Catherine - The Nightmare Begins (Stream One)

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live Oh oh my god we're live hey how's it going doo-doo-doo-doo-doo [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo how's it going everybody doo-doo-doo-doo is the screen supposed to be but no can you guys not see anything uh-oh Oh hold on there yeah [Applause] all right let's let's play Catherine got this fov there we go all right so there's the the blonde Catherine and there's the the blessed blonde Catherine so I think I don't know who we're choosing I don't know it's a tough choice oh she's way more direct way more direct all right let's let's let's leave all right this wasn't just for the joke this was also so we actually watched the intro together so I wasn't sitting on the main menu Catherine classic bump bump bomb Oh okay there it is should be set up now you guys should be able to see quatrain yeah does your baby you might have heard a baby mmm same engine the Skyrim is there supposed to be sound here cuz I can't hear [ __ ] yeah okay there's no sound oh now there's sound alright let's do it again that's weird why was there no sound we're back with the weep [ __ ] yep weep shit's back on the menu boys back on the menu alright it'll work this time I think it'll work this time holy weeps can hear the sound it's because I had to change what OBS wanted yeah there we go fatless in before Skyrim again that would have been really good the N centric a game briar o cry where achieve with CryEngine 3 damn well it's not the title of the game real quick alright so yeah there's there's less blonde Catherine press any button Sergi Rose sodaro hey how's it going on take on the trials once you're adept at the game change various settings in the game such as controller vibrations and how to control the camera okay so I came in here and I changed it to the proper resolution is there anything that I should be turning up or down let's turn the everything a little bit down so dialogue is up to the most and then I can turn up for you guys okay so I'll tell ya it's gonna get rid of the music okay let's see how that is all right so this is my usual speaking voice can you guys hear the music just fine it's hitting between minus 25 minus 20 that's usually where I want it doo-doo-doo-doo okay so that seems pretty good all right so let me fix my windows and then we will continue so I hear this is the the anim Henry the eighth's emulator because you have to choose between two Katherine's you like one Kathryn and now you have another Kathryn it's pretty good I like it alright so how are we gonna turn subtitles on no I do not want wish to discard my changes subtitles are on subtitles are on input we're using a gamepad graphics graphics are on and there we go okay in jamuns pretty hot in this game control of our tormented main character and leading him to freedom go japanese voices you cut in no way it's it's Troy Baker and and and I Laura Bailey right no way enjoy story with a controller experiments and main character and leading him to freedom alright so G roasted hero from the beginning oh damn she has a zipper on her corset alright new game if you're in if you're a player who's only interested in Catherine for the story this is for you this mode is bounce for beginning players attacks challenging puzzles and experience to experience the thrilling action you can only find in Catherine and are you a total masochist the puzzles in this mode are held she difficult and balanced for the rest of the best alright so I'm gonna be a massive coward I'm gonna go in normal because I've seen videos of the puzzle parts in this game and it intimidates the [ __ ] out of me so we're gonna go with normal because I'm an average gamer when we play full body if I like this game will go on hard this mode is for experienced players is okay start oh wow even normal carries a warning okay even normal carries a warning alright so for start let me say thank you to um any subject came in oh we lose sound long doing this that's that's lame that's lame okay I'll try and be quick and then we can get back to it Thank You beep x4 something will stream this down Thank You jewel Emma for wait no these are from yesterday sorry these are from necessary I already sent those thank you again Joel mmm defects but these are from yesterday um droid zero Anna Carolyn or Caroline sub World Series down that girl she - maybe you're here watch the vod's Thank You caller plant for the sub while the stream start I think you're watching color plant that's an interesting name Thank You Keiko Ken for the hundred bits Catherine with a K best girl left the waifu wars begin oh oh begun the waifu wars have thank you Almo Gaver or almogavar 235 for the ulema 3 subs special vlog boys edition weep sheep stock alright is is it a is it a sheep or a goat I think it's is it I think it's a sheep right I think it was a sheep I can't remember it looked really woolly so I'm gonna guess it's a sheep I think you're watching I will game here Anton 1699 you some business 8 ah goddamnit Todd you've done it again I pizza' rhythmic has subscribe for the first time welcome monkey town welcome to the waifu wars pizza effect thank you thank you doc Roe bins the craw bins has subscribed for 12 months welcome to the one year club docker bins a whole year I think I made some poor choices oh oh well I'm streaming the weeb games so I think that I've made even more choices don't worry Valley my name is used to missus a I had to stop watching through 75 watts to finally catch a live webstream looking forward to it you have me too I wanted to play this game for quite a while quite a while so I'm excited to finally play it I hope that I hope I click with it well thank you walk'n ends for the new cybercrime welcome to prime time locked ends thank you thank you Thank You D some for the 14-month resub no message think you're watching you son thank you for sticking on monkey town free the Mason says Rousseau scarf for seven months thank you how much tree the Masons thank you thank you thank you were sitting on Dragon's Den Shohei has rhesus come for nine months with a pickle email ooh what emo are we gonna take from Catherine I wonder thank you sure Hey thank you thank you Ralph Fox you some business say are you ready for this game very good very good Uwe very good Zahra Kevin axe has subscribed with prime I've said your name many times Eric Kevin axe I don't know if my list is bugged or something happen think your arches are Kevin axe thank you thank you and Dimmick 97 has used under business 8 weren't you waiting for full body yeah but then it came out on PC so now we're just gonna play this one and we'll play full body unless I hate this game obviously even if I could hit the game we'll play full body as well because I think there's like some persona crossover thing and I'm a gigantic [ __ ] for anything for son of 5 now so yeah it said yeah thank you again Zahra communiques and Devine 7 all right let's go let's start let's start is it okay to start right here we go oh all right stretching stretching a bit stretching a bit all right now grab a snack and enjoy the strange tale of Catherine can it be some curry curry at the coffee house all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players Shakespeare as you like it Billy shakes o monokuma theater the Layton [Music] it's the girl from the ring [Music] it's like a sky fills with glamor a lovely story Oh weights you good evening welcome to the golden Playhouse your guide for the night is midnight Venus Tricia have you heard about this scary rumor they say if you fall in a dream and don't wake up before you land you die in real life down like the matrix tonight's story is Catherine an unconventional romantic horror romantic horror a man with a certain curse has a terrifying week our hero in this story his Vincent Brooks age 32 oh wow oh oh oh it crashed all right three two is a lot older than I thought it was gonna be all right it crashed all right well that sucks [Laughter] crash Rin all right good port good port all right sorry about that I yeah I don't know was it okay until it crashed it is did it crash or is it just meta maybe it doesn't like being alt tabbed framerates seem bad even with the even with the one will in the movie was son just the movie part was laggy but after that I was okay because the movie part was a little ugly for me like is this fine right now because this this is fine enjoy our story by taking control of our tormented alright starts the story from the beginning wait did it did it lose my nothing okay start the story from the beginning no I think I can skip right strange tale of yeah this is pretty bad for me too I think that's just how it is I don't even think it's a mistake I think I think it's meant to be that way [Music] it's not it must be even worse for you guys done [Music] because it's it's not like that awful for me but it's definitely not that smooth [Music] when the night sky fills with glamour a lovely story awaits you good evening welcome to the golden Playhouse for the night is midnight Venus Tricia have you heard about this scary rumor they say if you fall in a dream and don't wake up before you land you die in real life tonight's story is Catherine an unconventional romantic horror a man okay so far so good curse has a terrifying week our hero in this story has Vincent Brooks age 32 seems to be talking a little bit right now kind men but one day we begin to see him have terrifying nightmares on top of that a torrent his sweet seduction swoops down upon him oh what a playboy huh really be able to overcome all the blocks in his life his outcome hmm depends on you viewers oh she's addressing chat oh I crashed again it's possible India has already enabled discourse users with certain overlays okay let's let's get rid of that let's go off the scored okay um we might be able to do it by doing monitor capture okay let me let me move all the porn off of my desktop and we'll try it we'll just try doing display capture oh no my backgrounds messing up oh no oh no I don't actually have porn on my desktop I just I would prefer if you guys didn't see my desktop that's all there might be some like file on there somewhere that I don't want to be seen think Leo's being bad yeah I know it's being bad because being bad poorly oh poor Lily okay sorry about this yeah it's not ideal is there a turn off steam overlay completely because I hear that's a problem too it's any overlay nvidia experience and and steam and discord I think maybe steams fine I think I do have that turned off but maybe I don't and able to steam overlay a wall and get yeah we want that we want that away okay there we go that's turned off okay okay my desktop is just completely broken right now that's that's kind of weird this happens sometimes I actually do have a desktop picture but it's completely it's completely blocked out right now sometimes this happens and when I die actually I can probably show you guys right when when I do desktop traffic capture all right let's do Jack's desktop capture here we go um display capture okay so see how it's completely dark right now usually I have a Chrono Trigger desktop background that's what I have and when I when I do this anything that's in the blue goes black afterwards so or if I select one of that it goes block behind it it's weird yeah that's a lose where I'd just probably desktop icons alright let's play captain classic and let's see how it goes I just dumped all my icons in there right now after happens is they'll go back yeah sometimes it does yeah sometimes it goes back if I open the desktop picture it's weird [Music] clattering all right enjoy our story so let's see how it goes now grab a snack and enjoy the strange tale of that was a weird sound [Music] do you if I skip this will it skip the next scene - or will only skip this scene that this one's pretty short let's not risk it [Music] when the night sky fills with glamour a lovely story oh wait Caesar who seems before evening welcome to the golden Playhouse yo God for the night is me a midnight Venus Trisha why does she cut herself off heard about this scary rumor they say if you fall in a dream and don't wake up before you land you die in real life tonight's story is Catherine an unconventional romantic corner a man with a certain curse has a terrifying week our hero in this story his Vincent Brooks age 32 was really expecting someone out there fast and kind men but one day we begin to see him have terrifying nightmare on top of that a torrent his sweet seduction swoops down upon him mm what a playboy huh super playboy will he be able to overcome all the blocks in his life his outcome hmm depends on you viewers sorry to keep you waiting whoa raise the curtains corpse oh enjoy the show until we meet again all right Celia drunk Oh or literally another Catherine hey where'd you go snap out of it were you even listening sure you know you've been a little out of it lately is everything all right you've been spacing out left and right literally an entire sorry I had to work early this morning guys have tricked me into watching anime live on stream you finally got it I've activated a trap card Catherine McBride and Catherine Orlando haddock Jonathan arica Tobias Nevins 4723 that's going on Erica Anderson boss Steve Dell home two sticks of RAM oh four four five six RAM and does she bother sheep okay sheep confirmed animation works studio four degrees C she's designer okay I'm not gonna not gonna try that's a coincidence the hell is this place Stage one underground cemetery oh we're just we're just going right into the Sun okay hurry up and climb hurry up and climb this place save your breath and start climbing if you fall you're dead he'll die you [ __ ] serious the bottom of the stage is falling use the directional pad to move and climb we can use the stick though right yeah we can okay all right so you have to jump you just you just go up okay work before climbing you can pull blocks right I've seen that right press the a button to grab the block okay while holding the block use the directional pad to push or pull it push our Paul look I can also undo your last move by pressing back can use it to give yourself a second chance okay Oh finding and picking up a mystic pillow will grant you an additional continuous stick pillow if you see one make an effort to get it it'll be worth the effort all right we got the mystic pillow we did it oh [ __ ] no no that's not what I wanted to do did you just get screwed again not what I wanted to do all right so really have to let go of the button okay have to let go of the button all right or else we might push it back so that okay and you can put yourself into an impossible situation collapse collapse moving blocks around carelessly can make things more difficult for you okay first try pulling a block to make some footing okay let go the button all right whoo coins I want some coins edge this is very important so make sure you remember what I'm going to tell you what is it these blocks aren't normal they'll lock into place and support your weight even if they're only touching by their edges oh okay so that was why I didn't understand when I went to seen gameplay Clips this before I didn't understand like on the left there that's not falling I didn't understand why that wasn't falling so if if you make if you pull something and it makes them actually the edges it stays up magically but if if something that was above that isn't connected like that it moves down or something that it's it's when you move it and make see the magic I guess luck has nothing directly under it as long as it's touching an edge of another block it won't fall down okay the edges glow bluish-white when making a connection try it for yourself okay edge know that that made an edge there okay so it's not just us touching it all right I got it okay can you climb up after you've pulled something like what's what's his like jump climb limit doesn't make any sense how is it not falling I mean what about gravity don't think about it just use it to your advantage they won't fall so make stairs with them just get used to it quickly making stairs is the core of successfully scaling the tower okay use the edges to create stairways and I'm guessing the other thing on the left or the bottles down there is that that's the thing following away as I'm going up I've got some coins Oh No all right we got it edge edge a little bit an FPS up there these are different what is this ringing as you near the top you will hear a bell ringing the exit is near hurry anyway do the eyes moving on it if we both make it out of here alive we'll meet again okay can't move these ones oh [ __ ] climb up climb out okay push can i push them that clock the coins I can't all right okay um I can get out through here Oh No Oh Great Escape you survived okay and you get bonus coins or how fast you are okay safety bonus congratulations that was splendid climbing you got surprised cemetery lies beneath you safety bonus for not dying or is no blocks fell all the way down or something I don't know Vincent's room first day 8/10 [ __ ] was the poster special a terrible dream [Music] did he thought he would himself okay hello really no no I'm just just a little under the weather no no it's okay I'll be right there yeah sorry how many times this guy's been expelled from high school crow no rabbit so are you getting anything extra for this for what for all this overtime you're doing oh not this time this time do you usually get overtime pay well no but so you don't get anything here two sugars hey Catherine have you ever had a dream where you died you mean like where you're in danger no no where you actually die you're being killed or something that's really awesome no I usually do the killing in my dreams I like you Mika yeah it sounds like you okay there was an ant there what's that supposed to mean Hey how many years have we been together it's been so long I can't remember mmm how many years I'm asking you it's just my mother's been calling me up and asking how we're doing what these who are in a relationship she knows I've got a career they have no chemistry yeah I mean it's easy to keep things like they are now but I don't know sometimes Easy's best right I mean who knows what'll happen in the future I suppose Oh God it's the ring and in other news we have more on the recent string of unexplained deaths that seem to be exclusively involving young men cause of death is unknown and while police are investigating accidental causes foul play has apparently not keeps telling me how her mother's constantly calling her you kidding women's wrestling what I know sounds to me like she finally wants you to tie the knot yeah you think so too what else could it mean I've known you since we were kids but Wow you married listen to a catchy nothing set in stone yet well you don't want to marry your girlfriend it's not that I love her but I don't think we need to run out and get married you know it's it's like we're comfortable where we are are you really yeah that's what she said her jobs always most important to her you know she's always been the ambitious type right it doesn't mean she'll always be like that that's not what I mean besides you're single - hey I'm still looking for my soul mate I'm not like you I've already told my girl that I'm not interested in marrying her and what if you never meet your soul mate then I'll never get married so what that sounds just like you chief anyway did you hear about Paul he's dead oh [ __ ] not Paul wait that Paul he's dead yeah I heard he just got divorced but he looked healthy it's a complete shock what happened to him an accident I don't know apparently his mother just found him dead in his room this morning this morning wait you mean yeah the mystery death on the news hams Paulding climb the boxes no maybe we'll all wind up dead tomorrow too at the hell of man I hate the news they're always trying to push their agenda for ratings Toby you are really easy to mess with well speaking of crazy stuff this morning I pissed the bed for the first time since grades oh he did miss the bed man I had a really scary dream but I don't remember what it was about oh man how old are you 32 I know that you think I need to hear this shut up that was really [ __ ] scared all right Wow you you come over strong bond with these guys oh you guys : definitely blood oath I don't want to go home just yet you just tell your friends oh yeah Catherine meet you here no I just saw her today besides she getting mad at me if I told her okay Catherine where the K is okay what does she see in this poor fool sorry but I got to be an early tomorrow don't drink too much okay all right take care of Vince see you later see you later spider-man [Music] what was the other guy's name there's this Toby Vince and who's the other guy's name again you got mail stray sheep from your phone you can check your text messages and save you could even reply to some messages be sure to read them when they come okay his name's just chief Awards there's no result okay we're not award okay save [Music] alright we're saving who saved it no knife for [ __ ] sake oh [ __ ] you already [ __ ] it all figured this would happen eventually alright we can check it now about text messages when you spend time in the stray sheep you'll receive text messages on your phone you can even reply to some of these messages depending on how you reply of instance feelings and those of the person he is writing to you may change when you press the confirm button a new line will be added to your reply press the cancel button to erase the last line and press the confirm button again to write a different phrase in its place use the words you want to reply would be honest with your choices okay like I said before I'm having dinner with some old friends it's surprising most of them are already married and they an almost half of them have kids gee I wonder what she's trying to tell you Vince they're all showing off pictures of their families and it makes me feel left out maybe it's time for us to get out of our comfort zones oh she's just direct she's just directly saying all right good best girl best girl when you Preston for about a new line will be added to your play okay so that's that's you can just go through them like this alright fantastic news - congratulations you successfully complete stage one the underground cemetery go to awards from the cell phone my name is check your score okay is he seeing that or is that just for us alright let's reply mmm okay enter a does it bother you why you're overthinking it so I can't think right now does it bother you you're overthinking and okay so I through by erasing and pressing enter is that what is that what is like I feel like that's what the other text was telling me that's the answer I want does it bother you right so then I hit let's let's read the thing again yeah that seems that seems like it's right yeah okay that's right okay that's the one I want does it bother you I worry about too sometimes we should work at our own pace is this some kind of test yeah I worry about too sometimes because you have to be like okay like you either need to make a decision I need to get the [ __ ] out maybe we should talk about this we don't need to be constantly comparing ourselves to others that's true but you know she wants she wants something that's starting the question maybe we should talk about this we don't okay maybe we should talk about this there you go goodnight drive home safe work good night good no no not good night that's just that just ends the conversation drive home safe okay send this message alright did it underground cemetery hall I say try button okay does he does he see this or like is it wouldn't he be like wait what the [ __ ] is the underground sound I guess this is just for us is is just for us when certain words and actions change Vincent's inner ideas a meter will be shown Vincent's words and actions will affect the story remember it okay double an angel bring up her parents out of the blue it's not like her late pull my devil trigger anyone who's it's up do anything with that um I'm a little afraid to all tap out but I'll try it in just a moment I'm sorry miss but sorry if you're waiting for me say thank you hi excuse me mind if I sit here oh it's the Marvel guy damn Vincent's an Avenger [Music] listen what you doing bro nightmare second day it's you what are you waiting for Oh God okay I don't think I'm gonna be very good at these puzzle sections chat just apologizing in advance I don't I feel like I don't really get it oh that's Castlevania all right where we going Stage two Prison of despair first floor where am i last night's dream again uh hell I was at the bar and this girl came in and then I can't remember okay so now we have some that we can't move on that's fine you're the new guy from last night yesterday are you and your underwear too listen watch out for the cracked blocks they'll break after you step on oh no really there are several types of blocks such as cracked blocks and heavy blocks you're in here too Oh does that mean you've got a phone whenever you see a new block proceed with caution okay so the crack block is to our left right if we stay are they both cracked is the one I'm on cracked that's the cracked one all right so when I step off it okay it's about to break I push this one I want to I want to grab on how do I grab on how do I hate how do I hang on to the edge I can't do that a daughter stand sorry I don't understand how do I hang on to the edge how do I hang on to the edge I really want hang on to the edge this coins yeah that's why I want to know how to do how do I do that if there's nothing to stand on when you pull a block out you'll hang from the edge okay is that the only way I can hang if you try to move to a space without a block you'll hang as well try it out that's it okay move around it's a useful way to maneuver okay and can-can I shimmy when there's two blocks touching oh I can all right cool all right I really want this coin smooth these ones can't be pushed or pulled right no let's just hang we just do this oh we can just do that okay cool all right let's pull I'm gonna pillow if you can't see ahead of you try looking around you might find an easy path up use the right stick to look around oh [ __ ] checkpoint okay Oh for [ __ ] sake are we gonna do this to plan like really far ahead oh no if you're stuck take a look around before moving on Oh No sounds like the music from actress Oh Nana so I flipped it okay hold it down okay let's push no that's not what I wanted to do that was bad that was bad that was bad that was really really bad okay what if I would forego down here and then I push that one out what happens then it does the edge thing again all right could I push to it once I can okay and that one just falls down to the ground all right so that's that's work we're pretty much boned okay [Music] [Music] what if I push too when they're on top of each other what happens then oh it just is that okay all right this is kind of cool you can't pull when you're hanging I think we're dead I'm pretty sure we're dead oh we can pull back go up what we died okay love is over oh no not the end of love a lot of retries okay why are just gonna why are just gonna woo what was the rule about [Music] [Applause] I was a combo thing if I do it fast enough okay so let's try to be smarter about this okay is is this like really really like not efficient there must be a faster way to make stairs and actually make a base the whole everything every single step of the way there's got to be a faster way than that but I don't know better so let's just do it that way there's got to be a faster way than that you could also push rows of blocks all at once - okay rows of blocks can be pushed together there's no limit to how many blocks you can move at one time check by a new touch a checkpoint you will start from there if you need to retry okay if you come across one be sure to tag it all right but you get less less points if you use them if you didn't use some good job all right I'll see you at the landing everybody else is there - oh [ __ ] who's everyone oh no it's not over [Laughter] all right is it gonna is gonna fall on it this this is not what I thought was gonna happen like not even a little bit was this one I thought was gonna happen alright let's see let's go over here alright we did it alright okay I'm getting a little bit of hang of it but still not 100 there yet [Applause] not bad just effective I know you can hit the one to the right left stone for that one for undo right looks like you survived who are you sheep sheep do I look like a sheep you're the Sheep everybody hears the Sheep Oh social commentary recognize that voice who are you where the hell is this place wish I knew one thing for certain though if we don't run we're going to be killed lamb chops play Long's if you see this place once it's all over you'll keep coming back every night every night you're kidding me we all have the same fate here if you don't want to die you've got a climb so if I climb I'll be saved there's no guarantee but take a look at that see that Bell looks like a church or something that's Church if we can reach the top there may be a way to escape so there is a way like I said there's no guarantee but we've got to believe keeps us sane those who panic when you get to the top you might turn into a big snake and have to tell someone the Lord Russell I'll do whatever you say just just help me look from here on out I'm afraid you're on your own I'm going now no wait you hurry - hey you can't be serious [Music] on the landings you can save your progress and talk with the other sheep okay go on talk to them okay sorry to ask questions that might be really stupid or don't really matter but I just I just think about these things when I play games convinced and hear that voice or is that just for us because he can clearly hear the other guy but can he hear sodaro cuz oh wow it's it's not we're not on a grid I I get the impression he can't hear so gyro does it matter Joe I think I think it kind of does yeah I think it does matter everyone dies eventually Chris is trying sooner at least saves you some pain right where am I what's with all these damn sheep that's all I want to know can you tell me anything they told me to go up what's up there give me a break if you don't run you'll die I gotta keep running I can't die here don't team up to find a way out of here I don't know you I can't trust you no I've had it with people trying to trick me oh there's a there's a fawn sheep back there and there's some sheep in cages what's not about come down just calm down are you saying that to try to bring my guard down I'm not falling for that everyone's just out to save themselves some [ __ ] pushed me to next I'm gonna start shoving guy oh can sheep appear on your client when they get in your way next time she passes sheep with Regent hair to use that next time okay we can't talk to those sheep techniques though the key to survival maybe this will be useful you want me to teach you the technique I found sure let's do it alright remember this is my technique allow me to explain the pyramid isn't isn't that what I did are do you know your technique bro I already know it that's interesting that's showing you how to do something pull out the same number of blocks as the number of steps you mean to climb up you'll have the support you need to reach higher and higher like a pyramid remember this basic technique what you think nice hmm I think that might be tough by itself consider using this one to allow me to explain the slide Oh the slider okay so that's good for just just making a step of three but I don't think it's gonna work any more than that okay pull out two blocks vertically then slide the bottom one over remember this basic action which utilizes the properties of edges edging and calling out edges connect you can make a stairway even in tight spot tight spots very clever game [Music] that you didn't know I knew I didn't actually didn't know but let's go I didn't know well anyway what I want to say is this if you're relying on luck to keep you alive and it's all over I know my reporters instincts are telling reporter dangerous form of free climbing as some techniques hidden within it there are many techniques to discover because the key is to find as many as we can all right if you find anything you tell me okay that's an order I'll have to use that next time it was running he's doing why was I taken here same here wish I knew [Music] Dandan all right let's all shoot okay so I'm gonna save it again because I'm going to I'm gonna risk saying thank you to people and I hope it doesn't break the game so sorry if it does yeah it's risky sorry [Music] all right so so far it's still working and there's no sound though but yeah thank you color plant I think color plant you sub while the stream is down not showing up again because you hit the reset button for the 4-5 min 30 silk with a message nice thank you color plant thank you very much Thank You Finn freezer for the new sub welcome lucky town fin freezer dig very much Dimmick nice avenues hundreds to say the PC version has a lot of issues cutscenes tend to lag and crash if you're using streaming software for Game Capture only fixed I know is display capture yeah that's what we did yeah thanks Eric I saw someone chat say it and and that's when I why how I thought to try it so maybe it was your message that I saw thank you thank you doing any 7mr solar strike used a thousand bits as they really enjoyed the into the breach and the FTL streams excited about this one thinking mister Silla striker hope that you enjoy it we got off to a rocky start but I think it's it's okay now I hope so sorry about that I know it's not my fault but I'm Canadian enough to say thank you thank you mr. siller's Rick sorry I'm a Canadian to say sorry thank you again mr. solo strike it's like a mercy for user nervous to say how are you enjoying the latest weed game Anders Joey I'm pretty good so far the gameplay I feel like I clicked with a little bit more that in that time but I find it a bit intimidating yeah the time limit is obviously the problem but that was a lot of continues when I died so yeah and it looked like I got a pillow right afterwards so can you just cycle the lives forever and early on maybe later on you can't do that we'll see thank you to the brick the brick the big Cromwell for the new sub with Brian welcome to prime time thank you much the big Cromwell thank you thank you and thank you Earthborn 92 for the new subs well welcome to monkey talent this fan would say thank you worth more 92 ghostly son that's a cool name for for my three sub-zero escape games don't crash called boot Catherine called you thank your arch jealously son didn't I 7 also resub subscribe for some months they say that if the dragon doesn't land in the skyrim intro you die in real life if you die Skyrim you dying really thank you did you guys sign for the patent for the resale Oh Skyrim three pies has Reese's Cup for 14 months welcome back to we've gained with mr. dad upon Katherine is best girl Katherine with the sea she hasn't said much to us yet right I think we just hung out with her that night I don't understand if we were too drunk to remember I have no idea what's going on there I'm interested though yeah return to we've games thank you much to three-peat three pies thank you thank you we're back on our [ __ ] Thank You vxy see for the semi three sub figure much no message so thank you much v XY c ll tour us for the team on three sub you inspired me to be the best sweep I can be on now oh right in the heart alright right in my kawaii heart oh I think you'll Turris put picard Picardie maybe or Picard P AC a are de finito prime welcome prime time they very much hopefully I said it right one of those times spiky Shrike used 40 bits to say bearing in mind you're playing a character whose values and desires are probably very different than yours have fun and then Voki oh whoa he over Kiev Ohio um I think I know what that is that's the upset enemy girl isn't it Voki oh maybe someone can do it in chat for me right now and we'll see you oh he oh yeah oh for sure yeah and that there's always kind of like a weird conflict between the person playing making decisions and the character so I guess you're meant to be kind of you are they're sort of internal moral compass I can swing one of many ways I guess and that's like you're basically their version of a free will that can go either way at this point yeah I don't know that's how I tried just a fight so we'll see I thank you a legion for the new subway prime welcome print sign I'll lead you in with why I think so yep thank very much and one two three four five left homecoming ex for the two one three sub hey man I'm currently watching the danganronpa v3 vods and the first trial was a really interesting discussion point you are right by the way on know we're back on weeb games and we're gonna talk about that again I don't think I'm I'm objectively right of course but I did think it was an interesting conversation no matter what yeah especially on this card we have she's conversations about things are on Pahlavi three trial one it was interesting I enjoyed myself that was a good place there overall very good place here thank you home coming next I'm at baekje as we subscribed for sixteen months who is still waiting for sent falls same six vids dies yeah me too I'm still waiting for them too it's that's pretty much all I've been working on between between streams no one when we get into big project of this no one wants them done more than I do but they should still be soon yeah yeah it should still be January to Seleucia thank you my big thank you thank you for the 61 3 sub something very generic has subscribe for the first time interesting name thank you much welcome to prime time something very generic Drizzy Dre 1 1 6 I remember Dre thank you much dizzy Dre welcome to monkey town and last but by no means least Jeff 72 to 71 thank you Jeff welcome to prime time who's calling me I don't know you so I'm not answering thank very much Jeff alright let's go back to it let's see will it work alright we good are we good oh we're good alright so bond Jesus anyone who is waiting for me say thank you for a while there but it's difficult with games like this of both wouldn't story and when the game might crash look confessional enter confessional keep going go talk to these people okay a week are we gonna meet you in the real world and you're gonna be wearing those clothes the kind of the pocketed overcoat with glasses and the red checkered shirt with cigar and fauns hair maybe wonder how they look at and see us these there's someone in there yeah I can't see through that window oh it's it's I'm still in control all right sit or screen what's on the screen there's someone in there right why don't you take a seat I hope something more going on it seems a new lamb has appeared who are you this is the world of nightmares you are lambs we've been chosen you will all be dead yeah it's more gonna be ridiculous but before I kill you I want to determine your life's worth is this what semester one is marriage the point the life begins or ends neither rope with the answer that best matches your true feelings neither okay okay what best best matches okay begins you find your partner and you that's surprising who are you are you doing all this no I merely watch over the Sheep someone else rocky here someone in the real world wanted you to be dropped here and wanted you to die it's someone you know if you want the truth you don't have to survive but since you seek survival I will take you to the next trial sending answered that voice is so familiar who is that what's going on receiving results other players answered [Music] okay so sometimes I have to hit a and sometimes I don't so this isn't loading or anything right it's okay I don't skip over anything it begins [Music] stage to prison of despair second floor [Music] there's still more commencing area - oh we're not done ready what's the block I was in a sheep on the background sorry man but I'm not going to die helping you I've got to climb - oh yeah as you climb you'll run into strange items I don't know what you're talking about but I'll try to remember it for later you can pick up items by touching them remember you can only hold one at a time press X to use it okay you probably can't hold many but you should hang on to one just in case create of lock huh okay I feel like I should be able to push something here about those coins okay yeah what are these I don't really know but the amount you get depends on how fast you climb uh well we're not getting very many of them if you're looking to collect a lot of them keep that in mind your score is measured in enigma coins and Sigma coins as you climb up each new step more coins will be added to your score we have the a cedar symbols on them use these coins to purchase items on the landings between stages okay your score is also used as a condition for unlocking additional game features okay the faster you climb the more bonus coins you will earn okay all right then if you want more coins climb faster and aim for a high score okay well we're not gonna get that oh [ __ ] but someone wanted to do undo okay we did undo there we go we did it chat we finally used undo I knew that as many times as I want oh one more thing I forgot to mention if you're crushed by a falling block you're dead okay are you serious if you are crushed by a block the game will end all right well does it does it fall immediately or does it is there time watch out for wobbling blocks wobbling blocks ok so there's there's time to move it's not it's not like your deed okay all right good I'm glad that we figured that out [Music] were you doing sheep [ __ ] off sheep oh wow okay you're nothing you're not very nice I was in the Sheep no okay this is not going to I thought I was going to oh we can hit them we can hit the Sheep nice oh we died okay okay so you can hit the button while you're hanging and then you die okay okay so you can hit them that's it and then we can jump on them or or what did not done knock him down I'll be hitting him with the pillow where I'm in a sexy pillow fight that's nice oh [ __ ] all right okay this is what we did last time right don't move weapons I might push all right edges and that's it okay what if I push here okay that worked out completely accidentally [Music] they're all trying to climb like you this is a dog-eat-dog world there's no time for courtesy anyway no matter what pops up stay calm and keep climbing two creatures cannot stand on a block at the same time okay sometimes sheep will get in your way as they try and climb to the top okay to move a sheep out of your way move up against him and shove it I got it checkpoint really close to the end what's all about this I see you're still alive and kicking [Music] hell is this place now wait is this there they go I don't know I wish I did the map on the left side of the screen shows you how far you are from the goal K stages vary in length so be mindful of your progress okay okay is there a way to to do this if I push out like this no that didn't work how I thought I was going to sue because they're not connected by an edge alright so connected by an edge is more important than connected by a by a thing together interesting okay there's probably a way to do that over there but oh well [Music] ooh pillow nice clothes [ __ ] no not that way not that way down down let go hey there we go [Music] [Applause] you survived impressive it's you looks like you're still alive is that you we're safe - its targ I how many people died trying to come here people don't listen here you see everybody else's sheep but all these sheep they're really human wait why it to be some reason why we were all brought here what reason could there be why do we have to suffer like this who knows but I do have an idea an idea but stop the speculation it's just going to confuse us more you should think of what to do next I'm hearing rumors of something big coming soon you'll be careful now something big still you're really getting the hang of things sir there's nothing more I can teach you okay can't be true come on you got have something you could tell me if we're lucky we'll meet again hey wait this game is pretty wise you can learn techniques to help you climb higher okay crawling around blindly won't help you escape this is chair there is valuable information to be found and you can only find it here at the same time step out of it there's nothing like that anywhere near here didn't you show me just a few minutes probably I'll show you next time I heard that all the sheep here are actually people yeah what good is having kitty going to do you in here no matter what happens to anyone else I'm gonna live oh look at this unit here Wow you're new here am i right let me ask you have any coins you may have seen them lying around while you were climbing I'll trade you useful items for them why would you rather have coins than an item I'm a numismatist I love money there's nothing in life money can't buy I've got a pike with that on it in my office no matter what world you're in as long as you've got money you can do anything these gold coins are symbols symbolizing money and if that's the case then I can save myself if I have enough of it that's my theory anyway oh so you don't know look at all the sheep reaching out from the bars stage you can buy items with ivory like this concept I'm not I'm not sold on the mini game just yet like the puzzle game I guess I shouldn't call it mini game coz it's not meeting it's the game I'm not sold on the game yet but I'm really sold on the concept I really like this they like this this dream kind of coin with the sheep area this this is cool if you are already carrying an item it will be replaced if you buy a new one be careful however buying items makes it more difficult to earn the gold prize the gold price if you want an item pony up some coins tonight's product is the white cube creates a block in front of you 5000 mayor coins no we're good now huh you think your window shopping or something throw man from in excuse me please come again okay so so he stays my sheep has it has has afro interesting oh he can't talk this guy are you the same as me will you put down here by some trick why would we chose him do you know anything how can I survive I can't keep climbing so bad I want to live in climb that's all you can do yeah yeah that's right gotta stay calm [Music] why gray I think what are you okay so pink means they have something else to say oh it's you the white cube no I don't you think you're Windows you are you still think so you're always pink because you're a merchant okay makes sense uh let's talk to everyone and say no let's let's save it right now in case it crashes we have to do the [ __ ] climate gun yo have we met before you survived because the techniques I found huh did he really just realize this oh my god it's the second time I've ever had to speak to people in the game what the [ __ ] maybe maybe you're talking about something else may your furnace something else cuz because that doesn't seem right to me tell me son let me show you another great technique allow me to explain suspending okay suspending this technique gives you more room to maneuver [Music] push a block off a ledge with nothing below it as long as the edges connect the block will remain in place now that I'm a regular block ologist huh damn hmm that's a good start try to remember this one - these guys sling pull back whoo okay well damn we're never gonna remember to use that if you climb up and find yourself stuck try pulling a block and backing down by creating a stairway as you go down you will be able to go higher than you could before that's crazy you knew that uh yeah yeah I knew anyway what I'm getting at is this kind of stuff has to become second nature to you I know I can't just rely on my natural reporters instinct it's the truth just techniques huh I guess the trick is to learn as many of them as possible okay you find any new moves you come straight to me this is coming from the executive managers I could have manager okay oh hi does this reach we found a landing of sorts here so we should expect there to be other sets of stairs don't tell me we've got to go through this tomorrow and the day after and third time's the charm right it's that sheep again they gotta play dead I'm not a sheep all the sheep here are really human really what really I I just put two sheep a little while ago get that scream out of my head they won't go away all you'll hear is your own death stream you can stay here even this place will fall eventually okay so they've all been men so far right now their voices are all different so I'm gonna guess that it's not just giving them men male voices but they've all been men so far just gotta climb learn some techniques to get higher maybe this will help allow me to explain the tornado tornado donut donut antenna no I'll look at this advanced [ __ ] that's neat again never gonna remember to do that if blocks are stepped all over the place calm down and pull them out one by one yeah let's just calm down while there's a timer going move the massage and bring them down like a tornado then make a staircase and climb turning is also a good sex move I'm thinking about that technique you showed me so I won't forget but Sir yeah technique went like this allow me to explain that if blocks are stacked all over the place move them aside and then hmm the dialogue in this game is uh yeah okay inmate [Applause] hey I told you sit down first you're here lastly you'll be answering another of my questions I'd have had enough of this a man's worth can't be measured by a single question this is the second question honestly our romance and marriage just annoyances to think about I hate it I love it uh is there a time limit here's one let's find out I think you Romberg one for the new suburb right thank you much this one welcome to prime time Romberg one thank you thank you I don't know I guess this is which one some people would say that they hate it I don't know this one this is such an this is such an easy question wait I know I I hate I hate that romance is annoying or I love romance or I love that romance is annoying which one oh they're tricky they're tricky they're tricky is romance and I love it I love romance this one tricky I see Oh answer your question this time little lost lamb this entire place is an immense sanctuary there are eight floors this is the second night and only the second floor wait does it mean there's an end of this if I can get to the end I don't have to die don't get your hopes up you'll never be able to reach the pinnacle anyway listen I hear the sounds of your night terrors approaching like that laughs what the hell is going on here [Music] other players answered I love it first time they do only interesting prison of despair final floor it's the ghost of marriage the fists of brunch had appeared it's the killer do not die do not die take responsibility do the technique we learned yeah do the technique we learned oh [ __ ] I won't okay oh no didn't nothing nothing okay that didn't okay dingo Caden okay crab walk crab walk all right we did it [Applause] [Music] okay says that's supposed to represent the is it go the old old Catherine the she's gonna be stuck with if he marries her cuz their hands look like kind of kind of wrinkly but it's kind of hard to tell congratulations amazing climbing the prison of despair could not hold you Vincent's room did he piss the bed again that's why I want to know oh [ __ ] I really hope we didn't piss the bed marriage is just a tradition right seriously who is to be tied down as long as two people are together it's okay right it's supposed to be free don't you think I'm surprising you know how it is with most girls as soon as they're adults all they can think about is tying the knot right but there are girls like you out there never knew it's not that strange is it not aren't the only ones who fear being chained down I'll remember that thank goodness we think alike on the later years oh you're screwed dude [Music] you all right yeah thank you you're so kind uh I was sorry well I have to work tomorrow so I need to get home I fun tonight you must like what you see yeah that liar some of that block in your pocket you taste like smoke but I don't mind huh you don't say okay holy [ __ ] oh man this is not good you sell both your kidneys you know hooking up after we just met what the hell am I saying is this gonna be a problem so okay I cheated on Katherine this is bad this is really really bad but I didn't make a move she forced herself on me [ __ ] man I drink way too much would you mind not staring at me like that it's kind of creepy sorry listen I don't want you to get the wrong idea okay I don't just sleep around I came here because I like you Oh so how do you feel about me huh oh wow I can't quite explain it I feel odd hmm you see this is my first time oh I can't believe it and I am really screwing this up right now so then it was love at first sight I'm sorry I'm really he said you have to work right work I guess first time cheating I guess I'll have to wait until next time see you later Ali this is a mistake mistake it's gotta be a mistake now you know what it just hit me you know why they say every guy is three hot streaks for the ladies in his life this is your third [ __ ] hot streaks the other two white guys doing the great face is the most popular with the girls remember that the second time you were in the zone was when you started dating Kathryn although uh that's over if she finds out about this oh man she's probably gonna kill me that's what you're all scared about as long as she doesn't find out you're safe right just act like it never happened not like you I can't just ignore this well then why not switch it up that way you won't hear any more marriage sock right well that stuff about soulmates an eternal of his [ __ ] married life sucks man you really want to go through the same [ __ ] I have liked you I don't want to sleep around I just want life to stay the same what am I gonna do I didn't mean for any of this to happen if you're gonna whine you shouldn't have done it dumbass well no [ __ ] I wish I could just live all carefree like you don't you realize there's nothing you can do you schmuck no matter how good you are to a woman you never know if she'll stab you in the back oh okay that's right you got a picture of her nice no I don't have her pick she's not your type anyway come on how do you know that because she's my type Oh I'm so [ __ ] hey have you heard the rumor about the dream or you're falling huh okay why come on if you fall and die in the dream you'll die in real life my friend's boyfriend almost died isn't that scary huh how do you know were you able to see his dream Hey you all right man don't look so hot yeah I guess I didn't really get much sleep last night obviously anyway you're way too freaked out over a one-night stand Hey you paying attention listen man is liquid snake is it Kent Clark huh I never saw the girl oh really I figured one of you guys told her to sit with me ah this girl was cute definitely remember you know I gotta say because of you jerks I never get a chance to date anyone if I was a ladies man I wouldn't be here every night with you guys anyway you dig the older chicks don't you yeah I want a woman who's you know mature Stern has a nice pair of heels whoa man and like that creepy guy in horror movies he tries too hard to be noticed shut up I'm not like that what's wrong with you know having some adult fun with someone older than I am hmm so did I hear someone call for me oh hey Erica I've got a nice pair of stiletto heels I know use whoa Erica okay enough of that so have you guys heard about the woman's wrath they say it targets cheating men and kills them or not which is it what what exactly is this woman's wrath oh you don't need to worry about it you only care about your girl Vincent Oh what are you talking about this guy totally needs to know cheating is pathetic I agree with Tobey pathetic you college shut up and get peanuts what you're cheating weren't you talking about marriage why don't you see it louder seriously stop yelling about cheating and shineth I think someone on Mars didn't quite hear you that slow Vincent lowest of the roll call me that now you know just leave me alone well well come on tell me about this girl Oh God apparently she's destiny little cute cut that [ __ ] out are you kidding finding your soul mate is awesome I'm totally jealous you jackasses better not mention this to anyone outside the bar I am serious dude we know the drill say have you heard it seems that boss was a bit of a player back in the day and broke more than his share of hearts you see how he's wearing those tacky sunglasses indoors they say he's using those to hide his face right you're in trouble right maybe you should invest in some shades that's pretty good ha ha ha shut up I'm done fooling around it's totally Stanley it's totally Stanley press the B button to get up from your seat walk around the bar we can do that thank you - peace out girl three for one for the three-month three so Pedro I love your content and I can't believe it's been three months since I've watched your journey to weep them keep it up and may God have mercy on your soul my heavy Wiebe soul Thank You H peace out girl three for one thank you thank you jet streak has subscribed with prime for the first time welcome to the white food Wars jet streak thank you thank you and Ralph cogs you some bits to say I think she wanted to fork you think you're off bugs all right let's get up front of our guard to open the menu you can see hints on how to spend your time at the bar okay you can change the difficulty of the nightmare stages from the config screen okay but we can leave see we should check our phone - right now I don't want to do that I don't want to do that how do I see how to spend my time wasn't that here close menu help is it helpful when you talk to other customers they may incur then we talk to you about their worries encourage them from time to time time will slowly pass each time you sit and talk to people have fun with the other bar patrons over time the people and the conversation topics will change you can go home at any time from the door in the front okay all right and cogman cod fig is what we have the beginning right we could - yeah okay it's the same [ __ ] thing alright sir turn title film enjoy this money all right I want took my phone how would you die again there we go mmm-hmm Katherine didn't didn't text us back what the hell I all go talk to Stanley jukebox Rapunzel was Rapunzel restroom man with glutton oh oh he's got the coat it's him he's the she ODS and is the other sheep wait maybe yeah that's him yeah it's him I want to talk I wanna talk to Stanley will you talk to other customers they may talk to you about their worries encourage them from time to time no new leads today either oh that's it okay so he's grayed out so he's done all right do you flirt stream of sleep man listen Archie you've got to become a better man I don't know how you're ranked in it but I'm not desperate to climb the social ladder men are only acknowledged by their upward mobility don't be a tumbleweed be like Ivy always climbing talk to the grandmas would you like to speak to Lyndsey we'd like to speak to Martha oh sorry for staring ever heard this story before the man the highest mountain every wish granted what's that it said a man climbed that mountain three hundred years ago and was given a fortune it said a man climbed that mountain seven hundred years ago and was given the world a man who climbed the mountain now will be given his future to do with as he pleases is this a fairy tale or something these are true stories the story of Rapunzel is based on this true story a prince who was able to climb a very tall tower gained his princess now what will you gain mr. Morgan is coming tonight I wonder if I can see mr. Morgan tomorrow mr. Morgan while you're in the bar you will sometimes receive text messages on your phone push why to look at your phone the wall-e I'm a screw-up yeah no kidding okay chat was saying sit this customer is a journalist he seems to be obsessing over a certain legend lately a legend I was originally looking into these suspicious deaths that have been happening lately I'm Justin by the way hmm hey Justin have I met you somewhere before yeah maybe think of it um I'm sure I've seen you before oh sorry we were talking about the legend anyway in my research I found records indicating that similar cases occurred in hundred year cycles many men died last time as well it's the truth Wow every hundred years huh I found a strange variation on this legend going around - mm-hmm there's a man who survives it survives the dreams very very rarely there's a man who is cursed but doesn't die isn't that interesting it said that the survivors granted one wish if he wished for eternal youth you might still be around it's like a magic lamp well if this is what you're coming up with you have a wish in mind for yourself mmm to live forever not too typical me I'd wish for something different like what I may wish to change the past and make someone kill me whoa wonder what I wish for then let me introduce you this is Todd and this is Archie are you on your way home from the office Thank You Patrick Stewart or not you're not wearing a suit suit oh I don't have that kind of child that's a shame you're not one of our customers then what do you mean we make business suits haven't you ever heard of Bantam suits have you heard the jingle you'll be the [ __ ] of the walk in a bantam oh you're from Catherine's company Hey I think I've heard your voice before huh have we met maybe think of it but I don't remember anything Todd's a hard guy to forget his hair looks like a rooster doesn't that's enough cockadoodle Reata you oh wow you're sharp I like my women like oh [ __ ] a text message replaced by a maid every morning what on earth are you talking about you got named oh damn why the sigh whenever you get an email a text message from her but you're drinking again I came by her apartment today but you weren't there I want to talk to you about something but I'll do it tomorrow oh yeah your place is filthy I told you you have to empty the trash more often I took it out this time but start being more careful okay that's all good night yeah sorry I wasn't home oh [ __ ] erase okay sorry just bad timing I guess I think drink if I want don't touch my stuff so I wasn't home just bad time I guess it'll go that one we'll talk tomorrow sorry I'm too tired to talk right now we'll talk tomorrow we'll talk tomorrow no let's be honest sorry I'm just try to talk right now all right good night see a new man I'm sleepy man I'm sleepy smokey look I'm trying to salvage this relationship and I don't know if it should be salvaged he doesn't really seem too happy with her [Music] oh [ __ ] hey Vincent if you get this let me know okay if you do I'll send you a picture you know you want to see it mmm who is that I think we know who it is this is Vincent who is this new phone who's this do I know you don't message me again you know do I know you all right there we go [Music] dr. Justin watch the news talk to the bond talk to the boss let's talk to let's talk to Justin firstly that rapunzel game over there no no yes stages are supposed to be impossible but there is since if you've got technique I think I'm pretty good at coming up with techniques tornado you got one the passage of time time passes when you sit down tough people and the bar customers will come and go while you do the sending of drinking check your phone playing arcade machine and using the jukebox don't make time pass so nobody will go anywhere while you're doing this instrument okay so standing up drinking checking your phone playing your kid machine using your boss okay so only only sitting down talking to the people at the bar okay okay I want to check out this this arcade machine okay what about talking people when I'm not sitting down will that make time pass because I kind of want talk to Erica use ATM uses yeah just change jobs I don't have any cash I can't marry her like this oh okay all right the plot like the waifu thickens okay why you out drinking at a bar them bro go to the arcade machine to play a video game you can play up to three games a night the rules are the same as the nightmare stages however there is no time limit but you do have a limited number of moves if you use up all your moves you will get a game over so take your time in solving the puzzle I think you helped up a 95 for the eight month 8 month we subkick the sheep's upset anime girl emoji what it's is that kick the sheep's and then the upset enemy girl emoji next to is thank you hopefully 95 Slayers these before you sand bits thank you so much for been having a lot of fun with the stream the weave streams are always my favorite hope you'll enjoy this game yeah they're usually a favorite for for for everyone yeah see see Joe become what corrupted as time goes on thank you thank you slide game right thank you everyone for for coming by this is a lot of people thank you gotta ration the weebs out of the wheat in the South though for sure I'm gonna join the game so far actually care you Center pits to say I thought you moved past we games Anders nope nope nope I'll try and get vaccinated this is I you know maybe I shouldn't say that but yeah it's out now my secrets out this is what this all is for for sure I think you men of fire or man off ire but I think it's mattifier four six six for the new cyber crime welcome front sight welcome lucky town mattifier thank you thank you and bunny in Boots you some bits to say choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo just for your information not responding to attacks is a choice as well yeah I figure yeah I didn't have to respond to Katherine but I can ration our rationalized my way into like oh I didn't know it was her and I didn't know what picture I was gonna get and and then you know we get a picture if you can't beat the nightmare stage you might be able to find new skills here I hear this game is surprisingly deep too let's do this play game alright is this just the block moving thing again as fire tests of iron so doth temptation the upright man Rapunzel press a distort risk your house was just how remove blocks of kissteria reached the goal stitch select undo up to nine times a few stage menu and castles top floor trapped behind a locked door I live for puzzle and made in pure above the clouds in the air her room overflows with hair as she cries tears of despair and we get to her in our underwear her sadness filled with filled the skies until to guard her surprise a noble young prince arrives with a loud voice he declared rapunzel let down your hair I shall climb it as a stair still in nothing but my underwear Oh your highness my dear Prince bring me threads of silk for eight nights eight times over sixty four in total then I can knit a rope ladder and escape this tower oh [ __ ] Pet scott rapunzel rapunzel I shall help you at all costs wait for me will anyone dare to approach Rapunzel or my cursed tower or the hair what the hell wait get ready okay so there's no time limit that's what is the same rules how do you get the ribbon that upon stir event [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the golden block uh-oh that was probably the wrong move [Music] wasn't there some sort of move it'll move it away can you like move it down here and then move that one down as well I think we can do that yeah like that right okay that was kind of rough but yeah okay I could have it be a little bit all right had to go further down the night than I realized [Music] [Music] can I go on the other side can I hang on the yeah I can okay cool that was kind of hard to do at home okay so if I push this one and I'll push this one and I can climb okay there we go alright this is kind of like letting you get used to the controls without the time limit and the cotton-like practice some concepts I like this alright this is a cool addition alright so if I move that it's that's gonna fall right or is it is it locked with an edge [Music] all right so power is what is the moves we can do and that's only for pulling blocks in [ __ ] right that's not for [Music] that's not for moving so we're not losing it right now okay is there time there's no time limit okay Joe enable Monica s says we subscribe for five once with the message hey hey hey hey Joe enable monk s figure out sure the resub maybe we will enable monk us maybe maybe no promises but maybe if you want to if you want to you know real-time debate make your argument at me and underscored to go for it maybe I think you zoom on Oh from submits to say hey Joe have you heard about have a lull have a nice day Lal God Oh ever recover [ __ ] oh did fall interesting I thought it wouldn't because it hasn't had an edge next to it all right so this won't fall because oh that's gonna fall though okay [Music] can I undo I can undo okay why did I want to undo oh because I want to pull this one and then I want to go over here I don't want to push this one and then I'll drop us on to the one that's below right yeah there is okay we can't get up there about to push all the way that is gonna help us though I think we want to push it back right that way and then we just keep going with the other ones and push all the way back mmm maybe I made a mistake here [Music] yeah I made a mistake all right how can i how can I fix this you may want to undo I just push this one off didn't work like how I thought I was going to [ __ ] no that didn't work out how I thought was going to that's a shame do I want that one here so I can jump up on it and then jump across maybe [Music] mmm I don't think I think I thought I'd give away more times where my undos okay so do I fix this I need to make room down here so when I pull this back right let's see so I pull this back and I pull that one back so I can climb up I've already [ __ ] it up again I've already [ __ ] everything I don't have it I can climb right can't I climb no no I can't climb how do i how do I grab on you can't cook you can't grab on to block so you can only jump down [Music] okay sorry to know that I feel like I've used more than nine undos are the undos in a nine in a row and not nine total [Music] sorry there was someone in chat and I needed the bending but someone got to before that well if I push this away [Music] okay so you don't you don't fall when that happens okay interesting if I hold this [Music] not very good bye sorry not very good at this push this one that way okay so maybe I didn't want that one out of the way maybe that's not me who's the opposite of what I wanted for Christmas [Music] okay this does look the yellow cube come down or we have to get up to it right I'll think going down is gonna work okay if we go here like this don't push that one here oh no edge no edge [ __ ] [ __ ] no edge no edge no edge you just got edge ogz all right um can you go the other way now we're back at the problem that we had before right for sure we're right back to the prom we had before [Music] and was their solution that I miss last time when I was here before go back here and then around here maybe all right push it this way if I push them all that way what's gonna happen it's I'm doing [Music] let's undo as far back as you can go alright so that's it so hold on let me let me test it if I do this now and I can okay so it's nine undos in a row alright interesting okay that's that's fairly lenient push that one okay maybe we can't do it maybe we've made too many mistakes okay if we push it that way [Music] so if I go up here and I'd like do that tornado thing that that I was taught I can I can pull that out pull that one out then pull this one out then pull that one out then pull this one out but then I can't I can't get on it from here is the problem so how do I make room down here to do this tornado can I push it out somehow I don't think so because I can't get up on it from from the other side [Music] that means a transistor I push these out the whole thing will fall down right and do I have would that make it better let's find out is that an improvement do I get rid of this one and then it all falls it will all fall down right [Music] and that doesn't help me though this is the same problem it's the same thing only now I've lost reach up here let's see we can use our on dues right that's what they're here for right what what does this look like now yeah that looks awful that's not that's not gonna work that looks terrible we're not getting all the way hold on maybe we can get up there maybe because we can push that one up how do how do we get up to push that one up we pull this one back then we have to climb up on it somehow we do that but going on that one and then going on the other side how do we get up to that one now we pull pull this one back alright so how do we how do we get up to it out on this side maybe alright pull this one you know I don't think I can pull that one was bad [Music] no I don't know what I'm doing sorry I think I'm stuck dogs in chemistry right now no this isn't [Music] if I don't get in a couple minutes I'll give up we'll do the main the main story smart oh no it all fell okay so if if you make it tumble down it it breaks okay let's let's let's take that as you do this - stop - it - stop it is this the end of the line okay that's a good learning experience the one charm about marriage is that it makes a life of deception absolutely necessary for both parties Oscar Wilde no Oscar no you're meant to be a bro all right country music used a jukebox to change the background music in the bar burning achievements will earn you more songs try doing lots of challenging things to earn them okay it's a golden show a lost lamb all right okay I want to let's check our messages no no new ones let's talk to the boss guy did you see him recently there's nothing but stories about those deaths he said that there are several people who've died in the same fashion Erica says that people believe it's a curse given when a woman is scorned by an unfaithful man a grown man talking about curses it just ignore Erica a woman's guess is much more accurate than a man's certainty to pinch a phrase from a certain someone you don't think it applies to Erica then there's nothing to worry about Erica's guesses are never on target by the way you look a bit glum hey boss you uh ever cheated on someone my mind my it's not like that it was an unintentional event unintentional are you sure about that of course I'm sure besides heard you're wearing those shades to hide from next girlfriend love is the whole history of a woman's life it is but an episode in a man's to borrow a line from a certain someone anyway it was a strange rumor and both of us should be careful this is breaking news in our ongoing coverage of the rash of mysterious weakening deaths the following people were proclaimed dead today those mysterious weakening deaths I can't believe that Paul's dead rip all visit our top story after the local weather in the event that there are any updates to the situation okay boss wants to talk to some more okay but every time we talk to someone time passes and things in the bar are meant to change or so far nothing has changed in the bar what's in what's in the restroom chata same drink drink what wash face stall what did you see tonight you'll visit the torture chamber don't forget your boxers let's do that again nothing yeah I gotta go take a leak be careful is like some spooky stuff going on in there yep is it true Orlando's divorced huh you didn't know he got married while he was pretty young they lost a lot of money in some scam his wife left him he pretends not to mind but I think it still gets to him sometimes even when his wife calls him he huh what do you mean well never mind we'll talk about it later talk talk talk how do I drink chat wasn't there like a button somewhere we referred for drinking drink is X when you drink you can raise your intoxication level up to 3 times how drunk Vincent gets corresponds to how fast he moves that night in his nightmare Y so we want to get drunk that seems kind of like is there wait it's like functioning alcoholism white there's garbage a drawback for that there's no way you would Katherine been together a long time right what was it like in the beginning I just want to know for reference it wasn't anything special it was at the Reunion he was giving her dating advice then he ended up falling for her himself right you ran to her side in the middle of the night when she was depressed after all he stopped that stand-up guy like that turns out to be a cheater seriously I guess we're done today time will slowly pass each time you sit and talk to people have fun with the other bar patrons over time the people and the conversation topics will change you can go home at any time from the door in the front let's get wasted I've never cheated in my life before Oh two bottles fall I know this is sudden but here's some trivia for you as you seem to have finished your class I know this is sudden the name rum and cola is actually a nickname do you know the real name of this drink : rum it's called the Cuba Libre the rum called for in this drink represents Cuba this is a cocktail which mixed the national specialties of Cuba and the United States as a celebration of Cuba's independence Kubo Libre means free Cuba it tastes differently when you know the history and that was the cocktail trivia for tonight tea already yeah I got an order still thirsty there whiskey sake beer or cocktail let's just go for beer I need a beer sake please I'll take a beer beer here you go it's almost closing time okay hey listen up I just got some fresh news yeah I got that curse no even better there's a witch in town can you believe it that's what he was drinking when when he cheated on Katherine it was a [ __ ] sake yeah old ladies are gone the boss like the boss is cooler if the woman's wrath I heard about from Erica is real she said that I was going to die somewhere along the line apparently I have a wanting look to my eyes would I be cursed for unfaithfulness for this - whatever still she really rags on you huh woman's dearest delight is to wound man self-conceit to wrangle the words have a certain someone but tell me do I look vain otherwise untoward I don't know but in Erika's case it's a bit different anyway let's both avoid ending up cursed and dead I think I'll go home for today my head hurts okay have fun playing Skyrim okay so if I wasn't here at the bar with what I still have heard that I guess maybe not because I didn't hear the ladies leave let's go talk to Erica Adak Erica still you're cheating that's big news don't you care about Catherine of course but I feel like I wasn't even involved with it well you were I hate to be so confrontational but geez men who cheat are cursed if that rumors real what are you gonna do nothing because it's not real I think Catherine's started dating you because she just couldn't leave you alone you're stupid in all the right ways it tickles her maternal instincts a dominant independent personality like hers is usually attracted to mine like yours is that the way it is mrs. Ryu G stance here he looks like Joker kinda but he stands like her ug Lois okay let's do what are you gonna do nothing because it's not real oh that's it's done quite a few customers come in to see Erica it's great for me I'm gonna head home excuse me sir they're just that [Music] that thing about men who cheat being cursed apparently it's related to those mysterious deaths you mean like how Paul died yeah where it is this is getting called the woman's wrath justice for Paul sounds like something Erik I'd like to have hey Paul's been here a few times right yeah it was a classmate of ours back in high school I ran into him just the other day seriously how was he we just traded greetings but he looked fine maybe I should have paid more attention hey it's not your fault mm-hmm yeah I guess seriously okay man they say men who cheat get cursed I think there's a curse it's so stupid I can't even laugh at it the timings too good still I can't believe you cheated but if she's that cute a girl mmm a B it's a lucky accident huh I supposed to do well good luck keeping it a secret batter beg for her forgiveness this isn't something forgivable it's late anyway I can't hurt her anymore yo Vincent we're leaving now you're not going home yeah I think I'll stay in Jake a little more mmm long are you going to be drinking they're safe to go home hurry up and come did I just hear something phrasing that voice Oh or was he waiting for her mmm why are you here so if I come here at this time of night I can see you hey are you going home I have stuff to do not yet yeah I have stuff to do yeah I have something to do oh well I'm glad I got to see you tonight be careful on your way home I don't trust this blonde okay I don't trust her it's just my mother's been calling me up and asking how we're doing you don't want to marry your girlfriend just sleep around I came here because I like you you've come tonight Syria is the torture chamber oh it's readers are put to rest I love how it was at the door when he had to make the decision whether he's gonna stay or go or not the main course of the deadly climb begins here the main course oh oh oh I think you drew Carey more for the 13 one three sub if you're still looking for anime recommendations you would love made in abyss it's like Dark Souls with lollies did you spell alright because you spell to em ay de isn't it m AI D because I don't know that's that sounds a bit mo e to me Thank You G carry more I can make weed jokes to chat Becky thank you action cater 400 bits as much as I'm sure shot really wants to see them not I won't be doing math memes for this because I won't be watching this as vigorously as I did danganronpa have fun with this thanks action cater if you still want to do math means go for it but I think you might have some trouble doing them for for this game compared to the Dan again thank you for Kay's for the news of the part welcome to part time foggy case well canonicus out do you think you trap blocks activate when you step on them don't stop on top of them trap blocks activate all those like those torture things where you get split in half when you're sitting on them oh we've started [ __ ] oh this is different that's a trap block how do we how do we not stand on the trap block does it kill you or does it do damage I know I did that it doesn't really help me does it push it off edge [ __ ] [Music] that doesn't that doesn't help me does it I can push this one off oh no I can't no it's gonna fall no I thought there was something below it No we got so rumbled so rumbled chat oh that's gonna hit up [ __ ] that's not what I wanted to do alright so that just kills you okay it just kills you okay now we know okay so be very careful let's push it off [ __ ] it you're gone I guess we can still put blocks on top of them though right I don't know how we would do that but I guess that's something we can do [Music] [Music] [ __ ] this is not we wanted to do pull it out ahead of time okay well [ __ ] how do we get past that oh we can can can we shimmy okay we can shimmy all right we can shimmy remove enemies oh [ __ ] holy crap some hardcore [ __ ] okay oh we can't move that [ __ ] oh I thought it would fall and it didn't [ __ ] that really doesn't help us does it oh no we're stuck on the thing well that has coins on it how do we get the one with cook coming oh okay interesting okay wait is that it it's broken after that okay well I was a clever way that the game the game teaches there by by putting some coins on it and you're like well how the Folk Awards and then you and you work it out that was good [Music] that is not what I thought was gonna happen [Music] I didn't fall if I can't put it put a block here [Music] Oh up there you know move oh we don't even need that it's just an item I'm not enjoying how much it says edge yeah we're done yeah yeah we're done we're done with over done with that we're dead [Music] may you rest in peace now's not the time to be dead or you can get the coins before I do damn it's a bit uh sneaky [Music] how do I want the pillow can I make him walk right here I can't all right cool [Music] [Applause] it seems you've overcome it intriguing [Music] sheep with sunglasses hey you there the Sheep that's just standing around I'll give you any amount of money you would just get me out of here it's impossible what do you think you're talking to I'm the heir to a big corporation I'm a VIP why am I even bothering talking to a sheep stand up and stop complaining all we can do is keep climbing shut up if you want an item pony up some coins tonight's product is the bell changes the blocks around you into normal blocks the energy drink allows you to climb two blocks at once those seem pretty strong but not at all by anything huh you think your window shopping excuse me sheep have interesting habits they all follow one leader if the leader falls off a cliff the entire group will go to its death maybe we'd survive if we had a great leader I heard that this place has eight levels does that mean there's an exit are you paying attention and a confessional there's someone in the real world who wants me dead I heard you think of anyone who would do that yeah I can't a lot of them a lot but this curse is nothing compared to their they escaped from hell mmm I see the guy that was sitting next to to Todd and I'm still here does that mean we have to keep going every night let's if we die have you seen them those two sheep who attack you while you're climbing they trying to follow you or what no no they're just crazy I don't know what's going on I've done it too seriously the blood is on my hands oh I got a technique for you okay what sexual innuendos are gonna be this time yeah let's do it allow me to explain this spider yeah all right what if there's a block in your way try dangling off the edge and moving around it yeah we know how to do that already it's a useful way to go around a block to find another place to stand maybe we can be using more left by moving around you can skip having to move blocks you mustn't let your guard down I wonder if my girls the witch oh you mean the one from the rumors she got all worked up all of a sudden for no reason the other day she's just stabbing her dinner with her fork man I thought she was gonna reach over and gut me maybe you just like those kind of women men who want to control women tend to have a desire to be controlled by women it's the truth is it them want to talk about techniques sorry I'm in a hurry you mustn't let your guard down hello we're discussing techniques please join us roomie you're climbing was quite innovative it's the truth sure first here's a technique I thought up allow me to explain the bridge if you must cross a gap move a block over it to create a bridge that's really easy when all the walks are just in all blocks that way you can reach the other side of the gap what do you think did you know that one already kind of what about this thing allow me to explain the flying the flying bridge [Music] using principles of the bridge gaps two blocks wide are no problem push the same block twice to push it to the other summit then add another block next to it to complete the bridge I knew it you're not just a regular guy that's really cool buddy I think that'll help me beat the next area dammit I know there's somebody in there but I can't see Leon I'm here take me up don't be so impatient sit down you're here lamb why are you doing this we're climbing up these weird blocks and the monster from yesterday what was that this is your dream what appears to pends on you doesn't it no I can't let you carry your memories of your dream back into the real world if you were to try anything in reality it'd be troublesome for my game well now you'll be answering my question this is the third question have you ever gotten so excited you got a bloody nose no what kind of question is this of course not which one that doesn't happen so that's your choice interesting what he knows on the eighth floor there's a Cathedral it said that those who reach that holy pinnacle will have two paths freedom open unto them and of course from this nightmare as well so if I climb to the very top I'll be saved I've said too much I'll guide you to the next trial Cathedral huh okay fine [Music] other players answered push answer they're okay who are these people that said yes rats that said listen [ __ ] I think I can speak for the whole chat here that if you're not gonna go for the blonde and stop dating Katherine going for the foreveralone ending we're gonna be really this one i right now I I haven't I'm just going by like blonde Catherine is coming on way too strong I don't trust her and I feel like Vincent doesn't really want to be with Catherine with a K but it's too soon yet maybe he has some insecurities yes to work out I don't know so we'll see but that I'm trying to salvage that relationship while you know being having a fear boner for for the blonde one that's how I think anyway I don't know if that's correct uh Kate Ron de bercy's in her purse si the tutorial guy has a same VA as should hear from her sorry oh yeah he does yet the common table trivia he has from that game is a reference to the drinking trivia from this one oh is it I didn't I understand that it was a reference yet but it's the Jo studio yeah Sudheer OSA Giro Ralph I was used to mrs. say the first time you watch anime you got a bloody nose kappa hey hey that was unrelated unrelated [Music] some dark blocks may be moved while others cannot okay look at the various blocks in your way when determining your path Oh a fan art what's our of time right now 2 hours and 15 minutes are you sure we should be oh if I save this it's gonna show up on the screen and you guys are gonna see folders and stuff because I'm doing display capture right now okay let me just oh I can just put it in on the screen but that might not work either mmm that might break it that might break it [ __ ] this is really good too this is this okay I feel like most people aren't gonna get it but it's really really good to [ __ ] I think I would have to do at the beginning of tomorrow stream sorry Marik because it might break it might break the game or at the at the end of this one I'll show at the end of this one hold on we're gonna be done soon I'll show at the end of this one because I can just turn display capture off while the streams life okay damn it those traps again commencing area two ready what oh that's that's one you can move sorry I thought for some reason that was a face one again whoa all right what did it say about dark blocks how do I push out I mean I don't I don't think I can get that yet can i how do you like I need room to push it over Donna I don't understand our sound let's just go I don't understand okay he's not [ __ ] moving we're gonna can we jump up and jump down create a dark block alright what are those a gun he said something about a dark box but I was all those the ones you just can't boot move move you [ __ ] cheat yeah move here get the [ __ ] away alright okay if I move that again it's gonna go uh-oh well let's use the lock hey what's over here oh it's coming down all right I'm not seeing anything good to the left there [Music] there's got to be a better way than this doing this all over again yeah I'm not seeing that they'll [ __ ] we'll just do it this way let's go around again he's doing the tornado technique oh there's a trophy I want the trophy Oh for [ __ ] sake whoa we almost died it was kind of weird oh maybe that is the way to do it [Music] um no we get the other side wait to make a bridge how to make a bridge oh no no it didn't work no how to make a bridge we did we did it we're over here we did it how do we get the trophy I want the trophy uh it's the most important thing in the whole world to me getting the trophy is the most important thing in the whole world I must get the trophy it's the most important thing in the whole world the trophy is the most important thing in the whole world we got it who got the trophy we did it [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is impressive I admit you've surprised me we can make blocks normal we have it we have it get it now do you know this way to climb I get the feeling something bigs coming up want to trade techniques sure look up my bail sure allow me to start with the technique I developed allow me to explain let's swing out the swing out when you pull a block drop in hand then move to the other side now you can push the block who's getting this far without knowing how to do that it's useful in tight spaces remember this one not a bad trick I have more allow me to explain but on the top allure if a stack of blocks is full of holes pushing the lower blocks is an option by causing blocks to fall you may find a path what do you mean I've done that several times what the [ __ ] you talking about I've done it every single time I was supposed to do but I have done it several time what the [ __ ] you guys talking about I just thought of something like that maybe this allowed allow me to explain wall suspension let's like the protecting again by using edges you can connect with blocks forming walls blocks make edge connections on all sides not just left and right suspend them from the walls and make new footing see I didn't think of that buddy you got moves if I was a chick and I'd be all over you hell man that's super hetero do you want to review the techniques now I'm good you gotta go good luck to you guys this is like guys comparing sex moves are saying night after night I'm so tired it's like what they say third times third time's the hard charm who cares what cliche you're using when you're a writer you know you don't choose company but three is loud strike send your own yeah hey it's two over there talking about how to climb yeah why don't you join them hmm sound very enthusiastic it's a pain living dying it's not cool hopefully there's no annoying guys like my boss I should get going soon if you heard the rumor about true freedom they say that true freedom awaits you at the top what is true freedom does that mean that even I can be free to free from the life I live it's giving up animation to find out if you reach the top can you stand let's trace freedom I may push you off one of these days when I wake up I forget everything that happens here but before I know it I'm back again for the past few days I've always been in this area how do you know that you forgot if you forgot soon I know that if I keep going up that terrible things get up here what do you mean it's chasing me from below it's gonna kill me calm down that attitudes gonna get you killed well aren't you cool headed you're cold man I've got to respect that oh yeah I'm closing blood get beat up pretty bad too I'm not bloody from scratches and bites it's not like that it's not my blood Hey please get away from me I may even kill you I'm down are your wolf [Music] everyone hey get a grip freak out you're never gonna make it out of here this guy's cool I hear it was a great sheep who escaped this place a hundred years ago does that mean I might be able to get out too great she might you will right we'll get out those sheep there are talking about climbing techniques I think I'll join them should care about the spider I want to climb but these others get in my way they messed up the box that I pull out I'm going to turn them all into sheeps to some gay I don't know if you have the choice to pull it off so we should probably stop here because we're at three hours hey um and that way when we start tomorrow we do some gameplay before we get back into the story instead of having to like wait around for a little bit before we go back into the story because I think I think this the story is the real reason most of us are here right like I don't doubt that the game plays is fun get it now to watch for some people but I don't think it's as fun to watch as the story along with me I don't know you really should show his face Hey one more but then is this last gameplay section they aren't are there three or are there are therefore in this one I kind of like the gameplay that's that's not a bad take or anything I'm just enjoying the gameplay too I'm not I'm not loving it but I'm enjoying the gameplay I think if I'd if I got better at it I would love it more but we'll see there are three hey there's one more okay then let's let's stop here then because then we can go for through that one tomorrow and then we get into the story I think that's uh I think that's that's better okay so let me switch this over okay the games probably gonna crash let's see just in case the whole stream crashes thank you to Rye flux for the new sublet part welcome primetime reflux or reflux I think it's right flux so thank you thank you welcome welcome and thank you but I'm homeless for the new sub with problem as well yeah I think that's it yeah but I'm homeless yep thank you welcome to part time interesting name Rockhouse okay that was the anime comment yeah okay so let me let me switch to let me get display capture off okay and let's go back to Game Capture and see what happens well what the hell's going on oh the controller is vibrating one when the games move in there do-do-do-do-do-do what's my regulation schedule I try to string every day but it doesn't always happen because of uh because Lily's pregnant my wife's pregnant and the kids and my sleep schedule it's it's difficult yeah I try stream everyday and it's usually around between 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Eastern time is usually when we start I used to try to do earlier but ever since leo has been being able to escape from his crib he learned how to escape his crib I can't really start when he goes for a nap anymore that's that's usually when start time happened was when Leo went for now Leo's the youngest our youngest son and now he's learned how to escape the crib so we wait for after hasn't have to be done for straining to start now okay here we go all right okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna preface this with if you didn't watch the one of the strains you did a while ago you're not gonna get this but if you did this is this is really good okay but why is this purgatory sheep themed as he as he holds his body pillow real tight oh no come from comforting body pillow read dad it's so good it's so good uh like if you did watch the Red Dead Redemption to stream then you're not gonna get it but yeah that's so [ __ ] good well done there well done she's back she's back she's back I think that uh that's probably my favorite favorite moment ever happened on the stream was during that red this stream again and you I think you need to watch almost the whole thing for the payoff for that so it's it's not worth it to watch the whole thing just for that but as the person who was obviously doing the stream that was my favorite moment I think so far from all the streams there have been better streams overall obviously in better games that we played overall but that one moment just like oh man I hate me so hard I was so good hey Joe watch any good enemies lately nope not a single one not a single one not a single one okay so thank you very much for watching everybody will continues tomorrow as long as there's a stream tomorrow um which there should be and yeah so what am i okay I'm gonna get this like they said there was eight of these and I guess they're gonna get longer as it goes on so I'm I'm probably what not even a fifth of the way done right so we're gonna be playing this for for a while not as long as there's dangun or whatever but I mean this for about a fifth of the way done there were some technical issues that slowed us down on the beginning as well so yeah maybe actually gone over a little bit to compensate for that tonight but I know that I need to go down and start dinner Hey Joe you find them playing returning over yep but not on stream I don't think so I'm played yet I haven't played it yet I'd watch your shoes if you actually had the quick schedule Joe what do you mean the correct schedule like a better schedule for you or the or the correct schedule is listed below the one that's listed below the stream is wrong the needs updated that hasn't been right for a while now that's wrong see you guys later have a goodnight game was pretty good like it so far
Channel: Joseph Anderson Channel Two
Views: 52,969
Rating: 4.9655542 out of 5
Keywords: catherine, anime, weeb, game, video game, playthrough, let's play, stream, full, funny, commentary, pc, classic, puzzle, platforming?, blocks, story
Id: GKLsmhctGug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 8sec (11828 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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