Cathedral Quartet - Somebody Touched Me

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songs not on the program drive it into here last night we had about 12 hours to drive and we decided that on the way here that would this soon hear us sing has anybody ever heard no I made that up we never know you didn't need this features daddy Thunder Burke and daddy Thunderbird if I was a tenor singer I'd want to sing just like that little pipsqueak right there he thrills me to death then he thrills me to death not out I'd want to sing like that I wouldn't want to look like it no Danny I just I just threw that in evidence I want you to listen to song that this if this song don't light your fire your woods with somebody touched many years he walked in darkness as he grows along the streets this hands crystal ponies or just abide as the scar by now I let me share something with you real quick I was going to sing that second verse with the Lord wanted me to say something right here I don't usually talk an awful lot but I once was blind and crippled by sin my mom and dad's here they know what I'm about to say but I used to be in church every Sunday morning Sunday night my dad is a pastor the church and I was always there I'm a PK I learned how to play church learn how to say and do things around the right people it became easy just to just to do the things and just like a former ritual like George's talking about while ago you know I needed a touch from the Savior thirteen years old I gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ you know I only became really happy when I was 19 and I totally give him my life and let him become more to my life and that's the touch that if you don't know this evening that's why we're here that's why we're singing you listen to the words of the second verse I was was blind and crippled by sin I think God tonight he knows me by my name yeah and I know where I'm going if he was to come back tonight you listen to the words of the second verse what date that in vain like the straw that I watch but since my Oh I was like my brain pointy let's see Oh they you want to hear that cause one more time branches yes Wendy I see ah Hey
Channel: Gary Byrd
Views: 1,547,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cathedrals, Danny, Funderburk, Cathedral, Quartet, George, Younce, Southern, Gospel
Id: lkh9zxuFZEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 01 2008
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