CATL reveal new batteries for Tesla EVs that will KILL the competition

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biggest battery company in the world catl they are also Tesla's largest battery supplier it appears that this new battery pack will be used in the Tesla Model y in the first quarter of 2024. this is incredibly exciting news this is probably the most exciting battery news of the last decade not only is it exciting but it's extremely scary it's very worrying if you're the competition I would go so far as to say this is game over now hopefully in the future people come back and they look at this video and say you're right it was game over now whether that was a good thing or a bad thing I'd say it's probably more of a bad thing because this means that one company will continue to dominate the EV battery Market not only the EV battery Market but energy storage as well but is this a good thing I mean this company already owns 40 of the global market it's already verging on monopolizing the battery market and now it has revealed this technology I've said on this channel a few times that this would happen and I'm sure if you've been subscribed and you watch a lot of my videos you would have heard me repeat this you think shut up Viking stop saying it I said this would happen with lfp batteries my friends it's game over this is it if you're one of these companies if you're a Honda who just decided that they would have a joint venture battery Factory that LG cam are going to build for them a number of different companies inside of that in the US well yeah this is what you have to compete against and you have no chance I mean maybe you can make some batteries in a limited number for customers in the US but this is your competition and you cannot possibly compete with this not only the scale the affordability and the sheer ability in terms of lifespan cold weather performance improved energy density ability to charge to 100 charging speed well yeah hello my friends welcome to the channel it's great to see you thank you for tuning in I'm Sam Evans and you're watching the electric Viking catl the world's biggest battery company you know what happened Neo Neo just loved to spend money they're kind of like crack cocaine addicts they just throw money everywhere and they're constantly borrowing more money people don't talk about this they think that I'm making this up it's not true do your research you'll find out what I'm saying is true in fact even Chinese analysts say the same thing as what I say I'm I'm just basically kind of going off a lot of what they say but the reality here is they do so Neo are always looking for the newest latest shiniest object that's the way the company is that's why they've got so many models and it's why they went to catl and they said catl we want you to build us solid state batteries for our new car it's going to be amazing it's going to be brilliant catl never turn people away they never turn away new customers part of it is for marketing part of it is because they want to dominate they want to get rid of the competition and guess what they said to Neo no thank you bye bye you can you can waste your time you can waste your money developing that product but we will do the logical thing we will make better versions of our existing products and we'll continue to improve them that my friends is exactly what they are doing they now have two different versions of lithium-ion phosphate batteries which are both honestly unbelievably amazing the thing is think about how far they've come and I'm just going to explain in a minute just how good these batteries are and why they're game changing why it's game over and it is mathematically I'm telling you right now mathematically I've done the sums I've got a spreadsheet I've done the sums it's not mathematically possible to compete it just isn't I don't know how you possibly could now yes if you're talking about Ferrari level cars if you talk about people who want to buy a hundred thousand US Dollar Plus cars yeah sure you can make solid state batteries you can do magical things magical things with magical non-existent technology right now but anyway I'm sure at some point in the future it'll become a real thing even though Neo solid state battery never actually really paid off what did Neo do Neo went to a company called we lion and we alone said oh great yeah of course we want to work with Neo we want the brand cache to be able to tell our other customers or potential customers look we're working with Neo so they've worked on a solid state battery there was a lot of hoopla about this new battery everyone said it would be amazing finally Neo bring it out after so much anticipation comes in there in UV Neo say look we have a thousand kilometers of range just over a thousand kilometers 600 miles that's on the very optimistic cltc scale but anyway Real World Range obviously is going to be a lot less but it doesn't matter and then we see the battery size which is astronomically large the only reason this so-called solid state battery which is not even solid state battery semi-solid state had that range is because it simply has an enormous number of batteries you can get that range with catl's non-solid State Battery which actually has a higher energy density than a solid state battery or the semi solid state battery that we aligned made for Neo so in the end Neo's concept failed because they could have just said to see ATL what have you got CIT I would have said well we have the new chair in battery it'll have a higher energy density battery than the battery you're going to make wasting hundreds of millions of dollars with we lie on however now the reality is the average person wants an affordable electric car the average person doesn't want to spend a lot of money and that my friends is exactly why this Battery Technology from catl changes the game they have two batteries now the m3p battery that's like a lithium on phosphate battery but it does have manganese apparently it has zinc as well it's sort of like a crossover between a Lithium-Ion phosphate battery and a lithium ternary battery now I believe those batteries are in the new Tesla Model 3 which is about to come out however mass production will begin the start of next year for a revolutionary new lithium-ion phosphate battery from chel which will charge as fast as the battery packs in Hyundai's ionic 5 Porsches take hand Kia ev6 350 kilowatt fast charging in an lfp battery now that is unheard of this is the first time that an lfp battery has been able to do that but even more importantly there is one problem with lfp batteries even a very cold place where the temperatures regularly hit zero degrees Celsius then lfp batteries aren't quite as good now here's what Elon Musk said the big problem with lfp batteries is lfp batteries charge more slowly in cold weather than NCA batteries and that range decreases somewhat more than NCA batteries in cold weather keep in mind he said that both NCA and lfp do worse in cold weather they both do it's just that lfp batteries get more of a cold weather effect than NCA batteries when you're on a road trip and navigating to a supercharger your car will pre-warm its batteries well your Tesla car will anyway that will alleviate the slower charging problem to some extent but you'll be at the supercharger six or seven minutes longer in winter with lfp that is a problem if you plan to use your car in such a way as to need to do lots of cold weather supercharging it won't matter though if you're just going to charge your car overnight in your garage well it turns out now with this new battery that has changed now lithium-ion phosphate batteries we know most people know all the advantages over NCA batteries that Elon Musk was talking about some of those include they last about twice as long you can charge them to 100 without getting battery degradation meaning your theoretical your real world range is more in many cases than a battery which claims to have a longer range because often that battery which is NCA chemistry well the manufacturers will tell you don't charge it above 80 percent so you don't therefore that reduces your real world range there's other benefits to lfp batteries such as they're safer they're much less likely to burn themselves they're much less likely to have issues if they're in a crash Etc so now the world's biggest EV manufacturer chel has announced the 4C lfp battery they said it's driven by Innovations in materials structure and system rather than some pie in the sky chemistry breakthrough this is what I've been saying at infinitum for a long time all we need to do we don't need magical battery packs all we need to do is continue to improve and innovate the existing technology which is already amazing that's exactly what the world's biggest battery company are doing and that's why it's scary because these guys have their heads screwed on right the battery and the type of iron phosphate chemistry that catl supplies the Tesla Forest base model 3 and model y Vehicles can add 400 kilometers or 250 miles of range in 10 minutes taking the battery pack from 20 to an 80 charge on a fast charger 10 minutes now obviously your architecture of your EV would need to be able to support this fast charging it's not guaranteed that every car using this battery can just charge that quickly but it has the potential to charge at that Speed without it being a problem meaning well it's now capable of charging at a similar speed if not faster than lithium ternary or NCA battery packs now keep in mind one of the things I haven't mentioned yet is the price lithium-ion phosphate batteries especially those made by catl are currently the cheapest battery you can buy in the world now are they the cheapest battery period now you can buy rubbish from companies you've never heard of but Mass manufacturing cheapest quality battery product you can buy and that's why Tesla use them in their standard range Vehicles which are the most popular EVS that Tesla sell highest selling Vehicles they have in the world now in addition these batteries can perform well in cold weather they've overcome that challenge so cold weather is no longer a problem for them however on top of all these advantages these new lfp cells also have approximately 10 percent higher energy density than the previous battery packs now Tesla already gets nearly 450 kilometers of range so around about 280 miles of range in the real world in many tests from a 60 kilowatt hour lithium-ion phosphate battery pack adding 10 energy density to that pack could give you say possibly an extra 50 kilometers of range meaning the standard range Vehicles could have 500 kilometers of range without my friends in addition to super fast charging and almost no issues charging in cold weather would make this product game changing but then there's like I said the price considering these batteries are already cheap in the competition how exactly do you compete with this catl say these new lfp cells can give an EV 700 kilometers of range that's 438 miles now of course we have no idea what size battery pack they're referring to that could mean nothing it could mean something but the point is here a 10 Improvement in energy density is actually very significant how are they getting this improved energy density well we don't know the exact details but we do know this there is a new graphite anode a new electrolyte formulation a thinner safer separator and better ion transport the battery has reduced heat generation and is equipped with a new Advanced Battery management system which obviously can control the heat even better that said though lfp batteries are already well known for being able to control heat really well so if you live in a hot climate you absolutely want an lfp battery it's going to last you a lot longer if you live in a hot climate that's what many users of Tesla vehicles other the vehicles will tell you as well catl said this we hope that thanks to improved technology and reduce costs shenzing will become a standard product available for every electric vehicle now getting back to that cold weather ability lfp batteries like I said don't really like the winter even Elon Musk himself said that despite the fact that Tesla sells a lot of vehicles with those batteries however catl say they've fixed this issue completely they said that now the batteries can be charged to 80 in 30 minutes so it's slower charging but still at good speed even at -10 degrees Celsius that would be a massive Improvement on the current lfp batteries currently available now now here's what's really scary about this company I've mentioned the two different types of batteries that catl have they have them m3p battery with a high energy density than this battery also has a higher energy density than the previous version this is like the cold weather lfp battery pack both these batteries are apparently said to be the same price as existing lfp batteries to companies to buy there's no increase in prices but in addition to that catl also have three other batteries that are either either available right now or coming really soon this is what really does make this company extremely scary mass production is happening either now or soon of catl's cheer and battery in June 2022 catl unveiled its cheering battery the first customer was Julie and cheering battery pack gave the zika001 SUV a range of 1 000 kilometers meaning a bigger car the Neo's EV equipped with a semi solid state battery can get the same range as the Neo AV with a smaller battery pack now this battery is an nmc ternary battery kind of like the battery cells that Tesla use in the model S and the model X the same chemistry as what you see in a 4680 however the energy density is 255 watts per kilo and the volume utilization is higher than what we see in 4680 structural battery packs at 72 percent then they have the condensed battery this is a bit of a scary one because it's said to have 500 watts per kilo in energy density in April CHL unveiled their condensed battery with an incredible 500 watts per kilo in energy density now these high energy density cells would not be used likely for EVS maybe for supercars but they're more intended for things like airplanes things that need to fly where the weight really matters 500 watts per kilo in energy density makes commercial airliners completely feasible not only feasible it makes them well realistic and it means they'll be coming within only a few years in addition catl have sodium ion batteries they've been working on this for years and they're now selling them for energy storage and for cheap EVS these sodium batteries are even cheaper than lfp batteries but on an energy density to price scale they're not cheaper the lfp batteries are still cheaper based on the energy they have however within a few years time sodium batteries will become cheaper than lfp in April Khan news China says that it was revealed that CHL is working on their sodium ion batteries in fact they've been working on them for years they said they'd be cheaper eventually by 30 versus lfp the first production version of sodium ion packs will be installed in mass-produced EVS in the fourth quarter of 2024. the first customer to use catl's sodium batteries will be Cherry's new icar so sodium mine batteries they are well they're they're good and bad now they have a lower energy density than lfp but they don't need lithium sodium is very abundant and very cheap and the other advantage that they have is they perform extremely well in cold weather it's believed that car makers such as CHL are also working on an additional battery which is the sodium ion lfp Hybrid battery pack which will combine The Best of Both Worlds both of those Technologies my friends here is the thing these batteries are much much cheaper than the batteries that any other battery company outside of China is producing this is the biggest battery company in the world they can undercut anyone doesn't matter whether they're outside of China or inside of China the thing is as well their lfp batteries are known now for their quality longevity and their safety now these batteries have just gotten significantly better the way I see this there is no possible way to win if you are the competition sure you can say well we'll undercut them we'll you can offer these great deals and say We'll undercut C ATL by 10 but the thing is how long can you do that for and when it's only a matter of time before you simply go bankrupt that my friends is probably what will happen to the majority of battery companies competing with catl so even the Chinese government agrees with what I'm saying if they believe that CHL is possibly becoming a problem possibly monopolizing the global battery industry what are your thoughts let me know in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 254,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: QqTmpFosWCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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