Carved Rim Bowl Display

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when I decided that I rode didn't want to work 7,200 markets a year anymore I'd rather just focus on you know I hand for very large markets so that you know I could spend more time in the shop I can make a nicer stuff I can get better at woodworking and maybe I could focus more on making videos I still needed a way to subsidize making these videos so one of the top sellers these past six seven years that I've been working markets I hate to say it is probably the simplest thing I make these little tops and since I wasn't at the markets making them in front of people letting them cover him selling with stuff like that I had to figure out a way to continue selling them so I decided this year I was going to try wholesaling them and I right now I have about a handful of toy stores selling them but I want to be able to expand that one so if you have a dozen or 20 or so stores you know maybe you can sell 30 40 tops a day to at least cover the basics of overhead of it running a shop like this and a YouTube channel the problem was how to do that one you really need to be by the cash register for inexpensive impulse buys especially at a toy store having tops over in the corner you're just not going to sell that many plus the fact that maybe if I had a really nice display I could sell it selamat places other than tops who knows that family Bistro down the City Street need a little toy to keep the kids busy while the parents talk over dinner a little top so something small that would catch attentions and maybe serve another purpose that would want them to keep it by the register now my brain has got been going kind of bonkers trying to figure something up I even came up with a three-tier setup where I had a bowl with a mirror on bottom another ball hovering up top to store tops and then a little display and all accustomed to grab people's attention but my latest prototype was really just a small bowl that would fold about 30 tops and a little sign that the vendor could replace on a daily basis maybe put a pity sang on put the price of what they're selling the tops for or daily specials or just something to communicate that would be easily replaceable because this is basically just a bent business card just slides in there and stays in there with friction the problem is making one like this with the burnings and stuff like that you know that takes quite a bit of time so how could I mass produce a dozen of these so that I can send them out to my vendors that's or Gandhi today [Music] one of the main things I really like about this design is I included a message from me that everybody will be able to read handmade in Texas yeah that might boost up the value of them but the fact that I also added a added message that it supports me as worth the effort and creating educational video content and that might bring people to question hey what's he doing and you know the owners of like this oh he runs a woodworking channel woodworking right there the big issue like this is with this design though is it takes so much time to burn these letters plus a fact that I kind of think it looks a little bit chancy it's a little bit you know craft show kind of stuff and I'm trying to go a little bit above that aspect now my thinking of this is maybe I could carve it carving would be a lot more elegant and if these are being displayed maybe with my logo my name on there people will recognize hey it's a nice wooden bow and they might go to my website just to look at the bowls maybe purchase them so it could be kind of a marketing for that too because I hate to say it you know my I haven't cut I'm somewhat popular on YouTube but I'm known more as an educator and people are going to my site to learn to do stuff and if they're learning to do it themselves they're obviously not going to buy it from me maybe this will open up a little bit more the market of people looking to me to actually buy bowls so I want to have a very nice elegant made from a Texas wood bowl that somebody might want to put in their home but it's also got to be small enough that it will encourage the retailer's to keep it by the cash register and it's got to be quick and easy for me to make because I really don't want to spend a lot of time or resources and something I'm giving away to a retailer where I'm not a hundred percent sure they're gonna leave it by the register they might put it over in the corner so it won't do me any good so you know kind of building it so that encourage the retailers to keep theirs and also aspect that's why I wanna make it nice so if you're doing a lot of carving quickly consistently that's when you turn to the sea and seas at the moment I don't have any nice Texas wood that I've harvested and been able to dry though work for this purpose because I need some consistency when I'm doing batch production runs I do happen to have this piece of poplar and it's a little bit bigger than I need and a lot wider than I made I only need about 8 maybe 10 quarter some thickness in order to make this size Bowl but I think for a toy store where you know it's gonna be a little bit more casual this should work out oh okay and this no four foot board shouldn't make me enough to satisfy all of my toy stores at the moment I also like it because when I picked it out I got it so that the grain was fairly even and balanced so it goes all the way through so when I turn it the colors gonna be fairly consistent if you know poplar while it starts out green after you put finish on and put it out in the sunlight for a little while it turns a nice brown and I think that should look nice for a toy store application obviously if I'm going to put it in a higher-end restaurant I'll use something like muskie or a pecan some local that I've harvested but the first thing I need to do is actually kind of dimension this a little bit while working on the lathe you does not demand perfect size I mean I put logs on there and those aren't consistent at all putting it on the CNC and give me a good carving demands some real flatness so I am going to run this to the thickness planer not my joint to write first then I will probably join one side just to make it really straight so I could run it through my bandsaw to get the width that I want and that should end up with something that's parallel sides that won't rock on my CNC machine now I did forget that when I originally set up the CNC I currently have it was so that I could do this kind of carving on platters for like wedding gifts and stuff like that and those kind of items are a lot lower so I set it up so it could have them do a someone thickness of about two and a half inches underneath the router this current blank is twelve quarters so I'm gonna have to cut it down to about little over two inches either way it's gonna be a tad bit bigger than the prototype I did so I don't like I do if we saw off about an inch now in the setup I use I use illustrator to come up with the artwork that's just a standard vector art program it draws with math instead of pixels and here's the design I came up with now this is going to be what they call the carving in that I'm not just going to a specific depth I want to have the carving to look like you know somebody chip carved it with a knife or chisel so we use V bits with this one now the problem is normally when you do the carving for liking signs and stuff like that you have a nice flat surface so as it goes down with a V bit goes to a certain depth per width but I'm gonna be sticking this on a lathe and one of the things I hate is a flat rim and this carving is going to be going on the rim so when I'd very did the artwork I actually had to make these two rings right here a lot bigger than I thought they should be I mean it looks kind of bold right here but when you consider that I'm going to curve this outside a little bit what's gonna happen is I'm gonna reduce the outside rim a little bit and then as it dives into the interior of the bowl this will get a lot thinner so my hope is that I can get this one roughly 1/3 less than this one so it will look right look proper now you also notice that the thought I used there is no thin parts of it because if there is thin any thin sections as I rounded it over that would disappear you see the width of each one of these lines is made by how far down this bit goes into the wood the deeper goes the wider the lines but if I'm now going to make a narrow line and put it back in a lathe and curve it as I bring remove more wood the line will get thinner and thinner thinner so I have to have a thick enough line so I can add the curves that I like so it will look and feel good but still show up which also means I'm not going to be using the traditional 90 degree V bit I would prefer to have something a lot steeper so I'm gonna use a 60 degree V bit so it will actually go down into the wood a lot further for any given width and that's why I came up with this design those fonts that thickness is because I'm trying to plan to add curves into my bow instead of just a flat surfaces surface like most signs and when you are v carving most people are doing signage now the reason why I did it all in Illustrator is just because of my background I feel I have a lot more control I can work with all the kerning the type the way I want it's just a much more powerful program for vector artwork but what's really cool is I can now export as a SVG file that I can then import into the software that builds the G code for this machine and the software I've been using for a little while now is aspired simply because I'm finding it gives me a lot more control and the curves come out quicker it seems to get rid of a lot of the bogus stuff that allowed the other G code creators were throwing in there so next up is just loading up the G code and starting everything up and I'll be turning while this thing is curving [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well in one of those teachable moments kind of situations I think Paul Vermont been a poor choice here when I was doing the 60-degree bits like I wanted to do so they would go a little bit deeper what's happening a lot of times when the letters got a little close as in maybe a sixteenth of an inch between two parts of a letter at certain grain situations they were breaking off which means they won't work as as I intended as an experiment I did about half of these with a 90 degree V bit so I just didn't go down as deep they can maybe if there was wasn't as deep there'd be more structured there so this wouldn't break off but they still somewhat broke off and that 90 degrees they the bit wasn't as clean a cut but we'll keep going to find how that had to come out I did do an experiment with just some scrap piece of dried pecan and the harder wood did so much better but for toy stores this should be okay so the next step let's get it out on the lathe and to do that we're going to be using my drive spur which means I need to drill a pilot hole the size of the shank but not the threads on this one this goes into my a stronghold chuck which is why in the artwork I put a little centered dot right there and that will Center my lead on this screw and that way I can be sure that it will all be centered on my artwork then give the lettering just a nice coat of shellac to seal it up then it's just a matter of applying down some milk paint I like milk paint just because it's easy to work with and it soaks into the wood that way you can use different layers of colors and as that piece ages as the wood gets worn down you'll get those colors laying out that's it one that cool things about milk pans that does soak in but that's also something I don't want to happen in this kind of situation because I don't want to bleed into the wood so that's what that layer of Schleck was there for and why am i applying it with a brush with there some letters where there's a little bit of tear out and I want to make sure that that's not going to show up on the final piece so instead just kind of slathering out all over the place this little brush allows me to control what letters it gets applied on at this point in time then I can turn it down and go back and apply it to the letters I missed by hand and hopefully that Tara won't bleed through I'm trying to correct the fact that I use poplar instead of a better wood for these first trial ones [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what I did real quickly so that we can load it up is I put it on the screw chuck in that hole that we drilled earlier I use these dividers to set the access pollute absolute minimum circle I could use to get my Chuck into that recess right there now my chuck has some serrations on the outside which comics and dovetailed so as you put it into the hole it's gonna expand out into it a little bit that's why you'd go really small and then expand out to the ideal circle of the chucks which has maybe a quarter inch gap in between each one of the jaws so I've got my dovetail recess right here and I went ahead and squared it off to the size I want it for the entire bowls outside I also begin removing a little bit of material in here now this is going to be what they call an OG shape where the outside the kurt bowl is gonna be right here and it's gonna kind of curve in and then curve around to the bottom like that and I don't want waste a lot of time doing layout so general trick on that one is to do it in two curves if you have your total distance of the bowl right here if I come over to about two-thirds in and I'll make one curve this way very even and then I can just round that out to the mid section on the bottom to create my bounced og so that's what we're gonna do right now now I'm gonna do up to this point on all the bowls just cuz this is one tool setting and I don't want to change a tool setting and this isn't the final shape this is the rough shape getting most of the material off when it was really securely adopt with that screw thread so I'm gonna do all the rest and then we'll come back mount it into the interior and right now all we are concerned with is getting a very rough shape I'm not really worried up tear out or anything like that just getting the outside done because after that it's just a matter of hollowing out the center and shaking the rim a little bit of standing so right now that we've got all these to the og shape we want all I got to do is remove this worm screw rotate it around and use the recess and make more mess now hollowing out a bolt isn't that difficult the hard thing is not blowing out the sides are blowing out your bottom which I sometimes do with recesses like this thing it's just turning up to speed you're comfortable at watch your angles on your bevels and then just start removing weight most of what you're doing just ways you don't want to worry about like that then just clean up now with this particular design I'm actually having multiple curves - coming the outsides gonna be that kind of og where it dips and then comes down then reverses around the inside is just going to come straight down and that og works because the og is handling the curvature of this RIM they're just gonna have our text on it and then this curve is gonna meet up with that bottom curve of the bowl but in order to do that one you can either invest in feeler gauge or something like that or you can do what I call a head bob you if you ever see me turn I'm constantly doing this with my head it's one of those things where you can actually see both the edge and the outside at the same time you can see if I could show it to you so we have the tip of my tool right there if I come in and I can touch it right here you know I'm looking at this angle but if I just rotate my head I can kind of see in proportion where it is in a relation to the outside because the tool isn't really moving so I can picture where it's gonna be so then on that last cut you just gotta put a fresh edge on your tool but yeah you'll get the crisp with the line coming and shoot for maybe an eighth of an ass now this tool right here the way I've got it cut with a forty forty grind it doesn't make that bottom cut very well so so then I'll go grab my scraper put a fresh Bharani and just use it to clean up the bottom and transition it into that wall thickness very smoothly the idea here is I don't want to stand as much as possible there we go let's see how he did maybe a little chair out on the very bottom right there but that's doable so now let's focus on the ever critical rim now this one is one of my practice ones I am fully confident that I am going to try a sheer scrape like I would with a normal very hard wood and they it would work just fine but it might tear out some of the minor fibers here so I'm probably going to go back and just sand this shape this with a sander to get my desired results simply because it's gonna be a little bit more gentle with the more fragile fibers of the letters but let's cheer scrape it and see and what I mean by shear scraping well I'm gonna take the lower wing of my bowl gouge right here and have that present at less than 90 degrees so it's a scraping action off the bottom wing and then instead of it being perpendicular I'm going to raise it up at a shearing angle so it's actually going to make somewhat of a slicing cut off of the lower wing just never touch the upper wing when you're doing this one because it could be a nasty catch so I come over here I present it low a very light touch to lower it down and then transition into the letters so about 2/3 of lay it up the middle and then write it by the 2/3 market want come over this side and lower this side down so that the high spot is it about the 1/3 of the way into the bowl both tips away on the outside there we go so let's see what we got and notice the interior line is gonna be narrower the exterior line is gonna be a little bit thicker and yet can you see some of the letters are blowing out a little bit but not so much and we all do them all like that now just a little hand sanding and they should bring everything up nice and crisp so there we go let's see how it turned out yeah a little thin right there I'll go back in and touch that up yeah well now just to sand the interior and then I need to do the final shaping on the outside and I'll show you the trick on that in a second okay now I want to turn my attention back to this oh gee that I roughed out when it was flipped around I was not looking for a perfect fence just a rough shape because I didn't know how thick this would be and I'm actually somewhat okay with the thickness of this rim right there I think it feels good so I'm gonna come in just a tad bit and then lower this curve a little bit more and then even that out so that the shape will blend more with the interior right here which these two meet right about there it's about a quarter of an inch so I can scoop this out a little bit more to get a better transition I like leaving this to last whenever I do recess bowls because I could still get my tool fairly deeply in here [Music] [Music] now here's the second boat where I blew through that inner circle a little bit so I thought I'd show you how I've been fixing it I got a cheap skew that don't use for anything other than making these little v scrapes so come on in here turn it up and I'm actually going to take out the interior one reestablish that circle and then drop a very fine sharpie in it and just draw it and unless you point it out to somebody nobody's going to know that that that was not painted versus the one that was normal one of my pet peeves about woodturning is those people that don't finish the bottom of this project I mean make the bottom as nice as everything else plus the fact that he can hide any evidence of how you held the work tact you do them do the carving it adds a bit of mystique to the projects I think so hey might as well make it look like you're doing black magic it all right now whenever I remove dress up the bombs a lot of times some woods will react with these jumbo jaws than being aluminum and the rubber and this is pretty much close to how I want to add vanish to it so putting a paper towel between it and the base kind of adds just a tad bit of protection so that the product will look okay and I want to go back and fix it up again not too bad huh and the last little bit is putting a little hole in one of the O's for a pin so we can put the sign on them now I am in a bit of a rush that these these first four need to go out today so let's go ahead and check out what's gonna look like with a little finish on them my go-to finish for this kind of stuff has always been little walnut oil this one's from Mahoney's a little bit process but it is 100% walnut oil just a little dab on there the first time you do it will really soak it in if I were to just sell selling these bowls or if I had a little bit more time I would basically all at once per day for a week and then once a week for a month and then once a month for a year but we don't have quite have that amount of time so we'll just give a good slathering on I'll put it in the oven overnight to help you cure a little faster and you'll be off to the customers in the morning the last step is making low flags they'll go into the low hole I put into one of the O's and illah let me advertise the price for that or any other message these are just sample as I give to them whenever I make my cold call selling and then in the mail when I send them their first batch of tops I'll give them a custom one with their logo and whatever price that they want to put on it it also gives them a spot to put any kind of daily message they want with a little slot I cut into the very top easy to set up epic like this a little bit better than my original design because the flag can be moved around and swapped out fairly easily for new ones if they ever want a new message there well I hope you enjoyed this video I kind of learned that I am NOT going to be doing a popper very often I didn't really like it in the turning aspect and I definitely did not like it in the letter carving aspect but for this initial batch of Toy Stores this should work out okay and I hope you enjoyed this little experiment of mine of making a load display and if you did please do me a favor like they were subscribed do all those social medias visit my website worth effort comm we're not only in do I write a fairly frequent blog but I also have a line of the swag such as t-shirts hats that's the stuff shop made tools and some of my own wood work such as bowls and boxes and stuff like that and all those cells are how I subsidize making this content for y'all and I want you to remember after all that one last thing that it is always worth the effort to learn create and share with others y'all be safe and have fun
Channel: wortheffort
Views: 11,884
Rating: 4.9645572 out of 5
Keywords: wortheffort, wood working, woodworking, turning, wood turning, woodturning, hand tool, cnc, inventables, vectric, DIY, Craft
Id: ZHu7b5PtHe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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