Castlevania Lords of Shadows - How Gabriel Belmont became Dracula -Dracula's Origin- [HD 2021]

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gabriel hear me gabriel i need your help i i am afraid it's not safe for me here i have no one left to turn to gabriel you must help me [Music] i'm glad you came follow me i know how you're feeling [Music] alone betrayed you get used to it you know that isn't true but you would not have spared me that day do you now regret it you called me here why you've destroyed the lords of shadow but in doing so you have unleashed a greater evil and what is it you want me to do about it a powerful demon is coming a creature that knows no pity or mercy and who is bent on destroying this world very few know that long ago before the lords of shadow came there was a fierce battle here the three founding members of your brotherhood fought a creature called the forgotten one this creature had been summoned by the evil bernard family who owned the castle at the time but things went badly wrong for them the forgotten one escaped its bonds the founders knew they could not destroy the forgotten one so they waited for the opportunity during the fight and locked up the demon in a dimensional rift that they created using their combined powers this fortress was used for that prison and the brotherhood built new areas around it to house the creature deep within as you know years later the founders transcended as heavenly spirits in the process creating the lords of shadow it was not by chance that my mother chose this particular castle carmilla hated the other lords but she feared what could happen if the forgotten one should ever escape you have destroyed them and so the power that kept the forgotten one locked within his prison has been weakened it's only a matter of time before he breaks free and returns to the world i care not for the world or its problems then you are a fool the creature will simply reduce this world to ashes and revenge for centuries of captivity everyone will die there will be nowhere to hide we are the only ones with power enough to stop him tell me would you have the souls of the innocent on your conscience for eternity then show me what i must do the portal is open i will go in you stay here wait you will die the other side is no place for humans only dark beings can survive there there is darkness in me yes but there is also love compassion and tenderness you must leave it all behind you must become a creature like me drink my blood its power can protect you once you get to the other side i'm sorry you have no choice i know i never did what is happening to me my blood is running through your veins it is a powerful poison that will soon kill you you must keep drinking from me what no my blood must completely replace yours you must continue to the last drop many lifetimes i have lived many i have killed all my power will be yours now no laura please do it now or you will die free me from this miserable existence i beg you free me [Music] [Music] so you cannot triumph here fool you have no comprehension of what you were up against the seal is open i'll enter your world now it will be reduced to ashes and i shall inflict ten times the pain and suffering that were inflicted upon me when i was imprisoned by your brotherhood i'll let you live so you can witness your complete and utter failure freedom at last [Music] no no no no [Music] whew i see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: From Frosty
Views: 85,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frosty, Bosses`, Inferno, Boss, Fights, From, Satan (Deity), Dracula, Lords, of, Shadow, vs, Satan, Bosses' Inferno, Dracula (Fictional Character), Boss (Fictional Character), Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow (Video Game), Battle, Vampire, Vampires, Darkness, Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2, Vampire (Character Species), Netflix, Lords of Shadow, Gabriel, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Gabriel Belmont, Belmont, Carmilla, Old gods, Death, Titan, Origin, Blood, Sacrifice, Castlevania
Id: rPah0zu-dOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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