Cataclysmic Showdown on the Nile: Egyptians Meet Their Fate in Exodus 7:20-21!

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for bear with me one more second guys let me just get myself together here we'll start for what's up guys you won't believe the incredible punishment the Egyptians faced on the day of judgment in Exodus 7: 20- 21 let's get right into this video we'll start with i cre I believe in God the Father Almighty the creator of Heaven and Earth I believe in Jesus Christ God's only son our Lord born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead and on the third day he rose again he ascended into heaven he is seated at the right hand of the father and he will come again to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Spirit the holy SES of Church of Christ the communion of saints the Forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life Everlasting and we all say Amen today's introduction is witness the powerful display of divine judgment as recounted in Exodus 7: 20- 21 will the narrow River turned to blood bringing punishment upon the Egyptians this biblical event serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of defying the will of God join us as we dive into the dramatic moment in history and explore its significance dive deep into the story of the day of judgment on the Nile and reflect on the lessons it imparts without further Ado let's get started let's open up our Bibles to Exodus chapter 7: 20-22 and we'll begin to read our scriptures so Moses so Moses and Aaron did not did just as the Lord commanded them as pharaoh and all of his officials watch Aaron raised his staff and struck the water of the Nile suling the whole river turned to blood the fish in the river died and the water became so foul that the Egyptians couldn't drink it there was blood everywhere throughout the land of Egypt recognized in Arena of scripture we all say Amen okay guys let's go into our introduction I mean I'm sorry the interpretation the Life Application let's go into the Life Application in the Life Application we see for verse 20 it says this to us Egypt was large and a large country but most most of the population live long along the bank of the Nile River this 3,000 M Waterway was truly a River of Life for the Egyptians it made life possible in a land that was mostly deserted a desert by providing water for drinking farming um bathing and fishing Egypt Society was a ribbon of civilization lining the banks of This Life Source rarely reaching very far into the surrounding desert without the the the Nils water Egypt could not exist not exist not um Egypt could not have existed imagine Pharaoh's dismay when Moses turned the sacred River to blood okay guys we looked at the um Life Application Study Bible now let's take a look at the cross surfces the cross reference for verses um we have two for verse 20 none for verse 21 so let's take a look at Psalms 78: 44 in Psalms 78: 44 it says for he turned their River into blood so no one could drink from the stream we also take a look at Psalms 105: 29 let's take a look he turned their water into blood poisoning all the fish you see that okay now we looked at the cross offence now let's get into the interpretation the interpretation phase of this okay all the scriptures that I'm going to be referring to is going to be scrolling at the bottom so you can take notes and let's get into this guys what we see is Judgment at the Nile River there was the day of judgment which fell upon the Egyptians Moses and Aaron obeyed God they did it they did exactly what God had told them to do in verse 20 that we can see the they lifted up the rod and struck the waters the Waters of the Nile and they did did it in the very presence of pharaoh and all his servants the Judgment of God immediately fell upon the Nile River in verses 20 to 21 the Nile river turned to blood the fishes died the water stunk the people could not drink the water the blood was in all the the water throughout Egypt the the Judgment was a frightening plague vast rolling stream of water of some blood likee material began to flow down through the rivers in full view of all onlookers the word of the catastroph catastrophe must have spread like wildfire all throughout Egypt the economy of Egypt was threatened think of the think of this effect upon upon the fish industry which no fish to harvest sell the farming industry which no water for irrigation or and crops the food and water supply for the people the utter destruction of the of day one of Life ver note that this was a righteous and and and a just judgment the Egyptians were a brutal Savage and hard-hearted people moreover they rejected the creator of the universe the only living and true God they had lived a life of indulgence luxury and plenty plenty of comfort and ease but not but not but now but now they were to learn the hand of discipline and chastisement God's judgment and Justice were falling upon them for all the evil they had done they had lived a life of worldly pleasure and worldly U religion now they were to live under the Judgment of God God was executing upon them the ju the just measures of their sins and evil second God's purpose for this judgment was obviously achieved remember the Nile was worshiped as a god a god named hoppy or NIS the spirit of some God was thought to control the water of the river consequently the Egyptians prayed to the Nile prayed for good supply of water for drink irrigation and crops think of the impact when when when the god of Moses brought utter destruction utter Devastation to the to the god of the Nile the thought of the Egyptians that their God was not as powerful as God the god of Moses is the sight of rolling streams of water flowing down through the Nile must have stricken the people with fright and horror the attention of many Egyptians was soon begin to focus upon the only living true God they were beginning to think more and more about the God of Moses The God Who had such power this tells us the in the in these verses the day of judgment is coming The Hand of Justice will fall Upon This World God is going to judge us every one of us let's take us let's take a look at some scripture that support what I'm saying if we look at Matthew Matthew chapter 25 verse 31-33 Matthew chapter 5: 31-33 Jesus says this but when the the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him then he will sit upon his glorious Throne all the nations will be gathered in his presence and he will separate the people as Shepherds separate the sheep from the goats he will place the Sheep at his right his right hand and the goats at his left the Life Application Study Bible tells us this God will separate his obedient followers from Pretenders and unbelievers the real evidence of our belief is the way we act to treat all persons we encounter as if they were Jesus Is No Easy Task what we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus birds and US feed the hungry give the homeless a place to stay look after um the sick how well do you act how well do your actions separ separate you from The Pretenders and unbelievers let's ask ourselves let's go deeper let's take a look at second Peter chapter 2:9 second Peter chapter 2:9 says so you see the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of the final Judgment of final judgment we see that let's take a look at second Peter chapter 3:7 second Peter chapter 3:7 it says and by the same word the present heavens and Earth have been stored up for fire they are being kept for the day of judgment when ungodly people will be destroyed the Life Application Study Bible says this in Noah's Day the Earth was judged by water at the second coming it will be judged by fire this fire is described in Revelations Chap 19:20 and Revelations chapter 20: 10-15 let's take let's ride over to Jude chapter 1 verses 14- 15 Jude chapter 1 vers um um yeah so um sorry I had to make a text mention um Jude chapter 1: 14-1 15 says this Enoch who lived in the Seven Generations after Adam prophesied about these people he said listen the Lord is coming with countless thousands of his holy ones to execute judgment on the people of the world he will convict every person of all ungodly things they have done for all the insults that ungodly Sinners have spoken against him the Life Application Study Bible tells us this Jesus is also mentioned as a coming with the angels holy ones in Matthew chap 16: 27 Matthew chap 24:31 Daniel 7:10 speaks of God's judgment judging Humanity in the presence of 10,000 time 10,000 angels Amen in the book of Exodus we witnessed the powerful display of judgment upon the Egyptians the Nile River a source of life and substance for the people were turned into blood the the once Clear lifegiving Water became a symbol of punishment and Devastation this was the warming from the higher power a sign of the consequences of defying the will of God the Egyptians who had oppressed the Israelites now face the Wrath of the almighty the river that they they relied on ev Everything was now cursed upon them this was the moment of Reckoning a day of judgment that would not be forgotten the Nile which had been a source of Pride and prosperity now brought only suffering and despair let this be a lesson to us all a reminder that no one is above Divine judgment thank you for watching this live stream don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insightful and refle and reflection content just like this God bless you and God bless your family also if you want to check out other videos live streams that we do on our Channel I suggest you do it we also have some shorts out there and I hope you learn something also if you have you want to check out our Tik Tok Channel God's tutor or if you want you need to send me an email um to ask a question you are free to do so so without further Ado let's get let's end this off let's do our Lord's Prayer and we'll get out of here our father in Heaven may your name be kept holy may your kingdom come soon may your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgiven those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is thy kingdom thy power and thy Glory forever and ever amen okay guys like usual we take off Sunday but we'll be back on Monday looking at Exodus chapter 22 verse Exodus chapter 7 verse 22-2 judgment Harden heart Miracles demonic there was the response to God's judgment the false Messengers The Magicians imitated the miracle they use their secret art to turn some small quantity of water into what appeared to be blood so we're going to be looking at they perverted they perverted um they try to pervert God's God's miracle so that's what we'll dive into tomorrow if you guys have any questions let me know in the comments I see that one person is here if you don't have any comments we can go putting all my stuff together so when I go to the gym getting ready to go to the gym okay guys it looks like we don't have any any anybody that have any comments well I'll see you guys on Monday God bless you God bless your family and I'll see you later thanks
Channel: GodsTutor
Views: 16
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exodus 7:20-21, Bible Study, Divine Punishment, Biblical Exegesis, Nile River, Pharaoh, Biblical Stories, Ancient Egypt, Judgment Day, Day of Judgment, Moses, Biblical Prophecy, Biblical Interpretation, Biblical Lessons, Punishment, Biblical Commentary, Ten Plagues, Plagues of Egypt, Religious Videos, Egyptians, plagues of egypt, worship
Id: KB-cI4Zh7fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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