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oh my handsome [Music] boy oh it seems crafty corn fell in love with catnap at First [Music] Sight Dio [Music] catnap oh no turns out it was just a crafty corn dream brother huh ah I have to make him fall in love with [Music] me kicking chicken what's up weirdo I want you to help me you will pretend to be a shark to what does crafty corn need from kicken a perfect idea right who falls in love with me what the no I will never do that kind of thing 100 Grand kicken can't refuse the money offered by crafty corn I will be the scariest shark in the [Music] world huh oh no something happened to catnap I'm [Music] coming don't worry catnap I'm here to save you let's see how crafty corn saves catnap thank thank you no problem I will do anything for you kick and Chicken Run it's a real shark run oh no what should crafty corn do someone please save them it's so Sunny huh what's this catnap seems very excited to eat free spaghetti oh the sunset on this beach is beautiful isn't it where's the spaghetti I'm here catnap looks at this plate of spaghetti which doesn't seem very delicious I just made too much spaghetti so I need someone to help me oh no look at catnaps expression what where did catnap [Music] go who's there huh oh the road is filled with roses it here where is this place anyone here hello looks like there's some surprise in store for catnap what's going on what is Crafty corn doing catnap oh God please sit down here wow okay catnap seems a bit shy here I'm sorry we have done our best to save him but we couldn't please bury what oh no crafty corn misread something paper hold on romantic letter to a boy Welcome to our first looks so romantic right may I offer you some wine stop it stop it uh you like music right uh yeah so let me play you some music crafty corn wants to play music but she can't she looked really scared uh turn it on turn it on turn it off turn it off anyway I got something to tell you catnap crafty corn is thinking of another way to play music for catnap will you will you build come on just say it come on come on what's going on with pigy piggy she looks so so [Music] scared an explosion just happened to them what will happen next what catnap don't be upset everything is all perfect you don't hate me of course not I I like you too crafty corn crafty corn and catnap still love each other the Extreme Hide and Seek game each of them will stay in their own secret room in 1 hour and not letting the hunter know where they are and our hunter will be catnap wow this is an extremely exciting story about The Smiling Critters hideand-seek game they will join together and see who will win let's watch let the games begin oh are those Footprints I got you these must be dog day's Footprints oh catnap is following dog day's footsteps will he find dog I think it won't dog day hides very well and is really difficult to find hi oh this is so hurt no one can me what is that sound can me no one can me there I told you catnap can't find dog day it's because catnap accidentally encountered Huggy wuggy it's so scary and if you are hungry you can get whatever you want what else do I need more let me see if this is still your perfect secret room anymore oh oh look at dog day he looks so happy is he enjoying this room or what the wall is getting squeezed in oh no my secret room no no it's not working I'm about to get flattened see I said it in Truth catnap has already found dog day now this room has been discovered by catnap dog day has failed it is piggy she must be in the kitchen which idiots would hide in the bin show your face piggy you cannot hide from me now it's Piggy's turn catnap is looking for piggy will he be found let's see what happens to piggy wait you can't find me my secret room got all the foods and candies on the wall I will never leave this place ever and ever M oh not piggy this is just a lie not him will this time piggy become the loser under catnaps intense search h M smell if piggy was here she would like it so much what is this smell oh no piggy is easily fooled by catnap he is preparing food and piggy is a person who is easily attracted to them maybe piggy will lose uhhuh got you oh no I lose only one Critter left crafty corn and now there's only catnaps Hunter here oh after Piggy's defeat it's catnaps turn to find craft corn this is the last person participating in this game will catnap find him what should I do this bed looks sus crafty corn are you there please you can't see me you can't see me H please please please H please show yourself huh there no one here oh My Ghost luckily catnap didn't see crafty corn I'm really worried about crafty Corn's fate wait someone's laughing it's time heyya catnap find you and our winner today is catnap look at this for I've been married long time ago where did you come from where did [Applause] you catnaps Era is over now oh so catnap baby also has fans but do they really love catnap baby [Music] C du it's Kap Junior they are trying to lure catnap baby with candy and teddy bears hopefully catnap baby will not agree to those enticements from them or [Music] candy and [Music] hamster oh my God little baby I doubt that catnaps mother will believe the sweet talk from catnap baby fans that's why she will let baby catnap go out with them it's dangerous you don't know what will happen to them stay away from us please catnap we can become his babysitter you can have a long rest without worrying about little baby time for myself I can sleep 8 hours straight worry about nothing H okay but just for a short time and always put an eye on him well these smiling Critters are taking advantage of catnap to create beautiful frames baby catnap looks so pitiful hope they don't do him any harm selfie Angel little girl and [Music] Superman oh no the three of them made catnap Cry catnap cries and they won't know how to comfort him wake up you cannot sleep we can't have to post your pictures no no catnap baby's mother send something she will come find her child and take him back home oh no I can't sleep without my baby I'm a bad dad what a baby's crying my baby's crying oh my God make him stop baby bear candy hamster what should we do sigh all it takes is a bottle of milk to calm catnap finally he has stopped give me back my baby no we are catnap Junior's fans we won't let him go give my baby back it's time for catnap to deal with her smiling Critters for making her children sad and cry like that don't you run with my baby oh my God that was close ouch I have underestimated him oh where to go where to go stop right there no I won't let him go I will take care of him better than you no you can't [Music] go you little bastard baby oh it's so hurt huh catnap ouch it's hurt get out of here and never come back oh my God hello Critters oh no zookeeper please run quickly run don't run Little Friends no one can see me here I'm a master of hide and seek does catnap think zookeeper can't see catnap run catnap where can I hide where can I oh no what happened sh be quiet turns out it was dog day and crafty corn what should we do now he going to eat us let's see how they escape zookeeper but how H every snakes need a charmer where are you Critters we are here you decide to show yourself huh of course we do look like the Zookeeper is attracted by the sound of [Applause] trumpets where are they going to take zookeeper uh-oh [Music] oh no what should they do what is that controller let's see what they will do together catnap press the button now oh what's wrong with this controller they teleported of course we are out we have the teleportation control remember now run oh no run now there's nowhere to hide oh no it's dead what should they do Tel aeration [Applause] oh my God what kind of machine is this let's continue to see we are going to win huh where is my gun oh no if you lose it pick it up quickly catnap what the looks like zookeeper also wants that machine right they're fighting who will get it yes I got it hurry up shoot him catnap okay you guys stay still huh what the what is the use of that machine huh huh they are dancing catnap let's do something to save crafty corn and dog day [Music] it's gone yeah but where a corn and dog day you guys oh no where did catnap teleport crafty corn and dog day I don't [Music] know it's time to open the kindergarten where is catnap catnap catnap I'm here a oh My Ghost look at dog day he's stepping on catnap I wonder if something's wrong with catnap babies you are so cute oh my God I will take care of you all that's right catnap you have to take care of all the babies here please take care of them very carefully wait a little bit kabot I'm coming just watch them milk is coming what the ar ar perhaps catnap will feel extremely tired because of these three naughty children he is taking very good care of the children but look at them being so mischevous oh my God no maybe finally they are safe kids remember not to play like crafty corn just now this action is extremely dangerous and it can affect your health and body not a baby Monster oh my god dog day will kill me if he know about this oh no have these kids turned into monsters is that [Music] okay his size is getting smaller when he laugh I know what to do but I need a helper okay look who will come and help catnap hope everything will be okay for everyone hit it but not too [Music] [Applause] hard this is too tired I'm not going to make it catnap looks really tired he cared for these children as passionately as they treated him it's enough hi everyone I'm back finally you are back here's your ice cream you are so [Music] cute oh no not [Music] again oh no what's wrong with catnap what's happening catnap are you okay please stay with me he can't he have to go with me where did the CEO take catnap what should I do cannot let anything bad happen to him I must save him dog day really wants to save [Music] catnap it's hard to escape this iron cage it's not an easy thing this is too hard I can't do it ouch let's see what dog day will do next I'm out what are hoppy and crafty corn doing here there's no way in oh no what's happening where am I CEO got him CEO oh no what should we do we will save him huh let's go rescue catnap oh it's so dirty you want to meet his loyal dog or what you mean me oh no monster run away now oh no it's the dead end the road is blocked how will they fight the CEO's monster who told you that loyal dog oh the three work together to defeat that monster h a period let's go you guys yes once successful go find [Music] catnap huh only you hear catnap oh no catnap looks really pitiful no don't come here huh it seems like it's the CEO's trap what will happen trap step wrong and boom you activate the freaking attacking weapon oh no not good dog day I'm sorry woo made it here in one piece don't worry catnap I'm coming to rescue you oh my God look at catnap [Music] you are welcome where is Crafty and hoppy they are still over there oh my God God you think you are oh no crafty corn and hoppy have been captured by the CEO let that happen oh yeah prove [Music] it say goodbye to your friends what the unfortunately for the CEO he was very unlucky sh goodbye to your friend oh no no no no pory we have made it yeah boy catnap where are you huh what's that sound h Huh oh My Ghost what happened to catnap that boy looked so pitiful and cried so much room dog day why am I this old I must do something to make me younger wait stop for a moment cat and PE are you wanting to be more beautiful and younger oh no it's not that easy catnap is drinking a magical water bottle called small will his wish come true after drinking this water will he become younger and More Beautiful it seems difficult but to find out we have to watch the next part I will go make a potion to turn him back to normal you stay here take care of him oh okay oh stop here for a moment catnap and dog day crafty cor needs dog day to take care of that boy okay dog day will be responsible for taking care of him [Music] oh no little catnap is not as adorable as dog day imagined he was so naughty and made dog day so impulsive it's hard to describe dog day never trust anyone just by their appearance no baby it's dangerous no catnap baby C careful it's too dangerous why can you be so naughty why huh hey huh baby where are you haha watching smelling Critters play is adorable and fun are they really playing with each other or do they have any plans next can it be trusted o stop all these [Music] [Music] things oi it's not okay are they preparing to have unexpected fights like this crafty corn catnap please calm down a bit you are back [Music] what are you guys what the you are so handsome I love you dog day wow are they dog day fans that looks like a lot of people my God never catch him they are crazy I have to run dog day let's run quickly they are running to catch you and play with you wait for us dog day oh My Ghost they were chasing him very fast hopefully dog day can run quickly marbles ouch ow ow no ouch look at that catnap just fell going into toys like that is very dangerous so we need to be careful ah watch out I'm sorry okay dog day run quickly before they catch you but it also looks funny right bu dummy dog huh what out oh no why do I see chicken chicken so angry he must be very scared too I don't understand why this fan base is so strong and crazy they can't know I'm here but I know what the hi oh no way catnap is right behind dog day I thought he would be able to hide from them unbelievable wait did you see what I see huh dog day you can't catch me what are we going to do I don't know do you think they can catch dog day I think not but what if they think of a way hope everything will be okay with dog day it's harder than I thought my turn I going to take him out got it no way oh no my diaper haha look at that dog day's pants have been taken away he looks so funny right now dog day will probably panic I will get your dog day ah my turn oh no way could they possibly pick him up it's very easy to see this way what a pity for our dog day mine my tail Let it go Let it go Let it go oh no what should we do I didn't do anything they probably won't be able to do anything anymore everything seems to be failing here you go how did you run follow him huh hey wait for me well deserved catnap who said they would go in there it's hard to get out here now teacher help me huh baby oh you are so cute finally she saves me you want to go play with your friends let me put you down no lady dog day can't play here with them M Delight don't let him go down there you cannot leave me here lady oh no don't worry you are safe with us dog day yes we love you dog day love you no no don't let's have fun playing with dog day so gross my hand can't be like that [Music] run oh I think catnap is sick I think he is sick you think no I'm not sick I'm as healthy as a racehorse does he still think he's healthy no way catnap seems like we have to take care of him now what should we do now dog day dog day and chicken chicken are still worried about how to help catnap look like they're planning to cook for catnap and hope he will be better it might take a little time for her I'm back that was fast here you are catnap thank you piggy it must be so good where is it oh what are they planning to feed catnap it doesn't look very good for real kicking your turn yes sir why are there so many ingredients wow there are too many ingredients here for chicken chicken to choose let's see what dish he will cook for catnap today you just eat all of his soup I'm sorry hot and delicious soup is here thank you it looks so yummy the food that chicken chicken Cooks look delicious it was fascinating but where can catnap eat it since he's sick why not I put so much effort in it but it looks like someone just puked it up what did you just say he can he cannot he can I said he cannot oh it's so hot oh My Ghost hot food was spilled on catnaps body what a pity for catnap all right next move is to make sure he's snug as a bug in a rug all done what that was fast he is surely warm and not moving an inch oh what is that I said to keep him warm not tie him down a little bit okay what next well next step is giving him some good rest with some soothing Tunes I got it everyone is listening to dog day's explanation let's see what they will do thank you you guys [Music] what the turn it off oh the music is so loud please turn down the music everyone clear the way C this what should we do he is still sick it's so hard to take care of sick people I remember we have to take medicine when we are sick oh I got a lot is this enough dog day remembers that they brought medicine to support catnap and luckily piggy also brought it along maybe they will use that medicine to give catnap okay he might get better after this or maybe not all right I got to use my special skill in acupuncture catnap looks sicker now it will be time for piggy to help catnap will she give him acupuncture and now you won't feel sick anymore you're right I don't feel sick or anything from Head to Toes yeah I couldn't remember the energy points I need to strike so better safe than sorry at least it works you haven't [Music] sneezed oh what after a sneeze from catnap those acupuncture stick stuck to Piggy and chicken's bodies I wonder if they are okay what should we do now don't worry Dr Bubba is here Dr Bubba Bubba wow luckily Dr Bubba came and he was there to help them and you will be better thank Dr Bubba you are well oh no oh [Music] no wow this is a water park play again you guys but this time try the mega water slide oh no way I'm scared we can never make [Music] it of course we can let's go no oh no crafty corn and dog day are afraid of heights drop it I wonder what crafty corn and dog day will be like it seems like catnap is the most fun player while crafty corn and dog day are not fun at all yeah let's play it again you guys are having fun I'm so dizzy poor crafty corn and dog [Music] day I got an evil plan what is catnap thinking katpa is teasing Bubba catnap looks very happy you naughty [Music] cat what a shame catnap what does catnap want to do again I'm going to jump it's time for me to show you my move butterfly jump wow is he [Music] performing ouch oh sunscreen I got to put some on huh oh no oh no catnap how do we stop him my way it's like playing [Music] bowling catnap has destroyed everything find you get out of here and never come back hoppy is fixing the power supply here where is the purple one oh no catnap behind catnap planning to do [Music] something where's the storage room oh My Ghost hoopie has been destroyed everyone gets together and kicken continuously suspects that crafty corn killed hoopie it was her no I'm not I just accidentally saw Hoppy's body liar it was her let's kill her did you see her kill hoppy no I didn't but she was there so she is suspicious kill her crafty corn was very angry when everyone doubted him like that I would kill you first threat she is threatening me you guys see it let's kill her after Bobby explained everyone stopped outting crafty corn nothing is certain yet why is this dummy card not working damn it ouch nothing is clear here yeah we should just skip this time agree and the red one is here everyone continues to do their [Music] tasks oh no catnap catnap killed kicken right behind crafty corn um okay I know this looks sus but let me explain no it's not crafty everyone mistakenly removed crafty is not the impostor so who can it be catnap you weren't there when we saw the body are you the impostor no I'm not I was doing the mission then dog day do you believe me I'm your best friend all three people are suspicious of each other and no one admits it so you are the impostor no it's not me I didn't kill anyone oh no the power has gone out turn on the light first and we will choose the impostor it's here I'm dog day is going to fix an electrical problem does dog day seem to be in danger catnap you impostor yes I am catnap has appeared catnap wants to destroy dog day oh no please don't kill me dog day is trying to escape someone please save dog day help I'm almost there don't thinking of it my legs unfortunately something we didn't want has happened dog day got injured what should we do now you not a my friend but I have believed in you your lesson is never trust anyone say hello to heaven dog day oh my ear uh-huh I'm still alive after being attacked by catnap dog day felt extremely surprised when he was still alive what is happening here hurry up vote for catnap he is the impostor huh really can I trust you no Bobby he is lying I'm not the impostor I'm your friend dog day was the impostor I I don't know Bobby don't listen to him no don't listen to him I I will follow my thoughts everything gradually becomes clear catnap is the impostor after receiving two votes from dog day and Bobby catch me let's go luckily you are out oh look at that dog day and Cat are feeling extremely panicked I wonder what's going on with them oh your legs don't worry we will make new legs for you oh has catnaps leg disappeared he looks so funny let's fake some legs it's so hard to need this dough however don't worry catnap dog day will think of a way to help you get new legs let's see what he's up to okay it smells so good what does this smell it smells like cake oh My Ghost Dog Day plans to create a new leg for catnap is it okay but looking at catnap he also seems extremely interested hopefully he will have new more beautiful leg I don't want to break these beautiful legs ready catnap put me on is it fit wow a new pair of legs has been created but it smells so good are crafty corn and Bobby bear trying to eat it oh it's not okay we must be very careful oh no they want your legs give me thees oh my God they crazy no it's my legs cake yes I knew it right away crafty corn and Bobby bear want catnaps other legs what to do now what do we need to do to keep catnaps legs otherwise they will take it away what should we do now h i remember there is a copy of mine stored in the archive room but it is carefully guarded don't worry it will be so easy sigh that's impossible in the end they still ate catnaps legs made of cake catnap looks so pitiful too easy not a chance another war is about to happen is it okay with them who will win please watch below to find out the answer it's hurt my fur oh My Ghost look everyone catnaps fur has been burned he looks really miserable I wonder what will happen to catnap next we are safe or not no oh no can't they escape this place it seems difficult I don't know what the outcome will be let's see what happens next I know what we have to do what in the world what do you think catnapped wow a new pair of legs that look like robits what did Dog Day think of he is so smart and agile scientist [Music] Bubba I'm here no Bubba no problem no problem we have to build a new house where should we start now oh catnap and dog day want to build a new house but they still don't know where to start H I got an idea I love candy huh what the hello piggy are they going to take Piggy's candy but why do they do that huh I got more I'll take it what the my candy girl I still have more more more dog day take them give me all your candy no let me down as your wish oh no they're taking all of Piggy's candy she looks so pitiful but what should they do now put some here uh-huh they took candy to decorate their new house that's really interesting it's so beautiful w some more to decorate it wow it looks nice but they're still looking for some more decorations looks good too baby what should we do now H I have an idea oh My Ghost but they were not successful their baby ate those candies again it's so boring finally we have a home our house is so [Music] big it's raining we have to stop the water getting inside oh no my ceiling baby sit here it's raining heavily and their roof is leaking rain water is Flowing down it's not okay everyone is about to collapse where is baby he's over [Music] there God it's getting worse the rain is getting heavier and the roof is leaking more and more how can we have a new house now all right we have to build a real real house this is so sad their house has collapsed now they have no shelter it is pitiful show us show us Behold our new [Music] house I'm blind I'm blind oh my God oh my God is this a house or something don't joke with me dog day needs a real house for shelter let's think about [Music] it Pour it down it's not on me got to make it [Music] okay looks like they're actually building a house I believe that this time the house will be sturdy and help them take shelter from harsh weather no we do it wrong don't worry we can do it again [Music] again again this time we can't fail we have to try harder we will never have a house to live Papa what's matter baby papa a house it's on sale dog day look at that it's beautiful and that's all done guess that we're not suitable for building house h Huh dog day oh no why are you here because I was worried about you since you left to find the other smiling Critters you haven't come back I have to go find you and then I saw your necklace' location showing that you are here anyway what's happened to you it happened when I went to find the other smiling Critters in the CEO's office huh CEO H hppy crafty corn where are you [Music] huh what is that h h h puy Baba crafty corn now you know everything huh what have you done this is my new newest experiment to make them my servants they will be unconscious and become my own killing machine you cannot do that don't worry your memory will be sucked up and you will become just like them [Music] you guys that's why I only have half of my body left they have eaten it all and then they tied me here waiting for you to come he knew you would find me so he wanted to show off his dominance I will save you no what what is that it seems like you have found your friend dog day today I'm going to show you the scene of the year your pal turning into a monster You'll wish you hadn't been against me before I will enjoy you two killing each other good luck catnap [Music] [Applause] [Music] dog day sorry dog day I'm sorry dog day I will avenge you I Now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the [Music] pride wait stop this wedding catnap is a murderer no no I'm not dog day you don't believe your wife no I believe you honey take crafty corn away I have the evidence find a way to kill him don't disappoint me [Music] [Music] and after that he tried to approach dog day H he made dog day like him huh propose to him [Music] will you marry me yes I [Music] do [Music] huh he oh she is a murderer tonight when the wedding is over she plans to kill you while you are sleeping you are not are you no I would never you have to believe me dog day crafty corn is truly the murderer Korn wants to bring me down to marry dog day so she fabricated this whole thing to harm me all of that picture are Photoshop no they are not so explain who caused the last explosion in my room intending to kill both me and dog day [Music] it was you I saw with my own eyes that you snuck out of my room you planted a bomb to make my room explode no I never did that dog day you have to trust me I'm so confused who can I trust now don't worry honey I have the evidence too H I can't believe you are the betrayer I didn't expect him to be so deceptive catnap but I had already anticipated everything do you really think I only sneak into your room for fun of course you didn't know that I had installed a bug to listen to all of your conversations and [Music] plans boss I got his trust I already have a plan to kill him but I have to make sure the close one to dog day corn disappears I will plan an explosion rescue dog day and then frame corn to eliminate her and after that on the wedding night he will be dead under my hand and Mission completed you evil killer get her it's too late honey oh no crafty corn kill him what is happening with catnap follow him to find out what's going you Thief will pay for what you you did no lets me out first time in prison yes what did you do I just rubbed a little money from a bank and then they got me in here how much like 2 billion 2 billion you crazy Thief what about you what did you do I have stayed here for 5 years because I killed my Unfaithful husband in 5 years I will never spend that much time in this silly prison dream about it you can't get out here I have tried several times crafty cor escaped from prison and was caught by [Music] the then she dug a tunnel to escape h i got this plan just put all your eggs in one basket and trust me where did you get that from you don't remember I'm a thief huh there are four cameras that record all actions in this prison and two cups guard around we must take down all these four cameras and avoid the supervision of the cop then go to the trash shoot to get out and first of all we need something to cut the prison bars catnap and crafty corn are chopping down trees they are breaking down the door and escaping outside cat snap the [Music] camera give me that thing no money no [Music] talk hey don't move move look what are they doing with the [Music] police we are outside sorry CEO they got out you loser can't do anything without me but don't worry they cannot get out there easily everything happening in this prison is all under my control smiling creaters looked at catnap who was tied up catnap huh catnap looks so girl just save him first scub is getting closer how do you know I'm the one who kidnapped him it has to start from the moment you knock to them [Music] now huh huh [Music] oh no catnap has been captured cat catnap huh where is catnap catnap catnap where are you H happy so day's necklace dog day huh what the who has turned off the light hello is somebody there okay this isn't funny please don't scare me what will happen next say it where is catnap what are you talking about I don't know where he is so why is your necklace in the forest where catnap was kidnapped huh oh so it's there I have found it all day I dropped it when I went to find some bones huh they arguing with each other how can I believe you H oh crafty corn can be my witness huh hm crafty corn let's go find her where is cutup Crafty corn how can I find Cut what are you doing no I don't do anything I don't steal anything steal I'm sorry I just want to borrow this camera from CEO's office I don't want to steal it let me check H what does crafty corn have to do with it look at that it's catnap let's go there that's why we get it here how dare you do this to catnap oh it's because of his breathing gas I want to figure out if he turns into a woman his breath will be stronger or not and the answer is yes it is much stronger I will collect all of his breathing gas and bring it back to my world to destroy all those cameras you cannot do that you can't stop me [Music] anymore everyone attack [Music] [Music] H say goodbye skibbidy huh I'm back thanks you guys welcome everyone back to our catnap reacts Channel over the past few days we have reacted to many stories about smiling Critter and today is no exception let's react to dog day's twin sister I will make sure none of you have a chance to meet him again only I am the one he needs okay let's stop here for a moment it seems dog day's sister wants to harm the other smiling Critters is she jealous because they are more intimate with dog day than her they are my brother too I am your only sister dog day no one else is allowed to become your family besides me that's right she doesn't want others to get close to dog day she wants to own dog day alone but this is absurd she is cruel she shouldn't have done that because it would have hurt other friends oh My Ghost look at that Miss Delight is trying to harm dog day his sister was extremely angry and dealt with M Delight [Music] immediately but today I will meet her again dog day huh that is too strong oh no this is so terrible it makes us have a completely different view of dog day if she has harmed Miss Delight she will definitely harm others huh what is this place dog day that's the chemical room it's really dangerous you shouldn't go in there today food appear on its own leave us alone oh sorry I won't eat you anymore do you think I would say something like that silly dog yes this is natural we cannot predict what will happen to them dog day's sister looks more and more angry and aggressive what does she plan to do to them let's see next dogger you eat her don't worry dog day I will kill anyone who wants to harm you oh to rescue the remaining smiling Critters dog day had to fight his sister extremely fiercely I feel so bad for dog day he could be extreme extremely [Music] hurt H dogger this is my brothers Brothers hello doger welcome to our family Brothers family how dare you have another family besides me but this is when he needs to fight with his sister to save the remaining members right that's right they need to work together dog day catnap crafty corn hoppy hop scotch calm down huh is there any problem doger nothing huh where is dog day he have gone to find food for us oh so do you want to go to some interesting place now yes we [Music] do everything will be resolved huh that's strange where are they going huh what is interesting here this [Music] is I regret having a sister like you regret about me no you will have to regret what you said h [Music] okay stop here for a moment indeed dog day really wants to have a sister but it was the other twin who broke his butt he was extremely sad if only my twin would treat everyone [Music] better no dog day we have to help him oh ready to go with them [Applause] too dog day finish her [Music]
Channel: Toony Games
Views: 2,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catnap Reacts, catnap reacts, 2d animation, cartoon animation, poppy playtime cartoon, poppy playtime, zoonomaly, zoonomaly aninmation, poppy playtime react to, poppy playtime reaction, smiling critters react to, catnap reaction, daily life animtion, dog day, catnap is surprising with secret admirer in poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap is surprising with secret admirer, catnap secret admirer, catnap is surprising, catnap get a crazy admirer, a dark love from admirer
Id: 01lkgozh_Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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