Cast No Stones
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Channel: Cody Jinks - Topic
Views: 2,935,713
Rating: 4.5006704 out of 5
Keywords: Cody Jinks, Adobe Sessions, Cast No Stones
Id: 5rr01o4-MqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Thu May 31 2018
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The whole album is great.
Cody Jinks is amazing.
He's REALLY good in concert.
I'm currently only listening to Cody Jinks as of yesterday. He kept coming on my Midland channel on Pandora and I always thought it was decent enough to not skip...but yesterday the song "Rock and Roll" graced itself upon my ears and i haven't turned him off.
Better than decent, stupid me.
Love this song, and his more slimmed down version on his earlier album by the same name (Can only download it in the Cody Jinks flockers group on Facebook) was great too.
Great song.