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welcome to an encounter with the spirit word and prayer through the prolific apostol and Teaching Ministry of apostle Fami Lazarus lead pastor sper of Life Church Global it is his vision to raise God end time on God has not called you to prove you are the best he has not as a leader you are a broker of gift and talent so brace up for an experience we bless your Holy Name Jesus lift your hands where you are and bless the name of the Lord from the depth of your heart bless the name of the Lord from the depth of your heart oh we bless your holy name thank you Father we bless you Lord we bless you thank you Jesus the Lord strong and mighty the Lord Mighty in battle who is like unto thee Oh Lord who is like unto thee glorious and Holiness fearful In Praise the Lord of hosts is his name thank you Father we bless you Lord we thank you we thank you Father blessed Blessed Be Your Holy Name we take charge over the atmosphere and I command peace be still it is done in Jesus mighty name let's give Jesus a big big [Music] hand amen amen all right please be seated thank you good evening everyone what an amazing time of worship powerful powerful let's give Jesus a big big hand powerful amen so I start a new series somehow we have moved this series like four times but finally we are here we're here amen and it's a very intense one you know last week I told you that if there's any time anybody can be offended at my teaching is last week so once you are dealing with systemic teachings serious business is that okay now thank you Lord so I'm going to be dealing with a new subject um I'm going to share a few things to lay the foundation then I will go to my first subtopic in this subject is that okay is that okay now please turn your Bibles with me to the Book of Exodus um to understand this series perfectly you will have to please refer back to the beginning of this series titled reversing the mistakes of Joseph which I started in 2023 first of January of crossover service I took several parts but I wait as we are ready for the new meal so I feel we are ready for this is that true ah so I want you to revisit that that message contains a systematic approach to building systems and structures particularly Kingdom lifestyle and even recovering a nation very detailed more than 10 part of it that you will get is that okay now so I'm going to push further please turn your Bibles Exodus chapter number 1 from verse 8 Exodus 10 for the sake of um balance let's go to verse 6 Exodus 1 verse 6 and Joseph died and all his Brethren and all his generation we can stay in that verse six all day so who is Joseph or who was Joseph um it was the slave guy that was sold to Egypt that had the grass to great story sold as a slave Trust Ed by his master the Master's wife put him in trouble he was jailed for years okay then from that jail it was the unction of God upon his life that brought him out when the first guy that he interpreted dreams for was leaving what did Joseph tell him he said when you get to the Palace remember me true ah there are people who will not be remembered because what will bring you out will be what is on you because the testimony God wants to give you is not the testimony of pity but the testimony of Triumph sometimes we look towards external source to bring us out but God is saying I've given you all all that will ever pay your bills is within you is it simple enough uhhuh and it was that same thing on him that he deployed to interpret the dream of the king it is the same solution but different entities okay um um should I say this I okay I stumbled on a photography Workshop today and the person that was taking the workshop was count was talking to the people who was training so he said if you if you take pictures photographs of 5,000 for two long those who can pay 500,000 won't call you he said because they will see that you're not photographing their kind the issue is not you learning more no it is you doing it at higher level it is not more expertise no it is enlargement of heart you can be skillful and the same thing you are doing in the prison you can't do at the palace because you have not train your mind for higher functions are you seeing that now so Joseph interpreted the same interpretation but this time around this one made him a prime minister same thing sometimes we think we have to do new things it is the same thing but a new season when the season change it looks as though you are the best it is time and chance that happens to all of us okay so this guy was made prime minister and he he saved Egypt from [Music] Farine okay he saved them and he made them the wealthiest nation of that time now verse six doesn't make sense having to this Exodus 1:6 does not make sense and Joseph died and all his Breen and that generation hey you can die as a person you can't die as a system to immortalize what you are doing become [Music] more one of the mistakes we make in the body of Christ is that we have persons fighting system no it doesn't work that way it is systems against systems am I going too far okay let me let me lay low let me lay low is that okay I can I can serve basic meal let me low okay okay I can serve conflict but you'll still be blessed or we go to Five C meal so the issue with Abuja is that you guys form a lot you don't respond when you are being blessed respond because as a teacher I would have to come to the point I know you are getting it okay now you are there let's give Jesus a big hand you know my people in the B are looking at of you and say let's just have a PO for one tday all right I need us to understand something one of the things that will happen today is that you'll see yourself on the pages of scriptures and you will live here knowing what to do next Joseph died so when I said if you are going to deal with systems don't don't don't do it as a person no you have to understand the way system functions and you can't move from being a person to be a system until you can write the vision on the tables of art of men hey you need the ability to communicate the vision and write it on the tables of the heart of men that he may run that rich it there are systems we are up against but we can't do it as a person we need to be many okay that when you kill one another rise 10 rise and that's why you see that no Nation can destroy Insurgency with bullet you can't it's an ideology so when systems are being built people run with ideas somebody conceives it then pass it on we need to know how to pass it on how will Joseph die and all his Brethren because the next thing there doesn't make sense verse seven and the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly and multiplied and works exceeding Mighty and the land was filled with them eight now there arose up a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph A person can be forgotten a system can't oh Lord help me why Joseph didn't leave his kind behind when he vacated the throne he vacated the throne they came from bread bread they had nobody was interested in power so they were consumers not producers and hey there's only little that anyone giving a consumer can give it gets to a point they shift so Egypt moved on the Farine was not to be forever just for a few years the season where your usefulness will be much needed actually will not always be forever but what you do with that window there's always going to be a window that God introduce you to your generation if you maximize that window well they will need you for long but if you play with that window they move on so you must know how to wield exposure for long and the secret of that is to reinvent yourself that you will hear a man one year two years see I I've studied the body of Christ enough to know that people move to new voices only to exhaust them move to new voices but I've also start to say that there are those who have been voices for 40 years when season change posture must [Music] it's just like riding on a bike all this power bike I don't I I can't join anybody on Power by G but anything that moving too fast gets me worried if they're going to suddenly accelerate what do you do you adjust yourself if not you fall when God moves [Music] move so the system of Egypt knows how to take your usefulness for peanut Joseph was not a threat as long as he's alone it's not a threat people would must have complained Pharaoh you have made Joseph the Prime Minister don't worry just him he has limited time but many of them when one dies another takes up it was that bad that a king could arise and there was no memory of Joseph that doesn't make historical [Music] sense may you be remembered forever am so why was then Mary of Joseph was it because he has done something small no but because hey okay are you aware that when you really want to keep people in bondage you attack their history books as long as they can't find the truth they can't come [Music] out make sure no I won't I will never hold back I'm just careful for you what you can assimilate uh um yeah make sure H let me give you an illustration is that okay yes sir this illustration if you get it you get it let me have four guys let me give you this illustration please stand there and face me okay you come here thank you now three of you stand together let's assume these three guys are in the same system and this system right now is shaking the [Music] world no these two guys are in the same system shaking the world powerful guys but this guy here has his own system that these ones are overtaken [Music] H then put something together and say we want to have a structure where we identify those who are the best in the world and then pick this one who is not shaking anywhere as the best in the world what has he done he has erased their [Music] memories okay H do you get what I'm saying those whose power is in wisdom are more effective than those whose power is in their [Music] muscles the most powerful place in any society is the place where they write strategic writings they can write and AD you out of history as long as you don't have a voice there so what are we saying when God push you up replicate your [Music] kind and don't let this guy tell you who is the best yes sir decide amongst yourself who is the best go and sit down let's leave that let's leave that I'm glad nobody understood that I'm glad okay [Music] so I'm going to be teaching this subject under three main headings number one we're going to be looking at the Man Called Moses number two we're going to be looking at the system or called Egypt then number three we'll be looking at the slaves the Israelites [Music] okay so I'm going to start today with the Man Called Moses and I want us to please pay King attention are you with me let's turn our Bibles to the book of Act of the Apostles we want to learn something about Moses the book of Act of the Apostles [Music] if you are there say [Music] Amen all right let's start the reading from Act of the Apostles chapter number 7 so we're going to have some decently um long reading so can have background to that if you there say Amen Act of the Apostles chapter number 7 verse 20 and in which time Moses was born and was exceeding fair and nourished up in his father's house 3 months and when he was cast out Pharaoh's daughter took him up and nourished him for own son and Moses was leared in all wisdom of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and deeds and when he was 40 years old he came to his heart to visit his Brethren the children of Israel and seeing one of them suffer wrong he defended him and Avenged him that was oppressed and smoke the Egyptian for he what for he supposed his Brethren would have understood how that God by his hand will deliver them but they understood not let's pause there a bit so let's look at This Man Called Moses so in the equation of this subject Moses represents a deliverer the same way God is Raising saviors in families Abad chapter number one the last verse please project it Obadiah chapter number one and it shall come to pass that saviors shall arise from on Zion can you please project all right so it is the vision of the Lord to raise who saviors lift your hand say God is Raising Me ising me as a savior as aior look at it and savior shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the Mount of Esau and the kingdom shall be the Lord so part of the duty of a Moses in Every Family Exodus is not possible without [Music] judgment there are some assignment that is not for sof I just want to live my life please don't stress me I'm not going to stress anybody you can't become much that way you either get tough or you are grounded this system does not appreciate those who are too soft you have to find a way to master strength you'll be forgotten in a hurry unless you are strong strong there's no other way is that okay there's no other way you have to be strong if you a weakling life will serve you hot if you are strong life will serve you hot either ways so just choose to be strong I don't like trouble you can't become much like that trouble is part of the pathways necessary to [Music] emerge the same way when you are flying they tell you we about to approach in the turbulent region please belt um tighten your seat belt hey as you go in life you will approach turbulent regions fast you can't come down from the flight fasting your seat belt and enter and when you enter and it's shaking tell yourself I was born for this you say how do I get up no nobody ever become history doesn't favor timid people nobody becomes much with timidity you have to learn strength yes sir he will Char stand stand your ground tell your neighbor stand your ground tell under the stand your ground you can't become much if you're always buckling I don't know what I'm all you have to do to get into trouble is to get everything [Music] right what did I say all you have to do to get into trouble is to most times the first pH of your destiny is trouble because you can start facing trouble for what you don't know anything about the one fighting you can guess what your life is about the one defending you knows the only one that is clueless is you okay the devil fighting knows you are wonder what is it about my life why all this what what is not it about you the issue is you are judging yourself based on your account balance if only you know what will be that has not yet been I'm I'm telling you that's the reason why there are clusters of attacks against your soul against your destiny that's why he's trying to bleed you out but stand when people charge at me I tell myself I'm busy and they are busy too you type what you are typing in one minute you forget about me I forget about you I continue do something deep stand your [Music] ground tell another neighbor stand you are postponed entering into Destiny for too long oh Lord I'm too young for this when God gives you the skep of authority H take it early Imagine David saying I I can't keep go I'm just 17 Destiny is opening for him at 17 it may open for another 40 that's not your business when he opens for you enter even if the person that is opening for at 40 is your dad you are not him you don't listen to people's story to repeat it what listen to what I'm saying what is inspiring you about their story can come earlier for you and that's why can I can I give you a bit of te let me let me give you an advice there are relationships you don't force you know why they will come on a platter of bigger honor there are DMS you don't send because you will meet at the same table yes sir and if you have sent DM ahead they will take you as a subordinate wait the time is coming the door will open with honor he he busy do you understand what I'm saying here the time is coming yes it will come it will come do it t wait for it please be seated I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm telling you when David was going to face golad the devil tried to blackmail him through alab say I know your pride you have left the few sheep that our father kept with you to come and see what is happening here but the guy didn't come to see he came to win including the the both the whole King the whole Israel and the fellow trying to shut him down will enter into captivity unless this boy is there what I'm saying is that part of those trying to shut you down are the people you have been sent to rescue and you must do your [Music] job just do your job say look at you what do you think will be alah's reaction when the noise went out in the camp of Israel that the head of golad had fallen I know what it could have been that's my [Music] brother that's my brother his name is D J I'm J even family members that didn't send you money in school will say that's my everything you put your hands go youself go be a boss be [Music] seated let me tell you this and I've said it again and again but till you hear it the way life happens the courageous will always lead the gifted it is not gift that put people in the seat of power it is audacity the lion is the king of the jungle not for strength not for Speed but for mentality as a man thinks in his heart so is he you are important and that should not be an [Music] information okay you can comp when people compliment you you respond but it should not be a validation you should always come from the point of I know who I am yes okay but let me show you a few things that we probably read through in a hurry while reading that passage the one that God was going to use to rescue the Egyptian was born and to rescue the Israel it was born at a time that a decree has gone out that the male Children of the Hebrews should be killed why that time it simply tells us that there's no coincidence in the spirit realm every battle every attack is timed what about the remaining children that were killed in that time collateral damage who inspired it the devil sometimes the devil doesn't know who amongst all the children in the family is that one that will bruise his head but since I don't know who and they are all together let's fight all of them since we don't know who in this generation is going to destroy my work and then let's attack some parent are under attack for the kind of children they have given birth to and the devil knows the only way to bring the child down is to fight the parent then the home becomes toxic and the place becomes dysfunctional then the dysfunctionality will affect the progress of the child then the child becomes defective and can't enter Destiny but every time he tries it it fails because God now used that dysfunctionality to reorientate that child to add more to his assignment and also bring out those in D [Applause] functionality once we are a seed there is nothing that can be done against us but for us the idea is if you go through that situation well the devil should bite his finger for allowing you go through [Music] it if people will understand this you know that there are some things that will not work on the enti mamies intimidation is not one of them it's not he's not he's not he's not we become many oh God are you with me let's let's pick between the lines so fairm Moses was among the children that should be killed but he was was rescued and somehow in the wisdom of God he was raised in the Palace of those that he will later have to fight um now that's a bit tricky he was raised in the Palace of pharaoh but the whole system will have to crumble because of Moses and God now did it in such a way that it will not become emotionally biased that because I have eaten their bread I can't go against them they employed his mother to be his nurse and in the process she kept telling him you are dressed like them or you are not one of them I am your mother you see those guys out there those are your siblings you are an Hebrew you may be in the world you are not of the world you might have benefited from the system so that you will know how to destroy the system sir I was a DJ so if I get to where these things are happening I change form and I know exactly what to say and what not to say I have been suicidal when I see somebody who is suicidal I know exactly what to say because what you survive produce an [Music] anointing and that's why the the the devil once you are once you survive it he regret letting you go through it if the priest of this world had known they would not have crucified there's a regret in hell that you survived what you survived there's a [Music] regret we're going somewhere somewhere somewhere so he was leared in the wisdom of the Egyptians this this a lot tricky the very dicey point I prayed to God for utterance because the one who is at the same level with you cannot bring you [Music] out two small people can help each other at best they will share wisdom that will not produce a result say give me wisdom give me wisdom you talk deep what deep but there's no it takes the one who knows how to get things done to bring you out part of the criteria needed in a deliverer is track record he learned their language he learned their wisdom it could stand tall amongst them but that's also tricky he knew I am not one of them his Brethren thought you are one of them Destiny can put you in such a way that you an enemy to your enemy and you're also an enemy to your people it's a lonely part and if you see Moses he will ask what's wrong with my life to every Moses here there's nothing wrong with you it's a call of Destiny so how come I don't have a side because you are not to have a side it will take time he was moving every day and one day he saw an Egyptian beating one of the Hebrews he looked around went and defended his own person and killed the Egyptian actually what was supposed to start from there a [Music] revolution where there's understanding but you know what side from The Strife this happened I'm going to trace the calendar for you this time happening the prophecy ahead of them was that they will spend how many years in slavery 400 years in a Strange Land this began in their 390th year h plus minus plus minus exactly on 400 or before the Bible said he thought that they should know that God will deliver them by him so whenever he was walking past he thought they should know that I'm the one that will bring you out he he somehow found himself on the pages of certain books and knew that this is my road he he knew this before he met God In The Burning Bush you canot deep things about yourself without big drama yes he knew that can we read that acts 7 look at it let's go to verse 23 and when he was full 40 years old he came to his heart to visit his Brethren the children of Israel and seeing one of them suffer wrong he defended him and Avenged him that was oppressed and smoke the Egyptian for he supposed that his Brethren would have understood how that by his hand he would deliver them but they understood not so he must have encountered the document that with Abraham there was 400 years promise this is the 390th year your deliverance should start now but they did not know you know why they were not expecting [Music] Freedom were they crying yes were they groaning yes but for the rigor not for freedom do you know why this is a very serious matter the generation he went to savey Dear Moses this is where your assignment gets critical you want to bring people into something that they don't know what it means to be there they've never been freed that generation were born slaves this was their 390th Year from kedu all they have known was slavery it was difficult to imagine freedom because they've never been free how can you desire what you have never had and what you don't even know what it feels like to have it so there was no desire because they've never known the free nation of Israel the ones that knew what Freedom looks like they were dead H so he taught he taught that they would understand that God by his hand will deliver them so hey the strength and the agility with which he was doing what he was doing was with the assumption that they knew it is dangerous to be free around those who have no revelation of your freedom okay he was being free to do that cuz he felt the secret to be covered we should both know but it was error the fellow before that he rescued Didn't Know Jack that one pick offense you see that we speak wisdom amongst them that are mature H guy got offended said they understood not look at verse 26 now verse 26 and the next day he showed himself unto them as they strove so the same people now are now fighting themselves and would have said them at one again saying s you are Brethren why do you wrong wrong you are both in captivity why did you leave your oppressors to fight yourselves does that look like the taale of a nation that leave those that they are together under the same bondage and face their fellow people and they will Stone one to death for stealing soap and will clap for the other for stealing billions so they were fighting look at what they said verse 27 but he that did hisor neighbor wrong said trust him away trusted Moses away saying who made you a ruler and a judge over us will you kill me as you did the Egyptian yesterday and Moses fled at this same and was a stranger in the land of Midian where he begat how many sons four Sons verse 13 and 40 years were expired ah like that Deliverance came it was not the whole nation of Israel that said who made you a judge but the one who spoke was the one that the deliverer had and when he heard him he heard him on behalf of the nation and he went on leave for 40 years and their Deliverance went on leave for 40 years and God agreed you know why the system of God is Man and sometimes to despise man is to despise Freedom 40 years he went and got married did on Mo but that's on the flip side let's look at this other side what do you think will be on Moses mind in those 40 years the man who knew what the pleasure of the palace felt like say I know I had problem I know I should not have done this you don't have problem you are exactly doing what you should be doing the fact that you fell into trouble doesn't mean you are wrong you must know how to maintain your convictions despite trouble trouble doesn't mean that you are wrong you can say the right thing that God expect you to say and the next result is sack letter you are still correct [Music] sir it is not good outcome that shows what is accurate sometimes the way the enemy react shows you have touched something so don't validate what you have done by the pleasantness of the outcome when you touch the enemy where it ought he will fight de and you may bleed but you are right [Music] sir Moses will say I should not have touched that guy now I'll be no you began a process that God was ready for they were not ready for so you are correct was God ready for their Deliverance yes Bible said is supposed that they will know that God about this time will rescue them by who him sometimes people recognize that there should be a rescue but they feel the fellow God will use it know I mean how can it be this person the same way they look at the mesiah is he not the capital son God Specializes in putting powerful things in small package so that the Excellency of Glory can come to him he won't put it where you expect so you not feel the fellow de by his own strength they they could not believe that the Messiah will come as a carpenter son born in the manger do you know why a Manger is the first sound he heard was me you think the old head will shake and there'll be Gold Everywhere no what we have around was sheep and goat and that that's the the the the most important personality that will ever walk the face of the Earth Somewhere In A Manger being born there was no earthquake stop expecting drma just [Music] enter no earthquake so every will shake that oh Behold Him M no no no no he grew up like normal children they will send him go and buy bread he will go and buy bread that is the most important person that will walk the face of the Earth as a matter of fact no real man ever walked Earth until Jesus came he was called son of man because he was the accurate definition of man man that God intended never emerged it was when Jesus came that that man emerged so God said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well and that guy was where manger so who is telling you that somebody that will shake the world can't be in a one apartment or cut him If the Savior can be in a Manger where are you are you in a Manger [Music] I listen please be seated the devil will try to use those contradictions to tell you that that's your what but you must understand that this is God's strategy to hide important things in unimportant places there are many reasons he does that number one is so that you will not walk in Pride number two he will also make it so that people will not discern you in a hurry so that they will not Crown you too early and then you will not be formed it will allow you go through the same processes that everybody somebody will break your heart and it may be you that will serve somebody breakfast but it doesn't change the fact there listen if we all take selfies now and open those pictures in another 10 years we will be shocked at the quality of persons we are seated by that does not look like it have you seen H maybe important personalities then you now see on social media they bring out their old n y pictures it does not yet appear what we shall become tell your neighbor celebrate me [Music] now some sometimes in a campus Fellowship the one that God will use for that generation the entire generation may not even be selected as president because they hate his attitude but God is saying that's yours I did not allow him become president so he can learn to lead from the [Music] back your real valid is not about being number one sometime God allow you number two number three behind somewhere in the crowd so that certain forces won't have your time and you are imagine you are Imagine and imagine and the counsel is been born it is God's system he has done it again and again and again and it is working and every time he does it the devil Falls for it the Devil Falls for it I'm telling [Music] you what's today's date next week wedness day she'll make it a year that we that we got into this city now listen if you saw how we came you will not believe that this can be a Bible study it go so bad I you know coming from a branch of our church where we had directed our own structure and I have my office the reception everywhere condition and God said get out and coming to a city where I would have to arrange white chairs together to will have as my office desk and sit down this is not 20 years ago this is last year and one time I became angry I want to get house in Abuja they tell you go up your budget I said have do you know how much do you know how much the kind of house this will get in the [Music] B and sometimes I I will ask those agent you you you you where are you leing and in the middle of that God said look from the window I looked he said son I will give you a seity in this [Music] city it didn't make sense we at the meeting today with the engineers where we drafting plan for the construction it didn't make sense sometimes God doesn't allow noise around you so you can bear root by the time you come out people say this is a voice from nowhere M the root is deep let let me advise you allow him finish what he does with obscurity there is something he achieve with obscurity Allah let him do it so you'll be strong and tough be seated for a while are you with me yes sir sometimes progress can be from up down but he still [Music] progress in fact God considered that down a more excellent place in fact you are more you are fulfilling Destiny more God can say relocate to Abuja and having done that you expect everything will open up no the doors are shut so that you can imagine by Faith by trusting God and it will make sure nobody pities you so you can grow do you understand what I'm saying sometimes God doesn't allow favor come because the strategy for That season is not favor he needs what is on you to mature it is that thing that will bring you out is that so nobody will take the glory and say if not for us in your life ah no no no that's not his intention what God is doing only him only him take the glory oh yes so you will see people favor favor nothing is wrong with you that's not God's strategy for you if we decree we not favor there are people that will not be wet not because they have bad luck hello if you ped Joseph as a butler and tell them about him what would they bring him out as Junior Butler K onean but what was God's plan the day you come out prime minister favor will bring Junior Butler what is here prime minister if they call for those with near success syndrome he will come out but that's you don't have [Music] problem that thing needs to mature and there was a sign it matur because when Pharaoh said bring him the Bible said they brought him in ay then Joseph shaved himself they were rushing let's go fa C say hold on and he went before the miror shave himself and then say can I get a change of cloth a change what was he saying with what I have I'm not going back if he didn't learn that and he stood before Pharaoh huh as a prisoner and interpre dream as a prisoner in that uniform pharaoh will never think of him as he can take him as one powerful to interpret dreams but not one sophisticated to be a prime minister yes sir that one goes beyond Talent you must look like [Applause] it there is a point where Talent is not enough you must look like it and listen at this Junction those who look like it will employ those who have talent they they will they will and they will pay you salary for what you are doing you don't know what that means say loud and clear I know who I am I know who I am I'm not small small I am not disadvantaged when the day of your freedom comes it matters who is your spoke person a wrong guy spoke and gave them p 40 you know when you play what take P two P three when this guy spoke once it was p 40 in that 40 years people died that should not have died slaves children were born that should not have been born slaves and we later will learn the effect of that extra 40 years in the wilderness because they could not stop reasoning like slaves you know another thing that affected them it was not just 40 years for Moses to be ready because this door of Seasons when it opens it doesn't stay open you must know how to con consolidate Seasons you must know how to so the next time that door opened for them was how many years 40 years [Music] after when Moses began to lead them how old was he 40 when they recognize him how old was he 80 and he will lead them for another 40 [Music] years an old man tired frustrated with their Shenanigans the meest man on the face of the Earth but they still wore him out H and the Bible said God there was a faster route and that's why I'm going tonight that faster route is the way of the Philistines it will not go down without a fight the Bible said God did not lead them that route because they will see war and turn back to where to slavery a slave will prefer to fight his own brother but not fight for his freedom a SL has energy to fight his brother I say you you you talk to me like this you I'll kill you today but fight for your freedom they can't they will run back so God are you with me yes sir allow them to be delayed for 40 years for his mercies endures forever what I'm saying is that Mercy can bring unnecessary extra year because you are not ready sometimes the journey will drag out of Mercy H it's Mercy there are people that are that will be small because they can't handle the confrontation that comes with greatness and they will be small for his meres endures forever I'm saying the mercy of God the package you may be able to subbe cribe to under Mercy his [Music] smallness because you are not ready for a fight ask your neighbor are you ready to [Music] fight there's there's nobody that is great that did not fight it is not this or that it is this and that tell your neighbor fight fight hey our story in the city of Abuja is similar to the story of Jacob who said by my road I have passed through Jordan but now the Lord has made me two bands you remember how that recently God sent us to a buja in what I will call the most humble Movement we came practically trusting God for what to do next and how he's going to help us with the words of prophecies he has given to us about the city and the raising and guess what God is doing just that recently we have been seeing the move of God in the most unbelieving a way possible with his word reaching the unreached converting Sinners to sins bringing people who have lost hope in church and now this has necessitated the need for expansion so that we do not fall out of what God is doing where we are currently is stringent for us with rules that will limit what God is doing amongst us the gospel is free but the propagation requires a lot of funding we want our friends partners and everyone connected to our ministry to join us as we undertake this project together we have the urgent need to expand and we believe that this is the chos moment for us to do that we are importing our own t all the way from China and getting everything needed to fill that space and have a conducive place where we can have our Apostolic work beyond what we are having now at the moment the structure you are seeing on your screen is exactly what we are working at at the moment believe you me when we say that people who are blessed can be blessed much more when we have our own place we want you to join us as we undertake this project we need your support we're counting on you and your generosity we are working towards a project of 1880 million in this season you have the account details on the screen use the account details as God has laid in your heart God bless you so much we love you from all of us at SP light church thank you for [Music] always hi there God is Raising for himself an end time only and this is the Mandate that he has given to us truly the Harvest is plenteous but we need you on board as a laborer this is a call to partner with what God is doing in this great house to become a monthly partner with us at SP of Life church and Apostolic Ministries ecumenical canly reach us via the number plus 23493 95 9735 to give an offering or to se a seed can make you of these Account Details being displayed the Gospel of Jesus is spreading thank you for being a part of it can you give me that scripture Psalms chapter number 18 blessed be the god of David who teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight Psalms chapter number 18 we're going to raas that sound and we're going to sing with it are you ready SP of light you know that sound right yes look at it Psalms chapter number 18 let's start reading from verse 31 so you can understand contextually for we is God saved the Lord and we is a rock Save Our God it is God that greth me with strength and maketh my way perfect he maketh my feet feet like hand feet and set me upon my high places he teacheth My Hands to War so that a bow of Steel is broken by my arms you will have to learn War thou has also given me the shield of thy salvation and thy right hand has holding me up and thy gentleness has made me great say you have enlarged my steps under me that my feet did not sleep I have pursued my enemies and over taking them neither did I turn again till they were when God found a man like he said I found a man after my heart say it teaches My Hands to War come on say it again say it again say it again say it again it teaches My Hands to War say it again it teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight blessed be God it teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight it teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight it teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight my hands will War my fingers will fight can we raise that sound blessed be the god of David who teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight blessed be the god of David he teaches my hands to walk and my fingers to fight my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will walk my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will walk my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will walk my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will walk my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will fight my fingers will fight blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed say it blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will F my fingers will F my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will F my fingers will F my hands will walk my hands will walk my fingers will fall my fingers will fall blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be God blessed be go be God my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will fight my fingers will fight my hands will walk my hands will my fingers will F my fingers will F hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] amen both to deliver and to be delivered it will not go down without a fight the end time Christians are combatant Christians hey if you are not ready for a war you came at the wrong time we are combatant be seated for a [Applause] while say we are combatant Christians we are combatant we are combatant Christians that God will not have to make the body of Christ take a journey of 40 years because they can't fight there are no confrontational voices one of the things I want to teach a generation in this season is to show you that you can get to the midst of hostility stand not shaking absorb it release life while we at it we are bring we will have to enter that Darkness because there are people we must bring out each time we enter we'll be speared enter out bring them out that is our job and we are not running anywhere we are not leing anywhere we'll keep pushing the message said my hands will War my fingers will fight my hands will War my fingers will fight blessed be God [Applause] [Music] oh Lord and please go back to the ACT s let me begin to commence [Music] descent you know when I read the Bible I try to ask myself what will be running through the mind of this person uhuh Moses showed up because he thought that they will know that God the god they are calling their cample would rescue them by him equation one there's a day of Freedom equation two there's a man the day has come the man is ready who taught Moses his mother so he would have been confused what then are you guys doing in your Camp when you gather don't you recite the promises of God to Abraham that he will not leave you here you know where they were discussing the garlics the Cucumber the melon the leaks because the most difficult thing to bring a man out of is chains and let me tell you why it is difficult is it possible for the media to help me with a wire any wire that is not doing anything any wire just help me with one um nakar please come by now people should know you as my experimental person and he's not going to stop in the hurry so let's let's look at this um Pastor Toby come and help me tie his leg okay is this quite long okay is that one longer okay give me that one that is longer let's tie his leg I want to show you how this work in real life is that okay tie him to the [Music] Puppet Time there so let's look at how how this works not too much but yeah to to yes good all right then time to the poopet no give allowance yes I want to see how this works now look at this everyone it is difficult to convince this guy that is in bondage as long as all the things that he's doing is within the jurisdiction of the Rope is within the what the Rope affords him to do within this circumference he has testimonies and he has proof that he's not in bondage but the day it will occur to him is the day tries to take Giant Steps so when you come to a man like this and say you are not free he fight you it tells you that we know what freedom is but you are not free the fact that the Rope affords you some movement doesn't mean it is that kind there is only an extent to what you can [Music] do the length of the Rope is the circumference of the testimony of the one who changed and within this circum there are result for the Israelite there was three square m and sometimes once you are satisfied with it then the devil says okay Isaac told Esau I have made your brother a ruler over you he has come and he has gotten the blessing and he said your ruler will be Esau wept and said father do you have just one blessing bless me too Isaac said okay again I've made him your ruler your ruler will be but it will come to pass that the day you become Restless the day you become discontented the day you become tired you yourself will break his yoke of your neck now hold on a minute if this guy stays here for so long and he notice that well all he can call Freedom is within this space the day we remove this rope from him it still won't move Beyond this space because now the Rope is not a pin it is a system [Music] and now what it takes to untie that you will need more than times 100 to wipe off the system he can't see more why will the Israelites say take us back to Egypt because of [Music] meat compared to a old country they were going to take meat when this system overrules you you become Petty you will sacrifice the future for small things for a ride you know I said this during crossover that God was able to get them out of Egypt but God never succeeded eded in getting Egypt out of them whatsoever Egypt did to them was so bad all that generation had to die Egypt wasted them and kept them alive this is where to teach a person like this it is not Grammar is Warfare Teaching Ministry is Warfare to pull down strongholds in the minds of people in the mind of a generation is Warfare It's War say it again blessed be the god of David who teaches My Hands to War and my fingers to fight I was watching a video and a woman was teaching in classroom and there was a map a world map on the wall but she covered the world map with the flag of [Music] rainbow you know what that means rainbow flag she covered it what is she doing she she's changing the orientation hey there's when you are Building Systems one of the most important tool is the power of consistent sight what you see consistently you adjust to it and you call it noral anybody and everybody is vulnerable able to this one thing never you say I'm not no no no no no no no if you think of the idea of homosexuality I irritate you all you have to do is to see it often you get convenient and they do that through movies through those things the moment the woman removed the stuff the teacher said I'm going to get the police I'm that woman could actually get into trouble but I see no what is right yes yes there's nothing wrong with you the problem is an announcement that it will not go down without a fight fight you won't have peace sometimes for fulfilling Destiny fight you think Moses will enter the Palace of pharaoh and say Let My People Go the people he was saying let them go they were not on his side they were not on his [Music] side because what were they getting garlics melon cucumba with multiplied Bings you know why they hated Moses let me tell you the moment Moses went to tell Pharaoh the god of the Hebrews has sent me to you to let my people go you know Pharaoh's reaction oh is because they are less busy that's why they agitating for Freedom we will multiply their burs and when they did what do you think that system will achieve it will achieve one thing it will no longer be Pharaoh that will confront Moses it will be those he has come to [Music] deliver and they multiplied them their burdens and you think they will see Pharaoh and see Moses and say Moses thank you for fighting for us the next reaction is who sent you leadership is a lonely part it will not be clear until it is clear are there people here that God is strategically raising to lead a generation it may not necessarily be in church it could be the face of Integrity of an organization and there will be conspiracies around you and propaganda because you are standing for the truth I am saying it is not enemy from Father's house you are correct just make sure that your kind is duplicated because Joseph can die and there can be a king that knows not Joseph [Music] what did Moses do differently when he came it was not just him it was Moses and Aon the one that God raised differently and the one that give up amongst [Music] them you need an interpreter the level of wisdom on you there isn't they fight you is because he's not clear you need somebody who is not as wise as you and not as foolish as [Music] them H you need to find I think I'm saying too [Music] much tell your neighbor who is your interpreter [Music] hey that that thing I said is a serious matter God will have to show you I don't have time I would have shown you that this interpreters too can also land you in trouble don't remember they're not as wise as you and they're not as foolish as they can collect their hearing and make all sorts of things as long as this anointing for for leadership is on you it's going to be a lonely part for most part of your life you'll be trying to explain this this is what we are this is the coordinate that's what makes you a leader the day you go the direction the Israelite likes they he you the day you go direction that hurts them like telling them that you stiff necked people at some point they were going to Stone Moses because there was no meat Moses said God you better God said go and tell them by this Moses said to God am I their father that you should should give me all these people to leave go he said am I am I the one that be them he said you I should carry them like a mother did I say I'm a mother God said go and tell them is it me they they will heat till it will come out of their an be careful of forced Miracles it becomes lome Don't Force It could God have given them meat yes but why complaining why they were going to Stone Moses for meat why have you become that petty and cold bondage ask yourself take this home as an assignment what has my past done to me that I'm here to recover from how do I perceive life how do I perceive people how do I perceive change change is very difficult change is not easy how do I perceive change how do I perceive what is new you must get answers by the time you begin to answer these questions then you will understand the reason why you are where you are the man Moses settled with the responsibility to lead a people who has never been free into [Laughter] freedom to lead people who don't know what it is how do you it's just like Nigeria an AFC Nigerian born I don't want to mention what here probably doesn't know what it means to have a nation that is void of corruption and flowing with milk and money except you have traveled out of the country and it doesn't matter your status whether it's the citizen so so start of Visa as long as you are black you are a foreigner if you like carry the V the passport that shows that you are the citizen of so and so country the day there will be problem is when you will know that they know their people are you with me how do we march on as a nation into where we have never been before the issue is that it is difficult to even imagine it that you can get federal government job without having a senator as an [Music] uncle somebody said the time that the son of nobody will become somebody without knowing anybody is it possible as a nation can we get there when is God ready what symptom are we manifesting we are fighting the church the [Music] problem [Music] partly badly but God is raising a new BR go and rejoice because the chains you are used to are been broken in this [Music] season but you must break it here first you know it is easy to say h when we say that the Egyptians said they will kill Moses for me until another 4 years come and somebody will sell it for a cup of rice and after selling for a cup of rice they will cry again for under four years and their children are been shot on the street and sell it again for 1,000 it's the same thing it's system it affects your mentality brings you into survival mode and when you enter that mode you kill your kind God is Raising you to change the narrative yes sir God is Raising you to change the you may not look like it but he he's fitting you up he's preparing you he's molding you training you giving you opportunities why is he doing what he's doing because he's what preparing you I'm just I'm just walking so so place I don't even know anything he fnishing you with wisdom thought leaders needs to IM March for a nation to be born it begins with an idea if we pray and don't do this part will not come out but prayer will also be doing the job in the spirit so it's [Music] important while Moses is with theot Joshua be with the sword the fight is here the day you become tired you will break it it simply means there's no yoke that is unbreakable H let's leave it here today and then pick it on Sunday amen lift your hands everyone I want you to pray a specific prayer father baptize me with audacity to do what I have been born to do can you pray that prayer in a moment baptize me with audacity you were born for this you were raised for such a time as this and you will not back out you will not run the Lord has raised you for such a time as this this is your destiny this is your destiny this is this is call over your life this is a cent call to Destiny that you will Marge there are Destinies tied around you and you will not buckle you will not run you will not hide you will face [Music] it this is your destiny this is your destiny he has raised and prepare you for such a time as this you will not run you you will not be scared you will not be scared you are made bold by the Lord [Music] himself this is your destiny this is your life you have been spared for such a time as this you have been spared for such a time as this your story is not permitted to end until saviors emerge from Zion story is not permitted to end in Jesus name we have pray you know there's a topic I'm preparing I don't know whether I'll be able to teach it this year or towards the end of the year the title of that message is new models you know there's something called disruptive innovation this kind when it comes up something has to die in place we're in the era of new models and because it is new model it will first be fought the same way listen to what I'm saying the system the world is using they bu it from us it's time for us to take it back that you can wear listen are you feel what I'm saying when they start kissing the movies just say no no now you are used to it when we begin to share a body of Truth they will fight with their blood but we must repeat it again and again till they also become used to it that's the plan that's the strategy and to achieve this you will be stabbed stand we are not going anywhere combatant Believers the end time Believers must use their mouth to speak so it does not appear that only one narrative exist speak ah there was a time it was wisdom to be quiet it is not anymore the joshuas have moved from Rod to sword speak consistently consistently consistently consistently there will be reactions We Stand forget it be be ready because some of us will be called Nam we have see I have counted my cost I have and I have signed this this the seal there's no going back this is the ca we stay here we stay till many of our kinds and we need to be fought for them to imerge yes it is the confusion and the audacity to go through the storm that make them say I'm also ready huh Shadrach mishak and abedo are there but they will only stand when Daniel propos in his mind then they will also emerge also imerge this is what we signed up for we didn't sign up for peace in the days of war no amen receive the spirit of boldness receive the spirit of boldness receive the spirit of boldness in the name of Jesus you know people ask me that you see that you don't get scared I said I always maybe I should be afraid and I don't know I don't know anything called fear the spirit of boldness can eat fear out find it anymore you will do what your destiny requires am it is done in Jesus mighty name let's give Jesus Jesus a big hand thank you Lord amen our story in the city of Abuja is similar to the story of Jacob who said by my road I have passed through Jordan but now the Lord has made me two band you remember how that recently God sent us to abja in what I will call the most humble Movement we came practically trusting God for what to do next and how he's going to help us with the whats of prophecies he has given to us about the city and theising and guess what God is doing just that recently we have been seeing the move of God in the most unbelievable way possible with his word reaching the unreached converting Sinners to Saints bringing people who have lost hope in church and now this has necessitated the need for expansion so that we do not fall out of what God is doing where we are currently stringent for us with rules that will limit what God is doing amongst us the gospel is free but the propagation requires a lot of funding we want our friends partners and everyone connected to our ministry to join us as we undertake this project together we have the urgent need to expand and we believe that this is the chos moment for us to do that we are importing our own tent all the way from China and getting everything needed to fill that space and have a conducive place where we can have our Apostolic work beyond what we are having now at the moment the structure you are seeing on your screen is exactly what we are working at at the moment believe you me when we say that people who are blessed can be blessed much more when we have our own place we want you to join us as we undertake this project we need your support we're counting on you and your generosity we are working towards a project of1 180 million this season you have the account details on the screen use the account details as God has laid in your heart God bless you so much we love you from all of us at light church thank you for [Music] always hi there God is Raising for himself an end time only and this is the Mandate that he has given to us truly the Harvest is plenteous but we need you on Bard as a labor this is a call to partner with what God is doing in this great house to become a monthly partner with us at fa of L church and family Apostolic Ministries ecumenical canly reach us via the number Plus 23493 095 9735 to give an offering or to sew a seed canly make use of these Account Details being displayed the Gospel of Jesus is spreading thank you for being a part of it
Channel: Femi Lazarus
Views: 69,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ATTQtRc-hHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 5sec (5765 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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