catherine tate being herself for 10 minutes straight - part 2/3

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can i also introduce you to some stranger i met backstage who might who might come and share this time with us [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello um oh do you want to say something uh sure okay uh my name is catherine i'm an alcoholic nice to meet you oh wrong meeting i'm so sorry i met chris martin once yes yeah do tell i met him about probably six or seven years ago and i didn't realize he was the lead singer of coldplay but he said i really like the old lady character you do because um the old lady who works in our studios a bit like that and i said oh what's uh what are you doing in the studio and he said uh i've got a i've got a band and i said oh well you know good luck with that good luck with that and when i came back to my friends my little cousin said was that um is that chris martin from coldplay i said i hope not here right you call there's a there's a room called the restroom right or the bathroom right that doesn't exist at home i mean not a restroom that's like a room that i would be expecting a bed and some you know music or something and the bathroom is where you go and have a shower right so i was only used to asking we call them the ladies the ladies toilet right and i was in the hotel and i said um i went up to the reception and i said oh hi i'm can you tell me where the ladies are and this is absolutely true and i remember the hotel it was the standard hotel on sunset boulevard and she said which ones right and i said just the nearest ones would be fine right so generally she points to a group of women and says well i guess they're there i'm like and then i said and i looked tony looked around i went no i'm sorry i i i want to go to the ladies and she's like no one's stopping i used to sit you in storey corner and we were having a book read to us and i remember thinking oh it would be really embarrassing if i asked to go to the loo not thinking how embarrassing it would be once i wet myself and say i've went myself kathryn's wet herself again um but yeah um i used to wet myself so much so that the teachers used to haven't spent pants draw from me she was in sixth form it's hard work well yeah it's like learning anything by you know it's you just have to do it till your goes into your brain do you think it gets harder as you get older i wouldn't know i was hoping you could shed some light on that maybe that's the link because this is a bit themed of uh supernatural this show isn't it because of you [Music] what's wrong what's that stuff it's like we've never met it's like what do they call that there is a restaurant i won't say where it is the spelling of this restaurant is a x e axe what would one normal person assume the name of this restaurant is act axe it's not called acts you know it's called ashay so a normal person would go in and say did i have the axe burger and they look at you as if you've dug out their mother's innards in between two slices and chomped into it because they'll go it's our shay as in what i think shove it up your archer so anyway so i didn't get a good part because i was terribly shy imagine yeah smash can't even say i can go to canada it's like a therapy session now so your mother showed up i came back and said i haven't got a very good part in the nativity and my mom said well does does sister joracy know that you can do an impression of gary glitter different times everyone different times it was a different time and so i think um someone said you must go and say what you can do and i said to sister mary dorothy um i i i have to tell you that i can do an impression of gary glitter and that my mom said when the three kings arrive i could turn up as well as the king of glam rock and the teacher was kind of going well i don't think there's much room in the nativity for gary glitter to show up and i said look it's the birth of our lord don't you think mary and joseph would have had a party and to her credit at the nativity they stopped the nativity show and said ladies and gentlemen the cabaret is right and there's people with tea towels on their head you know with a little baby and i come in and go come on come on and then there was one more also because i sometimes get worse confused when you travel do you you know the thing that if you're an international travel you you can get a thing called global entry you know global entry is the thing that you can just cut through not cut through but you've been vetted and you can go through immigration quicker and i always have this habit of i keep calling it global warming right and i got to chicago and you can go go out a different exit if you've got global entry which is an oxymoron but anyway and i went to when i arrived in chicago i got to the airport uh sorry landed and i went up to one of the security people and i said oh hi can you tell me where global warming is and she said i guess it's everywhere the best thing about i mean not that there's a good thing about hairy panic i don't know where to place myself over harry panic but no one does could there be a more apt nation of people to experience a hairy panic because you just don't panic the australians i mean did you see what was happening there if that would be any other nation we don't know what's happening when i mean it's pretty bad [Laughter] [Applause] no normally it's like a horn or something catherine what do you yeah no the thing i still do but i think it's related to superstition you know that thing they say you should never cross on the stairs well i do cross people on the stairs but i always say in my mind when when i cross someone on the stairs or they cross me on the stairs i wish you luck and no no what is it oh oh god no here it is when someone calls me on the stairs i go you'll bring me luck i'll bring you look and that's what i say in my head i'm a witch i do and i can't not say it i can't not say it in my head david you people up the crazy you're scattered a bit aren't you why don't you all sort of like mesh a bit down do you smell get a bit more cozy all of you look there's one person just sitting off at the end oh i'm sorry are you ginger i know mate i know [Music] plus something about my oh yes
Channel: fetch the bolt cutters
Views: 129,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catherine, tate, being, herself, for, 10, minutes, straight, part, two, never mind the buzzcocks, graham norton, david tennant, doctor who, video edit, fan, funny, quirky, donna noble, nellie bertram, the office, catherine tate show, lauren, nan, the last leg, con, convention
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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