Casually Explained: The Levels of AI

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this video is sponsored by incognate with the Advent of smartphones computers virtual reality and now ai applications like chat GPT and mid Journey we're all finally starting to learn that science fiction has really just been science prediction all along and nothing is more at the center of that than the advancement of artificial intelligence so I thought we could look at the levels of AI starting from basic code all the way up to its potential and perhaps frightening future level one clippy at the lowest level of artificial intelligence we have Clippy this little guy is a rules based system or what we're familiar with as basic computer script scripts are essentially commands that say if this happens do that if that happens do this if you're not familiar with clippy good for you because don't let his cute little magic carpet fool you he's actually deranged if clippy were a person he'd walk up to you unannounced and say you look like you're trying to be pretty you'd be prettier if you smiled more then regardless of your response his next line in the script was always you're welcome would you like more tips this level of artificial intelligence is of of course not scary at all it in fact makes you stupider for having interacted with it level two a bit smarter than clippy but still at a low level of artificial intelligence we have Reddit top comments while Reddit top comments are made by humans comments that get upvoted are not upvoted because they're correct but because they sound correct if you don't know about a certain subject you'll be reading top comments all day thinking you're learning a lot until you click their profile and realize you're taking legal advice from a 17-year-old Minecraft streamer this phenomenon is caused by how Reddit highlights posts in articles which is based on the second stage of artificial intelligence algorithms while algorithms are still forms of rules-based systems many are very powerful and long before man feared artificial intelligence he blamed algorithms for his failures if you lost money on bitcoin algorithms no YouTube views algorithms can't solve a Rubik's Cube algorithms trash teammates and Counter Strike also algorithms well most women would look at a guy and say you weren't defeated by an algorithm you're just not very good at your hobby the reality is if a guy's been defeated by an algorithm a woman wouldn't be looking at him in the first place level three whatever they're doing at Boston Dynamics while we all used to laugh at the goofy robots Boston Dynamics was making suddenly in the last few years everyone went from laughing to fundamentally being on the side of the machines while Boston Dynamics still uses a lot of regular algorithms one reason for this massive amount of progress in such a short amount of time was for advancements in level three artificial intelligence which is machine learning this means that instead of always getting the same output from a given input the output is remembered integrated into the software and a new more efficient outcome occurs next time level four generative AI here we are at the present day where we're all familiar with applications like chat gbt and mid journey and this is where AI begins to finally mimic human intelligence and in many cases exceeds it as well for example using an image generator here I use the prompt futuristic affordable City housing and it looks exactly how I imagined it here I asked it loser of the 2024 federal election and it knew right away I even asked it for average casually explained subscriber and I'm sure most of us thought we were looking into a mirror many people fear that this generation of AI is going to take everyone's jobs in the next 10 years but AI has taken tens of thousands of jobs already you just haven't noticed for example it's now impossible to tell whether the super model you're talking to on Tinder is an artificial intelligence or an actual Indian man the thing is every time a new groundbreaking technology comes along everyone thinks it's going to take all the jobs which it does but it creates new ones that didn't exist before the Industrial Revolution got rid of the farmers but created jobs in manufacturing the internet's killed a huge part of the publishing industry but created jobs in programming and social media and while AI is eventually going to come for us all currently these new tools really only have practical application at image creation and writing meaning it's only the people in the creative arts that are going to be unemployed so no change really level five an armas and Blade Runner this is the level where artificial intelligence reaches a point where it's essentially analogous to our our own intelligence it can collect and remember sensory data and if it has the right Hardware it's able to interact with and manipulate the environment just like a human because of this human level intelligence can be applied to specialized machines and be used for nearly everything for this reason some people believe it's extremely dangerous While others see nothing but potential I personally am pretty optimistic because all you have to do is look how it plays out in the movies take Blade Runner as an example lonely guy lives in dystopian future climate change has ravaged the world goes on an adventure loses sexy AI robot girlfriend doesn't fix anything now look what happens when you use an artificial general intelligence robot as the protagonist instead lonely guy lives in dystopian future climate change has ravaged the world goes on an adventure gets a sexy AI robot girlfriend way out of his League literally saves the Earth even if we screw up the whole planet if we could just make one Wall-E we're in good hands level six artificial super intelligence and cybernetic enhancement one of my biggest disappointments when I was a teenager was when I first read the term transperson because I thought finally I don't have to be a person anymore while it turns out I'll have to wait to get my it that pronouns I still long for our cybernetic future where we can be half robot half human and I can have an AI chip connected to my brain for enhanced function then people like my dad will say why why would you want an artificial super intelligence implanted in your brain what what's wrong with being a natural human and I'd say h i have to think if you didn't get that one it's a sign you need the implant level seven The Singularity the highest level of AI in the ultimate Event Horizon is known as The Singularity which is when an artificial super intelligence is able to iteratively improve upon itself at a runaway exponential rate and what happens next is completely beyond our own speculation the example that scientists have given to describe the singularity is to think of a gorilla trying to figure out what it would be like to be a human ask a gorilla what it thinks about and it would say all I think about is sex and what food I'm going to eat next whereas a human can also have anxiety it's possible that it could allow far-off science fiction ideas to become real such as being able to upload our Consciousness to a single system and we all become one machine human super hybrid it might extend our reach throughout the Galaxy or perhaps it'll see humans as an inferior species and enslave or annihilate us all a lot of people are very frightened by what this may mean but personally I've hedged my bets either AI fails to reach a Runway point in our lives are just massively improved or the dystopia becomes absolutely real but my Nvidia calls are deep in the money level eight there is one final step to the whole picture which is the theory that what the singularity becomes was set in motion from the beginning of time like a seed growing into a tree because that's what the universe itself is and what we're experiencing is analogous to some sort of video game or synthetic dream and at its core the whole universe is a single super structure or intelligence acting itself out and our little lives are a piece of that while some call that greater concept God others call it a simulation and the the rest of us just call it about 7.4 on IMDb and while there isn't any great evidence for or against such a theory if you look around you you can tell from their behavior that you are in fact surrounded by NPCs now while you might be sitting there thinking wait am am I just a a simulation you don't need to worry because you're the only real one it's the rest of us who are part of the Hologram and want you to reveal your secrets which is why you should consider today's sponsor in cogni which acts on your behalf to request your personal data including things like your address and phone number be removed from data Brokers who've acquired your personal information through your internet and subscription use but will remove it upon request the problem is this will likely take dozens if not hundreds of hours for you to do manually and since the last time I talked about incog on this channel it's performed the equivalent of 21 hours of work requesting the removal of my data despite the fact that I'm Canadian so sadly no one really wants to track me in the first place even though that hurts my feelings well this means that sadly there won't be any little cyborg Jam clones running around in the near future and do mean I far more rarely get spam callers scammers and risk my information being sold or falling to the wrong hands incognate takes literally less than 1 minute to go from webpage Landing to sign up to running the service and gives you an easyto read dashboard of all the successful removals active processes and request sent if you'd like to give it a try the first 100 people to use the code casually at the link below will get 60% off [Music] incognate
Channel: Casually Explained
Views: 1,355,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: envelope laser rectangle, Casually Explained, stand up comedy, comedy, animation, animated comedy, satire, how to, advice, funny, stand up, comedian, hilarious, humor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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