Cassava Oil-Down #TastyTuesdays |

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what's up soldiers chris here at caribbean tasty tuesday you're back always a pleasure having you guys here in the kitchen with me we're doing a cassava oil down you're gonna love this one man stay tuned i've got about two pounds of frozen cassava straight out of the freezer and to be honest with you the stuff you find in the freezer is always guaranteed to boil nice and soft i've had bad experience with fresh cassava after all i am living in canada i can't go on i cannot go into the backyard the accent was about to kick in there i cannot and that's a vexation coza i cannot get to the backyard and dig in cassava frozen in the frozen section most popular grocery stores will have it they're frozen we're going to do things a little bit differently we're going to boil this halfway through then we're going to remove it out of the pot cut it up and then go back into cooking again the reason being in the center here there's going to be a sort of a woody stock center i can't see an example right now to show you but we need to get to that center piece and this is frozen solid as i said so stay tuned it's in a pot of water now high heat coming up to a boil and we're gonna go in with some sea salt you can use any salt i might just like using sea salt we're gonna bring that up to a boil and cook it for about five seven minutes or so but we got to bring it up to a boil first been going for about seven minutes now on that rolling boil it's halfway cooked it's not fully cooked but it's exactly where we want it to be so what i'm going to go ahead and here and do turn off the stove i'm going to drain it and allow it to cool and i'll show you what to do next but in the meantime let's start with the other ingredients sort of a medium-sized saucepan something with a lid on a medium flame i'm gonna go in with one two tablespoons of butter that is salted butter i'm just gonna swish that around let that melty melt for us a little bit quick little swish in there and here we're gonna go in with all flavor ingredients and that includes a medium diced onion two scallions some fresh thyme three cloves of smashed garlic some parsley and it may look like scotch bottle pepper caribbean sunshine but i assure you it's not that is pimento peppers if you want to put a little habanero in here if you want to put the little scotch powder that is totally up to you i'm going for flavor today and we're going to turn the heat down to low give that a mix and we want that to sweat and soften up now right away you're seeing anything chris yeah white is your stuff always different well yeah this is not your typical cassava oil down yes everybody thinking oil though they're like oh gosh where's the bread food where's the meat where's this and what is that no vegans vegetarians i towel rasta everybody eats in this because this thing just be nice and i see no meat and involved vegans i use butter so use some olive oil if you want instead i want all the complaining but the point is here if you're doing this the traditional way you would put a cassava to boil in there you would peel it cut it up remove the sort of inner the the the stems that i'm gonna do the woody center i'm gonna show you in a second and you would put all the ingredients in the pot you would boil it and everything would simmer down yeah nothing wrong with that granny did it that way but uncle chris is doing it different because i know by adding that fat in there that butter and we're going a little a little overboard with the explanation but i want you guys to know where i'm coming from and we add that garlic and the thyme and that scallion and that pimento pepper you're just bringing out a ton of flavor with that so while we respect what granny was doing we go ahead and granny a little granny listen time to do whatever chris is doing with that cassava well done yes baby don't go to the granny that then if your butts are slapping your tails don't come crying to me next up fresh ground black pepper [Music] now vegan vegetarians everybody else if you wanted and i said olive oil if you want to use coconut oil i would much prefer you go if you're not using butter go the roots of coconut oil reason being we're going to add coconut milk to this that is where the whole oil down aspect of oil down comes from so when you hear people fighting up that is not all that no no no no all done it's not so much a dish but a technique as well when that coconut milk reduces down and it comes back to that rich coconut oil that is where the oil and oil comes from but people go tell it differently now i want you to shift your attention over to here for a second and this is it's sort of parboiled cassava remember it was frozen and in the center here let me just cut it down the center just be careful because it's still hot right you see this sort of woody center here that is what i was talking about that you have to remove and then you would cut it up into pieces and just about three quarters of an inch to one inch pieces like that remember it's not fully cooked yet but i just want to get an example of another one so there's another piece here we split it open you will see this thing here is very fibrous you don't want to be eating that you don't want to be serving that people are going to say wait this money no nothing but cassava if you served i'm back that going into the rubbish and again we just cut it up until one and three yeah we've been one inch pieces like so i had half of a carrot in the fridge there so i thought i'd toss that in there we eat with our eyes first so adding that little bit of color in there plus carrots good for you according to mommy good for your eyes so put some carrots in there yeah then it's time for the coconut milk here straight out of a can so that's about a cup and a half of coconut milk give that a stir we're going to crank up the heat to medium and we want to bring this up to a boil and let that niceness happen in the pot there for about a minute or two it's been simmering away for about three minutes now this is where we're going to add all of that pre-cooked cassava back to the pot and then we're going to give it a good mix and allow that another cassava was only three quarters away cooked so we need to finish cooking this off here i'm gonna make sure our cassava is coated in that flavored coconut milk there yeah scrape any pot and some oil like wait right here use a wooden spoon listen the address on your website sandy wooden spoon you want me to use to that address all right caribbean put that plum contact i'm on top yes don't worry me i can afford a wooden spoon if i want there you to give that a nice little stir shake your shake tuck everything down and let that go for a few minutes until the cassava is fully cooked it's going to absorb all that coconut niceness in there it's going to reduce down a bit and we're going to get that oil down effect as we got that going on there yeah i had the lid on so you want to put the lid on that or if i told you guys that already time for some housekeeping i know my cousin and them from granance will come on here and they'll say well chris that is not grenadian oil down aha uncle chris never used the wood grenadine because that's not grenadine oil though let's let's be careful how we see this number two all you have to say thanks you'll learn to make a different type of oil down yeah chris i will thank you and third of all if you're real picky and i ain't trying to fund anybody feelings and good feelings and all that if you want to call it a cassava stew a coconut cassava she will do so but where i'm from oh my great grandmother used to make it we call it cassava oil down and uncle chris is going to stick to that q a s s if you have a proper lamb five minutes later it's been going on that boil there it's going to give it another little fixture and this is done you want to taste it for salt and adjust the salt according to your own liking and yeah it needs to be a little bit creamy you see that creaminess on the bottom there that is exactly what we want i like to finish off with a bit more black pepper i was about to say fresh ground black pepper and i like just a bit more of that butter that is salted butter chris here caribbean not your typical oil down but this is a cassava oil down always a pleasure having you guys here in the kitchen we turn it off you can eat it as it is there it's going to be hot or if you want to add you know treat it as a side dish as you would treat potato ground provision rice roti whatever me i like it with chewed pork so i'm on we're not organized a little stew pork in a bit what's up soldiers don't forget to click subscribe if you've already click subscribe hit that bell notification thing i want to all you missing out on the new videos man come on click
Channel: caribbeanpot
Views: 18,700
Rating: 4.9455447 out of 5
Keywords: cassava, manioc, yucca, how to cook cassava, chris de la rosa, stew, oil down, grenedian oil down, grenada oil down, yucca fries, yucca stew, caribbean cooking, caribbean recipe, vegan, vegan cooking, vegan recipe, gluten free, gluten free cooking
Id: x8EbRWjwGdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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