Catan Pro Plays Wonderful Wacky Wood Port In Ranked

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what's going on Dandy crew it's Danny Drew here and we are back for another day of Katan first thing I'm noticing is there's not a lot of not a lot of uh or on this board also fun little fact we are in the fourth position which for some boards can be good this will be an interesting one I think usually high production plus support works very well for these kind of lower boards because the strategy is not as clear right there's a lot of times when there's a very simple let's say or wheat sheet pick in the early stages of a game duh probably not the case here right you're probably gonna have to find what's a way to build either the ideal setup and also by the way not a fan of this I think you're better off actually going for the 853 which is just kind of a inherent really good ows right you get obviously the orui and the Sheep be interesting to see how they work that 843 is kind of the same concept right you kind of give o WS in a box six nine 10 really good get the roads 643 as well Works nicely I guess you know really you've got to build a strategy around I would say the the wheat here because it's only two good weed spots now there might be a case I'm not opposed to it if we could potentially get something like the three ten nine and point up to the 810 I'm just concerned that the 810 might be a Target well now we know that the truth of the matter poof this is going to be a Tuffy holy anole well six five eleven and then we take the wood to the wood Port might have to be the play here think it's the play guys I mean there's also the option potentially to build to the eighth three but this idea of saying hey I'm going to get everything but the Wii which we're not getting anyways unless we play off of this here which could be an option brickport kind of like a pseudo ows it's kind of okay but I kind of like the wood pour and I think we win that race in most cases now he might be able to take the starting road which really sucks for us is there ever a world where we can go to the Sheep Port nope because we get plowed with the 492 the question is do we take the eight four and six five eleven which is playable also one of the challenges there is a 9411 point up gets the road title and we lose that race playable though the problem is too you just your hand gets absolutely overloaded with sheep I think the better play here is the 1095 point right and see if we can get to the wood Port I'm just afraid Red's gonna try to make the play there which actually kind of hurts us a little bit but not too bad like I think starting with the brick and sheep and then you know maybe we'll have the four for one for the starting wheat might be in the cards here so let's give it a shot let's try it I I kind of don't hate this also not crazy about him probably too if for instance blue takes the 8-4 and plays break Port we can probably trade The Ore for wheat here for the starting wheat and then from there we just we just run to woodport and I think we've got a pretty decent game I also wonder too yep yep we saw this so there should be a wheat trade oh I don't like that [Music] red here I'm assuming you go something like the 436 which gives you all five resources a pretty good ows um I don't think we'll play ows here I think we're just going to play a very strong Port game now generally the rules for ports is if you're going to make most of your game about dominating a two-for-one Port you usually win at least 60 of your production wrapped up in that particular resource and I would say in this case we have about 50 60 of our resources in wood so generally I'm pretty happy about this ooh that I don't know how I feel about that because the 9411 down and to the right might actually be winning here for green this is pretty good for us though I think you you win this race I really do wow wow wow okay we got a game and hopefully we shouldn't be robbed the Eight's gonna be a big Target the four is gonna be a Target okay well we got a lot of wood that's for sure so number one goal here I think it's gonna always be the eight here it's by far the best block for green it really just stops all the wheat which slows down the board immensely I think the break is not really a good Block it's definitely the eight here which is great for us now he all probably will be hitting blue here as well he has a 50 chance to grab the wheat which gives him a pop also the Sheep's not horrible but we're gonna know pretty quickly if he steals from Blue and he buys a Dev then he got the weed if he steals from Blue and doesn't do anything wow so he's got a sheep so he's got two sheep interesting I think that was a mistake there I think you got to be tracking a little bit more actively see what you got to work with there and this wood port's gonna cook hope you're doing amazing hope you're doing well I've had a fantastic week really just in a good mood win or lose I feel like I'm in a good place and that's you know it's where you want to be in life sometimes okay so let's see if we can potentially grab or for wheat here and I'm looking specifically at Blue might be a play might not be I don't know that being said I think we can probably safely drop this here so it's gonna be interesting um the question is what are we going to need to do to get a wheat right is the ore good enough I think it was six rolls I might be able to do sheep or for a wheat maybe with green maybe with blue also by the way if we ever get this back plow to something like the three 911 woof lights out super good for us insanely good for us I mean any of these spots or even 311's good right just picking up that that really solid ore production and really the only thing we're missing there is the weight but I think the compensation of the port does this Justice I love it oh man oh man I think it's red here again he could try to face off of this port but I just don't think it's strong enough for him it's a lot of effort to get to a road settle at this stage in the game and going for the wood Port feels more defensive than it feels anything else okay nice 11 ball I'm not opposed to if we get a few wood rolls yeah nice so we've got more or less an uncontested pork here perfect now I should be able to to Pawn off some cards here potentially for oh or for wheat and I'm really looking at either green or blue they both possess a wheat here and I'm willing to do two cards not a bad deal for green I mean I'm gonna snap it if he takes it is he pulling my chain I'm gonna do a little tactical whoever whoever takes this might push green over the edge oh I can live with that it is what it is I think we just have to get the poor you know if that means I have to give up three cards and so be it um but it obviously means everything to me and not too much for him and really we could play devs here yeah I mean one more 1095 and we can buy a potential Dev it is an expensive trade for me three for one but I don't produce wheat it's not easy for me to come by the alternative there is I wait for a fourth one and it's not guaranteed I'm gonna get that either so ultimately I'm pretty happy about this deal it's pretty good for me again looks expensive but it's because it is nice nice block now we definitely want to put some pressure I think on green here uh very likely we're going to be able to snag a pretty good card from him approximately was like three weeks something like that so I'm gonna see if I can do a no steal for him lastly nothing's bad here for me right yeah let's see if we can snag the weight didn't get it at all okay sheet for wood might be on the cards here potentially on this board that's fine if he plays at night that's also okay with me I just can't afford to lose the ore I'm willing to lose the Sheep I'm willing to lose the wood the oar is kind of the the sexy resource oh there we go there we go love it love it love it love it now the question is what do I do next a city would be great typically a really good plan oh shut feel the shape okay maybe I need to be a little bit more harsh on green this is fine though right we we roll a nine roll a five we got a great Port here though honestly it just might be 311 right just run over to the 311 make that kind of a big priority the thing is with the 311 I could still potentially build to the nine four eleven so maybe there's a case here where if I can get a few wood and brick rolls I might just plow Road Road and nine for eleven it's super nice for us here problem is though because we are the first Blood on the board it does make us a little bit of a Target but you know I can live with this I can certainly live with it I'm pretty sure red and blue probably feel pretty oof double block what a block what a block okay so there's a Dev all right again we get a few good rolls here like a six and and something else nice nice That's a Dev for sure oh baby baby baby uh nine of five is double Dev that's super big for us um I think we just take it I think we clear the ore we don't deal with any Rob Shenanigans um also do sheep for wood here might be on the table especially with as much as the 10 has been rolling boom baby look at that you gotta read the board guys the name of the game you gotta read the board oh damn he got what he wanted well now we're losing our options significantly here they're gonna probably take four three yeah woodport's good no doubt about it no doubt about it I need a road Builder nice nice oh wow okay getting the order there is pretty big he's gonna hit me again there we go there we go thank you for not being spiteful I would have looking for the wheat there I'm gonna find it we need some tens and fives here we unfortunately did miss out on a few different tens ah here I think is red you probably want to hit am I getting hit here I mean I'm doing well yeah that's perfect and I'm pretty happy about this because I don't really have that's a thing right I don't have there we go there we go I don't really have any weight here so is there any world where I can do something like like this like this potentially uh otherwise what I could do is I could port for a week which I'm not opposed to as well I can also drop a road puts me at five cards and uh and range to potentially settle but I kind of like the idea of porting for the weed here I'm gonna need to do that anyways I just think with this much ore I can also buy Dev but I think with this so much ore we want to try to get a city we're gonna play with risk here we're either Rolling Wood or brick at this point with the five being blocked perfect we have a perfect City in our hand it's risky if we seven it's gonna really really suck we also they're settle in our hand but I think here just the city is just a monster play so hopefully we survive if we don't we're probably gonna have to trash a pretty good hand here okay good good good good I'm gonna look here with red maybe brick for wheat sheet for Brick sheep for weed here he does have an extra weed in his hand but I guess he's trying to settle the perfect Settle yeah perfect settle um is there any shot that here I can get or for wood I'll definitely take this this is the back plow otherwise what we do is we just port for the the city which I think is winning for us for sure either way either we get the six yeah I mean it's a great spot yeah let's just get the city I mean it's not every day that we get to walk around and talk about having a city especially on a port like that and then from there we can kind of really designate what we want to do I mean two two wood rolls and then we get the road settle where we can pop um the pop also wasn't bad but ideally I would absolutely yeah look at this man we're gonna cook we're gonna absolutely cook here fuke rolls too um you know double wood roll I think oh this is not bad let's see if we can get something like this I think he has an extra or in his hand if I'm not mistaken yeah that's beautiful yeah I mean I think we're losing the spot anyway so it didn't really matter in this big scheme of things oh my God I love it I love it now we cook one more wood roll and we're just really asking for trouble here maybe brick for wheat here also wood for wheat not probably not with blue though now the question is do I just take the 612 I think I do I think that's probably the play because the the reality is the three four one is always there for us but I think getting access oh my goodness I get three roads here one two three I'll have four wood left over so let's go let's go double the six here so one two have four hmm also drop a bunch of roads but I think this is not bad in theory we're just getting production cooking here and then let's give this to Blue uh or bread potentially might take this and then we'll clear our hand with a pop not bad at all by any means also the alternative here is we drop one road which puts essentially a card in an ore in our hand problem is we two rolls and we're over right and a 10 Rover so I think better that we just dropped the kind of the road here and kind of wait for roles to come in six is cooking here fives are cooking here I just also what I like about the 612 for us guys is that it kind of cuts the road network for Blue Blue ever tries to get the 612 themselves and then kind of go for the connect it becomes a serious problem here I'm assuming they're gonna block the six which is an incredibly ineffective block because we just have a lot in our setup here to work with with all the wood by the way everybody knows this at this point but woodport is the best port hmm of course brother brother brother brother fives sixes of course he seals The Ore been one of those days you know alternatively I think we could have popped I think the pop is good for us here on the basis that well no one's bought devs so maybe that was a little bit of hindsight I got greedy I wanted to settle I think fast points is really good for us and we always have the 612 as well which after we eat the 612 we have triple wood double Brick we're gonna move very fast I mean Road roads settle that's six man we need some we need some good rolls here guys fives are just killer tens are super killer monos would be just nuts here I think if we get a six we Road road to the 912 really preserve that spot I'm just looking for decently fast points and we're so close to that 9311 plow I mean that I think would have really cleaned our game up nicely yeah I can't believe you stole the ore I'm hoping honestly that a lot of these guys focus and double down on development cards and just let me build and just be like a road monster few fives really just give us what we need and every time a six rolls we drop roads so life is good you know unfortunately we don't have a very communicative table uh no one's responding no one's typing man sometimes that's the way it goes but ultimately I think we're in a good position here and I'm assuming he's going to either pop or save for a city there we go there we go yeah the five Woods a silly block I mean I think better to at least hit the Sheep because it is a rare resource solo blocking me yeah you don't solo block me here for sure nice look at that man they don't want the wood I love it it's defense nice I think here we're gonna go Jack I think blue might be the answer here after I mean if we can get anything but a wood here yeah it's just a perfect pop let's go get it nice baby woof I'm on fire I'm on fire that's what I'm talking about that's the perfect situation for us because now the game becomes much simpler we're going to Road Road settle Set uh seven eight take road game there we go Road Road 912 can't can't stop it won't stop it questions do we do we take the risk right because potentially blue mine also tried to I'm gonna take two cards here I'll take almost any two here honestly yeah that's fine night wow unbelievable so let's run over here I think picking up a 3-1 helps us turn our brick and ultimately we're gonna be taking Road over here on the left side of the board so let's get some fives in the house a few fives a ten we're looking pretty good I think we really have to get this settle here and once we settle it's more or less game we can turn our brick we can take road and I I don't see who stops us right like maybe green can connect but our our ability to drop roads is just after especially after the 912 I don't see how he stops us now what could be a concern here is if green has a road Builder he could go for the plow but uh I'm playing with fire he clearly didn't have a knight because he would have played it so I need blue to seven out here I need some fives I need like a five ten five six I just want to get the three one and it's more or less I I would I would say if we can get the 3-1 in this orbit then we win the game most likely next orbit so if we get the three one this orbit I'd say there's two orbits Max so if we get like a five and a ten here not too much on the fives um it's kind of hard to stop me here I think you have to hit the five it's it's that versatile roll and I think they're gonna make make a mistake potentially hit the nine yeah I mean this is yeah this is a mistake come on five oh nice too so five is close but it's not quite there we're so far ahead getting greedy man ready to getting greedy that settles not as good as uh I mean me winning the game is a lot worse than uh you know it's trying to steal a card there I don't I just don't think they realize how close the game is here um all right six five ten six everything's actionable right which is what we want a worst case here is if we don't have a play what we'll do is we could also take road I'm not opposed to that I might even consider doing it because we gotta do it anyways right the alternative is we we pick up a wheat but honestly I think the play here is we just drop a road and we kind of pray that uh nothing bad is going to happen I mean look we're already the target so it's like why not all right let's drop a road here the idea is that we just got a couple different roles that kind of help us out yeah perfect right worst case here like I said if blue has a road Builder but I'm putting them potential in like two VPS and a knight or maybe VP or VP op I'm assuming though they would have probably bought a city oh we gotta survive here guys do we have winning roles 10 maybe you know maybe like back to back tens would definitely be in the money for us and then here you just put it on the 10. oh my goodness brick mono's disgusting oh please don't monitor the brick please don't monitor the brick please don't monitor the brick 10 might be winning um smart move oh unbelievable he steals the one there we go there we go this is hella close I don't think it's it though is it game oh my God this game wow you know sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles you know the way the cookie goes EG wild stuff I mean just like clinical in terms of just execution there uh there's not really much to be said uh clearly we rolled decently um just solid overall and we had a good game plan six five eleven nine five ten and look this is one of those situations you can go without wheat and it's perfectly okay as long as you understand how your position works and what is now it's not a throw I mean I was in such a good position there it is what it is um yeah I mean knowing that this much wood really hits the two for one port really nicely it's hard to block me I I think you've got to look at some of these blocks like the five is any anything that gives me a specific resource that's not wood you usually want to stop that right because the alternative is that even though I have a lot of wood you'd rather me porting for a resource and straight up producing it but the 10 is a Monster Roll right a few tens and I'm just really crushing yeah literally the perfect hand the perfect situation and uh the perfect pull straight into the VP so that's the way it goes sometimes guys welcome to Katan what else is there to say I think the a510 is good like I said I just think on this board you got to take advantage of these rare roles like the three ore just being a really good role and I think it rolled decently um sorry no the 11 rolled pretty well early on but three not so much but I ended that game pretty quickly sub 30 so I think I would go something like eight five three in first potentially I do like the six nine ten I think this brick has some play especially in the A4 where this board went wrong is I think they needed to stack devs a little bit early I don't know maybe they just didn't get their position up maybe built some cities definitely when you focus on a two-for-one situation similar to me or blue blue needs to get a city you need a six nine ten city as soon as possible because you need these brick rolls being impactful if you have to wait for multiple roles and then the port for the resource you need it's very inefficient in that sense so that was why one of the things I prioritized is when I had the three ore I either went for the 9311 which is a big production boost and also Road play or I dropped the city cool all right well there you go hope you enjoyed it I appreciate all the support you coming out being your best self you know this is why we're here we're having a great time I don't see why the Train's gonna stop frankly if you haven't subscribed you know what to do share the love hit the like button you stay great I'm out of here peace
Channel: DandyDrew
Views: 185,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catan, catan pro, catan strategy, catan ranked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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