Catching EVERY ELEMENTAL SHARK (Cat Goes Fishing)

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what's up guys today we are gonna catch every elemental fish if we do this right whoa that's the first ones but if we do this right we can unlock all of the elemental sharks there are four of them and today we're gonna catch them all so you guys do like the video let's see we can get four million likes that's a million for each element and then this grumpy over here is gonna be bait for the first elemental fish it's this one he's really a weird color this is fire fish awesome so let's go back down and see we can catch that other one this one over here oh beautiful this is another fire fish but it's like way more expensive all right let's see if we can catch one with the big hook oh my goodness it's a grumpy hey hey ain't my grumpy oh my goodness you know what that's actually pretty cool hey but we already caught this one hold on get into the bag man oh we're gonna catch some other elements i'm talking about water air earth oh is this an earth fish it's gotta be right isn't it kind of weird that we're catching an earth fish in the water i mean we're also going to catch a water fish i guess all fish are water you know oh but not today today we're catching all of these secret elemental fish so let's go back down we don't want to catch this one of course let's see can we catch another one we already caught these oh but i see something over here what was that what is that why are you swimming away from me he's probably afraid of the light isn't he yeah all right let's go into the cave let's see is this an elemental fish no is it this an elemental fish i hear a lot of things but i don't think so hey hey get away from me get over me you're not an elemental fish man you're definitely not an elemental shark so you gotta get out of here man there you go let's see is there any elemental fish right over here oh i think there are yes i think we got another one okay so this is also fire or earth i still haven't seen one of the air or water fish yeah water fish that sounds so weird though it's like saying air bird you know i mean yeah earth fish all right we got another one oh wait did i throw him on the land i think i did oh he's not coming along oh how sad i supposed to comment for the earth fish that's kind of sad right wait what if there is a shark right over here i think there is right okay let's grab this one first because that's another fire fish i don't think we caught that one yet eh there it wait did we anyway let's go back down because i know there is the shark here somewhere right yes i see him i see the shark and he is blue no way so he is the first elemental shark so that means we gotta get some bait going so we're gonna grab this one and then we're gonna use a mega hook i think and then we're gonna grab a mustard fish there you go good boy and we're gonna take this one down so that we go to the shark and boom we got him no way he's so blue so it's a what a shark i mean i'm trying to look at him where he's like you know up straight but here we go what a shark 725 000 oh yes don't mind if i do thank you very much sir awesome so that was the first one now let's see can we use this grumpy as a scout he's gonna scout it out okay he's gonna explore the ocean when he has found one but we cannot reel that one in yet because this is not a mega hook is it or a huge i don't even think we need any hook let's just go down here we go probably could have caught that one oh boy now we got to go back down he's still there though hello he is still here oh there's gonna be another earth fish but there's really not a lot of those air and water fish huh there we go people earth fish 50 grand beautiful so i think there's one that cost 25 50 and then 100 maybe also 75 all right it's not fish you're gonna be on a very important mission you hear me you're gonna catch the next elemental fish and it's not that one not a it's also not hey oh it's also not that one and it's certainly not this dog over here come over here doggo golden retriever oh that's so sad poof there he goes wait are those are those elemental fish i can't tell i mean he could have just been blue all this time no wait a minute i think they are yellow right guys this could be the next one okay hold on reeling it in and water fish hey this one all right guys we are cooking with bacon and i see another shark over there on the radar now when they catch me another elemental shark of course oh wait a lot of grumpy's here the grumpys are very angry always catch my stuff you know right so purple is not an element gray gray wait hold on oh okay yeah i forgot about that yeah we definitely need a hook for those huge hook and going down because that is definitely hey what are you doing but yeah that was definitely an air fish she was all like gray i guess yes yes come on these grumpys are great for bait i rate eight out of eight great bait mate that's right here we go boom air fish 100 awesome not 20 not 80 100 awesome all right i don't think this shark what i do think i do think hold on where's the shark come over here sharky he ate it he's transparent we can look through this shark what was that okay hold on spinefish worth is we got to go down that's an elemental shark that's an elemental shock right over there come over here buddy where do you think you're going man you can't swim away from me come on boy yeah we got him no why you better get out of here grumpy you better get out it's air shark worth 250 beautiful guys oh so now all we need is yeah you can come with me all we need now is the fire shark and the earth shark is that correct i think that's correct all right let's see oh there's another water fish awesome it still sounds weird though it still sounds weird it still sounds super weird we're going for it get out of the way everyone i love that they'll get spooked and 25 000. yes look at this air shark it's actually transparent wow um and that water fish is flying you know i would kind of understand if an air fish is flying because it's no air but a water fish is supposed to be the water i think wait hold on hold on hold on yes yes there's another one there's a lot of airfit this is great you guys we're gonna find some elements like actual elements you know and yep there we go we got 12 fishies already guys we are popping off right now and we're going back down let's go i see a fishy over here and the fish is not oh wait there's that other one that got spooked again that's not an air fish though check this out all right you know what i'm gonna say it okay i'm gonna say it again we are on fire and that is the shark i want to catch you guys know i like red i mean look at it i'm actually wearing it oh and this little air fish hold on okay we gotta get that one super fast so we go mega hook there we go we're gonna go down come over here yeah these are super easy to catch right if you find him you catch him but that fire shark i haven't seen a whole other fire fish yet and i certainly haven't seen that fire shark yet you know and i'm thinking that this is gonna be an earth fish right it's gotta be wait over here over here oh i'm we are being chased though he is on the chase sir can you please stop chasing me all right we're gonna go over here yep nope nope not an element not element at all shrimpies not an element do we have to go into the cave we are still being chased i can see you there buddy oh no i see some fishes over here are they elements oh they are they are but i got a problem how do i reel this one in it's not sinking anymore what oh what we are stuck oh no what was that all right that was pretty uncool oh wait wait i see some more okay wait are these elements i don't think these are elements right all right people i've got myself a mega hook or ultra hook or whatever it's called big hook whatever it is we're gonna first catch those ones that we saw on the way here then we're going to go back to the cave because if we catch all those but yeah if we catch all the fish we should get the fire shark going right what was that though we need a bigger bait all right we can do that where's the doggo oh i'm so sorry dog come over here i know you don't want to be caught but come over here please come on doggo do not resist okay maybe he is gonna res wait this dude is still following us all right how about a big bait with a big hook maybe then this weird fish that lurks in the darkness will finally bite the bait right come on now come oh no we got a different one is that good is that still good though is it an element oh that's not an element right i don't think that is an element at all actually unless it's earth but i don't think that's an hard one and spotter oh my goodness spotted get out of here man come on i i don't want to see you okay i don't want to spot you yep i got the doggo i'm sorry my friend and we're gonna go back down and this time a little bit more careful yes nice careful nobody's gonna steal my stuff i see him on the radar it's very dark but i see him on the radar yes we got him at least i think so i heard something i see something on the radar oh what is that that's not a fish at all that looks like a crystal or something it's very bright like super bright just because it lives in the darkness element of earth worth one dollar um guys what was that was wha what one dollar that was so weird well whatever it was we got it element of earth does that mean we can now catch the shark of earth wait over here over here over here over here that's a fire fish right we got it i think that's a fire fish i am not entirely sure though what i do know for sure is that it's coming up all right it's coming up to the surface all right oh wait don't chomp it though a lot of champions here all right and we get is it fire or earth it's oh it's an earth fish your boat is full all right time to sell some stuff there we go we're gonna sell it all and back down we go i see a fire fish oh and i see a grumpy i don't see any fire shark huh how about this guys mega hook with five bombs and a new light we're going for it all right and any fish that is not an element like that one over there it's just gonna get blasted okay that was an element where we already caught him right yep so let's keep going this time we're gonna go to the right side of the cave oh oh there we go all right and we're gonna go down there we go is that an element fish boom okay these things are definitely exploding alright is there an element fish over here come on now oh wait that is the fire shark holy mackerel okay can i detonate this bomb i think i can and i know what to do with it hold on guys check this out check it out no no no that's an element there's an element over here okay so we can use the bombs to do two things to catch the fire shark but also to catch that sleeper fish what is this one doing over here sir are you break dancing wait we caught him what kind of fish is this though i don't even think we've ever caught this one wait what we have caught so many fish there's no way this is a new fish right there is no way let's see stormy it was even a quest fish we gotta go back down we are there is so much stuff over there i am so ready for this so all we gotta do is find the earth shark now we know where all of them are because we already caught two of them now let's go down to wake up this fish there we go oh and it's it's a ruby is that another element why can i not catch him i can't catch him he's coming up though but i'm not i'm not able to catch him he's not biting it and he's going oh he took the bait what was that is that how you catch the fire shark by catching the fire element i mean that was definitely red there he is there he is oh and we got him i think he was trying to go back to sleep or something no no no no james the alarm is here to wake you up a man now let's see if it's a little shinier in the daylight as long as no other fish eats my stuff of course i just realized something we haven't gone all the way to the right yet oh and that's gotta be where the earth shark is earth shark yeah that's right now let's see this one at element of fire so we're gonna come back for the fire shark but he's really difficult to catch we're gonna check the radar and go all the way to the right because that is whoa where the earth shark should be at and we're gonna have to go really far to the right oh wait that's the dragon i don't think the dragon is an element right and there goes the sonar oh boy we're gonna have to cast this oh and here's the zombie fish that means there's gotta be an earth shark somewhere here right so let's go back down see we can collect some more of them oh we can't go any further how is that possible does that mean we're gonna have to go down then whoa oh wait there he is there he is there he is there he is oh my goodness that was him right so how you catch this one is by catching one of these dudes there we go and then he should like either or something right that's how this works i don't know i guess we could try whoa that's a lot of them whoa that's a lot of them oh wait here he comes here he comes what what was that why did he not bite it maybe he just likes a regular bait there he comes there he comes there yes we got him we actually got him guys and is it the earth shark it is pretty sure that's a piercer otherwise but yeah definitely earth now awesome so let's go back to the fire shark but let's first sell everything and back down we go with a bunch of bombs because of that whoa so we're gonna catch the fire shark so we need to stay close to a big fish like this one right over here and then one of these tiny fishies yeah they should come but then it should also be eaten you know maybe it's best to lure one of these dudes unless they are kind of too fast you know yeah they are way too fast maybe if we go over here very close to the fire shark now there's one come on we gotta be close to these i think this is perfect this is perfect we've got an element fish we're just gonna go around what was that was that a dog why is there a dog swimming around here what all right be right back getting some bombs let's stay close to these fishies over here there we go there's one oh too close here comes a fishy he ate it awesome okay that happened really fast okay please nobody eat this thing please now please please please please okay we gotta catch that fire shark with this bait this is very specific bait okay very specific oh okay nice and careful let's give there two fish there okay there we go there we go there we go come on come on there he is yes yes yes we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him we got him oh my goodness he looks so epic oh so we caught the water shark the air shark the earth shark we sold all of them now we're reeling in the last one this one was a serious challenge but we just gotta make sure that he doesn't let go come on my bad you gotta come up with me ho ho guys it's working guys while we're reeling this one in a huge shout out to every member of project spy you guys are awesome oh and he's coming up oh and he's coming up come on my man also guys post it coming right now with your favorite elemental shark i think my favorite is the fire shark for a million bucks that was awesome guys if you're watching and check out these videos i screen right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,652,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, cat goes fishing, game, gaming, gameplay, funny, video game
Id: GjrYGGqxx9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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