CATFISHED: Japan's Darkest Online Romance [Documentary]

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[Music] online dating can be a mindfield at the best of times after all when it comes to meeting strangers on the internet can you ever truly know who you're interacting with laughing with planning to meet up with someone who learned that the answer to that question is a resounding no is Runa tamura a young Japanese woman who just this year fell victim to the strangest case of catfishing I've ever come across but as the person on the other end of the screen came to realize Luna wasn't the type of person who took being double crossed lightly in fact she took it deadly seriously join me as we explore what's arguably this year's most bizarre case one involving manipulation CCTV evidence love hotels and personal vendettas this is the story of Japan's darkest Romance the festive season is upon us and as well as buying presents for my nearest and Dearest I'm also drawing up a wish list of my own a good practice seeing how I always leave things off that would really come in handy for making YouTube videos speaking of which you may have forgotten to add something to your wish list today's sponsor your personal online Post Office stamps have been helping businesses Like Yours save time and money during the holiday rush for 25 years with easy access to USBS and UPS services and premium rates for all of your postage needs the service allows you to print Postage and shipping labels in seconds from wherever you do business all you need is a computer and a printer stamps really makes taking care of orders of bre and recently things have gotten even easier with the mobile app if you need a package pickup you can easily schedule one through your dashboard running low order shipping and mailing supplies labels and even printers from the supply store and if you sell products online seamlessly connects with every major Marketplace and shopping cart but my favorite thing about stamps has to be all of the Amazing Savings we're talking 84% off USPS and UPS rates to help your bottom line 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pride and joy a daughter who they named Luna growing up Luna had always found it difficult to come out of a shell and since kids can be cruel her quiet nature caught the attention of school bullies following the example of the loudest the most malicious many of Luna's peers began making fun of her on a daily basis calling her names and saying that she looked like a cartoon character for the most part Luna internalized her anger but everyone has their limits on one occasion after being insulted She chased a male classmate with a box cutter fully intending to slice him to pieces before she was finally restrained though she was able to regain her composure she later approached that same classmate and announced if you do that again I'll kill you those words became Mantra that she lived by from then on the other students no longer made fun of her they completely avoided her terrified of how she might retaliate if they got on her bad side that incident had taught Luna one thing that it was better to be feared than to fear others given that her formative years were played with torment and isolation Luna became a reclusive girl one who grew up into a reclusive young woman for obvious reasons she found it difficult to form friendships and relationships her parents 59-year-old Osamu and 60-year-old hoko did their best to support Runa they took her out of the school system which she loathed so much and paid for the best psychiatric treatment money could buy to help with any issues that she may have developed one suggested that she may suffer from guto psychopathy which nowadays people generally call antisocial personality disorder according to those who knew them Luna's parents had her daughter first attitude her father was a prominent and successful psychiatric doctor himself and he used his wealth to shower runer and gifts and make her feel loved both parents doted on her hand and foot catered to her every desire even followed her rules in many ways Luna had the Run of their four-story luxury house a house which he rarely left I've seen some articles refer to her as a hiky Gori a chattin who withdraws from society indeed Runa would Whittle her days away on the Internet Posting on forums about her hatred of men after all it had always been the boys tormenting her at school and she carried those memories with her into adulthood it was in 2023 that Runa now 29 years old began attempting to socialize more with others in online chat rooms it was on one such sight that she met Tomo a fellow lesbian looking for a companion Luna and Tomo really hid it off and would spend hours chatting online about anything and everything eventually they agreed to meet in person at a disco night in sapo's nlife District susukino but there was one problem Tomo wasn't who she claimed to be she was Hiroshi unaa a 62-year-old man who created a female Persona to meet and hook up with women it was a secret he kept from everyone including his wife and children after all Hoshi had a reputation to maintain he was a dedicated Company employee a mild mannered and well respected member of his local community your typical family man but secretly Hiroshi would spend many a night at bars and clubs convincing his wife that his boss was hosting a nomikai that is afterwork drinks with co-workers since it was his boss they were offers he couldn't refuse really though hirosi was leading a double life one has his older ego who was well known in susino Toman and despite being older than her father Hiroshi had made use of makeup and filters to convince Huna that he was a much younger woman to be clear because this is a sensitive topic hioshi didn't identify as a woman or as trans by all accounts he did enjoy dressing up as tomchan but considered it a hobby and not part of his gender identity but according to Those whom hosi frequently partied and socialized with he didn't go out dressed as Tomo Chan just for his own pleasure he also found that it had strategic benefits as Toman women viewed him as less threatening and would let their guards stand around him crucially they were more likely to hang out with him one-on-one occasionally he'd even get one to come back to a hotel with him on a more Sinister note hosi had been barred from many a night spot for taking advantage of female patrons while they were drunk or passed out he never faced any serious repercussions for those actions though Japan is after all notoriously bad when it comes to Prosecuting cases of sa even during daylight hours hirosi still had something of a reputation he'd been kicked out of several bathouses for being a w or crocodile the word used for those who spy on patrons of the opposite sex as they bathe a nonen a former contact of hosis known as Mr satle has since test testified the first place I met hirosi was at a mixed onset in kazawa it's a hot spring along the river where families and Ordinary People go but it's a famous spot for crocodiles there was a culture there where male customers would secretly watch women bathe Hiroshi was a regular in late May of this year Runa and hirosi well perhaps I should say Tomo met in person at the nightclub these images captured inside the venue chuna and Tomo having a good time hugging smiling dancing and seemingly being very fous at this point it's believed that Runa still had no idea that Tomo was actually Hiroshi after all the room was dark and she very rarely interacted with men other than her father Osamu that is speaking of Osamu he too was at the club that same night given that she rarely left the house or interacted with strangers Luna had likely asked him to come along for moral support though it appears She also asked him to stay out of the way as these images take him within the venue that same night show him wandering around aimlessly by himself while also keeping an eye on his daughter after a few hours Luna left the venue with her dad but stayed in touch with Hoshi online Hiroshi even sent a text to his friends saying that he had met a great goal and that they were now dating on their second meeting in mid June Hiroshi took Runa out for dinner yet again in susukino it's unknown what exactly transpired that evening some Reports say that Hoshi forced himself upon Luna when they were alone others state that he roted her and filmed the entire ordeal on his phone others still say that he merely revealed he was actually a man and confessed his love for her what we do know is that Runa learned of hoshi's true identity that night and then returned home and expressed her anger and humiliation to her parents Osamu contacted Hoshi directly and warned him to stay away from his daughter and to never message her again hirosi agreed so long as Osamu agreed not to contact the police perhaps thinking that he'd just get LED off with a warning anyway Osamu reluctantly agreed unbelievably just one month later Hiroshi broke his side of the bargain and messaged to Runa asking to meet with her for a third date even more unbelievably Luna agreed but that's because she had something other than romance on her mind Revenge July 1st 2023 the date of Hoshi and Luna's thirdd and final meeting at 10:50 p.m. Hiroshi dressed as tomochan was seen entering a love hotel with a young woman dressed in white wearing a wide brimmed hat and a face mask seemingly trying to conceal her identity such disguises aren't unusual for people booking into Japanese love hotels where rooms are rented by the hour and where many people go to cheat on their Partners or to have casual flings at such fine establishments anonymity and discretion are the name of the game in fact the rooms are often soundproofed and avoid of Windows and you can typically pay in cash through a small Hall so even the staff can't see your face Hoshi have booked them into room 202 otherwise known as the pink room the pair entered and Hoshi made his way into the bathroom to freshen up before they got down to business as he stood looking in the mirror with his back to the bathroom door Runa approached him from behind with a video camera in one hand and a sharp blade in the other she then set about taking his life while simultaneously making her very own snuffle after embracing Hoshi from behind Runa punctured him several times with the blade with one stab extending from his collone down to his lung the lack of defensive marks on his arms and hands indicates that the whole attack ended quickly and hosi likely perished before he even knew what was happening following this Luna took a Handa and a set of various blades which she had brought with her and removed hoshi's head wearing a prepacked raincoat to avoid any splatter she then proceeded to call the front desk using the hotel room's phone and informed them that one of the checked in guests would be leaving but that the other was going to spend the night she then left the scene taking with her hoshi's phone wallet clothes and anything else that could be used to identify him including his head these images captured just outside of the hotel at approximately 2: a.m. shuna in a new disguise carrying her morbid assortment of items in a prepared suitcase and backpack After exiting the hotel alone her father awesome pulled up in his car and helped her fleed the scene you see Luna had actually told her parents that Hoshi had invited her on a third date and together the family planned the perfect murder wasam a trained psychiatrist who worked in a hospital knew his way around the human body and instructed his daughter on how to remove hiroshi's head something she'd have to take with her along with any personal objects to delay identification on the day of the incident he bought Luna the saw backpack and suitcase and provided her with a blonde wig the mother hoko was to wait at home while Osamu waited outside the hotel until the deed was done Runa and her father then returned to their home located 10 km away from the scene they handed hero the bag containing hoshi's head she placed it inside an ice box which they left in the bathroom satisfied that her parents would clean up after her like they always did Runa then borrowed her dad's car drove straight back to susino and parted into the early hours at the same Club where she had first met hioshi though the night was still young this was likely an attempt to build an alibi in that same vein Osamu went straight back to work the following day and acted as if nothing had happened according to all of osamu's co-workers he seemed to be in good spirits and got on with his work as normal from the outside at least he appeared cool as a cucumber and there was no indication that a human head was in his ice box back home hoko on the other hand was less inconspicuous and tight lipped on July 2nd she found a relative and told them what had happened explaining that she didn't think Runa would actually go through with the ACT she was wrong around that same time Hotel staff went to check on the guest in the pink room who had failed to check out at the correct hour upon entering they noticed that the bed was still made and hadn't been used and that there was a foul smell emanating from the bathroom inside they found Hiroshi in a crouching position inside the bathtub they called out to him but got no reply it was only upon closer inspection that they realized he didn't have a head investigators were summoned and they comeb the room for evidence but found no fingerprints at the scene the body was soon linked to missing Family Man Hiroshi unaa in an examination of his computer activity led the authorities to their Prime Suspect Luna tamur the only person that he had made plans with on the night of his demise not only that but Runa lived close to an area where the remains of a cat had recently been found the cat was missing its head the discovery had been brought to the authorities attention though no culprit had been found officers arrived at the tamura household on July 25th 3 weeks after the incident had taken place they caught Runa Osamu and hoko completely off guard according to investigators the family were evidently hoarders since there was so little room to maneuver inside the home with PES of boxes in every room and objects scattered across every square inch of floor they proceeded to half search half clean up the home packing much of the mess away into garbage bags after some time they were able to recover all of hoshi's missing belongings including his mobile phone a device which had been broken likely to either delete evidence or destroy any videos that harashi himself may have taken most disturbingly they also found hoshi's head still on ice inside the family's bathroom given that 3 weeks had past it was obviously worse for wear and certain parts of it were missing sections of her Roshi's skin had been peeled off and hung up like laundry detectives also seized videos that have been taken both both before and after the slaughter although they haven't been released to the public the one taken inside the family home reportedly shows gloved hands allegedly arunas playing with hoshi's neck and head since both her hands are reportedly visible in the clip and since the camera angle changes they believe that one of Run's parents was filming her it's since been revealed that after the slaying had taken place but before the story was reported on by the news media all three family members had searched the term susukino murder on their smartphones bruna's collection of over 20 blades was also seized all three family members were originally taken into custody for damaging abandoning and possessing a body though on August 14th they were also charged with first degree upon her arrest Runa told investigators there are several personalities inside of me one of them did this suspecting that she may have been coached to say this by her psychiatrist father Luna and her parents are currently undergoing psychiatric analysis to determine whether they can be held responsible for hoshi's slaying they'll remain in police detention until 2024 when a verdict will be returned about their mental States and whether they're fit to stand trial well the response to this whole incident online has been mixed though some argue that a premeditated slang can never be Justified I think I've seen more people sympathizing with Duna and her parents they argue that her revenge was justified and that Osamu and hoko were just looking out for their daughters best interests by taking the Law into their own hands if you ask me though it's too soon to be jumping to any conclusions and we should all be careful not to mistake rumors with facts since this case is still ongoing and since all three suspects are remaining tight lipped as a defense it's yet to be seen whether This truly was a Revenge slang or as some Japanese internet users say a pleasure kill though Hoshi did have a history of acting inappropriately and forcing himself upon women in this case there's no concrete proof that he did anything other than mislead Runa about his identity and even then some are skeptical that Runa didn't realize hosi was a man in drag when they first met it is true that she had little interaction with men in the outside world but she did see plenty of the Monte at home and her father Osamu was also known to dress up as a goth drag queen himself and put on shows with his band around susukino that's to say she knew what a middleaged man in drag look like so did Hoshi and Runa really fall out because he had tricked her or did she have another motive to take his life whatever the case this is an extremely bizarre story that I wanted to share with you all today and get your thoughts on I haven't seen many other YouTubers talking about it especially in English so shout out to my wife for bringing it to my attention when all said and done there clearly are still large gaps in the details that the authorities haven't provided so when new information comes out I'll be sure to update you all on my social media platforms or maybe even make another video entirely until then all we can do is put this mystery on nice and [Music] speculate a huge thank you to my supporters here on YouTube and over on patreon Matt fenel George Lopez Holly Lions smile and Jack Ellen dolloff itai Allon nephus 1988 Lydia Kumo Asia Mina Azrael waraki Chief Kake Colin monmer Conor loan sa wasow farewell tattoos Jack seel Gina Valera haish Ian bck Infamous seny Jordan PRI Monica Mendoza Peter LR Ruth vendi and TNS Mom thank you guys so much for your continued support the devils in the detail
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 444,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, blameitonjorge, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, buzzfeed unsolved, Japanese cases, rabbit holes, blame it on Jorge, disturbing things from the internet, lost media, runa tamura, japan, sapporo
Id: UshUEgFx5tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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