Caught in Providence: Double Jeopardy

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That was the best court freakout I've ever seen

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/raywj1993 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

Ironically the film Double Jeopardy came out the same year.

EDIT: He seemed a lot nicer when he came back and pleaded "No Nintendo"

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Highly_Edumacated 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

That's Double jeapordy!!!!

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Azor_ImHIGH 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

Michael: This is double jeopardy.

Wallace: Michael, that's not how double jeopardy works.

Michael: Oh, I'm sorry. I meant, what is double jeopardy?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Dast_Kook 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

I plead "no colendo!"

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Cronus6 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

Although I agree with the judge on his charges because the guy came in there with a huge problem with authority, which is probably why he has such an extensive record and rightly should be put in his place....but I think it was obvious that he suffered from some sort of mental disorder. Instead of shuffling him in and out of jail. It would of been more appropriate to have him evaluated and have him receive help. Then maybe you'll never see him in handcuffs again. Jail is just gonna make it worse it seems.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Joegodownthehole 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

I don't know why, but I hate the fat bailiff in the white shirt. Fuck that guy.

👍︎︎ 45 👤︎︎ u/im_jizzin 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

Mirror available here

(Rewrote script, will probably break)

Written by /u/ewpoxy

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ArchiverForever 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies

can you really make someone appologize? seems kind of childish

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/SaysNotBad 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2016 🗫︎ replies
Some long distance phone calls now. I haven't had my phone call yet. Oh well-- You know what I mean? Give him a long distance call. Yeah. You know what I mean? No, you just gave me 10 days, right? Is there anything else you'd like? That's all. Oh... Now, can I go? Stay right there. You go to the ACI for 10 days, do you understand that? Yeah It's "Yes sir." *sirens* May I go, your Honor? It's "yes sir." May I go, your Honor? No. Sergeant, keep him there. At the end of 10 days... Bring him back for review. We'll see you again in 10 days. Yeah, When I get finished with you, you gon' wish you never did that What'd he say, sergeant? Oh... Bring him back here. Bring him back here He said 'when he gets finished with you, you're gonna wish you never did that'. I got lawyers, your Honor. You just said to me... Whatever you wanna do, your Honor, do it. Do it, your Honor. Do it now. 'cause I got... I got lawyers That don't have nothing to do with that. That's what you call 'double jeopardy' That's what you call 'double jeopardy'. You looked at my old records. That don't have nothing to do with that That... tha-that's 'double jeopardy' I'm gonna make these phone calls ... and have you indicted for 'double jeopardy' You ever heard of 'double jeopardy'? You will find out what 'double jeopardy' is. I was arrested last night... ... for disorderly conduct. *cough* July, the 8th. 1999 That right there ain't my record. It don't have nothing to do with this previous case. You are... *stammer* doing 'double jeopardy' Sergeant Sarandien Sir? Double Jeopardy! That's double jeopardy! Officer Eschultz(?) Err... this young man... ...indicated to me that 'when you're finished with me' I will be sorry. 'cause I'mma sue you! I'mma sue you now! Double Jeopardy! I take that as a threat Double Jeopardy! I want the appropriate charge leveled against him. I want the appropriate charge leveled against him For threatening a judge. I want that charge brought against him. I want him held on that charge. Right? Double Jeopardy! Additionally... Additio- DOUBLE JEOPARDY! *mild laughter* That's double jeopardy! I will... I will sue you do you want- Do you want to re-arrest me? You can do that. Whatever you wanna do... Do that. Additionally, sergeant... Whatever you wanna do, do it. Do it now! Double jeopardy! *indistinct yelling* That ain't even my... my case! Ain't none of that's mine. Ain't none of that's mine. Only case we got up on here is July the 8th, 1999 Disorderly conduct. Aint none of that's mine. Ain't none of that's mine. Alright, settle down please. Ain't none of that's mine. You won't get that over me like that, judge I'm 47 years old. When I get finished with you, judge... I will put you where you're supposed to be in jail For double jeopardy! That's what I mean by it. I'ma sue you. So you wanna re-arrest me? C'mon, re-arrest me now. That's double jeopardy! That's a whole lot! I got one case. One case only *indistinct yelling* Double jeopardy! I was only arrested for one thing, and one thing only *indistict yelling* Sergeant Sarandien *indistinct yelling* I want him charged with contempt of court, and get him out of here. *indistinct yelling* Whatever you wanna do, do it. Put the fucking cuffs on me You punk motherfucking-ass jury, you punk motherfucker You punk! *indistinct yelling* Now we get to the serious matters. *laughter* Now that we've finished with the preliminaries. The first matter we'll take... uh is the matter of Ricky Baldwin Mr. Baldwin. Could you, uhh.. ... put the... ... adjust the microphone for him? *microphone rustling* Mr Baldwin you were before the court on, uh... July 9th. ... on a disorderly conduct charge and at that time you pleaded 'guilty' and I sentenced you to 10 days at the ACI You have completed your 10 days of incarceration at the Adult Correctional Institutions. ... and thereafter, when you were brought back here... ... on the, uh, 19th day of July... At that point While you were being placed in the cell block. Allegedly... uh... oh strike that. During the, uh... sentencing date of July 9th, 1999... as a result of certain conduct... during the course of your proceeding... you were also cited, uh, for 'contempt of court'... uh you pleaded 'not guilty' to contempt of court and I held you on cash bail, which you were unable to provide so you were sent to the ACI You were brought back here... ... on the 19th... of, uh... July. to be, uhh.. ... have your case heard... ... on the contempt of court citation. You were not represented by a council. I indicated that we will give you an opportunity... to have a council when we continue the case. While you were being placed in the cell block you, allegedly, told Sergeant Sarandier that you will take joy in killing him and that you will take... ... great joy... ... in killing me. As a result of those comments, I directed Sergeant Sarandien... to have Providence Police Department contact the attorney general and charges were brought against you for threatening a public official. That is not before this court. That is before the superior court. Nevertheless, I have in my possession your record which is extensive. Covers several states, several aliases, and several social security numbers So any threat you make of that nature... I take very seriously and accordingly that matter is being... ... processed through the superior court. You are here today on the... 'contempt of court' citation You have now been in jail... uh... ... for some... ... 21 days... How do you plead at this junction to the 'contempt of court' citation? Well, your Honor... I was told... by that gentleman right there that if I plead 'no c...' 'no compl...' How you pronounce it? 'Nolo..." n-no 'no..' 'n-no c 'Nolo contendere.' 'No condero' I'll get credit for time served. Is there anything else you wanna say to the court? That's all. So that's how I plead? No conclendo? It's 'nolo contendere' It means 'I do not contest' Yeah. By pleading 'nolo contendere' that means that you ... admit all of the essential elements of the offense Do you understand? Yes. And I was told that I would get credit for time served and the deal woul- the case would be over. Well the matter of contempt of court may be disposed of... ... today. on your 'nolo' plead. But he told me if I plead like that... That gentleman right there told me if I plead like that... ... it would be over with today. *mutters* Well, lemme... lemme explain to you Very, uhh... Very simply... ... what the situation is... You have... As you stand before me right now... ... you have two charges. You have one of contempt of court and you have another of 'threatening a public official.' Well, just what we was talking 'bout; if I plead... "no colendo" to the contempt of court-- I want you to listen to me for a minute, You have two charges. That are now presently pending. One is 'contempt of court'. yes, and the second is... ... 'threatening a public official'... Yes. This court only has jurisdiction... ... over the 'contempt of court' Which I ordered--- --brought against you Yeah. So, you can dispose of the 'contempt of court' ... matter... ... before this court today. But, that will not dispose... ... of the 'threatening a public official' charge. I am aware of that, your Honor. You understand that? Yes, I do. So, you are pleading... 'nolo' to the contempt of court Yes, I am. Is that correct? Yes, I am. Do you desire to apologize to the court? I apologize, your Honor. The defendant has been incarcerated for a period of 21 days... ... on the contempt of court citation. The court will give him credit for time served Accordingly, the 'contempt of court'... ... matter is hereby disposed of for time served. Twenty-one days is hereby remanded back to the Adult Correctional Institution... ... to be held on the charge of 'threatening a public official'. And your Honor, is that the last of my charges? That's the last charge I have, right? To my knowledge. Thank you very much, your Honor.
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 3,227,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court, judge, law, providence, rhodeisland
Id: yQ8jIcmSj2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2016
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