Catching Black Cod & Salmon in Sitka, Alaska | July & August 2022

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then go around oh it came off it came out [Music] hit him nope yep get it tight get it tight and we've we fall wherever it goes we have a double on if that one goes any more further back it's gonna take it take it around yep take it take it take it okay I'll do whatever let them let them take it if you if he needs to why don't you guys switch switch spots good job there you go good job good job that is wow he's gonna run he's big he's gonna run he's a good one wow that's a good jump don't got him don't nice got him yeah good job that's a hatchery fish we're gonna meet you guys probably still has quite a bit of fight left in them all right finish them off backwards thank you [Music] he's gonna run here [Music] nice good job good job I'll be there yep nice good job it's a good way to end the day [Music] big Halley oh nice yeah I didn't want to grab them in didn't kill him the bag or he got off still bring it up that's what I was trying to do yeah yeah it's hard to say it was close to the Limit yeah that is definitely it was it was at least the size of that 38 incher yeah I was trying to lip it in I I just saw the hooks coming out of his mouth and I had like a barely Lip lip of the with the Gaff yeah I was like this probably is not going to be good I didn't want to take a Hillary shot when he was in the water like there because then I would have killed it yeah there goes your tip yeah thank you nice nice looks like 75 80 feet there's some fish swimming towards you yep there you go you have a king on so we just watched the line wherever wherever that line goes we go you're good right there for now but if he ever comes more this way we'll have to move you to the back watch out yeah baby this is a chum salmon you going are you real I think you have one thank you this one going over the hell of it I don't know but I just feel real get a [ __ ] monster that was an odd that came up really odd you didn't fight you just came right up good job it's over yeah Tim got a silver too [Music] one one one big one big one [Music] there's two wow yes one good side ten yeah I can get six more retriever you wanna get a limit okay okay [Music] look at this thing here I can't give you a gap okay that's okay I got it I got a gun okay I say 18. all right 23. I think 22. I'm writing the money I'm right on the money I said two big ones holy [ __ ] that's a big one Thirty wow [Music] 333 this one is the one wow too nice okay we can we can keep one limits yeah okay it's good okay on my turn come on exercise okay I got the water in the blood okay grab it yeah okay okay come on back foreign let's go this way let's go the other way let's go to the front oh he's right here do we have a line in it right here good catch come on sucker got it nice work whichever you're like come on up come on forward come on forward go over top okay just Lift It Up Lift It Up almost there textbook wow Hold Your Rod tip out there oh your road chip out there I guess what happened oh [Music] okay is that a dog oh is it yeah that's that's bait that's bait I heard him barking all right wow lift up nice and easy nice good job you going okay keep pushing keep fishing
Channel: Cascade Creek Lodge
Views: 8,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, alaska, gopro
Id: 6iyq0JMK5RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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