Castle Nathria - Guild Run [Normal FULL CLEAR] 18.12.20

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um wow please decrease the out of tanks god it's too far away yeah we gotta wait for deadshot to get here as well so do it come out and so many vegas there is somebody got greens hello hello hello ah that's what is here sorry man i've just whispered you it's not bad okay how are you doing guys yeah good good good good good good what about you oh my god look outside it's a frog train hmm i'll grab a screenshot thanks so we should all be good on tactics here right i'll just do a quick just a quick recap yeah that's basically when he's doing your splitting streak hide behind the pillars death shot you see that cauldron take one drink one take another you just you just get it and make sure you put on the santa outfit it's a must it's a must it's important no it's it's it's disappeared no problem no problem i'm coming i'm dropping it for you it's so important it's game changing believe me it's yeah it's not really okay let's go shut up just make sure you got a train set as well oh dude please man seriously those train sets really man they really really frustrate me right they got the green one i'm okay with it thank you so much okay let's do a ready check we have got four healers here so it should be all good yeah remember your oil yeah i've got my oil i got my oil it's getting all oiled up oh no um right you take him first or do you mind you just you just taunt them and i'll take them off here automatically not a problem why do you have the red one i want the red one dude three two one three two one uh have we herod no uh sorry can we can we hear it it's my first time wait do i have that's fine i already hear it uh we just use drums but uh future bosses yeah okay move people hide two one blind sport three two one all right and he's going to jump into the middle just keep your distance hide behind pillars you don't only when he's doing the ear splitting shriek you need to worry about hiding behind pillars otherwise walk as much just remember the main point is avoiding the discs oh move line of sight aware of this line of sight you can land aside what did you say too far away you can be at any distance behind the fingers yeah you don't need to be right next to a pillow for it to get maximum shot three two one echolocation yeah it's fine you can walk through like that shuffle three two one kill watch out for the shroud because that will kill you range gps get him get him beware oh my god this is probably doable on my railway cross you get some extra discs during normal phases as well yeah the lantern isn't heroic is it it's there is a passage beyond the kennels that leads down into the castle's underpinnings from there we can reach the anima stores and stem the flow into the maw if we are to have any chance against anastasia i'm out of race possessions i know the path we must take to reach them just watch out for the traps here people we don't have a target it's a trap that's a drop oh you mean this truck steps on i need you you're death oh god it's too far i was doing heroic huntsman before the reset we had did you get it no we had so much dps but people kept hearing the [ __ ] it was so stupid and then when we actually have to focus yeah oh [ __ ] can i have those it's a wrap where are you going with these man oh no sorry i was a fk person i'm like why is he just standing sorry afk tanking real quick it's a hard roll okay hey i mean isn't that what most did uh not really but you know i i used to do so what do we have for cc for stuff we have death shot and wireline throwing freezing traps at them all right deadly you're not a mage polymorph there um wait are they considered beasts like the dogs yeah beasts yes that mean you can you can use hibernate from it yes you can but it's 40 seconds and trap is 60 seconds yeah but it's enough 40 seconds enough 40 seconds is enough um see if any damage will awaken so we can we can try to do it if it breaks i also have a blind but that's also really yeah but it's also it does it works on those and it's only 10 seconds okay it's it's good for when we're in uh like clearing mode or emergency but for long term i don't get it i heard someone say that the cc stacks but i doubt that's the case um what's the stack switch for the first one too do you want blood lust on the pulp no no no we want the shades okay no phase two when we are first swapping to the um shade of bar guest and bursting that down then you use the hero to get the shade done and as well as kill bar gas oh i mean we'll call it out in any case i will have tranquility for the end and actually all my cooldowns are going to be used at the end i'll take huntsman first yep just remember stay lightly spread fire yeah i think yes many people try to go on the opposite side one yes that's why i said focus the boss at all times so hunter's mark just aim out to the side and decide just you don't have to run away far stand still when you have it please i need to get closer i have enough bones for everyone when when the second one comes out bar gas um yep i'm going this way podcast yep nothing escapes my sights nothing escapes my sights nice enough focused out there's another shade uh fit open screen so you can stun the shade it hasn't done this for four sections is it the one that's moving now it's the one that's standing in there no box shutter bones like stay where you are okay well i'm just interrupting this thing oh it's immune you need to move yourself i don't know yeah i don't think that i can um uh tranquility if you have in one second i have the thing on me yeah tranquility though i have enough for everyone like you you need to be ready to heal because this thing has way too many stacks across the tank please just focus focus get him down dude focus it doesn't matter which one you thought right yeah hp is shared so it doesn't matter get those things out suicide oh [ __ ] i think i thought it was it's just spread out spread out it's insecure you don't have to run away by the way with them it does not change yeah i know i was trying to find the space yeah just don't line up basically oftentimes oftentimes the way you can think about it is as long as the seekers themselves are not overlapping nice as long as the seekers themselves are not overlapping then you do not need to move and you let everyone else move the beast whisperer you know what's funny before the patch that actually is the word on their beast forms the necklace he let's get a bit of monetary before we go in the way ahead will be fraught with but actually it's quite weird they say that hp is uh shared but it isn't because because he has less yeah he's less health so that's oh okay okay it's still shared like the amount of damage we do oh watch out you can stand on the sides here but isn't it advice to then cleave cleave them together i cleared that no but i thought because the boss and the bear were so far apart oh yeah has does anyone else use that knight fay con [ __ ] bind when you get a bag on them yes i don't it's kind of funny because it works in torga yes yeah yeah so like i killed more rats and got like three in a row something doesn't have a internal compound i don't think so i got three and the other [ __ ] man maybe it's local you're lucky i don't know the chargers oh yeah she was having some pretty bad um internet issues i see i've been asking her if her like if her drivers are updated and such and she's like yeah everything's fine right have we got stuff for this largest of its kind i have seen the beast seeks to save its endless hunger upon the shores of enema dispatch this creature before it grows even stronger it's too far away um can someone help me heal this uh oh yeah rhys he's gonna kill is that was fun all right again are we going for the lonely one over there in the back yeah pull him i'm out of range i need to get i'm out closer range i need to target something first same tactic as last time isn't it okay oh yeah that worked really well okay yes is your blender okay no instructions were unclear oh yeah today we're gonna have an easier time on some king because they buffed the healing by [ __ ] four times on the orbs yeah he used the fifty percent for healers now it was two hundred there were so we did it right before the buff last time we're on purple uh again right bloodlust on pull um best time for it speaks do you want me to blow them we're just pulling it to here first so that it lines up properly opposite green as in over here no no no no opposite green that's a square right there's three okay so just do a timer why is it 15 seconds start interesting because i have a vape before the boss fight for good luck five four three two leave my pool tactics here also people if you are in any of these spots right and like you notice that okay we're stacking two of these in here one of them just to move to a different stack three two one three two one so uh whoever has a green marker on their head just move to the blue stack three two one just move to a different stack if you have the thing don't stand in between two one i'll take him back three two one one just use healing help people here three don't stack too much nice i'm out of range just stay with me two one three two one three one of you no no no there we go oh it's like okay i'm gonna move three two one run away you have to stay still when that happened oh sorry okay because you can't be healed you can't be healed you're only healed by cycling life of others okay thanks for that one one is why everyone's stuck in 10 million three two one three two one three two one yes but then you stop because they are not that big one never never continue to move behind people because you'll never have enough time to move all the way around all right i think you will find that that one is a lot worse on her yeah i know i've done it how much i enjoy animals that's a very nice item then gumbo you got gumber is that i say con bear yeah i need to get closer yeah yeah yeah plus you yeah i i kind of missed moving i don't have a target yeah like only in nervous for example people have half of the people have single targets let's stay close did you stay close not that fast yeah balls in the back two people uh remember for the balls here if you do get to do that mechanic the easiest way to do it on normal is to have two people line up so their line goes through two of the orbs and then the last person adjusts yeah um i remember just down behind it's not inside yes it's your line between the people that need to come oh sure where's the last you managed to escape my grass only to brazenly return to these halls alongside this ragged band of mortals perfect uh so here i tried to soak them into the mall the circles which appear if you get the targeted by that circle that didley had on him uh you want to be staying close so that it almost touches the boss but nobody else wants to be inside it so the easiest way to do that is just moving close so that you're in place and then don't move let other people move out of it um i'll stay a lot on the left during this one by one person by the way are you gonna assign um to people uh who's doing what no not necessarily because i think last time it worked with having like one first yeah but if i need to doing each side if i need to orb then obviously but uh takiri will do left-hand side and uh lord is positioning himself finally for the right-hand side okay i need to sacrifice bubble more for more like this oh you taking first same goal with me and when is no i do not want your i want a hero at 25 percent so are you ready two people line up two people line up the thing and then the third person adjusts remember you don't have to stand very close to them you need to talk three stacks three two one uh so if you have that just kind of stand close to kiri can you empty out the first one you ready to soak that one fine i will take the admit focus out i will enjoy wrenching the skin two people lining up third person adjust so there's one nicely i have got one stack now you want to go down to 10 or uh no it should be fine one person uh uh i'll take the boss you take me out oh [ __ ] i've just used my tongue [ __ ] please you ready for a taunt yeah thank you please yeah i'm working ready to so nice and there's gonna be a second set of soaps forever you're ready to cut two people line it up yeah just be ready to cast the bottom of it you ready please this person stop losing wait you don't want to stand on that step up soap nice i'll take out i'll take that there is no redemption uh don't stand too close yeah destruction no not in the orb clivo yeah this uh clever guy made a little stuff weird boy doing hungry this jacket fix how did you open this uh you have to run there i think i think it opens when you kill boss as well yeah uh no you can just run there now because uh but like for everyone now they have to actually run around because we didn't unlock at first running into the wall no you have to run it from this side it was like a hole in the wall right yeah i'm mistaken yeah but it's not open yet that's what we were talking about okay here i'm fixing my ui people can i get a rest ass that's what i'm using the old faces before i use the new feasts yeah that's fine i feel like that's reasonable considering we're still on normal so i mean we have those are expensive we have made way more than enough probably have enough for this fight with the oil 13 minutes remaining yep no there's a repairable by the entrance uh why line conver please what's your what is your um your armor on yellow so it's fine for now okay okay just to be sure if it was possible i would just um do it at the entrance yeah everyone ready five four three two one i got it i've got three stacks just stay there let everyone else move you want me to take bus there's a soak at the edge of my circle i'll take admit this focus on people sins so uh lord would you mind emptying out uh purple let's get this i got it uh so it's going to bounce to the back pretty sure one three two one if you have it empty green as well two stacks attack your head when it there we comes that's a good setup uh here or now i'm out of range let's get this ad down peace nice nice empty out purple please yeah i got you in a race on torah together oh yeah lines just stay stuff i'm the only one standing here yeah just disconnected one your faces are linked nice job oh my god look at that finger 39 crit and 133 haste yeah do you need that yes i [ __ ] do go away go away i'm worried for it everyone be ready to roll i don't want to put it in the chat because then people will get the wrong ideas lord got one as well nice i will take your ring loudly it's okay 400k not a problem mate i'll take the burden [ __ ] hell i mean what is it 200 yeah 200 oh yeah i have 200. i got 93 for the first time i'm sorry dude oh [ __ ] i'm about 100 sure except for while looking at this he's got he can't even trade the [ __ ] ring oh is it because it's the highest he got yeah some level wait can you trade too far away yeah what's that mate on board on sponsors you know if you want to make big money you gotta trade oh that's not fair i need to get closer who keeps fine see i talked i'm fine angry boys i've been moved like five times i don't have a target wait what is it i mean you're gonna have a better time this time oh um and i have now said sun king because we will suffer together okay choice has been made i need to target first just remembered i should probably be losing [ __ ] you want everything here i don't know i'm not there that's your job no you don't have all cooldowns but it should be fun i need to get closer i was just drinking mana that's what the [ __ ] who cares it wasn't me who pulled oh my god like just watch out for the traps wait where the [ __ ] is the tracker can we just burst those he's guys in the doorway just pulsing down i [ __ ] died whoever pulled that your mom's a hoe yeah yeah somebody pulled me uh yeah just fixing my ui um in a minute and uh can i get a risk i got you no someone pull it please lord do something oh [ __ ] i just canceled it myself by the way but okay thank you thank you i will respond everybody else you're welcome no no no oh oh i was gonna say no no no thank you but you know what because you said that i'll [ __ ] you too yeah wow okay so you turn right on the right hand side if you're facing the way like if you just stepped into that all right or just use this fix speak 9000 gps can you just stop tossing in general man so much fun i need to get closer are we clearing for the boys here right yeah queens remember if you get wins i'm here a poor person i will buy your the sacrificial blood will clean it's the it's the blood of bubble more i need to get closer i need to target something first it's too far away come come my little charmander gomber what city of the interrupt you have oh okay okay all i see is like 15 people just go left right left right in the middle left right undecisive don't know i mean it was like mozzarella said i'm going left right [ __ ] off something that happened it's okay i don't know what's happened i use an ad i use an add-on for that kind of stuff you have arrows at the edges of your screen you wait for the left tom tom is a very to find my way this mirror should prove useful for helping you move throughout the castle mortals isn't there one up here it's too far away yeah just eat their magic i can't do my kit though anymore i need to get closer lord it's okay are you going up the stairs yeah that's right you go up the stairs here yes i'm a [ __ ] i think we need a tour guide or something no i'm out of range it's too far away but it was kind of funny though i went for foreign yeah yeah like after the healer nerf but before the forecast so i don't know what they did now i think maybe they just helped he fuels their darkest instincts forging them into weapons to turn upon his enemies once i break these bonds you will be the first to burn wrath is your most potent sin son strider there's a feast here how did you get down again do you happen to have anything gluten-free oh no i'm sorry you're gonna have to [ __ ] yourself wait uh you go off sorry sorry my boss friend this mailbox right here hey mr composer so focus the guys running towards the fountains other than that i think this should be pretty straightforward my name is like maximum four yeah try to maximum four stacks oh yeah but you can even you can barely get there it like interrupts you yeah they went to here don't forget the flasks yeah flasks are running out also our oils unless you're an alchemist of course unless you're an alchemist we are hearing on the shade okay oh yeah oh yeah uh the other option is to hero on when we have killed three of the things that run strainer's life because that way the healers get the haste buff and super uber heal the boss with 200 percent increased healing which we still have to get through kltos anyway so might as well do it klaus remember if you're a class that can heal that's dps yeah just put your like all uh our lovely druids if your restoration is back oh when i entertain him and use and heal him as a pet uh not sure if that works yeah all right i need to get closer too far away i need to get closer spread out stand one on each and just let person channel if someone leaves then more of those fools do not allow them to interfere more than four sex yeah just be careful very good i need to get closer uh people can probably go channel return to stone you want to kill this you got we have cultists incoming assassins it's too far away i need to get closer i here comes the infusers are you ready to see them i'll get the right one uh do not stand behind the tank please focus the shade focus the shade stack up stack up stack up let me know when you want me to talk uh make sure you aim it towards the side of the room i'm gonna take him yes please follow me watch out watch out people move i can't attack that you can go and turn them out be careful one of them might get on fire additional guards are unhooked i think you can stand anyway any way around it yeah infusers people i get the right size quite yet oh yeah watch out for i return to stone another interruption from the castle god dispose of them it's too far away um the assassins will go down actually just don't stand behind me i'm looking towards the stage stack ups back up uh next person who gets that let me know who you are and start going stand alone beware sorry i will not be confined again nice god much better than last time i remember oh my god that was a clutch health sunstrike what the of being used as a pawn by others oh no no no are we going uh now we're going artificer yeah i'm just gonna go and repair yep um i i've got a i've got a um no matt do it it's really easy where is it well you just take the portal to the ball entrance right you go down one floor yeah go to the portal there's over there there's a portal right here where it's your mirrors you get from your i mean isn't um i mean conduits are a really high chance of dropping commercial gear i think do you go downstairs no one floor from where you were right i don't think we're doing i don't know we're not doing council well somebody said yeah yeah that's uh i think do we do the same as last time uh yeah some people oh man i'm [ __ ] bringing something peeps need to come and help me out where have you gone the wrong way i don't have a target you're still there he's going to drop a b.o.e that's why i brought him off here he's gone i need a towel yeah such a poem so that works right next one um yes this way they're all going wild no crazy pro kinda it's all these the court enforcer is the only one i need to target something first i don't have a target there is [ __ ] there is just wait until the guy comes out for how to do it well done it's too far away yet how do i test their authenticity no clicking on the orbs [ __ ] he says after he's coming i was talking about the boss ah if you remember i kicked the [ __ ] wall by accident [ __ ] and i had to solo tank that [ __ ] yeah i did the first time and i said it exactly yeah but no i didn't do it deliberately when i jumped i click on the screen to do my character to move him yeah i didn't find the [ __ ] thing so i'm putting down a hammer here so you didn't find a little problem with anything no um flaming keyboard swap plan do i blow last one i don't see why not um i don't remember the last time i actually know you want a bloodlust at 40 right oh yeah or is it 30 like last phase because it's most annoying um okay so oh if we keep going at this rate we'll be doing heroic tomorrow that's great so gear does make a change you're doing great sweetie um so who is in charge of which seed okay so blue i can do green so taqiri is blue why line is green yellows on yellow and then i want let's see who do we have yellow yellow yes yellow on yellow uh diddly and take the purple see through where'd you want it placed uh just by yellow right so it yours job is gonna be pick up the seat that spawns by us just walks through the portal drop it wherever over there and then we'll hop through the portal back and don't panic click like i did and jump back and forth like four times so the one closest to purple i'll just take two yellow yep okay because there's going to be a portal there as well so everybody ready [ __ ] he's a dad i don't know kill me tonight you're pulling him over five four three two one i'm out wondering i have been hoping to test these relics on live targets so stay here combo stay here don't stay over here if you get targeted by eyes by the way uh hop through the portal go back back out you ready to drop portals again open schmidt stays here it goes distraction is guaranteed okay you got it yeah i got it anyone who's targeted you're ready to go through the portal and then you're basically bouncing them back and forth by hopping through the portal the anticipation get away yeah stage two so be ready for the seats now there we go new portal dolphins stays here there he goes uh it should be fine destruction is guaranteed uh deadly uh let's see okay yeah don't worry about it let's find a random uh goodly nice spot through the seats there i hope this wonderous item is as lethal as it looks also important just run football if you're dropping in after the portal yeah just be ready it's five four three two one i mean do we need to find something yeah you will need two tanks off to hold them there be ready beat me up [ __ ] keeping your [ __ ] free healing oh i was healing you constantly yeah i appreciate it you ready yeah one explode oh we can rest we can rise his exchange has no damage i'm raising last week we had three bags we had three bags off this boston it's just like yeah guys don't forget to repair all right there's a repair just here is it the ones the onlys the [ __ ] [ __ ] are those next yeah [ __ ] it but this time we do your scratch fix right the new strike so no ads yeah so you don't have to worry about i mean to be honest i was in a park where five people died every time that's bad man yeah five people yes the group leader died don't pull everything here because remember those things [ __ ] enraged last time actually what's a bit often that some people claim that they catch blogs where they literally could not see yeah yes that was a thing that was a thing though and they fixed that dude i have played ever like i have played this on a paladin the slowest of tanks right yeah nice yeah i guess dk would be the one yeah sorry like you have time watch the traps people honestly 50 of this call is just means just crackheads oh we have an assassin mean friday i like how more no that's what it says uh no he's not targeting something first i can't attack that target give me away give me god damn it scammed we love seeing clock oh everybody you know what to do to be honest not exactly just interrupt free the uh every case everyone should do that but uh just let me explain basically what it is is the important feature as taker was saying interrupt frida if we do not interrupt frito then it is very close to white um other than that every 50 or when a boss hits 50 percent um it we will start dancing um when you dance you go to where the spotlight is and you simply move one tile in the direction where whatever they say you can also be looking at the ads to see which way are they going and just follow along the direction um for melee people don't stand opposite to where the tank is standing if we are fighting stavros beyond that that's pretty much it uh just it's not worth using any cleave damage or such for this fight really uh when ad spawn hold on focus them instantly uh the reason cleave damage is not worth is because whenever you kill one boss the other is healed to fall let me just do this just one question please uh do we have uh an interrupt order uh not particularly no because the interrupts are not that bad that it is uh you need a dedicated and dropped order because we have a rate of 15 people uh last one yeah phase three last four on freida did everybody grab the christmas clothes more interested in uh chris and dressing up right than than than clear and red right um who do you want me to take you i'm going to take stavros right you take stavros first now okay that's false okay obviously priority goes like that let's do this [ __ ] in case we need mass uh and don't go to groups if you have to dance with someone trying to go on yes that's the one i forgot if you get linked up with a person who are told to dance run out to the sides don't bother about the link really the length is fine and um you know yeah you take damage from it but it's not bad right off that's right someone people make your intro are we doing one or two uh do two mate we're tankier now let's be aware get ready for the dance attention we will need you have to because it's dropped you should be able to hold them right yeah beware i need to get closer people don't stand opposite me melee people do not stand opposite me stand to the sides 90 degrees i i need to get closer push it to 50 percent one three two beware oh [ __ ] it's too far away beware okay how many was that that's two but i can hold it here beware and get ready to spread them three sections they lightly spread spread out this way wait old tranquility it's not really needed not taking more damage that's when she does the next mechanic now nice bounce you ready get to your position we will be pulling her back to the middle right i'll save it i got it just save it for for if the mechanic happens again i need to get closer very glades god this is so much easier this is actually the first time i killed it oh i actually got a christmas hat let's what are those dancing things no i'm telling you now i bet you that someone's got a [ __ ] train ticket you want to drink it wait no actually i'm going oh wait i also got a hat wow amazing i don't think i have to change it every day all right you want to start uh [ __ ] drinking i'll put my first one this is this is no she hasn't this is a post nerf now isn't it yes but it was when we did it as well yep oh my gosh it's rather you left considerable detritus jerry can you message me when the timer is so funny so far my lumbering friend here happily obliged what'd you say hmm well wow do you have to sit down or is it just one drink and that's it yes right so i was asking basically if it's like a one drink thing or do you have to stand even if in combat uh yeah you have to it's like a you take like a slight nine second nap um a slight nine second that's like a massive in combat yeah but all right stop at any time you just have to like jump or move when you want to stop okay good to know um i believe that zul said he was gonna join us yeah uh currently though the kids still awake oh okay so okay so we'll just do a couple um things first and then take it from there pretty much um recruiting some people now see if i can find some suitable people just initially intimidate him i don't like to beat this one that great me please well i did this uh would someone mind coming outside on something i'll be here how many can we have for it to log as a guild run it's already there yeah but the more but if more people come in i see 80 right um it's taking off i'm back you're late was i by about three seconds yes we were we are doing a vodkick slash g quilt oh g cake i mean you don't invite me to raid on my first day in the guild she quit even more after i signed up in the same day unacceptable unacceptable disappointed why why do i hear a knight of music in here because you are using more sounds i guess no i'm not really god i don't even have music again okay let's do already check that's all right hey don't we have like three bosses left well four with this one four no it's still three three it's three so it would be two oh yeah yeah sorry three yeah wow wow this fight is a little more exciting than street thing a little more because you actually have a chain instead of just balls hmm see this is kind of funny because balance loops pick i get two items feral looks big i get four items with the same two items like once i could have be happy for any item yeah but what i mean is if you pick fair loot spec you'll get one out of four items chance i don't get why they're setting up lego stops there you go we save um you can use cooldowns when we charge them to pillar first time and then you use it if if it's one minute if it's a one minute cooldown you can use onpull and then on every pillar but if it is uh more then it's worthwhile saving do we hear our third pillar or uh no we hear our first pillar like when you see him start charging towards the first pillar just make sure he he has to hit it just just call it out mate just call it that yeah beware loving it first of all we're going to the right here it's too far away uh you probably want to be popping tranquility after the first truck like after the charge for example okay those people take a lot of damage so we have two people just beware beware run away little girl run away beware it's too far away again yeah that's just him here beware beware just pull them this way what's up beware we need to pull him back this way he needs to come this way okay i have tranquility i guess do everything you can beware it's definitely doable if one sides alive the two people died in the charge they're so sweet to squish you oh the seven great for the first try yeah that was very good all yeah please leave typing such things to me sorry yeah just question please when like previously i had four rocks getting down on me i was 30 hp so i had to use dash and i forgot so should i just die there or uh i already used my treasure um the main one is that if you see that there's a rock coming on your head you can walk out of it no there was uh in front of me and behind me at the same time it doesn't matter you can that's what i said in one of the raid messages you are fine walking through them once it's on the ground don't worry about walking through it don't worry about it it does not do a lot of damage if you're standing in there for a long time that's not good but it's the main one is when it drops it does like half your health bar and stuns you all right we are all running out of flasks indeed so uh uh i've got three minutes on oils and i need to apply to my chest the fight is up to six minutes so yeah but i can't put up another bloody oil until you can right click it yeah i did that last time and i [ __ ] wasted it just to get rid of it it doesn't stack but we got a 60 yeah for me it works yes right click that's something okay yeah it that's it okay yeah i'm just uh reapplying so i'll do a ready check but yes uh when you the situation you were asking about was like should you die there instead of using this engage i would say yes you should die there because if you get hit and you die then only you die whereas if you disengage and break the link both of you die okay five four three two one beware gonna flatten your bow beware run away little girl run away uh yes we have plenty of damage for this by the way uh last week whenever i did this it would be hitting 30 before like just before it charged the last pillar beware we hit 30 percent just after had hit like it left the second run four three two one i need to get closer beware out of range beware runaway little girl what's up three two one on the side with me girl yeah and then uh charlotte if you still have your tranquility you pop that after the next pillar oh yeah of course in that case if both druids still have convoked the spirits i have another big i think it's more for the healers yeah but mine is this is fine this is fine you can jump you can jump you want to go uh yes watch out for the following rocks beware beware run away little girl run away i'm using symbol of help that's how it works beware it's too far away remember to go forward beware congratulations to all people who got animal uh link them in guild chat if it's ones you have received and do not need we must continue our pursuit ah yes the chance won't grow uh then it's either way it'll go to enjoy yeah he's got legendary drop from this boss let me just arrive taking all my strength to hold back on this thing man i don't worry about it out get those things away from people that's what she said oh i missed drumming it's too far away ah this is the big boy who if you leave him alone for too long he one shots you with one auto attack i need to target something first i need to get closer away from everybody please even after the nerve but then having said that i prefer the one i've got oh yeah it works like the asteroid before yeah pretty much it's really nice i think i used to dance that's his problem not my problem okay um yes it is no no because he's not in our guild yeah now it's my problem i need to get closer oh they're doing big damage yes uh i don't think we can i see i don't have a target uh for this i'm gonna be dropping some lovely um shhh oh [ __ ] i'm making videos i'm making money sprinting money you have the uh you paying taxes simple which markers are available by the wall by the way green purple purple green purple only those two or yeah yeah oh no the shadow face is stunning draven so uh we're going to be tanking him where i'm standing right now so people can get back to like over here uh can i put a marker on you dude yeah sure just something that's not on the floor yeah um so uh remember to like pick up the yeah just stay back there your rebellion ends here i need to get closer uh last third phase when we have both of them uh remember to always break out so just stay still everyone else gets out everyone so everyone's up nice you ever stuck uh not yet if you get the red arrow on your head please go to skull of red i couldn't get to the other side main one's getting out do you ever stop yeah some reason it's not showing stacks no it doesn't nice oh kill the goliath get out of the red circles my blade will find you out of the right circle you want to swap uh how many stacks yeah i'll picture twenty dollars it just goes down nice uh run pick up the red orbs on the ground crystallized just stand still get in here i need to feed it to something you cannot escape my rock it's too far away careful in my mind just move your feet i need to get closer red get the [ __ ] out three three two one so i'm on soak and whoever has that bloody eruption don't stand up just stay there gumber stay everyone's up this is going to be a rough soap by the way because there's two circles overlapping with it just don't go and so uh can we have oh i i preferably in terms of like the other things don't if you have the eruption on you go to one of the other markers from i'll take him crystallize just get out it's too far away everyone's soaked i will drive you in so things just and if you have another option you'll stand somewhere nice be ready to hero so go get back to the same position people that's fine beware move i need to get closer uh yeah that's fine yeah soon three two i'm dead can we get him up thank you very much all right sock socks next time a crystallized thing happens colonel you need to go stand on it beware move focus on nice of all the shadows i don't really want that coke but i've got it you don't really want what okay because festivity but sadly i can't trade it that i don't need you are the key to victory i thought it was gonna say you are hunter strike down the line they're all traumatized uh terry's terrible thank you what can screaming into the more uh charlotte you need to come to me uh but it's not the entire thing no she doesn't you said two and four on me yeah oh one you sorry my bad but is it the entire fight or no uh up until 70 percent yeah um so it's kind of a damage check now yeah uh always always always always always kill out first always always obvious and in terms of he has a christmas hat yeah sorry not to properly scale it's perfect scout as is easy or hard not too bad that's what what is that he dropped so and we wait for the ads to spawn and then we taunt right aft after yeah spawns the ads then yeah okay um um so what has given me so much bloody mastery my feet my legs what does this do drop oh i'd love the head please oh was there was there a feast here did i just there was a feast yes should i put one down again no no no you should not we're gonna wipe anyway once i think yeah probably that's uh people get need to get used to it's very important by the way that you stack on your tank so that your stacks get cleansed properly otherwise you die when we have to walk unless one or our lovely priests vanished if that still works last week oh yeah then it could uh you pull it i'll probably take aggro a few but don't worry just let it just let it be on me then um because for the for the first bit i do too much damage right and instead of you having to taunt all the time and worry about our girl right we just wait until that first one hits on me and then we just go yeah yeah okay yep everyone ready so just so that i've got the right i'm i'm glading him and bringing him to me yeah okay just for her positioning did you say hero uh in the last phase confess your sins get the [ __ ] out lest they consume three two one i need to get closer slack with your time stuck with your time confess your sins you were standing on my side of the boss nick i have to eat okay so only you got plants there that's get out four three two one no two stacks to still do exterminating we need to get closer get out with the feeding time we need to get him down to a percentage on the i need to get closer wait for it to explode it explodes we go back if you have a red thing on you try to get out inside scream for me scream for me if you have a red light on it move through the portals watch up are there any hats over there yes go across the thing i cut you down honestly just run out of it just run out of a distance it's more uh when we're getting interface here uh let's just yes yeah you just need to hold it for 10 seconds beware chatter knock so just be careful yeah spread out get away from people four three two one beware so watch out for lines on the floor oh this is basically it that's the fight that's all you have to do jumping yeah you can all jump off the tank that was not me the first one so in that last phase what he'll do is you know how he did the swords every second one will be his swords on the ground the lines and every other one will be the ravage which we have where it cuts off a third of the room which we have in the top face but it was nice seeing that we could tank with druid for a while actually yeah um feast yeah yeah say please well now everybody got the the taste exactly of how it is like dip their toes in the waters that's always important dig your toes um andrew i will use first roar during the time and then seconds yeah five four three two one you will answer for your arrogance three two one be confess your sins lest they consume don't go kill them step out if you have a thing on you i need to get closer your hubris is a master debt you cannot pay three two get out if you have a too far away why need a target i need to get closer cleanses the soul your vanity will cost you everything three two one be confess your sins lest they consume us beware confess your sins kill the people with feeding time push everything you have just push onto the boss push the boss push watch don't care about us get out nice and just run and crawl to let's don't run into this barrier thing nicely and here we go i'll take sire servants remove these refuse from my sight i need to get closer yep arrange people kill ya scream for me uh hey if you have the red arrow on your head move out i cut you down move out watch out for alliance just dodge the lines as the main we're done i cut you down me to get closer uh light i need to get closer to the side i think that's going to push him into the face move to the side okay i will cut you down be warrior carve screams please consume i need to get closer go to the other side there are ads there you shall have it it's too far away let me know when you want to taunt nice focus boss i need to get close they're all perfect oh beware i'm out of range fatal that's just left i'm standing in a circle four three two one beware watch out for red line beware i got you i'm out of range go to the side besides i need to get closer ah [ __ ] oh of course just focus it's too far away i need to get closer yes does anyone want a winter hat unfortunately i picked up two of them so i also have two red green wait we only have one oh two loot yeah oh dude that looks like a fine trinket to me uh gomberg yeah 7k damage on a one and a half minute cooldown it's your second best in slot so well i'm very surprised at how well at how relatively quite smooth that was don't you mean don't you mean impressed not surprised good night thank you for joining to be honest at this point can we charge the pugs well that's that's that's that's what i was thinking maybe the next next race well yeah i'm pretty sure next week yeah well next week that you see this is the thing next week um but no we're not writing are we oh that's not right oh unless we do it on a different day but i i don't think that would have enough people to cover that i mean that would be like wednesday or some [ __ ] it would more than likely be on reset yeah so wednesday thursday guild it's like the lovely dk at the start of the raid
Channel: Wrathox
Views: 3,231
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Raiding
Id: bugyCLA1Fis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 42sec (10482 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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