Casey's Camera Hack

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mrfroggy 📅︎︎ Dec 18 2017 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat pop music) - Super fast hotel room tour. Suitcase, goes here. Desk for working. TV for watching. Over here we got a little mini bar. You can make coffee. You can drink other things. There are epic snacks, and underneath that there are more drinks, more things to drink. Look at all that. Super awesome assortment. You can chill. Look out the window. You can hang out in bed and order room service. Look at this bathroom. Absolutely insane. Huge bath. Huge shower. Awesome mirror. You can watch Blade Runner, while you're in the bathroom. That is just absolutely incredible. (gasping) I think I love this place. Okay so the big shoot is now over. We are no longer, in Milwaukee, we are back in New York City. And we are going to start organizing and, dumping footage and kind of tryin to figure out, how we're gonna make this thing look awesome. These are rock hard. The schedule was like kind of all over the place. And there was so much happening, and so many people involved that, it was just really difficult to get my regular, schedule content. But don't worry, I'm back at it now. I'm settin up a time lapse actually. Alright check this out. I haven't used this before, so I'm not sure how good it works. But the 60 Mark two has a built in, time lapse and movie mode. So if you hit that. And you hit enable for 4K, You can change between 4K and 1080p, which is pretty cool. Right so let's choose 4K. Interval time, let's do every three seconds, it's gonna take a photo. Number of shots. Now this is gonna determine the output. So if I have it set to 900, that's a 30 second time lapse. I don't need it to be that long. So let's go down to, 600, 20 second time lapse. Let's go 500 650-- around a 15 second time lapse. It's gonna take 24 minutes to do. I'm cool with that. So we hit okay. Auto exposure, right now that's fine. LCD off. Okay cool. Let's set this up and see how it works. (upbeat pop music) (mumbling) Hi. - [Attendant] Please enjoy. - That, looks phenomenal. We're outside and it's like way darker than I expected. - The shortest day of the year is like, seven days. The winter solstice. Is that what it's called? - I think so. Not quite sure. Oh it's chilly here. What are ya thinkin? - Soup. - [Peter] Soup. - I don't know. - This is some of the best tomato soup I've ever had, in my whole life. And it's room service. It's absurd. Phenomenal. (crowd talking at once) - You don't wanna, get anything? It's kind of good here. It's better than fast food. Unless it's too fancy for you Peter. - No I've, I'm not that hungry. Figured I would eat later. (mellow music) Damn that is good. - Alright it's okay. (crunching) - [Peter] How is it? - It's fine. - [Peter] Yeah? - Yeah it's totally fine. - This is one of the best turkey clubs I've ever had, in my entire life. And it's room service. - Brown. - I mean just listen to that crunch. It's like the opening scene of Chef. Jon Favreau right, where he's making the grilled cheese, and it's all like-- It sounds exactly like, (crunching) Right oh yeah. (crowd talking at once) (mellow music) Damn. (crowd talking at once) Smoothie of the day. Super delicious. I didn't have it inside me to tell Casey that, I just had the best soup of my life. Room service at the Four Seasons. I couldn't do it. We can say nothing ever okay. Cause I mean look at this. (laughing) Nothing. (angelic singing) You've got quite the mail build up here. - I know do you wanna, open some. - [Peter] There's no where to sit. - I know. I got you a stool. - [Peter] Okay. (upbeat music) (mellow music) - Here. You're audience likes the camera hacks right? Is it weird that I don't have my regular glasses. - [Peter] A little bit weird. It's throwing me off a little bit. - I left them in Milwaukee. I will find my glasses back. Alright this is a, little hack of mine. A Nei hack. Start with high quality packing tape. Don't get any of that (squealing) that's generic. Get the high quality packing tape. It needs to be thick and robust. I'd say a half inch strip, that's about, three inches long. Be careful not to touch the sticky side, with your greasy fingers. Keep it nice and virgin like that. Take your screen, screen side out. This is a Cannon, camera. But you can do this with any camera with a swivel screen. Start by putting that piece of tape on the, inside lane, as in, on the inside side of the foldout screen. So for me, I always keep screen out, so the inside side is the, non screen side. Okay place it. Stick it down. Shut it. Now it's sticking up. Now you turn it into a tab. This becomes a pull tab. I don't mean to make this sound scientific. This is literally, you put a piece of tape on your camera. - [Peter] This is a great explanation. (laughing) - Alright now what I'm doing is I'm, turning into, the littlest babiest loveliest pull tab. And that's it. So now, When I'm filming, ready, so I'm going from third person behind the camera, and I want to bring it, to first person in front of the camera. I literally, can do it as smooth as that. Instead of fumbling, trying to get my big fat not fingernail havin fingers, underneath here. I just grab onto my new little tab. (laughing) Nei hack. - [Pete] That's actually, awesome. - This is another Nei hack. So this machine here, doesn't have-- This machine here doesn't have, what do I use this. The fire wire 800, which is what all my drives are. So I need a fire wire 800 to USB, and like I'm so (squealing) sick of looking for this cable, so what you do when you're sick of looking for a cable, is you tie it, to wherever it needs to be, and that-- hey down here. That greatly reduces the, propensity for these to just disappear, when you need them the most. That's not even a good Nei hack, but that's real. I'm never looking for that cable again. - [Voiceover] Three hours later. - It's 1:00 am. I just finished editing for the day, but I'm done. I was gonna go outside and shoot some B-roll, but I really don't have it in me. So I'm gonna set up a time lapse, and that'll have to do. Oh where's my cameras, do you know? Cause the worst thing's when you've like, put all your camera stuff away. This is the hardest thing for me to push through, personally as like an artist, a filmmaker, photographer. It's just like the end of the night, and you just want to collapse, and give in and throw in the towel, and go to bed. And you're gears packed away, and it's clean and ready to go. Is to like rip it all out. Set it all up, just to get a time lapse, because I know that when I'm back at my desk, and back at my office, I'm editing this, wherever, I'm gonna think to myself, why didn't I just do a freaking time lapse. I was right there. New York City was behind me. I had the camera to do it. Why not just set it up? What is wrong with me? So, I will say, as a little nugget of advice in this vlog, if you ever have that kind of like well, just stop thinking immediately, just go do it. That is it. (upbeat pop music) And good morning. It's a nice cloudy day outside so far. Had a great sleep. It's 8:30 am and I'm gonna go see a movie now. I think Jessie's still sleeping. I'm gonna go knock on his door. So I was tryin to wake Jessie up, but I don't think my room key, actually gives me access to any floor, other than my own so, I'm just gonna wait by the elevators, until he comes out, and hope that he shows up, cause the Uber is here. Dude. (laughing) - I want Casey to get my ass, to go to movies at freakin 9:00 am. - [Peter] We're gonna do it. - Ugh I'm gonna get excited I know. It's the new Star Wars and it's, lit, so let's go. Casey text me five hundred times. Get up, get up. Get up, get up. So I was like fine. Who goes to the movies at 9:00 am? (upbeat pop music) - We're going to see Star Wars, what else do you need to know McKinnon. - [Peter] We're doin it, we're doin it. - I am. - If this part of Peter's vlog looks like garbage, it's because he's sure to get on his phone. He had to leave his big camera at home, because they thought we'd be like bootlegging, this Star Wars movie, and they'd throw us out. So I'm sorry this looks-- No no no Peter's sorry this looks bad. I don't give a shit. (upbeat pop music)
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 1,529,738
Rating: 4.8556299 out of 5
Keywords: Casey Neistat, Casey's Studio, Casey's Office, Jesse Wellens, Star Wars, Star Wars The Last Jedi, Camera Hacks, Camera Tips, Peter McKinnon Camera Hacks, Peter McKinnon, Camera Tricks, 4 Seasons, New York City, Photogtaphy, cinematography, 6DMK2, 6DMK2 Timelapse, Timelapse Mode, Canon Timelapse Mode, How to do a timelapse
Id: WHkAnVKeTvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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