American Couple Reacts "Catherine Tate - Gay Son" REACTION

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hello people hello how are we doing say hi to the boomerangs hello boomerates actually boomerangs boomerangs because i keep coming back oh my gosh that's such a good name i like that you like that one i really do you guys let us know should i change it to boomerangs boomerang you don't have to be a king boomerang you can be a queen boomerang oh i think there's more queen boomerangs out there oh is there yeah because they keep wanting to come back to you well i want to come back to you i know everyone's like you [Laughter] well it's 9 30 at night i'm drinking red bull apparently so i don't think we're gonna be sleeping anytime soon oh well that's okay we'll just no product please we are not being sponsored by red bull by the way we'll just watch all the videos yeah uh we actually did a video well i did you guys got me on to catherine tate i did that uh offensive translator one she watched that i watched you you were actually you were listening to it yeah and she literally had to pull over it was so funny so uh oh my god it was so funny so i figured since i got her back in front of the camera we should do another catherine tate one yes i like uh a lot of you guys suggested the uh nan skits that she's done um we'll get around to those eventually i pulled this one up because it was kind of short um it's like five minutes long but it's uh catherine tate gay son so stick it oh as long as we're on catherine tate let's uh let's stick with the hot controversial yeah sure why not you know she's making fun of uh the way other countries speak in the last video so let's see what she has to say about uh apparently she has a gay son in this sketch so you ready i'm ready okay let's check it out and i said turn don't think i don't know about your tommy's extended sick leave either repetitive straight under my eye as the drinks has problems so it doesn't don't think we don't do it so it is she says to me don't you dare talk about my tummy like that etc i'll talk about your tommy harvard i like so help me god the lazy good for nothing new life skiving drunk isn't that the truth and then she had the audacity to call me a lair mommy did you get any work today song i i picked up a bit of hard carrying down at the quarry good night me alar i sadder who to think your hurling insults around like that mommy i've done your bacon and potato for your tea her there's only one liar around here and that's you and that's nolai you told her indeed i did mommy i need to speak to you have you been fighting with the mcfare brothers again johnny have you no it's not that have you been joyriding around this aesthetic because if you have your feeling not touch the ground no mommy have you got murray mccarthy's daughter in her trouble mommy please if you just listen what would you spit it out son what's the matter with you no here you go here it goes i'm gay okay man you're oh what i'm a gay man i'm mommy are you sure bye green i have a new pencil skirt upstairs come on and see if i've got the hips for it she loves it i was not expecting that oh you can't miss it from there john john he's nice as nichion she's trying to be supportive i'll come i'll come off are you blind or what [Applause] john john oh hey is nice do you like him john that's a love boy as he's like literally on a date yeah i feel like this uh i know it's a sketch but if this was real it would be like she might turn them back straight again like you know why i do like girls you hear about our john karen he's a gay mom no hi i know 15 million he's worth all right john would you look at the buns i would you give over just because i'm gay it doesn't mean i think about sex all the time nobody calm down and let us watch the match i'll be joined i bet he's got a really nice i knew something like that was coming up yeah wow don't think we don't know what you've been saying bars behind our backs either all right yeah i feel so bad for this well rosemary well kathleen will you be marching with us on sunday rosemary i will show the bastards how's your martin fine he'll be out soon no doubt 15 years ah oh my god it's uh it's uh what's her name um catelyn stark from uh game of thrones yeah yeah i thought she was familiar that girl played an amazing role on that show didn't end too great i didn't end too great for it but well for her i mean i was talking about the show in general but yeah i really didn't see the last episode watched her whole magic whole family get messy yeah no brian i haven't seen the last episode yeah well you don't have to i'll just just skip out i think a dragon dies don't talk we'll watch it i'll watch it one night maybe i'll watch it tonight i see i don't think he should why i want to even if it's bad i still have to watch it i mean i didn't think it was bad as everybody else yeah but like like people a lot of people thought it was so bad that they were like still angry about it yeah but there were parts that were really bad well sometimes for me it's like endings more that you're not expecting yeah like i feel like everyone wanted to end a certain way and then it didn't yeah i feel that way i think people were more mad about that but it's still the last season of that show was still compared to the other seasons it was still an abomination pretty much yeah but that i applaud them too because they made a good effort is there another show coming out soon yeah it's called house of the dragon yeah yeah when does that come out it comes out um i don't know probably not anytime soon i could be wrong but because of the way game of thrones ended i'm not too looking forward to this you know what i mean yeah but yeah i mean yeah but i don't know it's like i think they should have waited a few more years before they dived back into that world you know what i mean yeah it's like two that that it's too fresh on all our i used to like like um what's the blonde girl's name with the white hair oh daenerys daenerys like yeah because this is all about like her people yeah and i used to like she really likes because she should be yeah she should watch season eight no but like i used to be i used to be platinum blonde and when i was i was like i like them because they were all blonde i know we're supposed to be watching this but i just love that you loved daenerys and like a lot of people were mad about some of the things she did in season eight and i feel like i was one of the only ones there the whole time like no guys she was crazy the entire time all the signs were there what she went through you think anyone would go crazy yeah but she did some really nasty things that people people tended to forget about anyway i'm right now okay let's continue dr katherine tate yeah did you say catherine tane yeah what is it i can't tate all right here we go well he's a hard mon but he's a principled mom aye he has that did you hear about our john he's a gay man now is that so pop around later john we've just had new tongue and groove in our bathroom you will die it's so weird seeing uh i forget that actor's name but uh uh michelle fairley is that what it is it's so weird seeing her in a you know something outside of game of thrones well well well is it true you're john's a gay man i what of it right do these turnips work with these boots do they like not know any people in this town or something there's got to be something going something else oh nevermind [Music] [Music] he's like embarrassed that's so good oh my god [Music] oh i like crows and eyes yeah honey yeah we gotta we gotta start doing some more um female comedians yeah i miss carl though carl carl carl pilkington yeah oh yeah i love him yeah well we can find some stuff on him there's no shortage of stuff with carp pilkington that's for sure no but apparently this was the catherine tate show yeah um it look it's all this it looks like it's from years back though but i'm sure she's still around doing stuff so you know what i want you to watch but i need like i'll ask um johnny what it is like so when we used to take taxis around london they would have like a tv in the back of the taxi and it would be on this comedy show and it would have me dying and i want you to watch it but i have to find out i think it's i mean it's probably like 10 years not 10 years but like yeah probably 10 years old what like style was it in kind of reminded me of like a saturday night live oh yeah yeah it reminded her of saturday night live like that style like when it's just a bunch of skits yeah yeah okay so i need to find out when you need to watch that well they might know what you talked about so if you know what she's talking about yeah if you have any idea but it was really funny because you know we're always looking to find new stuff from across the pond yes all right well thank you very much catherine tate yeah tate tate t-a-t-e there's no n in there okay okay okay yeah it's uh yeah it's it seems like uh it seems like a really funny show and um yeah we'll have to do do some more stuff on her maybe she does stand up too yeah maybe i don't know if she does stand up let us know well i mean i just hit the search it's just catherine tate and none of the stuff that came up was it looked like stand-up to me but i know you know this is probably what she's more famous for yeah it looks very it's very entertaining obviously but uh yeah all right well we'll check you guys next time say goodbye to queen bye thanks for watching peace
Channel: King Boomer
Views: 310,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CatherineTate, CouplesReact, AmericansReact
Id: 8msq9sbtdzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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