Caught Cheating - SDE Candidate interview unexpectedly terminated | [Software Engineering Interview]

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okay okay yeah let's get started can you give a quick overview about your past experience and uh key technical skill sets you have worked on what's uh your stack technology stack what all your key Technologies you worked on so we can start from there uh sure yeah so talking about myself I've been working as a Java developer for about five years now so throughout my care it's kind of been exposed to different you know tools and Technology itself within those course Java and J2 Technologies itself and being that full stack Java developer I have kind of work on both front and back of the web application itself so talking about the front itself where I've been kind of like utilizing those JavaScript libraries like angulars and react along with those HTML and CSS itself and within the back IDE I've been kind of like working on those you know microservice architecture itself utilizing those spren framework spren board framework itself and then uh talking about the database side I'm quite comfortable working on the SQL and no sqls like itself so I'm pretty comfortable with there as well and also kind of like talking about all other kind of tools itself I mean I have worked on different you know environment itself and then within different you know those build tools and everything and not only on just the building side but I'm quite comfortable working on the testing side as well so within there I've been going ahead and then utilizing tools like Jun chest and Jers all those itself and also going ahead and then working side by side with the QA team itself helping them to go them and write those you know autom scripts and everything so yeah on that and then most of my projects were based on agile methodology so I'm quite familiar with all that ceremonies within there itself and then not just on that spring food but I'm quite fam working on those spring and hiate kind of you know framework itself so yeah that's pretty much about myself sure uh can you uh tell me why uh string is immutable uh I'm sorry I didn't quite quite catch that what was that again no no no uh can you tell me why string is immutable in Jaa uh the reason I mean I think it's because of that synchronization and something to do with those you know concurrency caching or like those class loading itself sorry is that because uh concurrency I didn't get that can you come again yeah so uh within there I mean it's because of those security those you know synchronization those concurrency there's you know caching and Clash loading itself so within that security itself or like you know parameters are typically presented within that string in network connection itself and those database are like URLs and all that itself so I think yeah those are kind of like the reason that spring you string is inable okay uh can you tell me uh what is the difference between array and array list yeah sure so talking about that array and the array list itself where like you know array is kind of like those basic functionality uh within this Java itself but uh I think the are list is part of the collection itself so uh I uh we can go ahead and then you know access those array members uh using that I mean square bracket itself but AR list has that you know set up those methods itself so yeah those and also kind of like where like you know array is kind of like that fixed length data structure itself but the are list is kind of like variable length collection okay um and uh can you tell me few features of java eight yeah so talking about that Java eight itself I mean we have that stream API functional you know interfaces itself those Lambda Expressions I mean we have that optional class and then those you know defa methods and all those and also the method references and all that okay uh so uh can we quickly do a quick coding snipper kind of how if let me give you a list of employees okay uh and filter uh the employees by the salary okay okay do you stream and print the salary or not the salary filter them with the salary and get me the list of employees again just stream it fil uh greater than uh $110,000 employees filter them and get those employees you got it what I meant uh so you said you want me to go then filter that employees by what again yeah by salary okay and then I'll go ahead and print that list of those employees yes correct you can print or just return me the list of employees just write a quote snippet in the chat okay so uh that's to goad and filter that uh you know the employee itself so you're doing X greater than x do salary let's say your salary can be $10,000 I told $10,000 but you are taking X and you checking against the X itself uh okay hold on uh so does that looks good to you yeah that makes sense okay uh can you give me uh uh just a road map how the spring evolved to the spring Boot and why spring boot is I'm sorry Road M road map of what again spring how the spring evolved uh in the past couple of years and how why we landed up in Spring Boot and why spring boot is actually can you give me why we use spring boot uh yeah sure so talking about like uh you know that spring to kind of like string I mean spring boot itself I mean the reason I think uh like you know we kind of came across with this spring itself is because the main kind of like you know goal within is I think to go ahead and reduce those overall development time itself and then also kind of like you know working to increase those efficiency having to goad and then you having all those default set up for like those you know different unit or like those integration kind of like those test itself and also kind of like you know having those Springs dependency injection approach itself or like you know it encourage us to government write those testable code itself and also I think it with those you know powerful database transaction management kind of things with there so yeah probably like those kind of like situations is the reason that we kind of move to that our spring Bo okay um do you have any IDE or something uh I do not have any ID in my personal laptop here but if you want to go ahead and work on that are you online compiler uh no that's what we told we want an IDE only then we can do the interview I think this was told to the vendar or the recruiter I hope so I'm not sure uh I didn't uh quite get that I mean you know that message itself it was not probably not delivered to me or something so I mean I thought like you know we could I mean usually like that's what we do on the interview I mean alls used to do so I mean I don't know yeah probably like that message was not delivered to me properly okay sure that's fine um uh so without IDE I think we can't proceed further uh we will uh let the uh vend know like we we did inform them to so they should have communicated you uh it's uh that it should be their problem they should have told that that's fine uh for now I think we can wrap up the call do you have any questions for me uh I mean not particularly because we are not even liking fin so I mean if there's like no way that we could V use that online compiler things uh no we want to do on the ID that's what it would be better so we did okay sure yeah then yeah that's totally fine yeah like that okay sorry uh sure uh thank you so much okay thank you
Channel: Caught Cheating
Views: 2,490,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y-x97vjmzCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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