Casting Warhammer 40k Parts using Sprue Goo

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hi guys so last month i made a lot of builds using sprues and to make all the builds possible i cast a lot of parts using the ooey gooey sprue stuff but obviously to do that you need to make some molds and as you can see here i've got a variety of moulds these will be made differently with different sort of materials but obviously the end result is the the same um yeah sometimes they come out really good sometimes not so good but the thing there is you just sort of remake them over and over again until you get ones that are absolutely perfect so i thought in this video i would show how i made all these molds so some of these molds are warhammer parts and some of them are bits and pieces that i've had run around the house so almost like scratch building really um but yes as you can see there are quite a variety of things here and say some come out better than others but generally for the kind of builds i do which is obviously a lot of orcish stuff or rusty stuff um yeah they all come out really really well so let's dive in and the first one i'm going to show you how i made are these corrugated containers obviously you say i've got a towel on these making them a bit of a rusty old bucket but yeah so these side panels as you can see are like corrugated is looking and to make those basically i took some corrugated card nice and simple but obviously it gives the effect that i need so just get some duplicating this effect by making a mold and then yeah casting it with the ooey gooey spray stuff so the moulds can be made in a variety of ways but generally i can't just use whatever i've got lying to hand to sort of build up the base and the sides basically you just want like an airtight sort of area or watertight kind of area and you can pour the the silicone into as you can see i'm using this bit of board which you will actually see in another video um but it gets turned into crazy dave's workshop so yes even though i'm using the board for this it will then get used for something sort of afterwards so yes i'm using this uh this foam board stuff to make these surroundings again just because i've got it lying around and it's pretty cheap and yeah i've got quite a lot of it so a bit of glue um obviously it's all been cut up so it should all fit nicely around i try and do a gap of around about 10 mil at least sort of around anything that i'm going to make a mold of um that's obviously to the sides and the depth as well i probably made this one deeper than it probably needed to be because i am already creating a small cast obviously the corrugated card is very thin um but yeah sometimes i like to make sure that what i make is definitely fit for purpose and it can be used again and again and again basically and as you can see obviously i don't use this stuff that often and the glues actually sort of melted it um a bit of a shame you know that doesn't really matter we can soon rectify that some good old plasticine and we'll just sort of put that in all the gaps um yes i'm gonna go around everything so obviously say the glue does seem to have melted the the styrene foam or whatever it's called a little bit um but yeah so guys obviously whatever i do make stuff um anything that does go wrong i kind of leave in just because obviously it helps me because i do re-watch my videos but it'll also help you to sort of see if this is something new you're using what kind of happens and as i say obviously this glue has sort of dissolved it i purposely normally when i'm making these kind of molds i use a hot glue gun just because i then know that it will be nice and secure and or say watertight but i kind of thought that the hot glue gun would definitely melt this stuff but obviously so does normal blue so yes i'm also going to cast some wheels i say if you've seen some of my previous videos last month uh basically they were all sprue built um yeah some of them had wheels um i think these are actually used for the pod racer so if you haven't seen that video go and check that out i had a pod racer uh for star wars day and i used these two or these tires to actually make the uh the engine and they came out pretty cool so just case of flint in the inside of these because obviously well i didn't really need to cast the the outside is what i really want so i just love the look the texture um and the design really that's going on on these wheels um and yeah i thought they'd be pretty cool so yeah just filling in the base the the center bits with some good old kitchen foil again this is something i've got loads of it's nice and cheap and it's just a great thing for packing stuff out so yeah once that's done we can then make a mold of those in the same way as before and again i've used the plasticine to fill in the gaps just to make sure nothing leaks out i'm using a two-part liquid silicone and i like to go for ones that are mixed on a ratio of one to one just because it makes things nice and simple i kind of run out of my usual little plastic cups i use so i've used an old yogurt pot again it is this case i'm really trying to use whatever you've got lying around the house uh generally i do try and go out and buy sort of stuff i need but obviously sometimes it does run out um and yeah let's just use whatever we've got lying around so again i like this one that i've got because there are different colors i have used some before where they've both been clear uh which is a bit of a pain when you come to mix them so as you can see in this one there's a white one and a dark blue and when you mix them together it becomes a nice sort of light blue so you know when it's fully mixed because it is sort of a consistent color but when you get the clear ones then yeah they are tricky so when pouring this in i like to try and pull from a real nice height get a thin stream as this helps reduce the uh the air bubbles that gets all trapped and caught in the mold um because i think this stuff i'm using it is quite a relatively cheap one but it's quite a good one because i've never really had any problems with air bubbles which is pretty cool especially as i don't have like an air vacuum chamber or anything to sort of suck out the bubbles so yeah this one works really well so filling it nicely to the top and then it's a case of letting it dry i think this one was about an eight hour curing time as you can see i'm giving it a good old little tap obviously speed it up it makes my fingers look like they're going nuts and again this just helps any air bubbles that are trapped down the bottom sort of like float to the top and then sort of release that into the air so yeah pour it in again on the the corrugated card one as well as like this one i really made a lot thicker and deeper than i really needed to but the good thing is i actually use it to make quite a lot of the corrugated card panels so yes it's well worth making the mix nice and thick just because it does sort of last a nice long time i just wanted to say a big thank you to all my patrons for helping support the channel as it really does mean so much to me because it helps me buy more and more of the materials needed to uh to make things so yeah cheers guys thanks a lot for that if you do want to help out and see sort of behind the scenes stuff and work in progress pictures there will be a link at the end of the video as well as links down in the description on how you can become a patron so yeah cheers guys thanks so much so obviously i've left the mould now for a good eight hours and now it's just a case of taking it out and yeah it's come out really well also i need to remove the bits of plasticine that's all like here and there but that's fine but the actual molds themselves um yeah nice and secure nice and solid and yeah they've got lots of definition and detail in them of obviously the parts and pieces that i've just cast so yeah they are great and i better use those to make loads and loads of parts so now i've got some molds it's now time to cast them using the sprues um as you can see these are all like the center parts of the sprues kind of generally take the outer edge ones and use them obviously because they're nice and long length for sprues so yeah so all these inner bits i basically trim them up or cut them up into lovely little nibbly knobbly bits generally the size of these obviously the smaller you make them the quicker they'll dissolve obviously but as i generally leave them in the jar of acetone overnight i basically cut them up into sizes that sort of fits into the top of the jar basically so i'll fill the jar right to the top um yeah and then i leave it somewhere for say normally eight hours is the minimum time it really needs but again i leave overnight just gets nice and simple and then yeah the next day i can get my mulch because these are obviously lovely and come out really well they've sort of cleaned them up now so i got all the plasticine bits and yeah just goes getting the the goo sprue out and into the molds so i've got a spoon i obviously use just for uh for ugu um and yeah just case of like pushing it out the easiest way to obviously make this um flatten it basically get some greaseproof paper um and one of those textured so that doesn't really matter this is gonna be like the back of the other thing but you can get smooth greaseproof paper and then using the roller i have got a normal roller but i couldn't simply find that so i'm using my textured roller but it's still inside it's all protective tube i then trimmed the paper um this is just basically to make it look nice and neat because what i was eventually going to do was obviously make loads of these panels but rather than sort of like wait sort of eight hours for each one to sort of fully cure whatever um yeah i was basically gonna sort of do one take it out and then make another one take that out but leave them on the greaseproof paper to dry and then yeah doing the same sort of thing with the tyres really um putting loads of the spruegu in i found it best to put sort of more in than you kind of need really um because this thing this way then when you just like flatten it out or roll it out even it really will push all this spruegu into all the nooks and crannies um of whatever it is you're sort of casting basically so yeah use the greaseproof paper again over the top um you can use your fingers just to sort of push it down or use the roller to try and get it sort of like smoothened out basically um but yes i say this is sort of things seem to work pretty well um and again you do that for all of them so generally say it can take a good eight hours uh for the sprugu to sort of like harden back up again this is really depends on how thick the um the stuff is really but um but yeah so as you can see obviously it peels off reasonably well again this probably hasn't been left quite as long as i should uh sometimes i do get a little bit impatient but more so it's because i want to make loads of copies so rather than leaving one fully for sort of the eight hours i kind of get it out a bit earlier and then leave it on the side uh for it to sort of fully cure so this this one has sort of it's almost there and again putting on the grease proof sort of tray helps so they have a good thing obviously well with these sort of things when you first take them off um say this isn't obviously fully cured it is still flexible so even though i'm using these to make obviously straight panels for the container um i do actually use some of these to make some tubes so yeah getting these with this are still nice and soft wrap them around a pen or anything sort of cylindrical that you wanna sort of make the shape of um and then let it cure then means you then get a cylindrical sort of corrugated tubie sort of effect but yeah as i say i made quite a few of these go to the containers i made each one use uh what was it four three three panels yeah it was the sides and the top i didn't have the bottom on them because they didn't seem to need to have the bottom so the great thing with these molds is it doesn't seem to deteriorate in any way using the sprue group so obviously even though these things contain acetone the acetone doesn't seem to dissolve or sort of do any sort of effects to the the silicone molds which is pretty cool um because then you can reuse them again and again and again basically as in the case of what i was doing again some of these do sort of come out better than others um but i think a lot of that is my impatience to get them out basically um but any little air pockets or hair air holes or say basically the acetone sort of builds up and then once it evaporates it leaves like the little little gaps um but any of that doesn't seem to really affect the look of these things again these are kind of like containers that are going to be rust buckets and the same with the tyres um again i kind of take these out probably earlier than i should uh so these are still relatively soft but um but overall the fact that this is made from sprues um yeah not too bad a job at all certainly usable um and yeah you can make great things with it obviously you couldn't really cast anything too sort of like fine detail i don't think that would come out at all so the other thing that works really well are these brought silicone molds again these are from amazon there are links down in the description uh obviously you get two of these together and it makes obviously a nice sort of sphere or ball or whatever you want to call it um but yeah obviously just using it in the halves again using the the sprue gu fill it up um and yeah the results on this are really good this i kind of used well i think this was using the pod racer as well as the uh the great unclean one that i made basically i made loads of spheres that sort of made up his uh his sort of center body and then i put more goo over the rest of it um but yeah it's good to know that you can buy the silicone molds and again the ooey goo spruey stuff or the acetone doesn't seem to dissolve or deteriorate or affect these molds either um so yes again these come out really well they seem to come out better than any of the others um i'm not sure it's because they are like the spheres or half spheres but um yeah the things come out and they almost look like they're being polished at the top they are super smooth so yeah really please about how these come out obviously the inside again doesn't really matter what the inside looks like because that's not gonna be seen so again i like to try new things out and i did try this many many months ago and that's that blue stuff or umaru when i last used it i don't think i really sort of used it properly because i didn't get good results so i thought i'd have another go at using it um and yeah this stuff though this isn't the cheapest of stuff to use but obviously the good thing about this stuff is it's reusable so you can sort of like you basically just heat it up in hot water and then form it around whatever it is you want to cast and then basically just leave it until it hardens up but again this stuff isn't too bad but you can't again use this for anything sort of too detailed or too intricate um because i think you'll have problems getting this stuff off so i'm kind of making like a two-part mold just to make it obviously easier for this stuff to uh to come apart so in that case it's just case of doing one half leaving that for say about 10 15 20 minutes i suppose until it fully hardens and then make the other half and then up as you can see i've got the two halves together a bit of a bit of tape around them and yeah getting the spool goo and popping that inside and obviously making sure you push it around so it fills it up nicely so yes this stuff didn't work too bad i was quite pleased with the results as i say especially because you can just reuse this blue stuff again and again and again more importantly the acetone doesn't seem to dissolve evaporate or disfigure or do anything really to this um this mould stuff so so yeah so another great way of making a variety of casts um especially if you just want like a one-off cast this is pretty cool uh before you make loads and loads of the same thing then i kind of prefer to use the um the silicone but but there you go yeah so spoogoo is great to obviously make all kinds of pieces and can be used to cast well whatever sort of parts and pieces you need to say some of these parts are warhammer parts and some of these parts are just sort of well junk that would have been thrown away but would obviously look good in some sort of scratch built something or other so yeah so this is how it's possible for me to make loads of videos last month all using sprue sprues uh where there were sprues as they were just all cut up glued together or sprues turned melody and acetone to make it sprucing but either way it just shows the possibilities with sprues are pretty much endless um as long as you don't mind what it looks like looking a little bit like it's been through the the walls or set on fire and then turn it all into rust buckets so there you go i hope you enjoyed the video guys don't forget to give it a thumbs up leave some comments down below share subscribe all that good stuff and i'll see you the next one bye for now
Channel: Miniature Hobbyist
Views: 45,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mould making silicone rubber, mould making silicone, simple mould making, mould making and casting, warhammer 40k sprue terrain, warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer 40k sprues, sprues, casting parts, casting warhammer 40k parts, recasting warhammer 40k, recasting parts, simple casting process, simple casting, acetone, dissolving sprues, melting warhammer sprues, using warhammer sprues, nibbly nobbly bits, warhammer 40000, games workshop, mould making
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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