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Hello everyone. This time I would like to tour around Mt.Fuji. I'm in Yamanashi Prefecture and I'm heading to the Fuji Five Lakes, which are five lakes around Mt.Fuji. The most famous ones are Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Yamanaka. The other one is Oshinohakkai. I would like to visit there because you can see the clear and beautiful spring water in the eight ponds that are fed by Mt.Fuji. Then I'll go there. First, I came to Sengen Shrine. Niikurafuji Sengen Shrine Fuji and the five-story pagoda combined, a spot with a panoramic view of the iconic Japanese landscape. It is separate from here. To the slope and stairs. If you take the ramp, it takes longer but is a bit more gradual, and if you take the stairs, it is harder but a bit quicker. Which way do you want to go? Do you want to take the stairs? Do you want to climb? Sakuya Hime Stairs 398 steps leading up to the five-story pagoda. It's pretty endless. It feels good. The air is so clear and refreshing. The goal is in sight. The five-story pagoda is in sight. Five-story pagoda "Churyo-to We have reached the top. Isn't it amazing? The weather is perfect. Fuji is beautiful, of course, but the scenery at the foot of Mt. Fuji, but the residential area at the foot of Mt. In April, the trees around here will be covered with cherry blossoms. I would like to come back in the spring. Depending on the weather and the time of day, Mt. Fuji is sometimes shrouded in clouds, but right now you can see it beautifully all the way up to the top. Fuji without any fog. It's not often you get to see something like that. There were only foreigners. There was not a single Japanese. This is a regular shrine, and they don't charge any money. It's just a regular shrine. Someone from abroad must have posted it on a blog, and it became a hot topic on the foreign Internet and so on. So maybe a foreigner knows more about this area. Well, let's go down the stairs again. Long stairs. But it wasn't really painful because I could see a nice view. Fuji is more likely to be seen in the early morning. If you want to see the beautiful Mt. Fuji, I think it is better to wake up early in the morning and go to see it. I would like to go around Oshinohakkai now. Oshinohakkai is the generic name for eight spring-fed ponds that were formed after decades of meltwater from the lava after the eruption of Mt.Fuji. There are stores and a nice atmosphere. I guess this is the main place. Oshinohakkai is the image of this place. There are buildings with thatched roofs, and it is very atmospheric. Spring Pond The symbol of Oshinohakkai with the largest volume of spring water. The clarity of the water is very high, and the beautiful clear blue water is impressive. It's so clear. That's a trout. It is ridiculously large. I have never seen such clear water. The famous spring water drinking place. They have a store. I'm going to try some of the spring water from Mt.Fuji. Maybe it tastes good. You don't know what it tastes like. Well-cooled mineral water. I heard you can put it in a plastic bottle. Passing through the souvenir shop, I went out to the garden and found "Naka-ike" (middle pond). Isn't the water so clean? The water is so clear. You can even see the bottom of the pond. Maybe the deep water makes it look even bluer. A thousand years of fines for throwing money into the sea. Naka Pond is not counted as one of the eight ponds because it is an artificial pond, but it is the most popular pond that is visited by the most people. It is said to be the water of the god Oshinohakkai. Sounds like a good omen, doesn't it? Fuji, so I feel it permeates my body. Fuji, and it is actually sold as mineral water. The fish swimming here are winners. The water is so clear that you can see their shadows, ours. It's mysterious. Kusa-mochi (grass cake) 150 yen Thank you very much. I bought a Kusa-mochi. It was baked when I ordered. It is filled with sweet red bean paste. The bean jam is not too sweet. It smells like mugwort. Very tasty. Let's go to the next pond. Okama Pond. Wow, it's so deep. I didn't know it was this deep. It is the smallest pond in Oshinohakkai. But this pond is 4 meters deep. Even though the hole is so deep, we can see all the way to the bottom. Muddy Pond Legend has it that a miserable ascetic asked for a cup of water, but was refused, and the water became muddy. The pond is called Nigori-ike, but it is not muddy at all. It's crystal clear. It goes all the way to the end. I wonder if it goes all the way to Mt.Fuji. Go to the river. Kagami-ike Pond Kagami-ike is called "Mirror Pond" because Mt.Fuji. It's amazing. Mt.Fuji upside down. It looks so far away, but it reflects so much. It is exactly what the name "Kagami-ike" implies. Iris Pond A pond with a beautiful legend about irises. Maybe the water plants around here are iris flowers. Mt.Fuji can be seen from here. Mt.Fuji, but there is no snow on the top, so it is a little different from the Mt.Fuji. Mt.Fuji as I often see it in photographs. But basically, Mt. Fuji that can be climbed is in this condition. Mt.Fuji in winter is already too dangerous. Koshu Hoto Kosaku A restaurant specializing in Hoto, a local dish of Yamanashi. Inside the restaurant with the taste of an old private house style decoration. I think I'll have the most orthodox pumpkin. They also have bear meat. The price is totally different. It's true, it's expensive. Pumpkin Houtou The noodles are so thick. The pumpkin is huge. Let's eat it. Mild miso flavor. chewy. It's like eating rice cake. The color of the pumpkin is so beautiful. The pumpkin is sweet. It's like a dessert. There are a lot of vegetables in it. And they're all pretty big. It's huge, isn't it? It is said that there was a custom that if you could make houtou by yourself, you could go out as a full-fledged woman. I wonder if they make houtou when they train to be a bride. Duck Hoto Can I eat duck meat? I'll have the duck meat. The duck meat is delicious. It's refreshing. No peculiarity at all. We arrived at Yamanakako. But there are a few more clouds, so we can't see Mt.Fuji. Lake Yamanakako The lake closest to Mt. Fuji and the largest in area among the Fuji Five Lakes. Clouds have covered just the center of the lake. Fuji really changes every few minutes, so it may be just a matter of luck. Toraya Workshop A sweet shop located in a quiet site surrounded by bamboo groves. You can taste Japanese sweets and green tea with craftsmanship. Doesn't it look like Arashiyama in Kyoto? There are hiragana tags, but you can choose any one, take one, and leave it at your seat to reserve a seat. Let's choose "Yu". It looks like a garden and has a nice atmosphere. Anmitsu: 1,200 yen I'm going to have it. The amount of bean jam is amazing. The elasticity of the mochi is amazing. Mochi is very elastic and sticky. The red bean paste is slightly sweet and delicious. The salted kelp to refresh the taste is delicious. Sasa-dango (bamboo grass dumplings): 198 yen Look at the color. The smell is also amazing grass. It was filled with Koshi An (bean paste). It tastes just like its color. Like the shiratama, this sasa-dango also has delicious mochi. It is very elastic and sticky. Ooike Hotel A hot spring inn with a view of Mt.Fuji Let's open the door. It looks really nice. Isn't it just in front? You can see a little bit of Mt.Fuji. Lounge There are snacks, too. Self-serve wine bar Yamanashi Prefecture is one of the leading wine producing areas in Japan. I ordered Yamanashi grape cider. Cheers. Nigirisushi of autumn mackerel. It was nice to see Mt.Fuji. Mt.Fuji can't be seen just because the weather is fine. Mt.Fuji can't be seen beautifully unless various conditions are met. Maybe that's why it's worth it. Mt.Fuji from the parking lot. Fuji from the parking lot. There is almost nothing to block the view. It's rare to be able to see the whole mountain from the foot of the mountain. You can even see the rippling waves clearly. We arrived at Kawaguchiko Station. There is a footbath. This is also a famous Hoto restaurant, and there are quite a lot of people standing in line. FUJISAN PLAZA An antenna store at the foot of Mt.Fuji Isn't this cute? Mt.Fuji on the top. I want to climb Mt. Fuji someday. I want to see the sunrise. When you want to see the sunrise, you have to climb up to the 8th station the night before, take a nap at the 8th station, and leave the mountain at around 2 am. So this time I enjoyed the Mt.Fuji. Next time, I would like to go in spring. During the cherry blossom season. There are many other spots where you can see Mt. Fuji beautifully, so if you are interested, please visit them. That's all for today's video. See you in the next video. Bye-bye~.
Channel: Yunaty日本語
Views: 97,411
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Id: cWq8dXIfXyk
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Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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