Cauliflower Tomato Bake

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well hello there everybody Welcome in the kitchen with t f hope everybody's had a good day today it's getting on up in the evening time now and I'm fixing to work on this supper and uh see if I can get my groove back going in the kitchen right been gone a few days so I'm ready to rock and roll with this thing y'all ready to cook with me I sure have missed y'all and uh hope everybody is doing good and and staying blessed so right now the first thing I'm going to work on for our supper tonight is this dish that I want to put in the oven and y'all it's a baked caulif it's a baked cauliflower tomato dish thing and you can use tomato juice you can use crushed tomatoes or whatever but I have absolutely found that my favorite thing to do is get me a can of Campbell tomato soup to do this with okay now before I do anything thing I've got my oven preheating on 385 385 to 400 right in there you know right in that you want it to cook kind of hot or whatever cuz all this stuff is done you just want it to bake but the first thing I'm going to do y'all is get my bread done and out of my way so I got me six slices of bread here and I've been buttering on them I just buttered them regular margin butter and spread it on both sides okay so I got me some butter bread here I say me one piece and that's all I'm doing just slapping me some butter on there right just like that and done okay so I got me six slices of butter now what I want to do is take me some uh garlic powder here and I'm going to sprinkle it over my over my bread just like if you were making garlic toast with it right we're going to take this let me get it sprinkled on there I'm going to flip it over let me Pat it a little bit get it in that down into that butter okay now I just flip it over and do the same thing on this side okay there we go got it in there all right let me rinse this off my hands real quick can't stand that old greasy butter on my hands like that okay now I'm going to go ahead and get my knife and I'm going to cut it [Music] up I'm going to cut it up like a crouton style right but I want to cut it up a little little bitty so I'm cutting it in some thin thin little strips get this cut up y'all this is a different kind of dish to have on the side you know uh I don't know I don't know if a lot of people like cauliflower or not it's one of those deals that people either like it or they just flat out don't so you know if you don't like cauliflower you don't want this dish that's for sure cuz it's the main thing in it but it's a it's a good comfort food dish like I I call it y'all know I'm all about Comfort foods and classic cooking and this is a classic dish it's been around a long time okay now see if I can get them piled up here I want save some time there on it and it ain't got to be all perfect or nothing y'all know I'm not about perfect I'm just wanting to get me some little bread crumbs cut up that's what I'm what I'm shooting for here now let me see if I can get that cut through there just kind of let me turn it around here see I just take it kind of shave it off the ends like that just like that now I'm going to have me some little bread crumbs for the top of it some little garlic bread crumbs that what that's what we're going to put on it Lulu why you being scaredy cat she's over here in the corner shaking the neighbors are over there across the way shooting and she's scared to death of a sound of a gun just scares her okay there's our breadcrumbs y'all now I've got me the oven's preheat 385 to 400 I've got me a pretty nice size it's not a 9 by3 uh but it's a you know it doesn't say on the bottom of this one but anyway I got me a nice nice size Pyrex dish to do this in okay now first thing I'm going to do is I have a quart bag of frozen cauliflower that buzz and I put up from the garden so I'm just taking this it's rock solid frozen right okay and you can buy your cauliflower just like this at the store just get it and spread it out in there that's the first thing I'm going to do with that now I'm going to get me a bowl and I've got my one can here of my tomato soup get it out of here I'm going show y'all something I also do with this that you can do whatever kind of cheese you want y'all so I have some leftover bags I got a piece of mozzarella bag I've got this Mexican blend bag it don't matter we need us we need us a good a good um thing of cheese in there that's what we're going to put there I tell you what we'll stir this in it and we'll put this on the top how's that we going to save something to sprinkle on the top right okay I'm just going to stir my cheese in there with my tomato soup all right I got that in there now I want to add just a little pinch now y'all know I I don't go for much on that Italian seasoning heavy but I want just a little a little bit in there that's good enough right there for me however much you want if you like it good and like really heavy marinar any tasting per se or whatever so now let's just take us a splash of olive oil how about we do us a cap full in there that ought to work there's a cap full of oil we're going to do us a little splash of some lemon juice in here y'all okay okay how about a cap full of that that'll give you a measurement there we go now we're going to put some black pepper in here however much you want got to put me some salt of course that's going to be to taste as well all right got that in there now let's Stir It Around now that's a little thick so I want to put no I'm not because and I'll tell you why because H there's ice on my um cauliflower so that's going to create water when that starts cooking down right so I'm going to just take this can y'all I'll do it like that maybe y can see okay I'm just taking it and kind of putting it all over the top of it right here cuz we're going to stir it around a little bit or try to spread it around the top lot okay now let me just get it and spread it all over the top of it like this best as I can get it on there okay now see I've got it spreading it out like that with my cheese and like I say you use whatever cheese you got or whatever cheese you want you know it don't matter that's a preference on there matter of fact and y'all F going to laugh at me but I uh look at this I've got a piece of this block of cream cheese left I'm going to take this thing I'm going to just pinch it around there too why not right just add me some cream cheese it's about a quarter of a block I'd say so I'm just going to put that in there just like that and that'll be some even more cheesy going through there with it right just like that that's about like I say that's about a quarter of a block there of one of the 8 O blocks of it okay now we'll go ahead and take the rest of whatever I've got in this little bag here just cuz I want to top it off this one just so happens to be mozzarella that's what we're going to use mozzarella on it right okay okay now I've got me a little bit of Parmesan Shaker cheese here I'm going to take that and I'm going to put that on it there we go sprinkle it on top now let's see how many breadcrumbs I'm going to put on there if I if these are too many I will put them in a Ziploc baggie and use them on on something else easily right we're going to take it and just do our breadcrumbs just like this yeah I think that's all I want to put on it there there we have it y'all now if you want to at this time you can take a little more of your um of your um uh Italian seasoning and sprinkle on there if you want or some more garlic powder or whatever or something but your breadcrumbs are have garlic on them so we are just going to put this in the oven I don't know how long because all we're doing is waiting on it to heat through and through and get bubbly and and toast our crumbs on the top our bread crumbs so that's what we're going to do with this uh broccoli tomato bake I'm going to get it in the oven and we'll see what she looks like after a while y'all all right y'all I've had it in there about 20 minutes yeah about 20 minutes give or take or whatever and my um uh uh uh uh my cream cheese hunks are not melting like I want them to before the CR the crumbs are going to be able to Brown so I'm going to take it out of here easy peasy sometimes you got to make that decision right so I'm just going to take it out of here and set it on this I'm going to cover it with my little cookie sheet here and just set it right back in there and let it be covered for a little bit okay okay that way that'll give that cheese in there a chance to melt better like I want it to without burning my crumbs my crust on the top so I just figured I'd show you that so you might want to cover it to start with with foil or whatever and uh just put it in there from that and watch it and then at the end we'll take the top off all right I'm still over here at the stove just got through with our meat dish and stuff but I'm fixing to take this out out of here let me put it down here where I can set it like that show it to y'all get it out there and set it right there oh my goodness what y'all think look I'm going to show you up close it's bubbling look at it I know it's heavy I can't keep holding it like that but um I'm going to let it set for just a little bit and then I'll show you some when we take it up all right I've got it all over here ready to Plate up so we are going to check out this um cauliflower dish we'll dig into it together and see I'm just going to go down through here just like this and come up with it get a someon out of there cauliflower tomato cheeses garlic bread crumbs on there look can you see it from all in there like that okay and then I have over here our our crusted um hamburger steaks and you just take them put them on there and then we made us some onion gravy from out of the drippings of that and just take it and just Ladle this over it and that's what we're going to do that's what's going to be in the kitchen at T face tonight look at it what you think there it is some more buzzes fresh you know we've been eating them salads but there it is there's your crusted hamburger steak and then you just do the grave yarn just like a like I say just like pretty much like your regular hamburger thing going on I'm going to get a little deal here let me see um I'll get some out and we'll taste of it y'all turn it around here we woo where you can see in there see you can see all the tomato and cheese I want a piece of that there we go I'm just going to do it just like that and get me a bread crumb want a little bite of everything right let me try that okay here we go make sure it ain't burning hot m I think y'all are going to like this all them chees is in there and the tomato and see in the cauliflower stayed together in the little mhm M and the cauliflower still has great texture it's not squishy y'all that's a great side dish that is a great side dish that your cauliflower tomato bake okay y'all be sure and give that a try and um I don't have to bite into these hamburger steaks the crusted steaks I know they're good so that's our supper for tonight plus our fried lemon pies so we got it going on in the Kitchen Tonight y'all I'm glad to be back love all of you y'all have a good evening rest up have a good day tomorrow and stay blessed and I will see you next time in the kitchen with Tally f
Channel: In The Kitchen With Talli Faye
Views: 2,359
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Id: wWEwryxw968
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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