'm just gonna say es because I don't want to write in session I'm lazy so you hit end session that extra 20 minutes are that 20 minutes that you didn't use is going to go back into your configuration section so now you're gonna have 4 hours and 50 minutes in your configuration now the one section that is completely different as far as the times because you can borrow as you as I'm as I'm showing you as I'm telling you this you can borrow time so if you finish your TS in an hour you'd have six hours in config because your exam is still going to be the same amount of time right the one thing that the one section of the exam that is different is the diagnostic section the diagnostic section is a hard 30 minutes you cannot finish it early you cannot extend the time once you hit start you are locked into the diagnostic section for a hard 30 minutes if you finish early so let's say you get the diagnostic section completed within 15 minutes for 15 minutes you're essentially sitting there doing nothing waiting for the timer to count down a helpful tip what a lot of folks did that I've taught in their in their diagnostic section and it's something that I recommend is they use the extra time to build templates so you know they went through and they just created a they created all their BGP address families they they created you know a named mode EIGRP template they created things that they knew were most likely going to be on the exam and even if they weren't they just discarded the template but they created some of these templates that they knew were gonna take them a while like dmvpn for example they used that extra time to build those templates beforehand to save the time and the config and here's the second part to that tip I would go as far as to say 90% of the things you're going to be asked to configure in the config section you're also going to be asked to troubleshoot in the troubleshooting section for example you're going to be asked to configure layer 3 VPN in your config section you're also going to be asked to probably fix a ticket with layer 3 VPN you're going to be asked to configure a dmvpn you're also gonna be asked to fix a dmvpn so a lot of the technologies are going to be the same now as I said this entire lab exam is done in Internet Explorer right so you have access to the desktop the entire time the Start menu in fact the Start menu is going to give you the ability to restart the machine shut it down you're going to have access to calculator and notepad so what I would recommend that you do is when your in your troubleshooting section and you get to a dmvpn after you fix it take that working configuration and put it in the notepad save it to the desktop yes they will let you do that even if they even if they've changed that from when I took my lab and they don't allow you to save it to the desktop who cares pop it in a notepad and leave it open don't save it anywhere just leave it open because the desktop session itself does not refresh it doesn't change you have this workstation throughout the day and it is a full-blown workstation ok so you can take that running that working configuration from troubleshooting you can leave it in notepad and then if you have extra time in Diagnostics you can quickly go through it tweak it maybe maybe just tweak some of the things that you're gonna want to change or use in your config section or maybe that's what you expect you're gonna use or change that's what that extra time and diet can be used for ok so I hope this video was informative definitely reach out to me if you guys have any questions I'll see you in the next video where we're going to go through the troubleshooting section you
Channel: IPexpertInc
Views: 27,007
Rating: 4.9325843 out of 5
Keywords: CCIE R&S, CCIE Routing and Switching, CCIE R&S Lab, CCIE Routing and Switching Lab, CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Routing & Switching Lab, CCIE R&S Lab Diagnostics Section, CCIE R&S Lab Troubleshooting Section, JP Cedeno, iPexpert, CCIE Success, Pass the CCIE Lab, CCIE Certification
Id: UwUHUELjips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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