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hi guys good morning welcome back to the channel so i'm in the 7 7 10 again i'm rowing up hey ready for the baylor we've actually got something pretty exciting happening on the farm today we've got the awesome guys from shamans coming up with not just one but two bits of kit they're coming up with a case baler and a case tractor i'm not quite sure which model baylor it is but it will be pulled by a case puma and yeah i've been looking forward to this it's going to be good to see something red on the farm today right here it comes it's a case rb 465 baylor push the smart bit of kit all right so we've got mark and will from shamans here how we doing all right very very very well thank you good looking forward to some bailing today and we're just going to put the um the wheels onto the pickup and nice and simply done should we run around the other side mark yeah that's it that's done this machine is also equipped the moisture sensor as well which when we open the back up a little bit later on we'll show you inside and you can see it's got moisture sensitive yep that's good we can tell you the moisture content of the crop as we're bailing and will now is going to show us how easy or otherwise it is to load the net wrap right okay there's a diagram here for how to load the net wrap yep the net wrap needs to come over the top of the spool um so we pull this lever down here and this bar comes out slide it on that's all right i've got it so we uh having slid it on the uh the bar the spool bar we put this bushing here and then quite simply three washers and our clip and i've already checked previously on a uh before we went out with the baby for the first time that this spool is in the center of the feed through to the bale yep okay okay because obviously a number of holes on here another nice feature of this baler which will's gonna demonstrate now as we thread the net wrap it's got a positive feed through the duct bill um will's gonna demonstrate the tool you use just to poke the the net wrap into the duct bill but it is a positive feeding mechanism so even in windy conditions awkward less than optimal conditions we are still guaranteed a positive feed of the net wrap every time okay right without further ado i will feed it through so first of all we go under this bottom roller here this helpful diagram on the front of the bale shows so we get under this one here and somewhere near the middle and then we go over the top of that one yep quite simply and then around that one and then it goes down in here which is what case called the the duck spill and then we grab this this anodized tool here and we just use this as a as a poker really just to pull it down just to push push push over the end of that net wrap it's down right down in there that's that's all there is to it the switch on the feed rollers will ensure that the net wrap goes to the full width of the bale yep almost immediately and then we just click that back in position our targeting is three wraps per bale so roughly at the average roll how many bales is that well i i've led to believe it's about 200 bales to a role good good make some round things let's try and make some round things then [Applause] so [Applause] so so my pleasure to be here at nick's farm today demonstrating the rb 465 kcih variable chamber round baler we can make rails from four feet right up to six feet in diameter and today the machine is set as you've seen on the video uh for a four foot diameter bale pulled by a 175 horsepower puma cvx today just going to go through some of the basic features on the baler the first thing to note is the wide pickup this is a cam track pickup which means it runs nice and close to the throw to the baler for a good even consistent feed we have the crop compression roller just here for those deep swat straw swaths behind that some of the larger combines today again to ensure an even feed and if we look in detail at the intake we can see the cross augers bringing the crop from this wide pickup into the center of the throat of the baler where the rotor for the uh the roto chopper helps defeat an even feed for the bale today we have the knives retracted we're not chopping because this is good quality hay and we don't want to chop that but if you're into straw or silage then you can just engage the knives hydraulically from the cab other features to note the simplicity and the height of loading the net wrap storage for an additional roll of neck wrap above and there's actually another one on the tailgate as well so um at the start of the day we've got three full rolls and that wrappy enough for six seven hundred bales depending on what we're putting on the dials we have an auto lube system and the other things to note as we look around the baler minimal grease points a very simple baler simple to operate and low maintenance as we move to the back of the baler we see generous tyre equipment for minimum compaction in wet conditions but we're in perfect dry conditions today i'd like to just point out at the back this is the first season we're running the baylor with the moisture sensors which is a nice feature and the hay is running at approximately 16 moisture today but it's nice to be able to keep an eye on that and know when it's time to pack up in the evening here is the bail ejector ramp which also doubles up as a nice bull bar so that when you're on a downward slope and the bale wants to rejoin you it maintains a safe distance so that we can close the tailgate and we don't have to reverse to engage the bail there's a slip clutch on the pickup and there's no shear bolts that's something that might uh might might be of interest to one or two viewers yeah easy to get out of lubrication points um there's banks of grease nipples you can get around it pretty swiftly in the morning and uh it's obviously got self-oiling for the um for the for the chains uh with a a reservoir on the front there is a safety um stamp switch over there behind the jack leg um if you need to stop the baiter in an emergency there's an isolator for the tail tailbone there is a hydraulic lock for the um for when the tail gets up yeah yes it's fully isobus class 3 compatible so when it's on a case ih tractor you can have full automation it will stop when the veil is at full size it will automatically wrap it will automatically discharge the veil and automatically start you moving again but um using it on manual today because we've got to have something to do [Laughter] um but uh yeah full iso bus category three um capable we'll get this field finished on today we will cheers very much for coming guys thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] the vader runs at 5 40 rpm yep we can pre-set two different engine rpms so i simply took some preset number one should go straight to 540 yeah this is a pto in and out gear so that's what we're seeing here we're running a bit of cbt transmission we can relax the left leg we don't need to use the punch at tool simply select forward and then i'll select the speed of this lever yeah yeah we'll head towards the road whaler baler works it's showing us that we've got net selected for an auto feature and gives first beat at 120 yeah hang on cue these two lines are indicating the evenness of the bale yeah or not so i'm doing my best to keep those level and then at 130 the hand comes up yeah and that's stop the net is now going in i'm just gonna back up a slight bit of an angle as soon as the net's finished it's now an hour saying we can open the tailgate yeah personal choice you can use the button on the joystick or the old i just use it yes i'm used to the clip the ramp will make sure that the bale doesn't roll back into the bale and play on the table so we can close that confidence bridge left forward and away we go um nice fit hey so we don't have to worry too much about watching the clean and starting off yeah then you've got a moisture readout we do we have a moisture meter on that it's right down at 15 now which is absolutely ideal perfect um yeah it's the first time i've run around unveiler with moisture sensority it's a nice feature well this is the first time i've ever driven around baylor and you're going to trust me with it so let's see how it's done properly in a minute i don't think so it's been 40 years since i first started ground bailing back on the farm with an old girl around baylor right and the advances it's just phenomenal for the jcb with a new grab on it that's it absolutely yeah first time ever bailing and i've been left with this very snazzy shiny red baler so big thanks to uh mark and will for coming up today to show off their uh baylor and obviously their tractor as well double red i have driven a puma before but um it's a few months ago okay 120 so we're doing 130 so near enough four foot four foot round bales obviously everything's metric now all right let's do the net right we can open up and out she goes down the hill i think i'm in neutral i'm gonna move the bale does the bell come out all right off we go so so you
Channel: Nick's Farm
Views: 15,536
Rating: 4.9829788 out of 5
Keywords: nick's farm, farm, farming, farmer, farm videos, farm vlog, agriculture, farm tour, farm machinery, heavy machinery, agricultural machinery, Millennial, agri spec, british farming, machinery tour, farm life, farming life, farming videos, new holland, classic tractor, John Deere, case, ford tractor, agri tech, arable farming, JCB, grass, hay making, silage, Haylage, bales, forage, hay, baling, baling hay, demo, machinery demo, bale carting, puma, 175, case ih, baler, rb 465, drone, GoPro
Id: gl98W3D61wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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