Cataclysm DDA / Amnesia Challenge / S01-E01

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hello welcome back to the Cataclysm Varma Thrax here let's play some more Cataclysm recovered from our unfortunate demise and our Indiana Jones challenge and trying to start off on a new adventure let's test out the ascension mod fiddled with it for about 10 minutes didn't see much beyond what P K's adds to it so far I know there's a lot more to it and I'm kind of curious what it's got so let's take this opportunity to kind of explore it and find out oh no facecam today got a lighting problem in the room I capture my video in so soon as I get that fixed up I'll get the face camera back but for now we're gonna go voice-only old-school on Twitch alright so brand new starts this is what I'm calling the amnesia challenge so I'm just starting with a character that's not allowed to take any starting skills and also know starting traits that are like martial arts or train things like that mostly just physical upgrades so here's the character right there you can see what I've chosen and taken and as you can see not a single skill anywhere on that list all built-in kind of traits and tenten tenten for our stats so we'll see how well we do I've kind of set him up as a knight Raider he's got light step night-vision fast healer fast learner and then pretty much the standard negative traits to get us all the points we needed to buy these types of setup alrights inventory wise here we go oh yeah this is just a standard character no particular class and inventory wise we've just got a basic set of clothes winter gear looks like winter short winter boots winter coat matchbook pocket knife hand clean water so let's take a look and looking at the map we've got a little bit of a road over here big ol River blocking our northern route and the start of a city down south so we've got a tiny bit of forest we might be able to get some scavenging and and raised up to level one at least and we've also got some swamps nearby so kind of depends on what we find in the shelter and the garage here just what direction we're gonna go and how we're gonna go about things but let's chat with our NPC see what our options are what quest you got sure tell me all about it and they want patient records I don't know they want weather patterns though all right we'll do it problem and give me an item never mind let's do the travel with me first ooh only 30 percent yeah up said no all right give me an item wristwatch all right it has a juice don't see a weapon on the person minor clothing items so nothing I'm too excited about there actually let's try one other thing talk to you and trade items I wanted the lighter that's all right the matchbook will do me for a while hey there Brad see five thousand what up with you me I'm just playing some Cataclysm with the Ascension mod I've never played before so we'll see just what kind of changes it makes alright this is a brand brand new start I haven't moved from the shelter yet so just getting all the intro stuff done all right let's do the normal stuff to start we talked to the NPC let's do the teardown the curtains grab the heavy stick wheel bat smash smash smash let's get the crowbar Bills get the lockpicks built you do get the spike built all right and let's drop a heavy stick grab a pipe instead now let's head outside do we have enough bushes to search to get our scavenging up to level one Oh God crackin amigo already oh he's right outside our shelter uh we're gonna die instantly all right well this is a quick one we moderately injured me go he's running around slaughtering all the local of zombies hey the only other things in the area are an otter and a Robin all right well nowhere really to run this building is the only protection I've got I could hop down into the basement see how many zombies are down there uh friggin me go right at the start he definitely sees me he's gonna sprint right at me so let's run try to get into the basement I guess [Music] maybe the NPC will manage to kill them off that'd be kind of cool all right what do we got down here zombie and a Batman suit let's enter dumby acid zombie frickin acid zombie holy crap I got acid zombies in the basement and I got me goes up above I don't have a specific short term goal for this one Brad mainly just check out the mod and any goal I said is really contingent on surviving the initial part of it anyway so I'm learning to be a little more a little more smaller-scale and some of my goals I'm setting some way to grandiose goals for some of my runs uh more zombies some zombie behind the door as well well and if I bring him up actually can any come on zombie oh yeah there you go I want you to come up and fight the me go [Music] hello mister me go where yeah let's peek oh right there alright there you go get that acid out there I'm on me go that's what I want I don't think yeah there's no way that acid zombies gonna survive the Mego but maybe the Mego will take a bit more damage before he goes down any bars acid on the Miko's torso and amigo takes off no let me go just relocated out of the acid damn you smart me go oh well so much for the that zombie taking care of the Mego problem back down we go what else we got down here a tough ah there's mister me go get back upstairs alright stay down there and fight him don't come up don't god damn it mmm let's head south to the barn maybe the tough zombie will have a little more luck I'm hoping there's something down here I can use sports drink clothing football helmet there's quite a bit of good random gear down here nothing that's actually gonna help me kill that thing though keep run Sal don't know if the MIGO encountered that NPC yet I'm gonna grab a fistful of rocks yeah that's all I can grab for now working vehicle that would be awesome nope no battery that would have been so excited to see a working vehicle that I could run that me go over with yeah I switch back to a walk mode here there's a truck trailer they don't have a ton of cargo spaces yeah here comes the me go how's he doing he's down to half health that's not far enough that's still more than enough to pull us he's gonna catch us on the back side of his barn I think I really need my starting gear urgh do I just run south and try to get to those houses I just don't think I have a reliable way of taking this me go out even it has half health I think he's gonna rip me up I think I'm gonna have to run south I just don't have a way of dealing with this guy I've got no other cover in the area to really help me out with yeah I'm just gonna run south for those houses me go is just too much of a guaranteed there he is up nevermind he's gonna catch me on the field all right we came here I took that long to light the fire yeah he's just gonna keep dancing around it okay let's just try to whack him to death and wait him for nine heavily injured I think he's still gonna kill us likely are dodging increased a 1 means ratcheted up 58 63 what'll happen is all he'll he'll tear me down to almost nothing then I'll get him just much enough damage to make him run away and then he'll come back and kill me when I'm not expecting it later alright did you just hit me in the eyes yep he just blinded me and we're at the head almost dead or so almost dead yeah damn migos bill listed as heavily aims all right there we go well that was quick I thought the fire lighting wouldn't take that long I had no idea lighting a bush on fire was gonna take the entire amount of time it took for the Amigo to get down there and to hammer me half a dozen times well good old me go right outside the starting shelter gotta love Cataclysm we rolled reset this time no me go right at the start please freaking me go me goes bad enough but PK and ascension mod upgraded me go forget it alright John Doe the second why do we get for a map not too bad sewage treatment center just north of us so a school we got a school between us in the town yuck yeah well we'll be skimming real close along the edge of the river here to get away from that school I'm kind of liking this arrangement though got some houses tucked right up against the forest so that could be really nice at a home improvement store and that kind of sucks electron stored be useful I'm gonna forest right in the middle of the town area they're kind of a weird town set up the way the forest is right up against it and interleaved in among it a pharmacy I've had terrible luck with pharmacies lately gas station hardware store all right so we got a few good targets all right so as long as we start without me go this time I don't have a forest nearby that I can raise easily my Gavin geing skill so I can get my knife spear built though I might have to carry some materials around to get that done I'm off to run up past the treatment plant hopefully there's nothing up there let's see let's tear down the wall all right let's talk to the NPC first that's always the first thing to do sure no problem [Music] 31% said no oops [Music] heartburn medicine alright so not too useful and I don't see a weapon on this one either mm-hm let's tear down the curtains on that Riverside wheeled heavy stick come on ah damn bench that's a repeat apparently I wasn't wheeling the stick like I told it to you yeah we got there another matchbooks and being a static powder we'll leave that for now alright create the crowbar oops oh stop it create the lockpicks needle and the spike alright thank it's it's pretty close to our limit anyway [Music] gonna need the long string and need to get my skill up all right let's do I want to check the basements [Music] any there look of all thanks very much appreciate the kind words but the series check in with Chad here [Music] yeah the NPCs as long as you're willing to put up with how fiddly they are to keep alive and keep equipped and so on they can do a lot of really cool things they can teach you their skills they can also help you while you're crafting if they have skills in that item and they're nearby they will actually speed up the crafting process for you so they loan you their abilities while you're crafting they also learn while you're learning so you can raise their skills so there's a lot of things you can do with them other than just have them follow you and fight for you so a lot of pretty cool things here's some info about what I'm doing right now by the way one second it's pretty much everything you need to know about what I'm trying to do right now mostly I'm fiddling around with the Ascension mod I have never played it before I did a 10-minute test game last night just to make sure it was working and I could get a world created but beyond that I played it very very little so lots of surprises going to be in store I'm sure it's a fairly generic settings nothing too wild other than the m's Auto plus ascension is kind of a pack mod it's got a number of different mods rolled into it as well as an actual endgame goal if you get if you stay alive long enough and you go on quests to kill kind of endgame bosses you get items that allow you to eventually create some kind of another world rift and you can ascend your character up to godhood or something like that so it gives you something in game quest goal like to work towards and it has a ton of other contents buildings monsters and so on like I said I don't know a lot of details about it so I'm not an authority on it but you can check the forums for details on the ascension mont all right so let's see I do know it has pk's rolled into it so just assume it's gonna be very hard that's why I'm playing with pretty vanilla settings initially I need a couple of games with some vanilla vanilla settings then I'll start ratcheting things up like I usually do with some added difficulties for this one I just went with kind of a generic mod idea or challenge ideas an amnesia victim so I can't remember anything of my past and I have no skills no abilities that are training type like martial weapons training or anything like that and we're gonna see if we can survive alright this is our second attempt first one we had amigo about 15 spaces outside the south door of the shelter so he finished us off without too much difficulty basements are a lot more dangerous now the last one also had an acid zombie in a tough Sambi in the basement so not real sure I want to go down there let's drop the heavy stick and rather have a pipe actually I don't even need a pipe once wield the crowbar alright so now the question is I've got swamp out to my little west that's a blueberry bush really we're gonna come out and just I'm not gonna pick this stuff up I just want to get my survival skill up to level one [Music] I'm gonna try to stay fairly close to the shelter if I can all right hello jmb you stay away from me please and how we doing 21 percent a lot more to go enough underbrush in this place well sinkhole you kind of a sack that I definitely actually do want alright and we do in here 57% of you taking a lot more than I thought it would to get this thing up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right starting to run out 88% come on just a few more please ninety-eight percent oh we got a helicopter reckon somebody's up here ah whoops crap never mind I went all the way to level two and I wonder I took so long I didn't even notice [Music] ha ha ha little odd a one-er yeah got a bit to learn don't get too frustrated though that's why I made a lot of the tutorial content for helping brand-new players get over that initial learning cliff so if you haven't seen it the tutorial series the playthrough is what I would recommend as a start no Ness is not necessary to watch the entire thing I think it's out like a hundred and twenty some episodes now but at least the first six will get you all the way through all the intro stuff and setup and the first couple of days of survival in an evac shelter survivors start you can kind of use that as a template and then as you want more details you can check out the other series like the Cataclysm tips or the university series to gain more knowledge about the game it's very deep very broad game tons and tons of fun though all right what do we got out here they go zombie soldier corpse holy crap cash card combat knife a sheath I'd like to grab that whether I can get it cleaned up or not anytime soon is going to be a question lighter with one use another cash card giant royal be corpse also got out here it's pretty much it other than the dirty clothes no monsters of any kind alright I don't want to go up and check that out yeah let's go get my knife spear made before anything else happens I'm already cold yeah yeah yeah know where that message all right I need to butcher butcher a sheet and I can make the knife spear and used to buy for all right let's drop some stuff [Music] all right so I got my Holy Trinity got my knife spear got my lockpicks and got my crowbar so I feel much better those I know how to use fairly effectively now I'm willing to go into the basement and take a look at what's down there and I've got a reach attack weapon all right um think that's all I need to make right now not doing any of that I'll look at clothing in just a minute before we head out washboards not useful till I get some soap hi let's see what's downstairs nothing at least in the first room they're boots and some kind of syrup somebody's coming knocking child zombie it's no problem well it's not supposed to be a problem oh it's a whole horde of kids all right let's go back upstairs so I've got more maneuvering room cam here oh you're attacking the NPC well that works just fine for me next Emma oh holy crap bunch of them man these basements got kind of crowded let's go this way let's just do a quick grab run wool gloves crap I can't carry hardly anything multi-vitamins what else we got inflatable boat long-sleeve shirt ain't none of that's terribly useful let's head up this way grabber zombie no don't grab me zombie cough syrup necro wafers can can I can't quite grab it all right none of this stuff is terribly interesting for me yeah that's right whoa whoa whoa [Music] I'm on finish mom no I don't want you to attach that person all right still a tough zombie down there I think up another grabber as well there you go follow me up please all right anybody else down here I killed the tough one more kid I'm here Johnny or Susie and the basement is clear took a little bit of damage didn't get any bites so all that's good doo doo Azeri theists welcome to this channel welcome to the series we're gonna have a new series hopefully it stays a series we'll see we're investigating the Ascension mod I've never played it either so it's a new mod apparently or I don't know maybe it's been around for a while new to me no chat meaning what no facecam today light in my recording room is out so just have to deal with the form of Greg's voice alright let's get off of run mode and drop a few items off and then we'll go back into the basement we'll grab everything out of there and decide what we're going to keep them what we're going to take we'll drop all of that drop the crowbar and the combat knife the rest of it shouldn't make a big difference what did they all bring anyway box a flower chocolate bar oh yeah pull pull pull pull I think the NPC took care of most of it [Music] all right so some cookies and candies and a bunch of stuff we can't use yet I know where the blanket and flea table boat can I chop that thing up for the plastic probably we'll leave it there for the moment Wow Sims must be horrendously just about done with this silly stuff stupid winter boots and those things are bulky [Music] okay have there been some wood and nails that is it for the basement so back up we go grab the box of flour chocolate are either each got one thanks for following appreciate its strength all this stuff off and then we'll do a general sort here in just a minute and I don't need anything alright alright that's all the raw materials we should need for quite a while we'll go chat with the computer real quick where's the Forge emergency center we're gonna see messaged and at press key [Music] don't quit alright where's that thing at way over there alright it looks like we got a massive town next to us so that's good I like the map other than the school being right here we're gonna have to tiptoe around that school but I'm really hopeful to get into this house and clear it enough that we can use it as a base it's really well positioned with enough room from the main town that I think we'll be able to clear that area there and hopefully not draw much to it and use it as a little temporary starter base yeah this is a brand new game depending on where you're at in YouTube viewing of the Indiana Jones series or if you've been watching the streams on Twitch I think you'll know what's happening with the Indiana Jones series so let's keep going here so I've looted all the bodies basements empty computers done let's close the doors for the moments and shouldn't get much in the way of activity out this one window anything else I want to craft all I'm here don't care about any of that no no no all right I am gonna have to pay attention to that currently temperatures fine and we've got folks I've got jeans a shirt boots scarf and a coat we don't have anything on our hands we're gonna need head and hands so let's see if we can get something built for that um let's do and it'd have to be something real simple like hand wraps and for the head we'll just do the turban and put those on alright we've got something on every category now at least though hopefully we won't get too cold and that'll improve as we get some other crafting done so in the amnesia challenge that I'm doing no skills of any kind started zeroed out on skills so we've got our piercing weapons and fab up to one we've got our survival at two so far we're just a little bit we've done but we started completely zeroed out no skills of any kind and I didn't allow myself to take any of the trained skills like melee weapons or martial arts or any of that kind of stuff so we're a blank slate and amnesia victim so this is John Doe number two all right so hunger and thirst gonna be an issue what do we got we've got chocolate are necro wafers a little bit of clean water and our condensed milk let's go ahead and drink our milk and [Music] it's deciding do I want to go take a peek at that plant to the north actually before anything else happens I need to go look south in the garage see if there's any vehicles out there or any items in the garage we can use so let's figure out what we're gonna take with us here so everything inventory we've got the knife spear for our primary weapon a couple of food items and that's about it oh yeah I did want to use I wanted to make storage I wanted to do the swag bag hey I do too have a canvas sack what the hell oh I have a canvas bag damnit I thought that was a canvas sack all right well I can't do that then all right what about [Music] um or so encumbrance let's just do a bindle it's only five but all right so we got the bindle that'll let us carry a little bit more definitely to take the combat knife in the water take the needle making yo static I think that's it how much space that leave me a little bit of room so let's go check out the garage yeah we've got several vehicles down there so that's good I am using the M's Otto plus graphics tileset anytime I play with caves mod I prefer the Amazon o+ cuz more of the new creatures and game items are modeled with the graphics alrights take a look what do we get 1% gasps full battery that's interesting no controls I can't do anything with it directly anything in the back nothing in the back and we've got a big ol big truck four percent gas twelve percent battery uh oh it's got wheels it's got controls and a seat does have a working security system so I'm not likely to get it started without it without a screwdriver ah perfect condition battery engine compartment everything nice brilliant green well this would be completely drivable if I had a screwdriver so if I can come up with a screwdriver I can hop in this thing and drive it then it would just be a matter getting it to a gas station and if I remember right we've got one down here right on the edge of town so you [Music] know oh so we got a corpse area over here we got a lab coat there might be a lab map laboratory ID card over here as well we got a few bodies over here reinvestigate but let's check it look at this first 1% gas on a percent battery all these things have a hundred percent battery for some reason also working and accept faulty in what way we drive belt immobilizer and fuel pump not likely to get that thing working but it would be hilarious to drive around in this truck so all I care about its getting a screwdriver now so I can get this truck working I think it would have enough cargo carrying capacity for my packrat mentality I could probably fill all that but I'm gonna avoid the bodies for a moment because god dammit I knew there'd be one of those yeah I see the MIGO soon as I saw the scientist body I suspected there be amigo nearby and there he is just off to the right a little bit right there's probably him he hasn't spotted me yet my only hope is that he starts chasing some wildlife off to the east this would be the second map in a row where I've had a me go right outside my starting building yeah dead scientist usually means me goes I agree they were working on the extra dimensional stuff and opened a portal and me go poor me goes and cracks pore through and Edom uh damn yeah this is we're on John Doe number two for this session already because John Doe number one at amigo like 15 spaces south of the shelter now we've got another amigo right near the shelter this early of a character cannot take amigo all right my only hope is that he's chasing some wildlife off to the east and he leaves me alone for a bit I'm gonna try to get out of his line of sight will head into the barn and this might make enough noise to draw him we'll find out and I got plenty of rope and nothing else true barn this time many tools nope nothing in the lockers alright not even one of those broken barns crap and I really wanted to get to those bodies but I have to avoid that me go at all costs I've got a knife spear but you can't kite amigo he's too quick I think I am gonna grab some rocks just so I can get maybe two stones thrown at him before he gets on to me we'll take five rocks will do it and I think we're gonna go north and visit that sewage treatment plant we'll see what's going on up there then I'm not sure he's positioned pretty poorly he's right off over here or here and I'm worried if I try to scoot along the river that he'll be able to see me [Music] yeah let's go check out the sewage treatment plant first I'm already getting worried about our hunger and thirst yeah I guess I do have the boat I could boat down the river a bit we're still gonna go check the sewage treatment plant first so let's get that done grab the chunk of meat while we're here [Music] all right another parking lot maybe we can get a working vehicle up here that I can jump start without a Boomer not worry about a Boomer too much yeah I've got a couple vehicles three vehicles up that way nothing in sight so far boomer hasn't spotted me yet and come on at least have a tool room or something and a crap no way am I gonna get through a computer block all right a whole bunch of nothing I don't know if moving into sewage is safe or not I'd rather not well I was hoping there would be a tool or something in here but looking like not all right let's get this boomer coming towards the steer I'm here are you I need to practice my throwing skill and we've got a head shot for 26 on that last one that was pretty good so he's already heavily injured let's go to run mode back off a bit come here you all right gotta love rocks little Opie throwing skill let's go check out a raccoon a giant bee rather not deal with a giant bee so hopefully leaves me alone what do we got security systems up everything else looks okay yeah I'm not gonna get that one started um another security system [Music] [Music] [Music] no wheels on this one pretty good amount of gas and battery all right well not much up here a couple of bees that I'm not gonna mess with and other than that a lot of nothing not going anywhere near that school that's doubtful another door on this side yeah I think it was just the exterior door and it's practice our lock picking on it yeah [Music] yeah I need two or three bees to go have a chat with that me go alternatively no no way I could get them into the basement I'm not fast enough to both get them into the basement and you know I'm wondering if I could get through a door lock it or close it behind me run around and then get to the stairs before you get on me again I'm just trying to figure out if it would be possible to lure him downstairs and leave him down there I'm not sure it would be possible I'm gonna head south just far enough to try to get a peek at him yep he's still down there damn it [Music] 58 spaces away hostile and he's just past those those items still amigos hate me goes open fields and forests are dangerous with pk's which the ascension mod includes includes PK's so going north around that school I don't like not a big fan of jumping in the river either but I might have to well let's roll around this way and see if what kind of view range we've got to him we try to go around [Music] still not on our site so I think I think the danger points gonna be right there on that corner let's see if I can nope all right I can see him already [Music] where are you add me go there he is right there yeah I think that corner points gonna be too close I think he's gonna be able to see me there and come after me I'm not sure exactly how far away that is uh-oh I just saw his dot move I think he's coming towards me we got a big problem and a random shuffle there he goes now he's chasing an acid zombie showed up and said zombie can actually hurt him not sure where that acid zombie came from but they're both full strength he'll tear up that acid zombie before much damage happens I'm gonna take advantage of him moving north and I'm gonna try to get around this corner all right we'll go up back up there eventually and grab the rest of our stuff but for now I really want to get down into this housing area all right be much too east from here ah the next thing we see is a zombie soldier another thing I don't have enough damage to get through [Music] [Music] right on the road yep soldiers are super tanky especially for an early game character knife spear doesn't have enough penetration to really get through to do much damage if I tried to hit him I'd be doing like one in two points I'd need crits to do like four or five points and I would just be constantly trying to kite him uh trying to see if I can get around him to the north lap get too close to the school there's a crapload of them in the school as always nothing can see me yet but I don't think I'm gonna be able to scoot between him and the school I'm gonna get detected by one or the other so that's a no-go I guess we roll further south love Cataclysm alright now we've got a big-ass crowd of zombies a herd of standard zombies how far south am I now way further than I want to be so I keep getting blocked every time I try to get over the road to the forest area there might have been better to go up north around the sewage plant and then comes south at this point as far south as I'm having to go um I'll go a little further oh crap now there just happened to movie be moving in my direction several of them now one is supposedly spotted me that's pretty annoying and that arranged now back to walk mode just love hanging out in the rain out here alright a vehicle got a house nothing but a be out here bees been taking care of some business good job kill a man so we got a house and right next to it a home-improvement store or not excited about the home improvement store I want the hardware store right after I get a clothing store that allows me to hold some more stuff but first order businesses get into a house I get into a house quietly that will be goal number one here's the character sheet a lot more people join since I did my first intro on this so just a quick recap this is the ascension mod is the main thing about this game I'm playing an amnesia character so no starting skills no learned traits like martial weapons or anything like that so we're pretty early in on our second attempt first one foiled by amy go right outside the shelter or second one almost foiled by another me go right outside the shelter we've got the m 0 plus tile set and it's early early days are still in day one and i'm trying to get from the starting shelter down into a building a house preferably in this town you can see from my stats i do have light step night-vision so running around in the dark would be my preference right now but i need to get into a house so we'll see if we can manage it as i sneak a little further in i see a crowd of zombies down here a bunch of crawling zombies on standard zombies so it got to be careful of that i don't think i'm gonna get to that vehicle where I attract them I'm gonna have to get uncomfortably close to this B it would be great if I could get to this door but yeah that crowd has got an awful big down there awful awful big looks like there's a couple of bees going through the area there hopefully the bees keep them busy so let's alright we pried it opens close that get some windows closed up I'll search through the building here in a minute right after I make sure it's secure I got a blind zombie he shouldn't cause a problem empty bathroom that's not good news no this is a duplex so that's pretty much everything I hope that's the be out there killing whatever zombie crap great Shrieker zombie now he's just made a shriek and he's gonna draw things in the area anything in the kitchen and we got our pot so that's good let's go ahead and drink that grape drink apparently it doesn't use real grapes since I ate fruit otherwise it wouldn't build drink it I'm gonna take the can with me that's pretty much it in here so other than busting apart the oven for the arch to make a brazier not much I can do in here yeah the BOTS not gonna let you put links up all right food and water gonna be an issue I don't have free rein to just move through houses looting let's go ahead and drink our last bottle of clean water he pack [Music] computer science sure grab the sunglasses alright empty house hmm I think I'm gonna go ahead and move out ah survivor zombie yeah me go soldier survivors all of the stuff that I cannot kill early early game he's probably killed the be if the be still around crappity crap crap yeah burning the house is definitely an idea I'm thinking of stepping out to make sure I have his attention which I do so that he follows me head into the house set the bed on fire in the back bedroom and then jump out that rear window and try to get to a nearby house or something to wait out that burning so I got to stay close enough for the fire to actually take effect and stay alive in the reality bubble so let's yeah he killed the B take any injuries lightly injured all right so let's do this don't come through the window please don't come through the window don't come through the window alright there I'm gonna go through that go out that window there so let's one set this on fire matchbook here we're not there yeah step the door on fire set the bed on fire then we're going to wait just a little bit till things start catching em on fire [Music] really all right something's coming close the door let's wait up here now I really thought that fire would take off a little faster [Music] all right now we got light against the wall so it should definitely be catching now I'm gonna wait just a little longer all right a lot of noise all right let's get out of here [Music]
Channel: Vormithrax
Views: 1,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner guide, cataclysm dark days ahead, cataclysm dda, cdda, gameplay, lets learn, lets play, roguelike, survival, tutorial, vormithrax, zombie, zombie survival, broken cyborg, how to play cataclysm
Id: l_cE_nxcoNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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