casey and izzie | their journey

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you're izzy right i'm casey i'm the new kid from newton look new kid from newton casey is my name i'm sure you were hot [ __ ] at your last crappy school but wow warm welcome but i've heard about you good things you punched a girl in the face and got suspended so no find your way around all right coach said that you were gonna show me around is that classes are in there good luck yeah actually this super helpful girl showed me around so the team captain izzy hates me for some reason i'm casey nate it's nice to meet you nate nate i see him at newton i thought your name was casey bye newton [Music] you should have heard him after you broke that record it's why is he so threatened you're faster than her you pushed me i didn't i did casey you're ice izzy's wrist and you'll both stand here until you can get along i need you to watch the baby for an extra couple of hours okay to the kid of course not not that it's any of your business but i take care of my three siblings [Music] you do yeah my brother has autism so i'm like constantly looking out for him i didn't know that dude how would you know that you like barely talked to me i feel like i have to be perfect all the time and it's exhausting is that why you were such a dick to me probably or i might just be a dick i think half the reason why i spend so much time with me is because i don't want to go home not because he's your boyfriend you love him very much no nate's awesome but sometimes it just feels not quite right with him like he's from a different planet and won't ever know what it's like on my planet [Music] do you ever feel that way with evan no no no not really it's a freaking miracle the two of us are still alive i know you know i knew you two were gonna fall in love our pizza place dawn's is the best then maybe we should go there what now get a chance to try out webster can i come yeah do you want yeah if you want to okay then i'll come you're gonna love me hey um newton is this who i was her first friend at clayton oh really i thought that uh that izzy was oh no no no no i was wicked mean to her you were so mean to me i know i'm sorry about that but i'm so nice now casey you're laughing at jokes that you don't normally laugh at and then all your friends at clayton they know a bunch of personal stuff about you that even i don't know about they're really cool you just have to get to know them i don't want to get to know your friends they kind of suck hey hi what about the kids i took them to my grandma's but she doesn't have a lot of room so oh you're staying here okay thank you no keep reading no i'm sobbing it's too scary thank you for building this ridiculous sport and reading these scary books just to keep my mind off of what's going on you're like my new favorite person really yeah is that tragic since we just met a little while ago no you're my favorite person too yeah i forgot i texted nate no yeah i know i'm sorry you're gonna ruin the girl time let's just pretend that we're not here we're not home open the door you dummies boys you're in everything are you doing oh come on there's something you're my between friendship i know but you can't blame me for being a little confused let me clear this up for you this is never going to happen did you write me a love now oh hey is what is that you know maybe later let me see it no it's it's not anything it's nothing no it's nothing really i want to read nothing i love nothing nothing's my favorite i was gonna tell you in person when i chickened out you innate kiss no no he kissed me that [ __ ] i know you know i didn't do anything to make you kiss me right yeah i believe you i asked nate about what happened he said you kissed him what no i that is not true i don't know what to believe believe me back off casey casey what happened to newton dude i'm sorry about everything i was a dick and i got jealous and i was afraid of losing someone that i love i would never come between you and me screw him no i was afraid of losing you oh i missed you [Music] i like really really missed you and i just want my girl back let's forehead promise and never leave each other again okay what is that come here that's it it obvious i just made this out [Music] hey casey mom [Music] i really love him [Music] i know you do it's just sometimes a thing feels like so right you know [Music] i feel like i haven't seen you in forever i know a slurpee night yeah slurpy night that was fun so fun i'm so glad i have a friend like you i've had a best girlfriend since i was little it's nice easy yeah easy totally easy [Music] knock knock oh thank god i'm so bored you look pathetic my box fizzlers you brought me your favorite candy you're welcome scooch your bed is so cozy and warm [Music] maybe i should go no stay i don't know what's going on with you you haven't been yourself lately i know i just feel like like everything is so good in my life right now and i don't want to do something to mess it up almost every year ucla recruits a student from clinton on a track scholarship relay i don't know anything about it except for that it's very very far away from elsa i think i might want to go to ucla what really ucla and l.a and i was thinking that maybe you could come too i mean what does he want to stay here for anyway what does evan like do he's just figuring it out which is code for doing nothing i hate you i know [Music] we're having a dinner party now what time will evan be arriving he's working so uh is he's filling in i'm her date the look on paige's face was well worth the 11 but i gotta say this suit itches like a [ __ ] and there's a spot on my back that i can't quite reach i can reach it he should have at least called right whatever boys are dumb we don't need them yeah screw boys thanks for being my date to this insane dinner yeah i don't know this one i'm izzy she came with the suit i mean at least you had the decency to show up what's that supposed to mean evan hey what's this look about oh i was just saying that i'm glad he bothered to come instead of just standing us up izzy what she's my friend and i was upset paige i'm sorry i heard evan coming so i just oh come on so this is my fault now good party chill out dude will you chill out i would be upset if i were him too i thought you two were a couple what you weren't in school today no is everything okay no uh my mom she disappeared like she sometimes says and caused a bunch of chaos like she always does but we found her so it's fine [Music] thank you mom for these thank you for letting me stay here yeah of course anna i am so sorry for how i acted at that dinner party dude it's okay no it's not okay i was just stirring [ __ ] up just because for because i was jealous boy you know why [Music] first off [Music] it sucks you're avoiding me [Music] i put myself out there and i was honest with you and for that i get the silent treatment even if you don't feel the same you can at least be there for me as a friend you're making me feel crazy honestly if i knew that you were gonna be all weird and that this was gonna jeopardize our friendship i never in a million years would have told you how i felt because it is becoming incredibly clear that you don't feel the same [Music] wow you have me so confused me yeah after slurpee night you were like it's good to have friends we're friends friends friends friends what was i supposed to say i don't know the truth when i told you the truth you ran away true i'm sorry you came around [Music] [Music] did did i do something [Music] did you do something i kiss someone what [Music] i think that i might have feelings who is i'm he sorry do you love her i don't know [Music] okay bye bye [Applause] it was fun and magic gay penguins in australia told me about him last night wait did did you tell sam about us so are you a couple if we were would that be a a problem with you what no why you'd be like sven and magic well i didn't tell him anything he just saw it before so what would be the big deal he's my brother the big deal is i don't feel like broadcasting my personal business to the world okay geez no it's not okay [Music] when i'm with izzy it's so exciting and kissing her was amazing and when it's just the two of us she's actually she's so into me but when we're around anyone else it's like she's afraid to be around me this is just all so new you know yeah it is i don't know what any of this means or who i am look i'm confused too i know [Music] i just think that i need to take it slow [Music] what are you doing dancing we talked about this i don't need to advertise my personal business to the world i'm an idiot you're not i am pining after this confusing hot and cold mess of a person i just never should have done any of this you're right you should have pushed these feelings down down down forever and never looked at them that's healthy i'm sorry i'm sick of you apologizing i really like you yeah in this moment but in 10 minutes you might be embarrassed by me or kissing some random guy just leave me alone newton what i'm done being weird [Music] as of now you're training for competitive high school running this is gonna be more like training for the olympics and more importantly you need to drop the drama what'd crowley want nothing much she just wanted to congratulate me [Music] i've been thinking you're right i've been awful to you i don't want to be like my mom but my brain just betrays me sometimes and you're so good and solid and wonderful but i get it if if you don't want to do this i know i'm not easy i've spent most of my life just doing whatever is easy and now i'm doing this emt stuff it's really hard but it's good so you know just don't don't do the easy thing to do the hard stuff i'm not looking for easy i was wondering if you're gonna tell dad about you and izzy oh i see um [Music] yeah you know i have thought about it a lot really molded over and i think the answer is butt out okay beth has been sending me pastry murder videos since evan and i broke up um they look delicious oh yeah no she's an amazing baker she would be so pissed if she found out that you and i were you know hanging out hanging out what are you 12 oh shut up what am i supposed to call it dating a couple a couple yeah right yeah okay i can't believe i let you convince me to do this oh it'll be fun or it'll be terrible just fun in its own way hey you're new welcome i'm erica she her casey gardner those are her pronouns oh sorry i'm dumb i've had boyfriends and i didn't realize and then i got my first girlfriend and everything felt so much more [Music] me i don't know if that makes sense it does i guess it's a good thing i don't know how to ride a bike i'd probably ride by my mom doing all kinds of awful [ __ ] you can't ride a bike [Music] are you okay no this was a terrible idea why do i need to learn how to ride a bike i'm a klutz four little clubs holy crap you're doing it holy crap i'm doing it well hello there [Music] what i say about leaving this door open though wind blew it closed there was a breeze in fact i think i feel it again i'll take your phone i don't have a phone very funny but if you want to succeed at school and training and being a decent rested human it's time to go to bed i agree with her bye i'll call you in a second no you will not you will call her at 4 am when you wake up no you will not i got a citation what there's a rule on socks i guess you see these socks are strictly for running but clayton requires a different sock altogether for walking i mean if boys wear gym socks you can't see them because they're under their pants we should say something sign my petition abolish the clayton dress code [Music] will you just sign it please [Music] what can i do to help we can plan a protest it could be big this is not how we do things at clayton prep protests well we did submit a petition if you lose the support of clayton prep say goodbye to this amazing magical place forever i'm not sure what's gonna happen to you two the school will decide from here if we get suspended or expelled there goes ucla for both of us hey it's gonna be okay you saw the email right did you see the email who is this oh shut up we're not suspended we're not suspended nope we got a warning wait i didn't get an email yet why didn't i get an email yet maybe they're going alphabetically gardner before taylor i mean who cares we're not suspended we're not suspended okay i'm gonna go celebrate the clayton way by doing a thousand hours of homework and then maybe some training so send me a hot selfie no thanks have fun i was hoping to get kicked out what i just never felt like i fit in there and this year has been so hard that i just felt like an easy way out of all the stress but now that we're safe i'm relieved i'm not safe what i got the email i'm suspended no i got a warning yeah well i guess i'm not you i'm just thinking about how she's not gonna be surprised who my mom in second grade i had this really cool matchbox car at recess this boy james took it and he wouldn't give it back did you murder him i pushed him that's my girl and i thought i was gonna be in so much trouble [Music] but you know what she did she left she expects me to get kicked out you didn't get kicked out you're just taking a mandatory rest from your exhausting work as a crusader for justice that's all promise you won't have any fun without me i couldn't [Music] i'm gonna see her today oh you are yeah she asked me to bring her homework she asked hazel and not you uh oh that does not seem like a good sign [Music] so is hazel your new girlfriend or what i had to ask her to bring it you're grounded remember i'm holding it hostage so you tell me i'm your one and only wow you realize this is the first time i'm seeing your room oh you're my one and only all right ugh suck at physics i'm back oh no oh my gosh that your mom can i meet your mom please no we're in here casey look at you i am so glad to finally meet you this one's been keeping you from me hi mrs taylor sasha you're a good one i can tell oh can i do your tarot no come on it'll be fun that has not been my experience hope positivity and you'll never be alone why haven't i done tara before i didn't know it was just free compliments all right your turn no come on [Music] fine look at that darkness i mean it explains the attraction the light and the dark i'm done her cards are always like this i started doing her readings when she was seven years old and there was so much anger and bitterness even then why would a seven-year-old be bitter oh maybe it's because she's busy making her sister a bottle while her mom sleeps one off see [Music] you know i don't really think i'm in the mood to hang out maybe you should go i can sit here quietly be a very quiet fawn in the woods no casey please please leave come on don't take out your anger at your mom on me actually i think i might also be angry at you what why i told you i didn't want to hang out with my mom okay well i wanted to meet her and you did and of course she loves you what does that mean it's the same reason why i got suspended and you didn't you have this charmed life and usually it's whatever but right now it's really hard to deal with that's why i asked hazel to bring me my test and not you what just go please i need some space [Music] i'm sorry i feel like i'm always saying that to you i'm sorry i'm always saying that to you it's okay i pushed to meet her maybe i shouldn't have you're my girlfriend of course you should meet my mom so you think i'm some golden child that everyone has to tiptoe around i know your life isn't perfect i know you're not perfect [Music] it's just you have these parents that support you so much it drives you nuts it's the opposite for me you have a support system i am a support system i'll be your support system [Music] can you help me get good at physics because i think i blew this test i was thinking something more like kathy look at me i'm supporting i did it what i looked at the tests you gave me and i changed a couple answers i'm so sorry i just you missed a couple and so i filled them out and then i kept going i'm sorry are you mad no really yeah i gotta get to class is this homework no i'm making something for izzy i messed up she's mad at me [Music] seems like she gets mad a lot huh what look if you want this you have to work there's no time to make pretty flowers for your girlfriend you can't take days off yes i can no you can't not if you want ucla to happen you can't okay great thanks i'm just saying maybe you should think more about yourself and less about me my mom kicked me out or i ran away i'm not sure she thinks me dating girls is just a phase she has no interest in who i am well she is missing out because you are wonderful [Music] our lives are so different when my mom has insomnia she drinks herself to sleep when your mom has insomnia she bakes pie i just felt like you saw what my life was like and thought less of me what no i saw how hard things are and i wanted to help i just did it in a really dumb way look there's so much i don't know about myself right now but i know that i'm a protector and if i think someone i love is in trouble i try to help you love me of course i love you i love you too i have something for you you made these i figured you deserve at least one good reading in your lifetime oh this is an excellent one actually a slurpee card you are brave brave enough to tell people how you feel even if it's scary people follow you because you are wise and very very beautiful listen to the magic of the tarot [Music] you're as fast as the wind your courage will take you far and you are very very beautiful you care and you speak up for people because no one ever spoke up for you that is why i do it [Music] hey so i was looking through your bag to find a t-shirt to steal invasive and you realize that all you packed are like a bunch of socks on a sports bra right yeah i know i packed it pretty quickly my mom kicked me out oh i didn't what happened oh you know just my mom being my mom do you want to go to a party erica's having some people over and it might be fun what about the track meet i mean shouldn't we be like resting up probably but i told her i'd be there but it's okay i'll just go by myself no i'll go with you you will yeah okay thank you oh you two are like the perfect couple i am never gonna find this oh no we have issues too she just did a test for me last week no are you serious yeah but i'm not mad about it anymore there is just this one tiny thing that still bothers me what well i just know if the school found out nothing would happen to casey like like if she just walked in there and turned herself in but if i thought it was me i mean i would be kicked out for sure okay he's just like untouchable no way that's crazy are you opening my mail i'm sorry it said ucla i got excited it's an official letter of interest that means they're really interested in you they're even going to send a recruiter to watch you run at the next race dude i am so proud of you casey me too happening for both of us no for you i cheated i did izzy's physics test and i'm prepared to accept my punishment whatever it may be i appreciate that thanks for letting me know [Music] we're all good what you didn't really turn yourself in did you i tried you were right i guess i owe you a hundred dollars why would you do that because of what i said at the party i was just being dumb i didn't want you to actually do it yeah i know i just i felt like i had to you know it's okay for people to recognize you're special it was less stressful when no one noticed me at all [Music] are you okay what happened he just [ __ ] off are you hurt are you sick no i'm what i couldn't do it do what run yeah it's just too much people expect too much from me okay i just couldn't breathe i mean trekkies would be fun it used to be the only time i could breathe [Music] but today it's okay [Music] hi hi i missed you get over here you seem so good i'm glad you seemed so good i feel good i haven't run in a week whoa really yeah you're gonna have to work hard to get back into shape no i won't cocky again too i love it no i mean i'm quitting track what if you quit you're gonna lose your clayton scholarship i know all that and i've thought about this a lot i used to love running so much it was the only thing i loved that much and ever since the ucla stuff the love has just changed it's become stress and anxiety it's a pit in my stomach and what about clayton i don't like clayton i never did i like you and i don't want to lose you but we don't have to go to the same school to be together maybe you just need more time no i don't now i'm gonna have a lot more time for the things i love like you i'm worried about your daughter and you should be too i am worried about casey i have been all year she's fallen apart and i've never seen her like that and you know what's new you all your drama so yeah i am worried i'm worried that the thing that's making her life so hard right now is you [Music] but she won't admit it so she's blaming [Music] running are you okay i think we need to break up what i'm not good for you you haven't been yourself the last few months you've been stressed and anxious and pulling away from anything that's not school what no and now you want to quit track this isn't you [Music] everything changed once we started dating i don't want to be the reason you don't do the things you want to do but that's not even i'm sorry i love izzy so much but i just feel like that's not enough [Music] casey sam are you okay yeah you're running i know you're driving i want to come back to the team if you'll have me we'll have you back of course you're exceptionally mediocre and you are freaky fast you're really doing it you're leaving i mean you know better than anyone i don't want to be here i never have i just wanted to ask you i got an invitation to your brother's going away party and i wanted to go for sam yeah is that weird well you should know it's also a party for a testicle so yeah the evite was very clear it's not weird you should come okay is your dad gonna be there yeah probably why what the hell did you do whoa whoa you told izzy she wasn't good for me why would you do that it just slipped out and i'm sorry if i heard her feelings but what i said it was the truth no it's not but it doesn't matter because you got what you wanted we broke up i'm sorry casey not case don't talk to me will you give me a tattoo you sure i'm sure that wasn't fair what you did breaking up with me like that it wasn't fair i mean if you break up with me because you're not in love with me fine it makes me want to puke but fine that's not it but if it's because you think it's what's best for me that is so condescending i can decide what's best me being your girlfriend was making everything worse why would you think that because it's true i mean think about what we met i was so mean and then we got together and i kissed someone else it's what i do i ruin things i'm a ruiner stop it don't talk about yourself like that it was condescending i just convinced myself that i was gonna mess things up with us and when you were so so upset i blamed myself [Music] but you're right i shouldn't have and now all i want to do is kiss you i'm okay with that [Music] are we still a couple when you go back to newton yeah of course [Music] my mom isn't here do you want to stay yeah okay are you sure you're ready to yeah is that a tattoo yeah i'm a bad boy and apparently for a division iii school denton's pretty good and i wouldn't have to move far i could live here if i wanted to you don't want to live here now it's not terrible free food haircuts so is ucla not an option anymore i don't know i'm not asking who's that lady that is emily who's emily emily works at ucla mom you are a brave strong person and you can handle scary things and i'm not saying you have to go to ucla just go meet with a nice lady [Music] so this thing happened elsa tricked me you think she's nice but she's nothing but trouble mm-hmm she completely lied to me she made me eat healthy snacks she talked my ear off what are you trying to tell me i met with a scout from ucla wow so did i really yeah emily emily holy crap i know i don't know if it's gonna happen two years ago we took three kids that's crazy i know and their coach is like best friends with coach crowley crowley has friends casey we could go together the two of us to california if either of us gets in that person needs to go whether or not the other one does promise promise let's forehead promise and never leave each other again forehead promise forehead promise you
Channel: scrappymitchell
Views: 9,393,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atypical, netflix, lgbt, cazzie, casey and izzie, izzie and casey, casey gardner, izzie taylor, fivel stewart, brigette lundy-paine
Id: paLjf4adYVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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