Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead "Dusk" | S2 Ep 32 "Camp Hope"

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shoulder Legion is rikon here and welcome back to let's roleplay Cataclysm dark days ahead Dusk's tale we are here with dusk and Bridget just outside of the research facility ready to make our way back home the research facility was a little bit of a detour in the first place moving home was our original intention but this was just too good to pass up I'm very glad that we didn't pass it up because we've got a whole heap of things to look at here now we do have some dessert packs which I'm gonna go ahead and tear into we are very hungry so maybe we should have something a little bit more than just some dessert packs MRE spaghetti yes let's go ahead and have you use that heat pack to warm up us baguette and we'll go ahead and shell that down along with our cheese and crackers delicious okay that's all that's that's something for the time being we're gonna go ahead and just push you back that way Bridget as we're going to jump into the car let's sir let's grab beau for those before we go the plastic bag as well even while that I know we're gonna go ahead and turn on that engine and we're going to make sure that we're oh yeah we need to be where you are thank you we're just kind of reaching across Bridget there to make that work now we do have a gallon jug on the ground there I want to make sure that we're not leaving anything behind there's an accessories plaque a gallon jug and some plastic bags that's okay I'm oh I'm alright with that staying here now we are warm because we've got all of our equipment on am I gonna be okay with us being warm I mean I suppose so we can only take so much of that warmth down we just seem to be very very warm across the board we could we could just take a few things off really so let's just go ahead stop the vehicle for a second and we'll just take off some of our other bits and pieces that we have on it's it's a little difficult because most of the stuff that we have doesn't really give us too much warmth but I guess it gives us an AA that it makes it just makes a difference here and like the army helmet for example we could take off our boots for now I mean we're just driving it would be good to have something on when we jump out of the car though the ballistic vest has to say on we need to be kind of wearing something the hiking backpack that's only ten sure that's not that much we'll take off the Greaves and the leather arm guards that should be helping something let's have a look and see how we yeah we're bitter how's this that'll look it looks good across the board now weird huh okay I guess a few pieces is enough to do it out we collapse our baton okay I actually didn't mean to do this but here we are let's go ahead we just will have the controls good good good let's just start rolling on down we are going to try as best we can stay just a wave from towns and cities primarily traveling through fields we'll see if that will work out for us today because we do know that we are we are rocking around in a electric vehicle and that doesn't always work out for us I'm half tempted to check the fire truck on the other side of the lake here it is a bit of a journey to make it down to that it does require us to go down from Castle Hill yeah I am tempted just because I want to be sure that we're not leaving anything amazing behind and I know we'd brought a lot of our stuff across the river but yeah to be sure - sure alright let's start this journey here and I'm thinking we're gonna go to the north of most of these towns down by the strange temple drowned by Townshend which should bring us around yeah there will be a way through there are and there is fantastic yeah and then we just need a look at making making the crossing here okay I will have to occasionally jump back towards the map just to kind of double-check and see exactly where we are but for the most part we should be able to travel without too much trouble the main thing that we're kind of being wary of our boulders as we are driving throughout these fields seeing a lot of bullets too scattered all across this field here Winchester cartridges so someone put up something of a fight and we have oh that's actually relatively in-text this Kevin we can see someone out the front of us well it's just speed on pass there's quite a few actually Kevin's aren't bad they've really good kind of starting locations because they've got most of the things that you need to survive the first few days in Cataclysm so if you have the chance to reach one do it people nice regressors hello whole heap them down there by this hotel let's just ignore them for now they have a necromancer's so they will be coming back again and again and again it took someone does something about it but now you're just gonna keep on rolling and I'm keeping you all with me purely because we haven't actually driven this way before so there's a chance that we might encounter something unusual along the way and sometimes it's nice just to have a casual relaxing drive throughout the the cataclysmic planes yeah easy we'll just go straight through this little gap I am hoping that Bridget has kind of belted herself in here because there's always a chance that we could accidentally burn and sue a boulder at high speed and I don't want to see her flying through the windscreen yeah and that strange temple we can see in the distance I'm relatively sure that dusk has approached those before as well I know that bran hairs and Brandt's kind of dug his way into them before I don't think we're in we're not really at the point where we could try and take on a strange temple so it's better to avoid the thing for now all the same we might be able to catch a little bit of a little bit of a glance at it as we're driving on PI yes there we go we can see it clearing up to the north and we can see yeah a pedestal awaiting something perhaps we'll find that something a spherical like object the slight raised Center not unlike an eye we'll keep our eye out for that but we've made it here to a very small town towns hint just off towards the west of Woodbury we're gonna take this right down towards Orchard Beach and then try and find our way around there way yeah let's do it dusk no trouble here and I don't wanna jinx it but we haven't we haven't hit the vehicle once yes that can change in an instant as we know that's K that's actually a pretty good driver and I have been forgetting to do something here you can see that our focus is quite low apparently we can actually turn off our focus for driving so that we stop trying to improve it so if we hit tab to go down through our skills we can actually yeah turn driving off so we'll stop using focus to learners which is good because look at the driving of tin that's actually one of our highest skills that we have yeah so if there is ever a skill that you don't want to focus on you won't be spending focus on it and that's something that I should have done earlier but that's okay we can slowly start to get some of that focus back and one of the ways that we can do that is by listening to music and just doing things that well makes us feel good at least that's how focus has worked before we'll just wait and see what happens here as we tear through another town mm-hmm okay alright looks like we might have to run through some of the dead here it's hoping to avoid that for the most part but as long as we get a little bit of a straight run up here ah there we go through without too much trouble we do have a kind of a shocker a zapper zombie let's see an apartment tower here there's no real way for us to go around so we are going to have to go through this portion here and it doesn't mean that we probably gonna ram through some of them as well I've just trained not to go through too fast because we need to be sure that we can actually make these corners okay that's a lot of kids god damn I'm guessing there's a school around here why I'm it's a park so yeah that kind of makes sense so we need to make sure that the next intersection we are turning so we're gonna have to run down this SWAT zombie here looking good there SWAT zombie and yeah we'll make that turn here we just kick with the side of our car that tougher zombie away alarms the pawlenty no surprises looks like that might have been a gun store possibly a hunting supply store I see I see let's fly past that for now and we're gonna make our way back down to this road here wow that was very close to a boulder good job dusk and the car isn't really good Nick super happy with that so far this drive is going well brilliance okay yeah we're going to be able to make it down to there to our fire truck before long and we have actually been through this area before oh so I was going to say will I'll catch up with you all in just a moment but before we do that we've just pulled the handbrake as we've seen something out here a tear in reality and a shock event what is a shock Vint can you tell me about shock events hmm okay Yeah right I see and that's not actually something that's physically here right no we're seeing we're seeing a lot of rotten food and all the rest but hmm there's nothing coming through it right now we are seeing a whole heap of rubble like maybe this was a bomb or a small before and it's just exploded as this tear has formed within us yeah let's um let's carry on as best we can leaving that behind and oh okay we are saying Oh shocked fit makes sense there is a little crackle emerging from this it seems like every day the world is becoming more and more cataclysmic in the world of Cataclysm of course Ted well you know a little bit in ours as well we are going to carry on past excel down across this bridge and towards our fire trucks so I will see you all once we arrive back there and this is not a good site not a good sign these signs most certainly minefield there's a freaking minefield across this bridge so we've traveled across this bridge to the north here we haven't traveled all across this one yet I can kind of see why okay crap we're gonna have to stop the vehicle here and I really don't want Bridget to follow us here we'll go ahead and yeah activate our baton so that we're wielding it we are going to have some friends that are going to approach us here we'll deal with them first it looks like it might just be the one here Thank You Bridget we missed you we missed you now we are still kind of wearing our I guess more limited armor at this point um yeah Bridget I really don't want you to follow us past this point because we need to effectively suite this four minds so Bridget let's see I'm going to tell you to god what the hell okay that was interesting well okay okay all right look we're very hungry let's let's do something about that before we rock on out of here did you have anything no you didn't okay so let's see we've got a plethora of food around us here let's grab something we could go for another MRE tymberlee there's some of the easiest things for us to make it's just a little bit of heat and we're good to go so let's just rockin up through this or this see yeah we've got some meatballs and marinara I like the sound of that go ahead and close up shop I'll be sure to take the other bits and pieces from it as well we've got lots of dessert packs for us to munch for eventually we're in the mood for them so let's eat ah entree and all the rest fantastic we'll take that and the accessory bag okay hydrated we're ready for this as really as we might be okay so we can see mine's right all right that one's right in front of where this vehicle is so we would need to clear the way for our vehicle to travel through here and that makes me extraordinarily anxious considering that it's not a straight shot across here I think there might only be mines at the front and the end whether or not we can what's are trapping our trappings 3 I don't think we're going to be able to disarm this mine here I think the best thing that we can probably do is try and shoot the mine from a distance I mean that's an idea I don't know if it's a good idea but it's an idea I think they're far enough away that we wouldn't take any like serious damage from this do I want to use a 50 caliber round to do this I mean it's probably gonna be the most accurate that we can guess hmm yeah I am tempted to call monster killer who's Shanan Tovah gosh I can't I can't remove the pronunciation but the monster killer works for now let's see if we can't find around here our other rifle let's see go up through all of this into our weapons to find our guns there we are so that's the one I'm looking for we're gonna go ahead and grab yes of course we're over burdened not surprised we will drop monster killer for now what you did drop onto the ground so we'll be sure to grab that we need to make yeah we're not leaving there behind there we go it's just in the other one for now let's go stand by Bridget here we will go ahead and activate our earplugs placing those in okay store that in our inventory for now do we have ammunition in this right now I am no I don't think we do do we have any ammunition for it I wonder we're just kind of head back towards here reload you and yes we do have the chance to reload it okay we've got three rounds for this you can get more eventually okay let's just try and steady ourself up and wow yeah we've got we've got really good range with this very nice okay is this a good idea you know what Bridget does follow me for a moment we're deaf and cannot talk okay that makes a lot of sense all right Bridget come with me let's go I want to get you around the other side of the vehicle here yeah that's good now I need you to guard this position okay the death scream is interesting all right so let's see what do we got what do we got all right can we hit this thing we're kind of like off the square that's on I think that's the square that it's on yeah so we'll go as steady as we can okay I ears ring because I forgot to put the freaking things back in and it didn't seem to do anything to it okay we might have missed that's a great sounding weapon though I don't think we're going to be able to go this way as much as I want to head back towards the fire truck we might just have to head on back home and for now I'm okay with this well I do kind of want to explore what's going on here I feel like it's gonna be for the best that we do things this way yes I'm gonna drop you back down we will grab monster killer back and yeah Bridget couldn't hear either I need you to come with me let's go unfortunately that's not gonna work out for us I want to close it up and that child is moving on towards us but well we've got to be leaving you behind I mean that we could try and lure some of the did towards there no we're just gonna have to carry on and for us to be able to do that looks like we're we're gonna have to go all the way up by this radiation plant which that makes me quite nervous because we did experience turrets near I think this very irradiation plant so yeah our options aren't super we're gonna have to go all the way around up by bail grab yeah pass this giant beehive okay sure but going north that's what we're gonna do and we're gonna start flying around at decent speed as we make our way up towards there obviously dodging barns where we can yes it's pretty much a straight shot from here at a slight angle trying to avoid where we can boulders and other obstructions that is the first minefield that we have seen usually minefields or in the past they've kind of been scattered among the fields the fact that they're on the bridges now making it makes a lot of sense because they were trying to limit population movements and those rias's which are obviously infected the zombies let's get back onto the road try to stay on it and there we go we can see the edge of the Beehive here yeah because we lots of beekeepers will be ignoring them for now there was a bad pun on the way but I've decided to ignore it for now as we will ignore this town and just skirt around the outside of it and we're gonna have to slow down here sorry well we're not really sorry both see I don't need you battery but yeah we're just gonna go right around here what is that here a survivors camp we did want to explore it we did want to see it once we saw it from the distance you know what maybe this is the time to do it yeah we just narrowly missed a boulder there so I'm gonna have to take this driving a little bit more cautiously okay is amigo and a spitter zombie dies okay oh shoot there's a turrets there's an active turrets ah and those are it's a bicycle wheel it's not landmine okay that turret can't see us right now that's good oh yeah this more than once hard well I'll be damned well it seems like these survivors aren't exactly yet hostile towards us it's aware of our presence but I don't think it can hit us from where we are at the moment Swit weird we're just gonna get the hell out of here because those turrets are going haywire we could disable those turrets by taking them out of the dish at a distance is that the right thing for us to do I mean they're just firing on frickin anyone anyone could be walking past here but stopping our vehicle we're gonna stop driving we're gonna let the camera just catch back up with us Bridget I need you to guard here Thank You Bridget I'm glad that you just respond to me in a series of screams as one might expect we're gonna go ahead and gear up putting everything else back on our graves our armed guards the radiation badge we don't have to worry about that for now let's close up we're gonna wield monster killer apparently isn't it a fellow Krav Maga Whitman terrible a list to start to move towards the edge here okay so we can see in the distance as turret that does appear to be hostile it is currently uninjured let's just have it around this place for now just try and scope it out if we can okay we can see you in the distance I'm just looking at the mini-map at the moment just trying to keep range with the turret okay I'm seeing a squirrel okay I can just see the right another turret on that corner there I'm just trying to see if we can make out a kind of a front part to this place I would imagined it would be down there hello a mansion just out here in the woods okay I don't think that's at us what are you firing it now I'm thinking this place might belong to whoever owns that mention originally okay let's uh this gets steady how far can we fire this thing haha then we can fire this very very far okay so we'd have a 24% chance to hit that's not great I mean there's a graze chance there is also another chance that we could hit I don't want to get that far we can hear hostile ticketed so let's back off okay I think 24% we're just gonna have to go with that dammit it destroys several items but I don't think we hit that nope it is uninjured okay let's go ahead and put in those ear plugs we could wait till night but I don't know how good their night sizes groaning the dice on this so far it isn't working out is it a freaking helicopter paired or does that say help I'm uncertain this is just concrete hmm I need to know what's going on here it's 10:47 at the moment I don't think I'm gonna get any better than that it fires okay I don't know which one is firing them that's that's kind of the issue here we're not seeing bullets fly towards us they're gonna have way more ammunition than we do we're gonna take one more shot on this angle all we need to do really is take down one side okay we hear another shot we miss again I'm wondering if the other rifle would be better if that's got better I mean surely this has got the best kind of range for us all right we're right in line with the other turret now I let's have a look at something let's go down towards where those other bodies are because their death should kind of show us the range that we have to work with so yeah let's see where did these bodies get to they got quite close before they died and what are these here zipper bags with heroin so I think these people died before possibly we do have more bodies over this way or rather just clothes no bodies interesting but yeah that that acid boy got to this position here so I'm gonna try and get up towards this point and see we need to be cautious still though because any more okay that hurt a lot oh boy okay that's its range god damn us okay so where our blood is that's the range that's how we do range finding that's how we do range finding oh crap let's take those earplugs out son of a okay arm is is feeling very bad right now let's go ahead and use some antiseptic right away okay it's going to throw off our aim but things could be worse okay all right we're in distracting pain yup that is true we'll take some codeine take some aspirin at the same time it'll help with our pain a little bit and yeah I don't know what our shoot is gonna be like okay remember we've opted just behind their position and just see what we're looking at because that say okay but we've got 31% here at this angle okay hold our breath let's put those ear plugs back in we're in distracting pain we're gonna grit our teeth and try and hit this thing get to a hundred percent okay we had it we grazed it it tried to fire towards us but we're too far away for it to effectively hit us moderately injured okay I will take a graze for now come on I don't think we hit at all that time how many more bullets are we gonna spend on this thing at least one or two more if we can get in there's a chance we can deactivate these turrets and that means just taking down one side of this place we can do this thing dusk we can believe it okay 100% hippies van Cauter panel is destroyed we hit the car hole we hit the car we really did okay four more bullets I will use these four if we don't kill it in that time then that's it we're packing up our bags we're carrying on okay I think we hit the car again come on just a bit more this thing bites hard windshield is destroyed it's just yeah that distance it's just a little bit too much we could probably take another step forwards but it's just a little too close for us we have we actually kind of have above the 50% chance to hit I think because yeah we have a 10% chance with great 31% chance from normal and a 10% chance to graze so we are rolling the dice on this one we've got two more bullets left to use we will use them or there we go there we freaking go okay and we had one bullet left right so we took out the turret and there is a zombie soldier I see they've made themselves known so we can see the kind of survivors that were surviving here my next question is can we get up towards this fence without being seen by this other turret here possibly we're gonna start to move up you see the zombie soldiers slowly making their way towards us we're gonna take those earplugs okay so we can see we can see another turret which one are we seeing we're seeing the one at the top there okay yeah I think these turrets are spaced in such a way that they're gonna be able to see us yeah I think we might be able to do that at night but being able to do it during the daytime is a no-go I'm gonna let these zombie soldiers just kind of Mull around here inside the hippie van when I kind of try and call out towards them yes we yell hmm yeah I don't think they're gonna get out of the heavy vanity time soon well if we can take down one other corner would be good and I'm just trying to look at this point here so that's what we got hit so if we kind of look at this over this way we're kind of looking at around this area here so I'd probably go closer towards that daddy line to be able to take this other one out and we know it's possible we just need one good hit to be able to do it so let's see about chucking some more bullets into this one cuz we've committed some resources now we know how dangerous that is okay and yes our arm is still in pain we're going to try to ignore their pain as best we can let's see what is our chance here it can be one bitter what is our chance now I want to try and get about the same we had a 30% chance over there 31 so we could probably take one step closer but I'm still quite nervous about this whole thing cuz yeah if we can if we can take this one out then we can approach at the center here and then we don't have to worry about the ones on the sides so literally look you're taking a precise shot our ears ringing and we miss okay earplugs are going in take a step back we sit forward then and we refine but still won't be careful here if anything this is improving our skill with rifles okay we missed again let's actually have a look at our rifle skill okay it's three it could be a lot better goodness hey we're learning things here a little bit more okay and we hit and Bridget sees say something but we can't hear it we grazed it it didn't like the graze we've got its attention okay what it really injured even another few grazes would be enough to do this thing okay there's another graze I'll take grazes it's better than miss he really injured yes see it goes down bit by bit okay that was a miss five more rounds and we actually we can peek inside there these bullets are powerful okay another graze come on dusk you've got this okay still heavily injured I do like that it kind of just like blind fires when he has it so it's like it knows something's the air but isn't able to quite detect it not sure what that is severely injured okay it's another miss two more rounds I'll be going ahead it's with this one let's see come on that's it it was suddenly exact same one again the exact same Bullis you gotta be kidding me mm-hmm okay what is it that we're looking at over here it is a motorbike alternator okay so let's think about this we're going to take the ear plugs out monster killer you're not gonna help us out that much here the zombie soldiers are gonna be able to put up quite a bit of a fight I think we can take them down fine with our baton but yeah let's just go ahead and drop off some things that we don't immediately need to be holding on to yeah monster killer we're probably gonna drop you off I think at this stage go for something a little lighter you know and we don't need to have all these other bits and pieces on us at the moment antibiotics could probably hold on it so though that's fine you might be able to reuse those heat packs give it enough time we're very hungry here dig in we have quite the appetite we have quite the injury at the moment so we don't need to remember that we're not really as good at swinging around our baton do you want to wield it for now though place it back into our hand and I want to have a look at getting ourselves a rifle from here something that we can use as kind of like a backup we obviously have the order make them that we can use as well but I'm gonna have a quick look amongst our equipment here and pick up something nice so I decided to grab our m4a1 for now with two additional magazines where is she gonna probably use it I think to take care of many of these zombie soldiers and I think it's worth well maybe having a look and seeing what kind of range we can get this thing as well yeah we would not have been able to hit we can see edits next kind of range it's still pretty good but it's max range isn't good enough to actually get us up to here so I'm gonna start moving towards us slowly but surely and we can see these zombie soldiers which are going to make their way over towards us and we can start looking at taking some precise shots we are an automatic at the moment we don't want there so let's just change over to semi-auto and just let this do what it does best we're not actually staying locked on to them okay thirty-four damaged pretty happy with that let's try and stay on the one in the front if that's possible for some reason it's not allowing us to lock on to them which is kind of strange we're just steady up our aim as much as we can nice not bad yeah it's got us focusing on the ones in the back nor that for now all right grazing yet you know what we are gonna see what we can do with our baton here we don't want to get overwhelmed if there does look like it's happening we're going to swap out to our rifle and just start running back okay decent damage forcing the soldier ground is that one runs through we quickly take care of it we just don't want to become overwhelmed here nice good quick strikes okay we're gonna go ahead and take a step back okay nice let's have a look at the others we're looking for ones that are injured heavily injured okay one there take another swing it was a with nearly dead we haven't been grabbed yet nice just keep moving around them this one is uninjured don't like that okay yeah this baton with Krav Maga very use very very useful we'll go ahead and catch our breath we've spotted a Kevlar zombie yes we will stop catching our breath okay so the Kevlar zombies gonna be a little bit more for us to take on that's why we brought this in for a one so let's go ahead grab that store up a ton away and we're going to take a precise shot at you there we go nice another and another that's how we do excellent go back to our baton fantastic we're gonna go ahead and smash these corpses and then see if they have anything of interest on them they're definitely gonna have some magazines for us what do you have you have an extendable baton I see I see you were security okay what do we have here an m4 a one with God MREs and we've got some wires the wires are gonna take up a bit of space we can have a think about that one we do want to be unloading the in for a ones though because why not and we'll actually be holding on to the magazines because yeah we're gonna need some of them we've actually got quite a few already but you know what can you do yes and we'll take the m4a1 we're gonna take of the MREs that they have if they have any if they have any ID cards we'll be taking them as well or you've got quite a bit fantastic I think it's because there's more than one body oh no it's just the one nice okay so let's get unloading we're gonna unload that one there we're going to unload this one here that was a extended magazine that was massive I think and unload you go ahead and drop these ones to the ground and we will pick up yeah it was it was an mo belt yeah damn it's a lot very nice okay so let's cautiously start moving around here because we want to be weary of stepping out hard to be here hmm interesting we heard something via then just having a peek it sounds like the vehicles running it is interesting so we can walk all the way up to here and we can't be seen I think oh if I was to step into here we might be no it stores an Emma tango on us that's good okay so we're just checking this out okay there is a shotgun in there we just want the shot and we'll drop the gun okay I kind of want try and see if we can just turn this vehicle off although we're gonna have to jump into the seat to be able to do it and I'm a little again weary that oh yeah we definitely be seen there screw this actually I think we can do it from here okay okay heart beating a little bit there let's just open up the store we're okay there's a nice forklift in here and we can kind of see we were destroyed stuff let's activate our flashlight on our hit lamp which is nearly completely destroyed okay as long as we're clear in here where me we seem to be okay we've got these nice big barrels scrap metal look at all of the stuff we have to crack open so far nothing Oh ten powder copper some really nice raw resources here aluminium ingots nice and we can hear some activity from inside yeah lots of raw materials brilliance good to know good to know and some more food excellence okay we are over incumbent at the moment some motor oil mm-hmm okay so we need to just drop a little bit out here so we're gonna drop all these extra magazines that we just picked up we'll just hold on to one for now so we'll just put those down for second let's go to drop those on the ground we should be looking okay yeah we've got a little bit more weight we don't need to have all of the food with us as well so we can drop them down onto the ground we'll come back for those and let's see I do want to go over towards the flashlights here or rather the two-way radios and just take some batteries because we're going to reload our headlamp we will go ahead and drop the old bass ring on the ground there we go that's what we're after let's just have a peek in here seemingly we're okay Oh soldiers fantastic that's good let's let them approach this door wait for them to come towards us hello do you want to come over here yes we slam their head against the side of the door I mentioned probably using the door itself to just kind of slam again and again against this thing's hid yeah we got two more let's wait for them to approach over the body of their comrades attempt to kill one and the other excellent let's have a look at that there yeah we are we are getting hit occasionally but our armor is protecting us but more than not we are just either dodging or blocking with a baton i dusk is an absolute monster very very nice getting lots of yeah criticals just by forcing them to the ground holding them down and then just kind of beating the crap out of them once we have them on the ground it's good it's good stuff more MREs fantastic but see about you we've got two Lots on here more down here as well there is a chance there can be some nice things underneath like it you know that's all filthy more often than not we're not going to worry about that let's just go through the a ones here I feel like we probably have enough magazines now at this stage but you know I guess maybe we can we can always have more rights we can always have more we're gonna go ahead and just drop the others we're good in cuz that's why there was a machine gun among them that's worthy uh the larger the larger ammunition belts came from drop that off drop those MREs off as well we're not super hungry at the moment so we can pass it up well I wasn't anticipating doing this today but here we are here we are expect the unexpected ah now that's a door that I'm going to want to try and get inside yeah we're gonna try and cut our way into that okay we have a very long broken generator there I'm guessing that leads the outside yes okay we can see a lot of death out here and no they're just multiple heli pads and we can see where they've got a yeah they can reduce um refueling and lots of did ya ah they were flamers because they've got flamethrowers there obviously we can be seen by the turrets here I think we might have even been able to see can we Shh I hate that okay I know that one can't see us okay good good good good good good let's go over towards these just check there's anything in the disks no okay we can open up this side there's no real need for us to do at the moment let's just see what else we have going on here cuz this is this is not what I was anticipating when I heard survivor camp I kind of expected it to be just like a ragtag group of survivors but we this is more of a military outpost than anything what do we have a battery charger interesting I haven't seen that item before so I'm tempted to pick it up a device for recharging batteries given a source of electricity it could be easily wired into a vehicle with power it will slowly charge all rechargeable batteries nice it can only be stored onto existing storage compartments okay so it's kind of like the ones that we've had before I think yeah we'll go ahead pick that I've already got laptops so we're not going to worry about that what do we have here get items no get items this just used G a coin hmm yeah we could take it to flip we'll leave it for now we got ourselves a stapler okay another battery charger mm-hmm they seem pretty common here we've got some scales is that all no whole heap of things my shower okay we need to be very careful here because there's a strong chance these windows will be looking outside we can actually we can Crouch to stay even lower as we head up this way these windows don't have curtains on them so we're not going to worry about that at the moment we're just gonna carry on make our way up I still want to be very cautious being up top because there's a chance that they could still see us I don't know about turrets firing through multiple Z levels but it still makes me anxious so we're probably going to avoid it where we can what is that a disk and something else over here just a beer just trash really trash strewn around the roof I mean we can see a little bit more of the area from over here a bit of equipment just some poor fitting pants okay it looks like this is where all of the yeah folks smash their way down from swim planners I mean I would like to learn more about swimming I sure would would like she needs to stay here for a moment and just have a read through there okay it takes eight minutes to read a chapter yeah I mean learning more about swimming is good let's see where are we at but it's been the entire day here but it gets our arm a chance to heal as well there we go we learned a little bit more about swimming we were zero swimming before so yeah that makes a big difference we see that our driving skill is still turned off I believe that's why it's red okay let's check out the rest of these rooms okay good they don't have windows so that makes me feel a little bit more comfortable military muskets I mean probably worth us having something like that in the car really allow us to make food on the go what do we have Army improvised field repairs manual takes mechanics to one yeah it's not going to help us what do we have on the table cannabis seeds I see I see what will they think diddly cleared this place out all that's kind of to it it might be a little bit more on the roof Rasta see it looks like there's some water here as well but I feel like we have got sufficient equipment from this place yeah nice why are we not over encumbered anymore if I accidentally dropped something of importance because we were over encumbered before we were carrying all this stuff I feel like I might have accidentally dropped something let's just have a quick look back at log here maybe not yeah yeah dropped all that stuff I move close to our max weight cool I'll roll with that I don't think we're leaving anything behind turn that light off make our way down far so that we can take a nice wide berth around this place and were actually gonna mark this place is explored now because well we were really hoping that they were gonna be people here it's survivors camp but there are no survivors I was I was really sure that they were gonna be people there and I think dusk was as well optimistic that people existed maybe kind of like the ranch that she had experienced before but no this seems to be a much dark world than the one that she came from we're gonna drop off all of these ammunition belts we are going to hold on to some of these magazines because well better to be prepared I will hold on to some of the MREs as well we'll drop a whole heap of them off though so they'll be looking good they're nice and we could drop off that battery charger but it's pretty lightweight so we'll just hold on to it for the moment we'll jump back into our vehicle we'll stop crouching and let's get ready to continue our move so we need to go up by new fields and then eventually pop down all the way over here by this other lab and then we'll be home like a freaking miracle we'll be home okay do not drive towards that location right on let's just go well around us be nice and cautious we destroyed a rock run away crows run away alright yeah straight through at this point pass the farm south of saboteurs and all the way around you've got a toxic waste dump let's go ahead and just speed things up a bit here we'll run over some things along the way is that a park down there it is drive across some of this burnt terrain potentially from lightning strikes or something of the bike there's an nth lit horror that we can see an infected turned moose not a fun thing to encounter early on yeah oh my god we can hear bridgett saying hey brother God forsaken goodness and antler horror yeah yeah no I can see that and we've got ourselves a really nice little cabin there another reason why these cabinets are so nice is that they seem to be surrounded by trees which that's really nice and well obscured there's a beagle we're leaving if an hour beagle making our way back towards home and we've kind of different along this way before so I am going to be jumping ahead at this point I'll see you all when we approach that bridge when we are close to seeing that orchard once again and here we are the other lab and site old books that we had no use for in gunshots that we can hear from the Vince deep below the surface this is just ease our way around this vehicle and we are close now so very close god damn it is that a is that a mink just trying to dangerously attack the vehicle choo I don't think it was trying to attack the vehicle I think it just got surprised we do have a moose over there and just to the south of us is our home we'll just wait until we get the turnoff we can take a shortcut just past the here make our way back down to this road and we've made it back in one piece candy is still waiting for us just chewing on the grass outside and we have quite the haul here this SUV is just filled with goodies oh so many goodies an immense pile Brigid follow along yeah Thank You Bridget it seems any human noise right now as they scream which is kind of Liris Oh candy it's good to see you it's very good to see you we're gonna go hit pop into here we're going to open up shop show Bridget what's what show her the home it's very sterile and clean and well metallic but it's not a bad home how about that huh what do we do we've got some just glass shards just kind of refuse outside we need to grab pretty much everything that's around us here and start shifting it out which is it's quite the task so that has 600 kgs worth of equipment that we didn't have when we left look at all of that ammunition chemical supplies there's a lot of stuff and as you can see it takes a lot to just move it off that square there what do we have in that seat just a old disposed battery that's fine so the to the north of us we should have a whole heap of things on the pavement and I say unless I took this wrong were you currently you are to the northwest of me at the moment are so we put it up in this square here I see I see what we'll go ahead and start shifting everything out like so that's uh that's a lot it's a lot I think the best thing for us to do with our ammunition as well it's probably going to be to just start - Wow yeah it takes a while takes multiple minutes to shift from each square because there's just so much stuff that we're hauling along the ground but as long as we can gonna get it inside we can start to organize things oh boy that's that's a lot of stuff so looking at all those magazines as long as we have magazines that then aren't at capacity I think we're going to be unloading them so and that kind of goes for everything that's around here so we've got a Brita magazine we're gonna unload that and I'm just gonna move through but by bit here if it's at capacity that's fine that's what we want we're gonna have our magazines topped off we are dealing with some of our weapons here as well so we're gonna be unloading the weapons that aren't at capacity to just like so working our way through we have a in for everyone that's not our current one I think no it's not so we've got a few double ups that's okay let's have a look at you yeah we've got quite a few ammo belts as well yeah and though jus yeah we'll unload you as well so yeah that's that's effectively where we're at at this stage just unloading each of these then we're going to reload as many of them as we can so that we have these nice topped off magazines ready to just go into a weapon whenever we want that's the plan we'll see if that works we've got four that are already false and we've got a really really ridiculous amount of two to three with us now so I feel like that's going to be our general ammunition of choice cuz yeah we're looking pretty good in that department okay so let's see a little bit more for us to do here I was gonna skip here but we are pretty much done with this point this part just a few more to go stay with me for now I mean that one's very very close to being topped off but we want to be sure that we're doing this as best we can there we are we have a whole heap of magazines that we need to reload at the stage try to top them off as best we can so we can see yeah all of these different magazines that we're going to order to try and reload and it's got to be a bit of work I honestly don't know how much of that we can pick up we are already at capacity my primarily because of all the weapons that were carrying so go ahead and just drop the various weapons because we're not wanting to reload them exactly so we'll just haul them out the way for now how are we looking now we're looking better we got a whole heap of magazines I do want to go through the rest here though as well so the easiest way for us to do that is just by going to our inventory and having a look on the square and going to magazines and just taking what we can so obviously we have quite a few static rounds these are the ones that are already full though so I don't think we need to worry about those ones exactly so we'll just pick up you pick up you I've got four of you okay we'll take the lot and yeah let's see do we wear our full ones so we're looking for static rounds there we go we're gonna go ahead and shift those back onto the ground so we've got 19 that aren't full currently so looking at that we are gonna go through and just start to reload yeah so we're gonna try and use the ammunition that we have the most of so it looks off like 4 o clock we can use the 357 yeah I think we gonna use that before we use the 40 caliber rounds there we go so that's that Glock magazine wow we have quite a bit yeah it's nice seeing this get slowly filled up we don't have a lot in the way of the 308 rounds that seems to be more of a rarity well we can fill it up with reloaded incendiary rounds we're probably not gonna be able to top you off Oh close - yeah I think we can actually nice this one here would probably don't have the chance to know we don't have any more of the 300 let's see yep we can reload you and we can reload your friends as well just try to go off what we have the most ammunition for at the moment and yeah I kind of feel like dust because a kid in the candy store right now with the amount of bullets that we have yeah we can make this work okay so that's that's all that we have for the flash a rounds they are a fair bit rarer reload the stick magazines if we can it seems like we can easy enough right well onto the standard well that's where I will come back to those at a moment just because there's freaking 19 of them so we'll go through this lot first just trying to see if we can top them up which we can more than easily enough I'm impressed with the amount of magazines that we have yeah at capacity now so let's see what are we going to reload you with we are probably going to reload you with the NATO rounds that's what we've got the most of so be good if he can't reload like the whole lot but this is also okay and as you know this is gonna take a little while for us to do so I'm gonna go ahead and skip till we're done reloading all of these magazines okay so we still have about six stanag magazines there are empty at this stage next thing that we're gonna need to do is drop all the stuff back on the ground again then comes a very important act of organization before we do that though I feel like we should have something to eat just because I'm a little concerned that if we don't we might get really really hungry so let's see we've got all of our stuff down here we're gonna use our heat pack on the beef stew we'll go here and munch that on down the rest of our food we are tired we are warm but we're gonna get this stuff done I'll go ahead and pick up our are below we don't wanna leave that on the ground and we'll pick up these glass shards as well just scoop them into a bag for the moments and it's time for us to get organizing I'm just gonna open up all of these and we are gonna hit shift o sort out my loot and we are doing some sorting as you can see it's gonna take a long while we got a lot of cash cards that are empty now but we're gonna be able to use them for fletching and all kinds of other things they're still useful pretty much everything in Cataclysm has more than one purpose and with that I believe we have stored everything away we're gonna have a whole heap of food stashed and I think we'll have some out here in this fridge which I hope is still working the battery is it a hundred percent is it still turned on and I wonder control multiple electronics we're going to turn on the fridge and let's to see how out in the year we've got a few things that are rotten in there I mean I guess that's to be expected the things that are rotten we do want to get out of here because Wotton food does attract pests and we don't want that so let's just move the rotten food up for now we'll have to try and burn that off at some point and we've got a whole heap of magazines because I don't think we sit somewhere up for the magazines to go I'm going to drag a separate crate into here looks like that's where we're keeping ammunition nice okay so I probably could have we might have been able to reload some other things I think it was actually accessing this crate at least I think it was let's see hmm let's just go ahead and shift the ammunition over here for now or rather all the other little bits and pieces and I'll just go reload to see if we can reload any others no no that's that's we're kind of maxed out for now and I'm okay with that let's see if we can haul one of these crates into here I think we can I'm kind of gonna need you to move there thank you fantastic so creeks might not be the best storage for us purely just because yeah now that I'm thinking about us they're not gonna be the best storage for us because we want to be able to see that stuff and we're not always gonna be next to it so taking something like this this bench is gonna be better for us so we'll shift you up to here there we go okay so we can have all of our magazines up on this table that's my idea whether it works or not I guess we'll see on the counter yeah so we'll go ahead and shift those all across and have all those magazines on display two stacked up in their corner there so we're whole heap of CB M's that we don't have a place for you either and some extra armor and vehicle parts some things just left below here but this does so much for us to work with now which I'm I'm very excited to get underway with yeah in the next episode we are going to be working on a number of different things we kind of need to decide what's gonna be the first thing for us to work on so I'm gonna leave that with the wall this episode will go up before I'm able to record some others so I will have a chance to respond to it we have two different paths we can kind of go down and we will be going down both but it's just which one were you look at first we need to get middle working up and running so that we can make proper weapons for dusk and even other types of armor if we can blacksmith in here we can make oh so many things and the other things we have to achieve and get up and running is well our mutations yes we have to delve back into the world of chemistry to improve Dusk's physical form so that she might be able to take on whatever lies beneath Stewartstown so which would you like to see first because we're gonna focus pretty much the whole episode on one our first thing or trying to achieve as much of that as we can who knows we might be able to get both done in one episode but I'd like to hear from you first of all so if you look up towards the top right you will see a poll that you can vote on be sure to get those votes in before the weekend is through Legionnaires that wraps us up for today's episode dusk is back home and Bridget can see the safe place that dusk spoke of before if you enjoyed today's episode consider leaving a like or a comment to let me know if you enjoyed the show for now I have been rikon you have all been awesome until next time stay [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rycon Roleplays
Views: 7,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rycon, rycon roleplays, roleplaying, roleplay, movie, Let's, Play, Let's Roleplay, RPG, Like, Zombies, Surivival, Cataclysm, Dark, Days, Ahead, DDA, CDDA, Tileset, PC, Roleplay, Roleplaying, Character, mutated, crossbow, stealth, rougelike, rouge, permadeath, 2017, lab challenge, mutant, x23, vampire, lab, Cataclysm DDA, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Cataclysm: DDA, :DDA, late game, end game, Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, Dark Days Ahead, Cataclysm 2, Open World, procedurally generated, season 2, mutation, alpha, chimera
Id: RD_5Ts03nTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 10sec (4150 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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