CATL's new LFP battery lasts 3 million miles with 0% degradation for 5 years

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it's already cheaper to replace a fossil fuel power plant with solar wind and batteries almost everywhere worldwide but this new battery packet changes the game again it's going to make fossil fuels unable and I mean completely unable to compete and that even includes nuclear everyone's saying you know what you know what battery storage is not the real answer for the grid we you know what we still need nuclear we still need Co we still need fossil fuels well catl the biggest battery company in the world they come along and they've said you know what we don't agree with you we have just revealed a battery pack that is the solution all you need is some solar panels some wind turbines whatever pair them with this battery pack and you're looking at the perfect solution for the first 5 years catl say you can use the hell out of this battery pack and it gets 0% battery degradation now about 50% of the mega battery packs being used in the grid today are supplied by catl basically catl is saying you know what if you've if you're ordering batteries through us we're about to completely up the game this is going to mean the Roa or the return on investment for utilities for grids for businesses will significantly improve in addition to that the energy density is also higher did I mention that hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking it's great to see you thank you for tuning in and this is pretty pretty amazing stuff here guys this is really revolutionary Next Level technology because CHL they already they already have the cheapest batteries in the world they are already very good but they just got better I mean you're talking about the best getting better at the lowest prices this is the the biggest company in the world that even the Chinese government says has Monopoly so how on Earth do you compete with this well if you're coal if your gas if you're fossil fuels you can't compete it's that simple because the the the price of solar panels them coming down in price by 93% over the past 10 years means that if you just combine solar and batteries to serve 90% of the world's population who live on the Sun Belt it's basically the perfect solution now I know a lot of people disagree with this but do you disagree because emotionally you're connected to whatever thing you have in your head like emotionally you're connected to the idea that nuclear is great because I used to be I used to be connected to the idea of nuclear I used to think it was great and I actually started doing the numbers and started looking at the trends started looking at how expensive nuclear actually is how long it actually takes and I started to realize that actually we have the solutions here now they're not nuclear they're not coal they're not gas and in most cases they're probably probably not even wind turbines either Chinese Battery Giant contemporary Air Technology Company just launched its new Mega energy storage system it's called tan hang I don't know how to pronounce it sorry guys tan hang and it will supply massive utility scale grids all around the world and of course businesses and Mining miners a lot of Mines now rather than try to connect to the grid which can be a problem they just installing big batteries and solar panels and wind turbines as well and they're just operating completely off grid CHL rolled out tan hang at an event on the 9th of April in other words yesterday saying it is the world's first mass producible energy storage system with 0% battery degradation for the first 5 years uh catl don't lie so if they make a claim they bring out a new battery pack it's real I mean chl's claims their lithium ion phosphate battery uh the new Shen SN battery uh they said it would charge at 550 KW speeds people thought yeah probably not well does we've seen it numerous times now tanang is a standard 20t battery that is in a container it's equipped with sel's energy storage specific lithium ion phosphate battery cells the ultra long life version that doesn't degrade the energy density of the storage system has also been improved improved compared to previous generations it's now 430 wat per liter with a total capacity of 6.25 Mega hours in other words it's the biggest Standalone battery you can buy in the world uh it's also very affordable based on the price per dollar which is coming down a very rapid Pace 10 hang has a cycle life of more than 15,000 now to give you some context that would be like an electric are you know doing about 4.5 million miles 4.5 million miles but catl say it has more than 15,000 charges now that would assume you dve a full 300 M per charge but you're looking at at least a couple of million miles if this battery was to go into an electric car which could very well could demand for energy storage systems has grown exponentially over the past 12 months the reason is because it makes so much sense here in Australia the largest battery to ever be installed is actually going to be installed about about 20 to 30 mi from my house here where I'm living right now it's just been approved uh it was approved and now the final design the final roll out has been approved and it will connect to the grid it is going to in combination with solar Farms possibly wind as well I'm not sure on that one it will replace one of the biggest coal power generators in Australian history when it is retired tired by the end of 2023 China's share of wind and photovoltaic solar power generation reached 15.3% that's enough to power every home in China in some regions it exceeded 20% said Huong Chief technology expert at the China Electric Power Research Institute at chl's launch event the biggest the biggest uh market for CHL here is not even Australia where we're installing massive battery packs at a record rate it's not America where you're installing massive battery packs at a record rate it's China where it's happening at a much much faster Pace fact if you combine all the battery massive batteries being built in the world today which are so numerous I can't even um keep track of them anymore I used to be able to but I can't anymore put them all together and they still wouldn't be as many as what China will do over the next 12 months however now the actual operating life of this battery storage system as per is less they're saying it's less than 8 years on average in China so a lot of these big batteries have been built in China but they're not lasting as long as they should be and companies are a bit disappointed it's the reason C com said it you know what we are going to guarantee this battery will last at least 15 years and we're talking massive use you know being used constantly 24 hours a day as the new energy sector grows C post says the demand for battery storage is growing at an extremely fast pace that's one of the reasons why you know Tesla EV sales went down in the first quarter of this year but their battery sector growth actually continued to go up this is putting High demands on the regulation capacities of energy storage systems uh meaning you know companies they want battery packs they don't need to touch they don't need to think about they don't need to go and worry about problems with reliability they want to go and just build a battery just forget about it CHL has been involved in zero attenuation long life battery technology for a long time so grid battery storage Mega battery packs they've achieved a balance between energy density and safety on the tan hang system said you y May CTO of the company's energy storage business unit the Chinese battery Giants the Chinese battery Giants revenue is mainly contributed by batteries by batteries going to EVS however each energy store business is also growing rapidly and that's leading to massive profits for the company chl's revenue for 2023 was 55.4 billion up 22% year-over-year according to its 2023 sales report the EV battery business generated the most Revenue at about 70% of that total of 55.4 billion but it's grown by 20.57% so EV EV sales have grown by pretty a pretty big number but not by quite as much as its Mega battery storage chl's energy storage business chl's energy storage business so it's big MEAP pack batteries being installed around the world that has grown by 33.2% year-over-year so energy storage is growing at a faster rate than it's than its battery storage battery products for electric cars there's a lot of competition in the EB segment there's loads of car companies these building factories all over the place we got heaps of heaps of new battery factories coming up but most of those are being built for 3v battery packs not for these energy storage packs that's where catl is starting to take a huge market share and that's also where they are competing directly with Tesla chl's chairman Robin Zing estimated last year that by 2030 the energy storage business Revenue would be comparable to the automotive battery business so it's it's going to go fast enough to the point where it's only 30% of the company now but it will be 50% within about 6 years B big battery packs are now more economically viable than they've ever been before and this is really going to do one big thing and that is Crush fossil fuels what this means is it brings down the price of battery storage combined with solar or battery storage combined with wind or combined with both or combined with any other type of renewable energy it brings the price down if it the barrier lasts twice as long it brings the price down by so much that many utilities around the world are going to be have to having to say to themselves should we do it is is now the time to pull the trigger I think it is based on the cost versus benefit ratios if you have a look at some of the batteries that have already been installed so far they've made their suppliers their owners literally rich I mean they've made hundreds and hundred they've literally made probably probably in the billions by this point in time have a look at what Tesla did when they installed their batter pack in Adelaide for new new I think it's called the new the French company well it it did so well it made so much money they doubled the size of it a year later thanks for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 31,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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