Casey Johnson: The Baby Oil Heiress | Deep Dive

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while the heiresses like Paris Hilton Kelly Osborne and Nicole Richie have dominated the airwaves for the past two decades infiltrating every corner of Pop Culture till it is uniquely theirs however there was one heiress from the early 2000s who was born from a richer Empire than the previous three heiresses combined Casey Johnson would escape from the top of the New York City social chain to the bottom of the Beverly Hills one and be completely cut off from the billions of dollars she was set to inherit and fall in love with a completely unexpected MTV star who would lead her down the path of no return [Music] hi I'm Shelby and I'm Jake welcome to Deep dive where we dive into told and untold stories with extreme detail if it happens it's probably in a deep dive today we're going to dive into the tragic life of Casey Johnson in just how she lived Life in the Fast Lane to her very last breath now if you'd like to enter our airpods Max giveaway be sure to follow us both on Tick Tock subscribe and comment your username so we can get in touch with you good luck now let's get into the video Casey Johnson was born on September 24th 1979 to her father Robert Wood Johnson IV who goes by Woody and her mother sale Johnson a former model from St Louis Missouri while Johnson is the second most common last name in the United States Casey isn't any old Johnson she is a part of one of the richest families in the world the Johnson and Johnson family Johnson and Johnson is the second largest Healthcare company in the world currently worth 432.21 billion dollars jnj was founded in 1886 by Three Brothers Robert Wood Johnson who is Casey's great great grandfather Edward need Johnson and James Wood Johnson they got their start selling medicated plasters sterile surgical products such as gauze and sutures they also commercialized the first aid kit by 1894 they were producing the well-known Johnson's baby powder which was their entry into the baby product Market as one of three siblings Casey will likely inherit at least a billion bucks but the best part of being heir to the Johnson and Johnson Fortune baby powder with your name on it represent okay Casey grew up in Manhattan with access to anything a girl could ever want or need her life was filled with travel private chefs summering at her father's Hampton estate and of course parties thrown by her family were the wealthiest of the wealthy would get together [Music] this is a party for one of the Johnson Johnson family members they are of Johnson Johnson you may not know that some of these people are actually Johnson family members to treat everyone as if they are while their kids were playing dress-up Casey was wearing real snakeskin pumps sporting Chanel bags and getting to go to New York Fashion Week but by age eight Casey was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes Casey said this diagnosis made her grow up extremely fast having to monitor her health blood sugar and Insulin injections at age 13 Casey co-wrote a book with her parents called managing your child's diabetes and Woody Johnson started the juvenile diabetes foundation in honor of Casey Through The Years Casey was described by her mom as a child that was not easy to deal with sale continued saying Woody Casey's father was not a warm cuddly kind of person and because Casey was more complex he didn't know what to do with her so he often over indulged Casey by buying her anything she could ever want even purchasing her a new car when she didn't have a driver's license sale said all Casey wanted was her father's approval she lived for that and she was broken down because she didn't get it kind of Legacy I guess you know this family name that you've is it I know it must open a million doors and it's got to be a great thing but is it ever a hindrance is it ever something that that works against you do you think in your life um well in two ways one is you really have to get to know why someone wants to be your friend and I've learned that the hard way I've had a lot of people use me and I'm so unaware of things like that that I just let things happen and then I find out oh my God they're totally taking advantage of me there are unspoken rules for these trust fund kids who come from insanely wealthy families they are to keep quiet about their level of wealth and avoid bringing public shame or embarrassment to the family name however this generation of heirs and heiresses we're ready to break all of the rules Casey's cousin Jamie Johnson would make a film called born rich where many heirs and heiresses described what it was like being born into so much money they would never even have to work at midnight I'm going to inherit more money than most people could earn or spend in a lifetime I've been waiting for this night for as long as I can remember [Music] the thing is now that it's here I'm not really sure what to make of it all I live in a country that everyone wants to believe is a meritocracy we want to think that everyone earns what they have I guess if it makes you feel better keep telling yourself that this firm we have represented your family for years for years [Music] um I I can't I can't in good conscience recommend to the kinds of people you want to talk to about the kinds of things you want to talk about that they participate in the film they have to be nuts I mean you're dealing with families that have always made it gospel that you don't talk about your money and now you want to put them in a film that it um I don't know how you know I'm not surprised that you're having trouble getting people giving the public insight into how the rich lived back then was a very taboo but it was just the beginning like her cousin Casey Johnson wasn't going to go down the traditional heiress path she was in search for something money couldn't buy together with her lifelong best friends the Hilton sisters they would hit the Manhattan scene make headlines and create a new kind of celebrity the new up-and-coming millennial generation of rich kids would completely transform the way the World Views socialites due to the tabloids Paparazzi and gossip columns all taking interest in the lives of the rich spawning an entire new breed of celebrity it's it's it's I think in recent times not only are we obsessed with um you know celebrities and that's nothing new but suddenly it's this new set of celebrities you know it's the girls the famous last names you know the Hiltons the Richie Johnson I mean because you're right in the middle of all of that yeah I think for people outside of Los Angeles and New York Our Lives seem a lot larger than they are Nikki for instance Nikki Hilton lives in a one-bedroom house with one bathroom small house filled with clothes and bags and shoes but and really well decorated but and she drives a Range Rover but she's not it's it's nothing you know she doesn't have limos taking her around her private planes flying her around you know I live in a three-bedroom house that is a really nice size I don't live in some 30 million dollar mansion you know it's extravagant in one way but it's not as extravagant as you would say because yeah yeah the headlines we see are you know Paris having a team birthday parties and jumping out of limos and yeah Yachts well Paris lives Paris does live a very extravagant life I must say I mean when she goes out at night to a club she takes a Hummer limo you know we'll go into a store and just buy everything in it we'll go into Schnell and just buy 30 purses you know but she can do that she's worked really hard she's made all of her own money she has a fabulous place but again it's not too big but it's really well decorated but she's she is the person that lives the most extraordinarily out of all my friends The socialites Who emerged from every generation before may have been gossiped about at High Society events but now Family gossip was being syndicated throughout every grocery store in America an entire new industry was emerging that relied on third-party photographers mobbing young socialites and chronicling their family drama for all to see Casey Johnson was no stranger to this as page six even dubbed her the baby oil heiress Casey was usually painted by the tabloids as a dumb blonde who toted her dogs in a Birkin bag through all of New York City the worries about Casey dropping out of Brown University her freshman year because she couldn't have her poodle named Zoe in the dorms would make headlines the front page of the New York Post would Chronicle Woody Casey's father having to pay twenty thousand dollars in Damages because Casey's baby Chihuahua tucus pooped all over the hotel suite all this was just a regular run-of-the-mill day for Casey and this over time would begin to take its toll as page six was relentlessly attacking Casey Johnson at every chance they could [Music] Casey was completely fed up with the way she was being treated so she pleaded the publication to stop if they are writing about my goddamn [ __ ] thong when I'm going to get coffee at 8am across the street from where I live I need to [ __ ] move at the time Casey was working as a beauty editor for the Manhattan file but the magazine folded in 2001 the same year Casey's parents Woody and Sally Johnson divorced Casey took these events as her sign to move to Los Angeles California to start a brand new life with a new identity she loved that no one knew who she was in Los Angeles she said La has celebrities they don't care about people from moneyed families she wanted to put a distance between her and her family so she would stop being known as the Johnson Johnson girl and she could truly begin to seal her own legacy and then once at a party I was walking by and as I walked by these two girls it was at MTV movie after party or something like that one girl said to the other oh that's the Johnson and Johnson girl and my heart just sank foreign because I don't want to be identified like that I'm Casey Johnson yeah I'm not the Johnson Johnson girl I mean I am but it was just like a label on them yeah it really hurt me for some reason I'll never forget it now 23 years old living in Beverly Hills Casey was ready to fully embrace the Hollywood lifestyle she had aspirations of becoming an actress and was featured alongside Nikki and Paris Hilton in a documentary called it girl released in 2002 about the lives of Rich Young heiresses we're making a movie about eight girls but Casey Johnson Elizabethton court and and all these other it girls and if women there's a special like spark or something that each of them has that Ordinary People in the street don't have [Music] two walks in a room everybody stops talking about baby to be only a girl was and then we'll ever see this girl is like a girl that I have right behind me I call it the original it girl is the girl at the moment your moment the world's moments the universe is moments a moment [Music] Casey was besties with Nikki and Paris Hilton Nicole Richie and BG Phillips so naturally they all started partying in La together magazines began referring to the group as heiress has gone wild this represents a complete shift in the direction of Casey's career as it wouldn't be long before feuds began and the gossip columns were ready to print every moment of it in 2002 Nicole Richie and Casey Johnson were at Bungalow 8 when Casey saw her former boyfriend Stephen dekwatkowski and said to him why don't you start dating someone who is past puberty this allegedly sparked a brawl in Bungalow 8 where Nicole Richie ended up accidentally cutting Casey's ex-boyfriend in the face with a piece of broken glass reality TV producers knew these heiresses would make incredible entertainment Paris Hilton was already slated to be the star of Fox's new hit reality show the simple life but she just needed another heiress to join her as the co-star when Paris asked Casey if she would star in the simple life with her Casey declined as she wanted to pursue her acting career and thought the simple life would prevent her from being taken seriously now we all know Paris would eventually ask Nicole Richie to Star alongside her in the simple life and the show would debut to Millions on Fox now if you want to know all the details behind Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie split make sure you watch the Deep dive Cossack on it this would turn out to be one of Casey Johnson's biggest regrets as after the simple life took off cementing Paris Nicole as icons Casey would say the stupidest mistake of my life was to turn down Paris Hilton's invitation to co-star in the simple life she went on further to say she kicks herself in the butt for it every day as it was a clear lost opportunity to jumpstart her acting career and another thing she says her biggest regret in her entire life was not doing the simple life with Paris Hill and you have to remember this is one of paris's best friend and went to Casey first to ask her if she wanted to be on it and Casey said she didn't want to and I think you know she's regretted that from the day that she said no but I think she regrets it for the wrong reason I think she regrets it because Paris at one point felt lost too and I think through Fame Paris failed an outlet that Paris found something to do Nicole Richie found it through her kids and her husband Casey never found an outlet she never found a hobby in 2004 Casey's house was broken into where hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry was stolen Bijou Phillips and Casey Johnson were attending a 2004 MTV party at X's Casey Johnson would end up accusing Playboy Playmate Nicole lens of having Taken part in the burglary of her home this would lead to a physical altercation where Bijou Phillips allegedly slapped and punched Nicole lens Nicole would inevitably file a 1 million dollar defamation suit against Bijou and Casey however Casey's lawyer Robert Shapiro had the case settled for allegedly 25 000 or under in regards to the feuds Casey said drama seems to kind of surround me there is a lot of feuding going on around me between Hilton and Lohan and between Hilton and Richie but I am not in a feud with anyone meanwhile back in New York City Casey's parents who absolutely hated when the Johnson name was in the headlines tarnishing their image were becoming increasingly worried about Casey's partying alleged substance usage infused so they decided to attempt to take control over their adult daughter's life they hopped on a plane to California to Stage intervention in hopes Casey would agree to go to rehab but Casey told sale and Woody Johnson she is sorry they wasted a trip but she is fine and doesn't need help this is when Woody Johnson Casey's own father would quote wash his hands of Casey but it would take just one more headline that would make Woody Johnson fully caught Casey off from the family and her portion of the Johnson fortune in 2006 Casey had taken a trip with her aunt a famous socialite and one of the richest women in New York live at Johnson John D Casey's boyfriend accompanied her on this trip to Sylvan Kumar an orphanage Labette had established shortly after the trip Casey would break up with boyfriend John D somehow page six obtained emails with Labette Johnson and John D but before publishing them called Casey read her the emails and asked her to comment the emails definitely had an intimate tone but didn't prove that Labette was having an affair with John D however Casey at the time strongly felt they were as she had been suspicious even prior to the Cambodia trip Casey initially wasn't going to make a comment to page six but she was so upset she just unloaded saying I feel sorry for her she's single she's been divorced up teen times she's afraid to go out in public she was sleeping with my boyfriend who I was in love with an old woman with a lot of money is a very powerful aphrodisiac this Scandal sends shock waves through the New York Elite it was all anyone was gossiping about for months Labette Johnson much like her brother Woody Johnson kept very low profiles Labette had never spoken about herself to the press and anyone in her Circle was forbidden from doing so a feud within one of the richest American families who normally have very little press about them had the public eating the story up the Johnsons were mortified but more than anyone Woody Johnson was angry he said Casey was using the tabloids to get revenge so with that Woody Johnson cut Casey Johnson off from her Trust mind that held Millions obviously a couple of years ago huge headlines and everybody was talking about it but the headlines with you and your aunt and your ex-boyfriend um what did you learn from that experience or was that a huge impetus for change you know coming out of that experience it was so hurtful it was hurtful that my aunt did what she did and it was even more hurtful that the whole world found out about it and it was on the cover of the post page six items are never on the cover of the post there it was on the cover and it just was totally humiliating and it taught me to be very weary of the press and I was told that this was going to be a puff piece in Vanity Fair and it was anything but it's just taught me to be very weary of the press and who I talked to and what I say um and to really examine why people want to be with me because this guy was not in love with me at all [Music] Casey was on a journey to find her identity and what she wanted to do with her life despite being estranged from her father she still had her relationship with her mom sale Johnson and things were really starting to look up for Casey she already actively supported her father's juvenile diabetes Research Foundation but she wanted to spend more time fundraising for Children's Charities such as the sherp orphanage in Kenya and the mulawi project Casey said the work had helped to give her Focus quo it's so boring to do nothing believe me I've tried it it's like how many days a week can you actually go shopping you get burned out and you feel like [ __ ] you think what have I ever done to alter this world what will people say oh she had a lot of shoes she once described her family's money as golden handcuffs that's a very creative way to describe things actually this wasn't a stupid girl this was a smart girl who just hadn't found what she was looking for but when she said it was the golden handcuffs I asked her what do you mean and she said I live in the lap of luxury but it's a prison Casey was searching for her purpose and also for love she felt like she was ready to become a mother ever since her trip to Cambodia Casey had a longing to adopt a baby sale Johnson didn't agree that Casey was ready since the chaos in her life was just beginning to calm down but in March 2007 Casey Johnson started the adoption process so let's talk about this adoption this is okay so how long has this been in the works now um I went to Cambodia a year almost two years ago and I fell in love with this little girl a two and a half year old named lavisa since you can't adopt anymore from Cambodia and I got the referral two months ago and a referral means you get the picture of the child that's yours and I can say it was probably the best day of my life see her photos I mean I was hysterically crying and you know just out of Joy so I don't plan on lavishing her with inappropriate things right but when she gets to be like 8 9 10 11 12. you know and she says Mommy I want this she's not going to get everything She Wants yeah and I did Growing Up and when it was my turn to handle my own money it became a problem because I'm I was like well I'm used to going to bergdorf's and having a personal shopper and buying whatever I want and just charging it to my dad and when I was given my money to Handle by myself which I do now you know I have to watch what I spend I can't go buy 12 pairs of Manila blacks at once right Casey named her baby Ava Monroe after her lifelong Idol Marilyn Monroe Nikki Hilton was the baby's godmother and Kathy Hilton threw Casey a huge baby shower she was really starting to fully Embrace motherhood but the estrangement from her father Woody would still be a very sore spot wanting to mend the relationship in 2008 Casey hopped on a plane in New York so her father could meet his grandchild Casey knocked on the door of her father's Hampton estate and was greeted by Woody's much younger new fiancee Suzanne Urka husband Woody Johnson owns the Jets heir to the Johnson and Johnson Fortune he's reportedly worth 3.5 billion dollars Suzanne gave us another taste of her Jet Set life her helicopter here we are let's go it brought her to Woody skyrise office above Rockefeller Plaza that's where he gushed about his wife energetic uh passionate gorgeous with her job her husband and their two boys Suzanne is one happy powerful woman my definition of power is you know being able to make a change or a difference I thank God every day I'm I'm the luckiest girl in the world and I have to tell you uh you know it's I'm blessed Suzanne reportedly opened the door and said what are you doing here Casey explained she was there to see her father when Suzanne allegedly said this is my house so leave Casey stood her ground and refused to leave until her father arrived home to meet her daughter Suzanne called the police Woody would show up around the same time as the police officers and reportedly told Casey to get off his property stay off and never come back Casey was absolutely heartbroken she told a family member he won't have anything to do with me if I go to his house he tells me to get off his property it was really heart-wrenching after this altercation according to sail Johnson Casey would send Love Letters to her father and leave him voicemails but he chose to never respond within a year of this incident Casey started to sink back into a dark place and she would inevitably begin spiraling that's when she began dating Courtney Semel who is the daughter of the former CEO of Yahoo Courtney is also known for allegedly dating Lindsay Lohan and being in a very public relationship with MTV reality star Tila Tequila we're here together again huh love never ends too long can't stay away no sex is amazing [Applause] Casey and Courtney really connected and understood one another on a deeper level they both were cut off from their fathers they were both trying to find themselves and going out in Hollywood was their escape they even began working on a reality show about heiresses and love so they could make their own money and Escape their family's control but their relationship was a very tumultuous in early 2009 it was reported that they had a huge fight leading to a physical altercation where Courtney licked Casey's hair on fire but this altercation didn't stop them from continuing their on and off again relationship by summer 2009 Casey was fully back in the Hollywood socialite partying lifestyle it was good how was your night it's your birthday now it's my birthday I got a lot of drinks so we had fun tonight had drinks filled on you you know you're looking good though from Head to Toes though you weren't planning on going out but it's just something that you threw on all right well happy birthday birthday girl sale Johnson was concerned for her daughter and her granddaughter Casey was scheduled to be hospitalized at the Cliffside Malibu clinic but she ended up kicking her mom out and called the police stating her mother was attempting to take her baby sale Johnson said Casey knew in her heart she couldn't take care of Ava but she couldn't ego wise or illness wise say I know I can't take care of her like she needs to be cared for in August of 2009 Casey was hospitalized due to her diabetes it was reported that alcohol and drug use was preventing Casey from properly caring for her diabetes as heavy drinking is associated with insulin resistance this is when Casey agreed that Ava could be taken care of by family and friends Kim Richards known from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and is also Paris Hilton's Aunt would agree to take care of Ava for a while British socialite and Casey's friend Jasmine Leonard would also help take care of Ava Casey would be hospitalized more than once due to her diabetes 80s over the course of the summer and early fall sale Johnson trying a tough love maneuver told Casey that she would no longer have access to any money until she entered a rehab program the stories coming out of the Press today say that her family had started to try tough love they had consequences we're going to have no contact with you unless you go back to rehab and I think that's a mistake that a lot of families do oh yeah they say hey we're not going to talk to you ever again and they walk away my Approach is we invite them into a family meeting and that we try to use love as the motivator I think that's a much better that's a cold thing to do to just walk away from it that's the prevailing wisdom is families you know they ask somebody to accept help and when the person says no they say okay we have to go to consequences right now and they say so often I will never talk to you again unless you do what I tell you to do and then they walk away sail then took custody of Ava and brought her back to New York sale Johnson was really upset because she was handling this all alone Woody didn't want anything to do with Casey sale said end quote it was too much trouble but fathers are so supposed to take a bullet for their kids and he went the other way I can't defend his behavior for that I thought he was appalling but that's who he is he doesn't have the emotional makeup to deal with it while Johnson was the heir to the Johnson and Johnson Fortune there are reports that her father had recently cut her off because she had repeatedly failed at rehab in 2007 the heiress adopted her daughter Ava from Kazakhstan but lost custody to her mother when she was found to be living in squalor in fact it's reported She was recently living off the charity of friends she had a two-year-old daughter that she adopted however you know reports are that Casey's mother actually got custody of the daughter because she was worried that Casey was doing too many drugs Casey had been running a home in LA but could no longer make the rent and was on the verge of being evicted her power was shut off and she was hiding the Porsche in the garage to avoid repossession her living situation was getting very very bad a friend said there were dishes everywhere rats in the house and the pool was a swamp Casey did an interview with U.S magazine saying her life had been a total nightmare she said I have tried to be successful and it's all gone nowhere I'm a mess over it she continued saying that Paris Hilton is her best friend and that she loves her but hates that she has everything and that everything has gone her way shortly after in November of 2009 Casey's mental health really started to suffer and she attempted to take home she sent a text to Courtney samal her on and off again girlfriend saying I've taken a lot of pills and I'm going to sleep forever Courtney called an ambulance where Casey would be admitted into intensive care for three days sometime in November after being released from the Intensive Care Unit Casey broke into Jasmine Leonard's home this was the same friend who had cared for Ava previously Jasmine was allegedly out of town when Casey stole clothes jewelry and underwear corn me samel recognized some of Jasmine's clothes when Casey was getting into bed with her and texted Jasmine to call the police when the police arrived to Casey's home they found all of the stolen items and in the end of November 2009 she was arrested for grand theft in November Johnson was arrested for grand theft for allegedly stealing an ex-girlfriend's clothing and jewelry Casey Johnson ended up in prison for some kind of weird robbery that I'm not sure of what or why yeah she actually ended up in prison because or jail because someone accused her of stealing 22 entering a home stealing 22 thousand dollars worth of lingerie um stealing other items such as mail and the the woman also accused her of using her all right I mean this is like everything regarding Casey Johnson was just complete Scandal and absurdity her life just sounded like this huge drama-filled Saga Casey's friends and family helped the arrest for burglary would be the Catalyst to getting Casey help at a facility but unfortunately that would not be the case Casey was lonely unhappy losing her home and every friend at this point was seemingly pushed away Casey appeared to be angry with her ex Courtney samal for turning her in leading to the arrest so with nowhere else left to turn Casey wound up on Courtney's ex-girlfriend Tila Tequila's doorstep according to Tila Casey just showed up a mess wanting to talk almost immediately Tila was flashing a huge ring announcing her engagement to Casey in an online video according to sources the engagement ring Tila was wearing was actually the ring Casey gave to Courtney samal when they got secretly engaged at the Sundance Film Festival recently Casey Johnson made news for an engagement to reality star Tila Tequila however many questioned whether the engagement was real beautiful girlfriends had just asked me to marry her and check out this rock [Music] bam look at how beautiful that is who is blinding you watch out put on your sunglasses [Music] it's either who proposed to who um of course uh this dog is to be continue okay we're playing a lot more of us so what were you saying about tomorrow is there gonna be a rest tomorrow with Courtney simmel yeah the girl who um my girlfriend to Joe yeah to have a police or an arrest offer so that's easy so I'm gonna call the police tomorrow and get her arrested for putting my girlfriend in jail uh dirty okay bam don't mess with me many believe the engagement was a publicity stunt or some kind of stunt to make their ex-girlfriend Courtney Samuel jealous Tila Tequila has no regard for anyone other than herself look when she first announced that she was engaged to Casey Johnson she um made a video with her on Ustream right and in the video she was constantly talking about how rich Casey Johnson is do you know how rich this girl is she's really rich look at this 17 carat diamond ring oh my God my girl is balling she's such a baller no one gives a [ __ ] [ __ ] she had a little bit of that in that video she did Bam yeah you got to wear sunglasses like just shut your mouth Tila Tequila like I can't stand her I can't stand anything about her on December 29th Tila and Casey Would allegedly get into a huge fight Casey would leave her dogs at Tila's house and go to a family friend's guest home from what was known she spent New Year's Eve when she would usually be out all night celebrating with Friends alone in bed on January 4th 2010 Casey Johnson tragically passed away alone in the guest house of a family friend at just 30 years old the autopsy and toxicology reports showed that Casey did not have any inner alcohol in her system the Los Angeles coroner's office released a statement confirming Casey died of natural causes due to her diabetes she suffered from diabetic ketoacidosis now dka is most common amongst people who have type 1 diabetes like Casey had it is usually caused by missing insulin shots a clogged insulin pump or the wrong dose however if left untreated it can lead to diabetic coma and death the six-month spiral leading up to Casey's passing had been chocked full of mental health struggles Financial struggles drug and alcohol usage and complete estrangement from her parents she couldn't even see her own daughter and her friends reported she had a difficult time taking care of her health and would fail to take her insulin correctly which led to her being hospitalized with diabetic Comas on multiple occasions another source said that it had nothing to do with Casey not taking her insulin as she had an insulin pump that delivered her medicine automatically they said recently her diabetes had become brittle and hard to manage which is what led to the diabetic Comas the last known person to see Casey Johnson alive would be a psychiatrist on December 31st 2009. according to the coroner's report Casey's family requested that she be evaluated she had an evaluation that Thursday and the psychiatrist concluded Casey was not 30. female passed away I'm pretty sure she's ice cold and her hands are turning blue she pops very often you know her medication gets all screwed up so it's probably because of that okay then okay all right okay she was young beautiful and an heiress to an Empire now Casey Johnson's sudden death has many asking how and why it was devastating it really was very sad the 30 year old was found dead at her Los Angeles home Monday so far Foul Play is not suspected Johnson had diabetes but it's unclear whether that had anything to do with her death what was that she was really smart she's a really smart girl and you know they can call her the air is all they want she didn't act like an heiress while she may not have acted like an heiress to some she fit the part her great-grandfather founded Johnson and Johnson her father is New York Jets owner Woody Johnson headlines show Johnson to be a wild child this video shows her with her bisexual fiance reality TV star Tila Tequila had just asked me to marry her and check of this rock it could take weeks to determine the cause of death of socialite Casey Johnson the 30 year old heir to the Johnston Johnson pharmaceutical Fortune struggled with personal demons in the last years of her life Michelle gellan has more Casey Johnson was founded our Los Angeles home Monday morning police say it appears she died of natural causes according to the celebrity website TMZ she had been dead for several days before her body was discovered the family released this statement the Johnson family is mourning its tragic loss and asks for privacy during this difficult time now while long time friends and family were mourning the loss of Casey Johnson her recently betrothed Tila Tequila was in the headlines non-stop so Tila Tequila went outside her Hollywood home and informed the world that she's got an interview all set with Larry King watch [Music] it's very nice I get a nice model right here right here they're so beautiful well Sheila sorry but we've got some breaking news for you we confirmed today that you're not going to be on Larry King the interview has been canceled Stephen I'm actually though starting to feel sorry for Tila and I really don't understand how she doesn't get what an embarrassing spectacle she's been making of herself since Casey's dad I really feel bad for her and she's I think in a way of making light of such a tragedy yeah they had a relationship yes her death it was awful and I feel for her but she doesn't know how to express her feelings and in front of a camera is all she's ever known so this is how she's handling grief I I just don't buy it and I think she needs some help yeah and a lot of people are having sympathy for Tila in fact Valerie in Pennsylvania called into shobazon called to say that she thinks Tila's behavior is just her way of dealing with the loss of a loved one listen I believe that that Tila Tequila girl I feel bad for her she and Miss Casey's were in love it was very public and I feel bad because she doesn't have anybody around her and she's in I believe shots and what crazy from the grief and pretty much so many people she does have around the other Paparazzi and she's doing what she knows best and it's to play a part Kim do you buy what Valerie is saying about Tila or do you think that Tila has really been making an embarrassing spectacle of herself that she's just been humiliating herself you know it just looks like Tila is making this all about her I mean even that video that you just showed she's posing for the camera she's smiling she doesn't look really depressed yes it's possible this is how she's dealing with it but you know the fact is since Casey's death since we learned about this I've learned more about Tila today Kayla and her childhood and the bad things that happened to her years ago then I have about Casey she's made it all about her and I think that's why people are not feeling a lot of sympathy for Tila [Music] you know I just want to let you know that I never felt this way about anybody else I think I love you so don't think I'm crazy when I tell you this but if you ever hurt me if you love tequila a popular reality television star from the early 2000s who only knew Casey for a few weeks was garnering a lot of media attention with her Tweets in her new self-run gossip blog posts about Casey immediately after her death she would tweet that she was seeking custody and adopting Casey's daughter Ava whom Tila had never spent time with Tila would speculate the cause of death was prescription drugs prior to the autopsy and toxicology being released which disproves this claim police is saying a apparent natural causes but others are saying a apparent drug overdose the girl had a history right well yeah well first of all she also had a history of diabetes and she had been in diabetic Comas before so that's where everything gets a little gray and her girlfriend actually her fiance Tila Tequila has said from an anonymous source that she thinks that she used way too many prescription drugs so they're saying police are saying it's natural causes but we won't know until toxicology report gets back and that's going to take a few weeks that'll take weeks and what about the autopsy yeah those reports will probably come back in a few days depending on when her their family says that they can perform an autopsy we don't know when that's going to be I would say a couple of weeks but this is a woman who on paper had it all joy she was embarrassed to the Johnson and Johnson family she was beautiful but she did have erratic crazy behavior going on and so no one really knows right now Tila would then begin unleashing on Casey's friends and family Nikki Hilton and Bijou Phillips would go to Tila's house to pick up Casey's dogs Tila began accusing Nikki Hilton of trying to euthanize Casey's dogs so they could be buried with Casey got a dog god damn it get off the roadways get off the roadway get out of the roadway Nikki can you say anything while you're here right now why was important to you [Music] got a dog too are you gonna try to get the dogs back they're putting the dogs out yeah putting them sleep wise barrier that you're married with whatever is this true are you going to have the dogs put to sleep now oh wait here I don't care I'm telling you they don't care that's all right babe why'd you uh why does Nikki get to take them I don't know I don't know what resolution they came to oh so they agreed to a resolution absolutely that's why we're here there was a dispute over who who got the right to the doctor so the problem you just saw the dogs drive away and that black Land Rover or whatever you know why Sheila was saying that they're gonna put him to sleep or something about putting to sleep she wasn't saying that she feared that that would happen Kayla how do you get to the Farmer they actually got the dogs out of your house because the police said that the family members of Casey needed to take it because those are the rightful ones to do so but Nikki was able to do it foreign they were here last night to stay at my house and they're totally fine I'll show my house and that's been right I don't know but so when was the last time you're worried about the dog fake and where they were taking the dogs and um you know I just agreed to so worried about dog shakes and when we were taking the dogs and you know I just agreed to it how do you feel about the fact that Nikki has taken the dog thing um I just hope that they don't have the dogs out um yes they promised me that they wouldn't so hopefully they're not and that's why I gave them back away right now um um yeah it seems quite hard here with all of them again the dogs were taken to a vet for a checkup and were released to the Johnson family alive and well the feuding would only continue as Tila just days after Casey's death would write a blog post about Jasmine Leonard who Casey allegedly stole from Casey Johnson situation were you ever dating her absolutely not mad absolutely not her dreams so so what really went on for her to get arrested what did she allegedly take allegedly it's not a matter of what she took it's a matter of what she left let's put it this way very little the television I still have TMZ nice that's always good yes she stole your underwear Jasmine did you call the police or yes absolutely absolutely what I would like to see happen through Casey Johnson in the Johnson Johnson family Johnson family have been completely Charming to me and they support me Prosecuting her so really I'm very grateful for that is it true that she's been cut off from the family because she's a really problematic child that's what I heard have family businesses her family business as far as I'm concerned I hope she gets what she deserves blog posts would blame Jasmine Leonard for ruining Casey's life Jasmine spoke out saying Casey was a fragile beautiful witty wonderful girl who was desperately looking for love did I love her yes I tried so hard to save her but I couldn't Jasmine was also very upset with Tila and the spectacles she was creating around Casey's death tweeting out at official Tila you never even knew her you have known her for a total of one month you took advantage of someone in her weakest moment you enabled her death and prevented her from getting the help she so desperately needed for your own selfish purposes she was a classy woman who would have never had anything to do with you had she been in her right mind Jasmine would then send Tila a cease and desist over Tila's blog post t-list publicist would even publicly step down after reading the blog posts stating some matters need to remain private and away from media attention he undukes the recent events they needed to part ways you say quarter TMZ last talk to Casey on December 28th apparently there was an argument and okay then I'll just say what I what I've been told and you correct me apparently there was an argument Casey's last tweet which has been widely reported was on December 29th the next day and of course she was tragically found dead on January 4th so there are those who wonder if you were so close to her and the police say she could have been dead for days why not try to spend New Year's Eve with her uh there's this gap of time and people are wondering well if you were that close why weren't you around I actually last spoke with her on the 30th late late on the 30th and uh we had gotten a fight a few days before that over her dogs because I said Casey your dogs are pooping all over my bed and Elvis is not trained and it's they're a bad influence on my dog which is trained because once they poop all over the house my dog which is trained she'll start pooping all over the house and they started peeing on the the pillows so we got a little argument about that but it wasn't a big deal and the last thing you know we made up and the last text I ever got from her was yes ma'am I love you and that was the last text I got from her that I spoke with her on the 30th and then I had to fly back to Texas for New Year's Eve and I said you know what I'm going to leave town for a little bit to take care of the family business which is something private between Casey and I and my family and I said within those you were out of town on New Year's Eve is what you're saying I flew out on the uh the 31st and you came back I came back immediately when I found out about Casey's passing Sila would grow even more Angry as the Johnson family would not allow Tila to attend the funeral Woody Johnson told a reporter that his long estranged daughter had been quote trying to find her own identity she was rebellious she made some judgment errors been there done that she had to take responsibility and it couldn't be me pushing or her mother or her doctor she would ultimately have to do it herself you knew the girl I did tell me what you knew about her personally she was one of the saddest girls I've ever met and and and I don't mean that in a negative way she had everything that should have made her happy she was a very wealthy girl beautiful and pretty beautiful and small she was another stupid girl what she had was that awful attitude of so what like everything I do nothing can be bigger than what my family did so she almost was like accursed by this family name and this family fortune and she would call me when she was in town to have dinner and she really didn't know me that well but there was nobody else there she was just by herself I was just reading that they didn't find her body for several days and that's right a maid a maid found it like uh just you know the her maid found it and then the police are saying that she might have been dead for a few days and everyone's asking everyone's asking well why didn't her fiance where was her fiance well they are allegedly um fighting so Tila Tequila hadn't spoken to her in a few days and she said that her phone was off so that's why they're right she was dead she also grew up being alone she was most comfortable by herself like she knew how to be alone she didn't know how to have friends she didn't know how to happen I look at it as somebody who has been through rehab time and time again and the stories coming out of the Press today say that her family had started to try tough love they've had consequences we're going to have no contact with you unless you go back to rehab Eva Monroe Casey's daughter was a toddler when her mother passed away sale Johnson and her then husband Ahmad Rashad would adopt Casey's daughter and raise her together and despite divorcing in 2013 they to this day continued to co-parent Ava let me ask you earlier you represented Casey Johnson tell us about her and um what do you think about everything that's going on surrounding her untimely death you know um I've not talked publicly about my relationship with Casey until this moment but this seems like a fine moment I felt that she was a tremendously misunderstood young lady she was a very unhappy personally I think the part of the message and in the passion of Casey is simply this um you can be an heir or an heiress you can be rich you can have one of those extraordinarily uh famous last names what she did um and to quote an old Beetle tune money can't buy a lot you know so 30 years old is too young to have left us and if the people who loved Casey um Casey's Idol has always been Marilyn Monroe she once said end quote I see a lot of similarities between us her life makes me sad I don't think she was very happy she was just very very complicated and sort of a deep person and nobody realized that they thought she was some dumb blondes and she wasn't she was a smart smart broad I love to be like the new Maryland it was so fabulous I just the soft spot for Maryland it girls do's and don'ts always say thank you always kiss on two cheeks bad it girl thing to do is don't go for us oh boyfriends you can look Chic and then be very rude to a waiter and that proves that you're not a negro because no it girl or man would ever do that you want to come at nine o'clock to Serafina for drinks yeah for food yes for food okay I think Marilyn Monroe isn't a girl I think they were at Girls then and um I think they're still considered it girls now and I think that sometimes people look at me and think oh Casey Johnson she's stupid she's blonde she's an heiress blah blah blah foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Deep Dive
Views: 1,696,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casey Johnson Heiress, Johnson & Johnson, downfall of Tila tequila, Tila tequila, y2k, heiress documentary, born rich documentary, Paris Hilton documentary, Paris Hilton & Kim kardashian, Baby oil heiress, Johnson and Johnson baby powder, The real story behind Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, Nicole Richie, the simple life, Twisted world of Hilary duff, Tragic Casey Johnson, Paris Hilton paparazzi, documentary, deep dive, Rare Tila tequila interview, rare Paris Hilton
Id: aZuekSRNhNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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