Casting a Yellowjacket Nest with Molten Aluminum
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Channel: Anthill Art
Views: 2,759,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yellowjackets, yellow jackets, anthill art, wasps, aluminum yellowjacket nest, aluminum wasp nest, underground wasp nest, yellowjacket nest cast, yellowjacket ground
Id: 9dvTS4C0kwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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Iโm gonna say it.
You have fantastic looking soil
Thatโs how the never ending fire underneath Centralia started
I hope they screamed. Just like I screamed when they stung me repeatedly on my cock and balls. Donโt ever try to fuck a wasp nest, folks. No matter how sexy it looks. No.Matter.How.Sexy!
meu heroi!
This belongs on r/chaoticgood
yeah get fucked eh! Also nice work!
dis was incredible satisfying to look at
I think those are ants