Catching BLOOP (Cat Goes Fishing)

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we're gonna catch blue the biggest fish in the world wait is that him hold on wait it's blue wait why is he blue yo that thing is huge hey Luke where are you going oh my goodness what is that it's gotta be a demon or something oh he's eating my fish oh my goodness wait I got one ah yes we got him I think that's the first blue guys he really puts the blue and blue huh guys I think this is a water blue and into the boat yo we gotta catch that other one too oh that's another blue one I don't want this one this one over here a red one come on buddy oh we got him let's go oh wait why are we sinking go up go up oh no oh no he's dragging me down guys there are a bunch of bloops in the ocean and we gotta catch all of them oh look there's another one over there whoa there's a gray one and another one a door great guys there are so many bloops this one is called Earth bloop wow so that's gonna be an elemental blue I wonder how many I can fit into my boat all right let's catch this one over here hey we got him already oh this one was easy but we gotta catch the god blue this one is called dark blue but so dark about you buddy are you evil huh it's a good thing I've got the biggest boat in the game otherwise I will not be able to carry so many bloops you know you're there come over here oh yes you are yet another bloop oh this drag me down again oh no oh I see another one oh that one looks even bigger now the more bloops we catch the bigger they get and this is supposed to be the biggest animal in the world come on buddy come on out get up there come on you're so close to the boat you just gotta get in there come on that's it wait bloop so this is the regular Loop are you kidding me he's worth only twenty five hundred we gotta catch the god blue I was told that one is even bigger than all of these bloops combined what is that hold on look at this one need a bigger bait yo that's gotta be some kind of devil bloop right a super evil one all right so we need a big bait you're there grumpy come right over here sorry it's a mustard fish oh my goodness how could I get it wrong guys I'm so sorry here we go I'm Gonna Catch oh wait wait that's not the right one no no no you are not the right fish I'm looking for where's the evil one I gotta find the demon bloop get him out of the ocean and then catch wait what I what I'm just gonna say I want to catch the god blue but we need him for that but well why would why do we need a huge hook all right mustardo fish we're gonna grab a huge hook a new light and we're going down oh yeah this is the recipe for Success everyone we gotta get him come over here it's already getting more difficult right but we got it we got the right bait we got the right hook and we get the demon bloop right is he called demon oh yes oh my goodness 85 000 all right demon bloop let me show you the god bloop he should be somewhere right over here hello no no no no no no oh jumpy you are not getting into my boat get out of here oh my goodness I just saw so many um bloops it's it's not this one though it's really not this one right over here whoa wait what is that is that hey oh grumpy what are you I was about to catch a rainbow bloop or whatever it is we gotta catch it there's like two of them it's the first one whoa that looks like a hypnotic kind of bloop you know I will like this one this one's really cool what is it called blotchy bloop your name is Splat you oh that's so cool all right guys we are on fire let's go I want to catch a rainbow bloop so I can catch the god blue if that's not what I'm looking for we already caught that well wait there was another one right oh get it this is where all the rainbow fish are at look oh okay well that makes sense are you there come with me wait is that hold on what's that is that the god bloop did I just see a god bloop no way right oh my goodness now we really gotta catch that rainbow blue oh yes here they are here they are yeah they are trading some away from me all right let's go all right what is this hey this is not official when a catch yo that's gotta be a rainbow bloop oh my goodness coin worth 240 000 all right you're worth a lot of monies but I don't need it I just want to catch all the bloops you know come over here listen I got him this one is called yeah it's a rainbow bloop oh let's Flip It Go all right you know what rainbow bloop you're going into the bag and then we are gonna go all the way down with a ball I wanna catch a deep water bloop oh I see one on the scanner guys wait is that a blue I don't think that's a bloop at all actually wait what I thought I saw him in a scanner what if we go right over here huh oh big fishies but not as big as bloop no no no I see one over here hey someone took my bomb yo no way that one is green oh my goodness wait there's more over here they're all green holy mackerel yo guys we just got a super cool green blue all right I gotta go to the right over here I gotta make sure or I don't run into the mountain because then he escapes and then I can never catch the god blue I think I did see the god blue all right here's another one now you can say hello to your fellow bloop friend oh but it's a blue one wait a minute I think we caught an earth one but greenish earth right so what is this gonna be for a bloop a toxic bloop no wait it's like a radioactive one or something and it's worth 11 000 you're going beautiful all right let's go back into the cave but this time to the left oh my goodness there are so many fishies here they always steal my base well that's not gonna happen that's that could happen oh oh there's a bloop over here wait do we already catch that one guess it's a really small one hey you're there come back what if you are a baby Bloom yeah I don't think we have caught this one yet oh it's so cute actually it's really really small whoa see that's what I mean that's a big bloop don't you eat my baby blue ball right don't you do it oh my goodness so many fish here by the way hugees everywhere right this one is will blue so it's just a whale wait did I get scabbed or something I'm gonna go down with one two three four five Bambinos that's right boom boom oh yeah we're gonna boom all these guys that's a new bloop that's a new bloop and I just bombed a bloop that is not good don't bomb a bloom everyone all right here we go they are sticking up or stick it down wait what that actually looks like a baby bloop look at that oh you are adorable look at you oh that's not a red one yo no way we've already caught all of these though now this bloop is called Cowboy bloop what what what is that supposed to mean man isn't that like Japanese for a cute or something well we gotta go back into the caves that's what I was trying to do they're actually all these fishes I have no bomb because this time if I see a bloop I want to catch it immediately how many more do we have to catch before we can try and fish for that God one huh all right so we are in the cave but this time on the left side oh yes and that's a bloop no way oh that's gonna be a fire bloop that's gotta be a fire bloop come over here yeah I got it I got it no way we already caught a red one but it was like more dirt colored you know this is definitely a fire one right oh man oh man wait hold on can I uh can I get it out of the cave oh wait wait it's too big it's too big oh no I gotta hurry up guys my light is about to run out and then it's dark and then I can never get out of here is there another bloop over here I don't think so right nope no more bloops over here all right we're gonna go to the service I'm gonna try and fit it right through oh my goodness yo how did this bloop ever get into this cave it's way too big well it was probably born in the cave but then how did the first bloop get in there I mean that is a question guys I'm telling you right now wait so we got an earth one we got an ice one which was the blue one was it water we got a fire one now look fire blue so that leaves us with air bloop I wonder if that exists well either way we're gonna go and catch the god blue first things first I need a bait you there bite it do it I know you wouldn't do it go that's right there you go sour fit yeah he was really on the fence about it should I catch it should I not oh and I see a lot of bloops over here yes sir there's a lot of bloopies but we have already got those oh grumpy yeah but we gotta go over to the right we already caught those as well hold on where's all the bloops I haven't caught yet you know or so many fish here uh and I don't have a light anymore oh no oh it's so dark here come on what's that what did a huge hook guys that has gotta be the god blue right hold up phone it's gold all right I've got myself a mega big hook we're gonna go down and we're gonna catch him that's right ah and you would like to come with me great come over here hey come back come back come on God bloop you don't want to catch my bait don't you hey what he's eating my fish what are you doing man what oh no I've got a skellyfish oh come on man spine fish well I can see your spine my friend all right here we go now we've got an actual beat come on God no no wait oh now he's eating it again no we need a bait not a fish fish is not bait no okay so we grab a mega hook there we go come on get down there today and now we can catch him nobody steal my bait come on that's oh I think I got him I think I got him guys he's got a Halo he's got gold wings this has gotta be the god blue right how much is it worth holy bloop worth 150 000 let's go that's how it's done now watch these videos ice cream I'll see you there
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 2,447,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, cat goes fishing, game, gaming, gameplay, funny, video game
Id: Jtfrfx4ErRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 54sec (594 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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