Carving a Shell, with Frank Klausz

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[Music] we looked at my queen and lo vuoi and we see the beautiful curls in it the curly maple is most curly on the outside edges so they look even color and beautiful because they come from one chunk of wood this is the top trailer and this is the three bottom driver this will be cut away we use it someplace else the shell going to be carved right here in middle piece I have the props let's lay out my shell we have to find the middle of the tower it's ten and a quarter inch long five pins one eight five and one eight market put the square line all the way across everything happening around this this circle is up the center circle is up about eleven sixteenth I mark that i sharpened one leg on my divider like a little knife to a point and round it off so then i make the circle with that it's going to cut into the wood a little bit it's going to help my carving I just push it into the place where I have the top and then cut into my wood very gentle first because the wood grain the wood grain would take this so I am cutting a little knife marks around that's going to guide my chisel in my compass I put a pencil like also a little knife it's a chunk of metal and I sharpen that the same way as my caliper so I open this compass to three and a 16 gonna give me a section and eight six in an eighth circle that's all so gently I cut into the wood next I set this compass to two SEC's I need a sex and a half circle therefore I have to open that to three and a quarter lock my compass double-check it this going to be the overall size of the fan and again I am cutting into the wood be patient and put gentle pressure on it so the wood grain don't take you someplace else the fan has an odd number of fans therefore you have to start smack middle it's a 10-cent it's 3/4 inch circle I use that to put onto this cardboard marked it cut it with a scissor and I'm ready to mark it all the way around Center that up in the middle and start marking using a section of the circle not the whole half a circle only section of it I have to come back I went too far on that you have to line that tip of that cardboard on the inside knife knife mark going to go to the other way now I mark straight from the point to that spot where I am ending up just a straight line both side have to be perfectly lined up and use your pencil line I'm ready to relieve this carving to the edge of the of the core around my circle is a one-inch plus just a little bigger why because my chisel fits perfect to that I put this put the chisel into that little knife mark and hold it straight and tap both side I want to cut the end grain first you have to put both corners into the same spot make sure you have a perfect circle if you hold the chisel by the bottom use your finger to guide it much easier to put it in spot now I can start relief carving that same on the other side you go a little deeper at the surf next to the circle you want to be very careful and gentle don't touch that the circle will stay flat in the same elevation as the rest of the draw front you come in from the outside and take some off just a very little bit around the circle because you got a chisel deeper the same chisel in to the hole that's straight and then tap it you want to slice it that curly maple is very wild and wanna want to be rough on the bottom going to make this section nice and smooth on the bottom use this carving tool on the end take very little slices and come closer and closer to that knife mark I put on there with a compass do the same thing on this side and then I have to take out here in there is an S shape if you wish you can use a regular compass and mark a section what you want to keep what you want to keep straight this is sort of a guideline what I'm going to do is take out a lot in the middle and this between this two line I leave at almost the same elevation that's going to create this nice s-shaped in there for that I use the chisel like that to cross cross curve it's very you come in from both direction it's easier to control the chisel if your elbow is down on the bench and then in here gently you come to the circle you're going to take out a little bit Here I am looking only an eighth of an inch depth have to go down very little get my half circle chisel put it in there the K to this chisel is to be straight absolutely straight up and down I'm using the corner of the chisel and try to do cross the grain little by little you want to go down about a 3/16 or so if you take shallow cuts it doesn't tear the wood if you if you cut deep it tears the wood now I'm going to go to that circle what I marked not quite but almost to that night mark if I'm looking from the end I wanna see an S shape there much longer in the middle and very light enough at the end and I try to do this all the way around nice and even then I have a tear out right there I gotta go gently you take little pieces little pieces come from the other direction and it's out sharp chisel leaves shiny surface behind you have to a patient with curly maple because it's chips very easily so I would carry this all the way across let me go to my next prop with the magic of the DVD look how far I come seriously I gonna do the other side show you how we keep progressing with this it's the roughness you have to worry about before I can mark the Pens I have to clean this out more just just have to understand you have to be very patient and use very light cuts very light cuts if you use a light cut it leaves a nice smooth surface behind the chisel has to be very sharp and just nicely nicely clean it up what I did here is connected have the straight edge smack middle of the circle and with the pencil line you connect you need a cardboard because you want to go in to that hole and just make a nice pencil line and keep going to the next one to the next one you watch the end of it you want to be approximately on a tour one inch apart but the center of the circle connected gives you that gives you that distance anyway first thing I do is use a parting tool and and cut it like that if I have difficulty with that I use a straight knife this is a very nice carving knife because you can put two hands on it on here I can use it only with with one hand and with my thumb I put on the top low pressure just put it into the top corner and pull down on the pencil line stay on the pencil line and do the other one if I do that it's much easier to go with the parking tool see that beautiful how do I know I'm in a right track with the parking tool by the two shaving coming off from the parting tool is equal size notice I stopped I don't go through I would break out the fibers I will turn it around and come in from the other side then I turn it around I start at the circle and do this cuts first a gentle pressure first and then the second time you push hard you do this on all the pens now I can start from the top with a parting tool and go a little deeper again use the straight knife then I am at this stage I go for the chisel I know how to use regular Spade chisels I just feel very comfortable with that take off the corners I was carving against the grain you cut this side can you attention to this pencil line you have to be patient with the school in April if you if you want to take off bigger chunks it's going to break the wood I am carving with the grain let me show you what I mean by that you don't comb your hair like this you don't carve that wood like this you do it this way from the top down so you're not going against the grain if I want to if you want if I want to carve besides I got to turn the wood around if I wouldn't be on camera I would go around my bench and car from there but I don't want to show you my back so right there now I am going on this side beautiful does not tear does not break out you're going to round up top of those things sharp chisel guts cuts beautifully I am paying attention to that that little circle and I'm going closer and closer to it you if a good wood carver would watch this kinesio Frank is not much of a wood carver it's very true very true I'm a cabinet maker but when I made my lowboy I said this is my lowboy I'm going to carve this whatever it takes and I did I'm not much of a wood turner you see my fingers beautifully turned was it easy but I did it so this is how I carved this is how I carved my fan so let me show you what I do with these with these little circles I sharpen this chisel rounded off regular chisel but when I I rounded off and tried it into that circle the same size and whatnot and I also round it this way so it follows that circle and I can put this into the line and tap it gently next one next one and then I take the middle out with this chisel I round it up this way and it's very sharp just put it there and push it down gently take a couple of small cuts and then I use this chisel with the corners and put these corners in there to clean it out I'm going to leave that pencil line to the very last end then I do this I'm absolutely straight up and down so just push it down nicely I am I am slicing inside their left and right and then I come to the come to the pencil line let me show you what's going on in the bottom of this with this chisel the very straight chisel I have just cutting up a little we groove left and right to go into the corners I'm coming to this position I have to go a little deeper with my straight straight knife I did you just chip it away let me go to my next prop so we can we can finish this fan I outline those middles again with a straight knife push it in there and go all the way yeah a little-little more right there it's up it's a it's a bump square feel to it grab a little sandpaper very very small piece folded up and send with the corner very little bit very little bit keep moving around to another corner I don't need any more the pencil lines I'm going to say in that off I don't need these pencil lines [Music] I I wouldn't want to send any more little chisel marks here and there don't bother me I have this little wedge made at a piece of hard cherry it's just just a wedge and I round it a little bit I can burnish that inside corner just push it in there and rub it look what a nice what a nice it marks the fan for you oops whoops don't do that that's a no-no I slipped and came too far here I hope I give you some idea how did I carve my fan it's many different way to skin a cat that's the way I did mine once this is finished have a nice amber color to it it's very nice my curly maple has a little bit of aniline dye very little too aged it faster however if you patient enough between hundred years going to have a beautiful patina I urge you to try that if you make a piece of furniture you don't want someone else carve it for you that's why I did my friend carving and that's how I did my friend party [Music]
Channel: Popular Woodworking
Views: 233,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popular, Woodworking, Frank Klausz, carving, carve a fan, carve a shell
Id: H5KYSs-bBiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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