Cat Nutrition: The Food, The Bad, & The Ugly Part 3: Raw Food!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a brand new day this is why i love life out here i can smell the renewal the rebirth the rains have come and soaked the prairie the drought is beyond us there is no more dust and dying it's time for nature to bring it back to life you know i think i'm gonna go out today maybe just sit in a daisy patch and but oh morning greenhorn you're back again you know i feel like i'm not too old to learn my lessons and uh every time i see you i dislike you less first time we met you were feeding your cat the worst kind of thing that you could feed a cat to say that you love your cat and then feed them kibble and the next time we met you started to see the light well today green horn i want you to sit down again and don't you move because i will teach you one last lesson what is your cat greenhorn what what was that yeah that's what i thought you said a carnivore and what carnivores eat that's right they eat meat and your cat should be eating meat so today we are going to be talking about what your cat needs to eat as nature meant for your cat to eat and that is well meat so sit down take a load off today is your final lesson [Music] what's up little cow pokes it is your cat daddy-o here to tell you the truth okay i'm done you know it works i got the hat on and i'm chewing on some whatever that was but right now i'm just a guy in a t-shirt who happens to be named jackson galaxy and who happens to be here for you guys today to talk about part three of our series on cat food and i just got to say ahead of time the response from you all has been amazing i i never really thought that that in general cat folks would be this interested in nutrition and actually i just did a poll on youtube the other day asking you what kind of videos you wanted to see in the future and cat nutrition ran away with it so today we're going to talk about what is that third component we've been talking about the food the bad and the ugly well this is the furthest from bad and ugly as we can possibly get this is the the ultimate diet for your cat let's just rewind for a second and and and let's get back to the basics of what cats need to eat industrially we have gotten so far away from what cats are supposed to eat it's just amazing that they're functioning at all with the amount of carbohydrates that are in these dry foods there's a ton of other things i am not going to recap the whole dry food story like i did last time just check out the video above if you need to catch up now we moved on in the second part to what's better than dry food okay what's better for the obligate carnivore well more meat and more meat that hasn't been so completely obliterated and denatured that uh that it barely resembles meat well that's that's wet food wet food is number two wet food is better than dry food now what comes next oh the suspense now we are at the pinnacle of what is appropriate for our cats to eat what is truly bio-appropriate and that is drum roll please terrible drum roll how about just like a rim shot okay that's great that is raw a raw diet is the best thing that your cats can eat [Music] before i say any of this about raw food i want you guys to know something you need to go and have your cat uh evaluated beforehand have their levels checked make sure that your cat is okay to be switched from one food to another we'll talk about this in in videos to come but i would be remiss if i just said hey switch your cats to a raw diet and everything's going to be good for instance we've seen in diabetic cats even though a raw diet helps regulate their blood glucose levels like nothing else if they're already on insulin it could cause a little bit of wonky spikes and we just don't want that so again whether your cat is immunocompromised whether they have an illness that needs to be talked about with your vet before you switch to any diet do that talking but do your research as well so why is a raw diet better than any other diet let's just start with the very obvious as an obligate carnivore cats eat meat cats should eat the whole prey animal so that means muscle tissue fat organ bone all of that our cats are not far removed at all from the desert cats of 10 000 plus years ago they're really not so we know it's better than dry food right because as long as something looks like a little gumball and crunches when your cat eats it you should pretty much know that it's been through too much to be good for your cat and not the least of which is the heat that goes into making that product so much heat by the time it comes out of extrusion and and we're in little shapes like a little cake cutter and it's been cooked two three separate times then we gotta spray some meat flavor on it because at this point it doesn't smell like anything anymore that should tell you all you need to know okay so moving forward why is it better than wet food well now we still have a bit of the same problem wet food while tons better than dry if for no other reason then the hydration that your cat gets from it just just that alone but it still is heat processed and we're still denaturing the meat the other thing that that makes wet not so good is how confusing it is to read labels there is such confusion i mean to know that like you can actually call something grain free but it's kind of not because you can just replace a little bit of this and a little bit of that and the carb content of the fat and the fiber content well if you do this kind of mathematics that's not available on that damn label man it's not there so you either have to be a math major which [Music] not this guy i will look at it and go i don't know well it's better than dry you know and that brings us to the raw diet not only is this what cats are meant to eat in the first place but you are now in control all of the variables all of the mystery meat all of the byproducts that you might see and you might not and what exactly is a byproduct and man is there a cancerous tumor in in my cat's food the fact is you are now in control you can know precisely what meat ingredients and what supplements which are very important i'll get to that in a second are in your cat's food so that to me trumps everything else right those two major points this is what cats are meant to eat and you as the parent have absolute control over what your cat is eating and what they're putting into their system and just to run down some more reasons why a raw diet is better than any other diet for your cats number one it improves their digestion because again cats digestive tract is built to process the impurities out of raw meat that's again why they have thrived for so many thousands of years right it is a very short straight and an acidic digestive tract so within 12 hours of eating in it goes we bounce out all the things that are bad we go up we can use this right here nope we don't want you here point point blink and out number two and this is part of number one is that their poops are better there's less of it and anybody who has fed their catara diet and knows this to be true once we've transitioned over to the raw diet of course there's a little bit of bumps along the way because then you'll notice that there's less poop why is that that's because there's less stuff in the food they're eating that is not meant for a cat a third benefit of raw food is a better coat and really i mean i can vouch for this as can many many if not most folks who have transitioned their cats to a raw diet you notice that your cat's coat is better less dandruff less dry spots the fourth reason why raw is better is because it'll help your cat lose weight and i have again i can say this from from 30 years of watching cats on raw diets they just start to trim down they don't lose their muscle mass they just lose the flab now here's one that's going to surprise you a lot of you guys because i think if there was one comment that was just pervasive from the first video about dry food is but i was told that dry food will help clean my cat's teeth which hopefully you realize by now is ridiculous not true so what does help uh your cat's teeth in nature it's what you would see in the raw diet it's chewing on things like bones and and cartilage and and connective tissue that's what helped cleanse your cat's teeth and that's what you get out of a raw diet as well and also just as a snacky thing you can get raw bones for cats that they can chew on and that's the closest they're going to get to brushing their teeth and it's a great calcium source and the bone that is included ground up in a raw diet that's the calcium source they need without adding calcium see and that's where we're getting to with a lot of this is that we don't have to add in a ton of things we still have to add in some things and i'll go into that in a second but that's that's the truth ruth another impact again that i've seen i can vouch for it just really plays into what i call hunt catch kill eat is that when they eat raw at the end of a play cycle and and from the time they wake up they have this you know up cycle of energy they eat down they go but their energy overall is you can't even compare it naturally a cat's energy is so much more predictable and so much more up than it would be otherwise and again it all comes down to your cat is eating what they have evolved to eat with very little interference from us over time that's it that's it so that's a whole bunch of reasons i'm sure i could come up with more but those are are the that's the lowest hanging fruit as it were no fruit don't feed your cat fruit [Music] so now let's get into a little bit of uh what you guys i can hear you by the way i could i could read it through the camera this is one of the gifts but but it has been asked a lot um how difficult it is to feed a raw diet so commercially bought raw foods are now something that is real and wonderful for anybody who was dealing with raw food back in the day it's a lot less messy they come as complete which means that all of the supplements that you would need in the food are there and the balance in terms of protein versus you know a small amount of carb usually about five percent is there you get to pick your protein source it's just really kind of idiot proof coming from an idiot i'm just telling you it's it's very simple full control of what your cat is putting in his or her body comes down to a homemade diet and homemade diets are also much easier than they used to be much more foolproof and i will link in the description to some of the sources that i have that really just they just do an amazing job at getting this down to a place where if you want to do it it's a lot easier than it used to be now i know what a lot of you guys are thinking especially in today's climate which is the cost of both the store-bought and the homemade food if you start looking at the homemade diet it's probably not as expensive as you think it is if you're okay doing that then you make big batches of it and i would venture to say that in the long run it might be close to a wash if you're talking about premium wet and a homemade diet that would take a little bit of experimentation but but i get it i get it that that's a very valid concern for for any of you guys so let's talk about supplements that need to be added into raw food there's a difference between your cat catching a mouse let's say and eating it and having something that's prepared so a lot of the nutrients are lost through things like blood supply no matter what you do the difference between eating an animal right when you catch them and not is you know you do lose some of that blood the second thing is and i'm sorry you guys to get graphic and if this is making you squeamish just skip ahead for a little bit but there are nutrients that are lost that exist only in the head of the animal specifically in the brains and the eyes and a lot of times the heads aren't used in the mix for the food so with that said supplements are not an option you do need to supplement your cat's diets specifically with things like taurine vitamin b vitamin e and essential fatty acids these are things that that need to be added into your cat's raw diet you don't want to just go to the supermarket buy some raw chicken that's in you know the grocery case bring it home and feed it to your cats that won't work they still need that supplemental help so just remember that so let's talk about another concern that seems to be pretty pervasive about uh feeding your cats a raw diet and that is bacterial contamination the thing i hear the most about is salmonella it's not something that a cat is very subject to think about it you guys that's what cats have been eating for thousands of years are raw animals they don't walk around carrying a little cat cat hibachi with them put it down and barbecue up a meal they eat them not saying that bacterial contamination is not an issue in meat but there is evidence that shows that the the bacterial contamination in cooked meat is higher than the raw meat think about all of the recalls that have happened in commercial dry and wet food over the years a lot you guys salmonella contamination in those foods not you're not seeing them as much in raw foods it's time to put a lot of these things to rest and like i said i'm not making this up i'm linking to things in the description that will point by point show you how these these fables uh about contamination um and things like salmonella are just not part of the picture and if they are it's a tiny tiny minuscule part and that's the risk that you take feeding your cat anything and of course i would be remiss if i didn't show you some of the products that i stand behind that i think will help your cats digestively both from a physical and energetic standpoint so from the physical side we have this right here this is my jackson galaxy probiotics and enzymes for cats i really think it's a great product i use it uh for all my cats and it does really make a difference uh in terms of their gut health second thing here is for the energetic body this is jackson galaxy solutions and the remedy to use is called happy tummy again this is not to make your cat's physical body healthy but in conjunction with physical elements it is what it's there for is energetically to break sort of energetic blocks that that will cause dis-ease in in your cat's gut the combination of the two of these has helped just dramatically with cats that i've worked with all right so just know that i am talking about raw food and a raw food diet on a very top level basis i can't even begin to start digging into all of the little things uh that make raw food better than other foods that addresses all the concerns that you might have but that's why i'm giving you resources because like i said there are people who have spent their entire medical careers dealing with with nutrition in cats and these are people that i trust completely and i'd ask you to go and take a look at those things and if you don't believe them keep looking keep looking but one word of caution just make sure that these are unbiased facts that have nothing to do with other interests and then you'll get the facts and if you find anything that i have missed or that my sources have missed please bring it up the dialogue around this is is too important to pass up because as you can tell three installments and more to come about cat nutrition you you can see how important it is to me and it should be important to you as well [Music] look before i wrap up this three-parter here the food and the bad and the ugly i would be remiss not to thank just a few of the veterinary sources and sources in cat nutrition that i've trusted so much over the years um and and i know i'm going to be leaving some folks out so i am very sorry about that in advance uh but first of all i would like to thank my old business partner cad veterinarian holistic guru dr jean hovey check out again link below she is someone who you should know also margaret gates who has devoted her life to feline nutrition and her website down there just a treasure trove of info and breaking it down into really i was about to say perhaps about to say bite-sized pieces and that's just terrible of me but anyway margaret thank you for all you do um i also want to thank dr elizabeth hodgkins dr guillermo diaz dr karen becker dr lisa pearson um dr andrea tassie dr will winter these are people who have really put their professional life on the line in order to advocate for for your cats and like i said i know i missed somebody also i'd love to thank uh ingrid king from conscious cat ingrid has spent her life digging into all the things that make your cat tick as well and she's introduced me to some of these great people as well and i'd also love to thank tracy dion her wonderful website again great information rounds out everything that you need to know about raw food i know i'm missing people right now and if i do remember they'll be in the description as well but thank you to to all of these professionals who have spent so much time advocating for your cat and what should go into their body and and that's it you guys three parts the food the bad the ugly dry food wet food raw food and there will be more to come in the weeks to follow we will talk about how to transition your cat from one diet to another we will check out some warning signals about what you should be looking for when you read the labels in in foods and anything else you want to hear that's what the comments are for send me some okay now you'll not find out about this video nor any other video unless you subscribe hit that little bell when you do subscribe all you new subscribers so that you get alerted when the videos come share this please with everybody that you know that has cats because we should all know this information and then from having the information make the best judgment call for our cats right absolutely jackson oh nice call jackson okay bye jackson bye everybody talk to you later i'll lay it all love and all mojo to you meow
Channel: Jackson Galaxy
Views: 157,061
Rating: 4.9540062 out of 5
Keywords: raw diet for cats, raw cat food, homemade cat food, cat food, jackson galaxy videos, is raw food good for cats, raw food diet for cats pros and cons, best diet for cats, raw food vs dry food for cats, homemade cat food vs store bought, cat nutrition guide, cat nutrition tips, jackson galaxy feeding your cat, cat nutrition, feeding your cat, feeding your cat raw food, feeding your cat a raw diet, feeding your cat raw chicken, what to feed your cat, raw cat food diet
Id: 3Vj7Y9l7sH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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